Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 607 Mo Heng wakes up, with golden merit!

Chapter 607 Mo Heng wakes up, with golden merit!
When a few people returned to the inn, it was already dark.

Grandma Jinhua saw the decadent looks on their faces and knew that they had not found the eggs of the drunken butterfly.

"Little girl, your father is awake. Go and see him!" Granny Jinhua said, rubbing Xiao Naituanzi's head.

After hearing this, the little breasted dumpling immediately went upstairs.

When she arrived at the door of Mo Heng's room, her little feet paused.

"Girl, come in."

At this time, Mo Heng's old voice came from the room.

The little breasted dumpling walked in step by step, carrying his short legs.

When she entered the door, she saw Mo Heng sitting on the edge of the bed with white hair, looking at her lovingly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Come, come to daddy! Let daddy take a good look."

Mo Heng waved to her, his tone weak but very gentle.

The little girl walked over and stood in front of him obediently, raising her little head and looking at him for a moment.

Mo Heng wanted to reach out and hug her, but there was nothing he could do.

"It's so similar." He slowly raised his hand and gently touched Xiaotuanzi's little face, "You and your mother look exactly the same."

As he said that, Mo Heng's eyes couldn't help but turn red.

The little girl didn't say anything, but she held his big hand with her little hand, rubbed her little head on his big hand, and said softly: "Daddy, don't cry, Ranran will definitely save you and mother. Dear~"

When Mo Heng heard her voice, her lips trembled with excitement.

"Okay, dad believes in Ran Ran." Mo Heng nodded slightly, feeling endless sadness in his heart.

I finally made it to the moment when my family was about to be reunited, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen to me.

He is not reconciled!
"Come, sit next to daddy, can you talk to daddy properly?" Mo Heng slowly patted the seat next to him and asked.

"it is good."

The little girl climbed up to him without any hesitation, and then put her little hands around Mo Heng.


Daddy smells very good. Although it is not fragrant, it makes people feel warm.

I thought I would be a little alienated from my dad, but it didn't seem to be the case at all.

Mo Heng also took advantage of the situation and hugged Xiaotuanzi's small body, patting her back gently, fearing that she would be cold, he even pulled his quilt to cover her.

The father and daughter were talking about what had happened over the years inside the house, and Granny Jinhua outside the house also learned from Xiao Jinghan and the others about the situation they encountered today.

"Old lady, that thing looks very poisonous. You're a poisoner and you don't know what it is?" Pu Dingzi's words were more or less sarcastic.

Granny Jinhua's expression was not very good, and she glared at him fiercely, "There are all kinds of wonders in this world, and it's normal for me to have a few things that I haven't seen before! Don't you, old man, claim to know everything? Why do you do that? do not know?"

Pu Dingzi moved his lips and turned his head.

Xuan Yin said: "I will write a letter to ask the masters."

The masters are well-informed and may know something.

"Go!" Xiao Jinghan patted him on the shoulder.

Xuan Yin's letter went quickly, and the reply he received was also very fast. In less than an hour, a letter came from Langya Mountain.

There are only four words, "Golden light of merit!"

Xuan Yin looked at these four words and couldn't help but see black lines on his forehead.

Why didn't they think of using this?

The golden light of merit overcomes all things!

Xiao Nai Tuanzi didn't go back to his room at night, and kept talking to Mo Heng. Later, when he felt sleepy, he fell asleep in Mo Heng's arms.

Seeing the little breasted dumpling sleeping like a piglet, Mo Heng watched quietly all night.

However, the little guy seemed to be sleeping very uncomfortably, and he sobbed from time to time.

This scene made Mo Heng feel sad.

It was rare for Xiaotai Tuanzi to wake up early and personally bring water to Mo Heng to drink.

During breakfast, she even ate with him in the room. "No, the masters have sent a letter, saying that you can use your meritorious golden light to get those insect eggs." When Xiao Nai Tuanzi came out, Xuan Yin handed over the letters from the masters.


The little breasted dumpling puffed out his cheeks and snorted.

Xuan Yin took his hand back angrily. He almost forgot the fact that this little breast dumpling couldn't read.


Xuan Yin coughed lightly, "With a method, it will be much easier for us to get the eggs."

Hearing this, the little girl raised her neck and walked away.

Xuanyin: "..."

This little girl didn't know who was crying yesterday.

Several people went to the place yesterday again.

Compared to yesterday, there were more drunken butterflies surrounding the purple flower clusters today.

All this must be attributed to the little breast dumpling.

Using the invisibility talisman to hide his own body, the little breast dumpling immediately flew to the flower field, and then without saying a word, he sacrificed the golden light of his merits.

I thought it would be easy to get the eggs of the drunken butterfly, but I didn't expect that the flower would expand quickly when it encountered the golden light like yesterday, looking prosperous.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Naituanzi gritted his teeth and continued to use more meritorious golden light.

At this time, the flowers continued to grow wildly and surrounded the little breast dumpling, and so did the drunken butterflies.

"Ran Ran!"

Seeing the flowers and drunken butterflies surrounding Little Milk Dumpling, the people standing outside couldn't help but sweat for Little Milk Dumpling, fearing that Little Milk Dumpling would also be bitten by the flowers or drunken butterflies.

It's been a long time.

"Have you noticed? Those flowers seem to be a little different from the ones you saw yesterday." Xiao Jinghan said.

"Why are they different? Aren't they still flowers and leaves?" Pu Dingzi asked.


Xiao Jinghan shook his head, "Yesterday the flowers seemed to be in a hurry and aggressive, but now the flowers seem to be enjoying themselves! Look at the way their leaves are swinging? Does it look like a little baby acting coquettishly?"

Pu Dingzi: "???"

Xuanyin: "???"

The two looked at each other, why didn't they see it?

"I'll try it in the past."

Suddenly, Xiao Jinghan walked to the edge, found a thicker stick, and slowly moved towards the flowers.

"Hey, don't be impulsive!"

Pu Dingzi and Xuan Yin held Xiao Jinghan's arms one on the left and the other on the right.

"Don't worry, I'm measured!" Xiao Jinghan said.

"Okay! Go ahead!" The two quickly let go of him and took a step back.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

When did these two have such a tacit understanding?
Pursing her lips, Xiao Jinghan boldly stepped forward, and then slowly moved the stick towards the flowers.

"Hehe... did you see it? Did you see it?"

When Xiao Jinghan stretched his stick towards the flower, the flower rubbed against his stick like a little baby.

This made Xiao Jinghan extremely happy!
"Your judgment is correct, but the problem now is that the thing is poisonous and we don't dare to touch it!" Xuan Yin said.

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

Professional pouring cold water No. 1!
(End of this chapter)

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