Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 614: Celebrating New Year’s Eve forever

Chapter 614 Returning to eternity to celebrate New Year’s Eve
"woke up?"

Mo Heng slowly put down the book in his hand and turned to look at the little breast dumpling lovingly.

Being caught off guard, the little breast dumpling was a little embarrassed. He rolled on the bed a few times with a smile and smiled.

Mo Heng walked over with a smile, held a thick piece of clothing for her to put on, and said softly: "It's cold outside, please wear more clothes."


The little girl nodded and let Mo Heng dress her.

In fact, she can do it herself, but she just wants her father to wear it for her.

After getting dressed, the little girl hugged his neck and put her little head close to him.


The little girl kissed him hard on the face and said crisply: "Thank you, daddy!"

Mo Heng was stunned for a moment, then a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Let's go out to eat~"

Mo Heng hugged the little breast dumpling and lifted her up high, then put her around his head and let the little breast dumpling sit on his neck.

In the past, when she was in the mountains, her senior brothers would often let her ride a big horse like this, but Xiaotai Tuanzi had never felt so happy.

"Let's go~"

After going downstairs, Mo Heng put her down and ordered a table of her favorite dishes for her.

"'s great to have a daddy." Xiao Naituanzi looked at Mo Heng and smiled extremely sweetly.

Mo Heng smiled and said, "Daddy will always be by your side from now on! When your mother wakes up, we can live together as a family and never be separated, okay?"

"it is good!"

The little breasted dumpling nodded like he was pounding garlic, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"Little girl, are you awake?"

At this time, Xiao Jinghan and Xuan Yin also came down from upstairs.

Xuan Yin's internal injuries have almost recovered by now, and Xiao Jinghan looks fine, but the white hair on his temples is a bit conspicuous.


Xiao Jinghan walked up to Mo Heng and greeted him politely.

Xiao Naituanzi slept for a full ten days this time. In the past few days, they had become familiar with Mo Heng.

And Mo Heng also learned about the paintings and calligraphy they saw on the Gobi from Xiao Jinghan.

Several people also had a tacit understanding and did not tell Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

"Yeah." Mo Heng nodded slightly in response.

After the meal, Xiao Nai Dumpling took out the small wooden box and looked at the seal on it. Xiao Nai Dumpling used her strong inner strength to slash it with one palm.


The seal suddenly emitted a bright light and then disappeared.

Xiaonuituanzi opened the box.

Sure enough, Xiao Ning's ethereal soul was inside.

Xiao Naituanzi collected her and other souls together and put them into the compass.

"Now there is only one soul left from Ye Zhaozhao. As long as I get that soul back, my aunt will be saved." Xiao Jinghan said.

Hearing this, Mo Heng and Xuan Yin remained silent.

Judging from the fact that Xiao Ning's last body was locked in this wooden box and placed in the formation that suppressed the demon, this was set up by the enemy.

This is a strategy where they use small breast dumplings to save the devil.

Ye Zhaozhao already possesses the power of a demon and is difficult to deal with.Now that the demon god is born, although the demon god's power has weakened a bit when he left, it is still an extremely terrifying power for ordinary people.

And if you want to destroy the devil, you still need...

Mo Heng didn't dare to think how sad Xiao Naituanzi would be after knowing this!
And saving Xiao Ning... has also reached the most difficult step.

"Ran Ran, seeing that it's almost New Year's Eve, why don't we go to Yonglin?" Xiao Jinghan suddenly suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Xiaonuituanzi's eyes were bright.

It has been a long time since he saw his father, mother, grandmother, brother Xiaoqi and the others.

"Is there still six days left to come?" Mo Heng asked.

"With Ran Ran here, of course it's just in time." Xuan Yin said with a smile.

This little girl suffered quite a lot of injuries from her previous battle with the Demon God, but after being in a coma for ten days and still drinking that wine, not only has her injuries healed, but her skills have also improved.

Six days are enough to go from here to Eternal Coming!
"Okay, let's go to Yonglin to celebrate the New Year." Mo Heng said.

In the past, he only knew that Xiao Ning was the child bride of the Ye family. He did not know Xiao Ning's true life experience, and he never wanted to find her family.

Now that they knew it, he, the man who took away their daughter and sister without saying a word, would naturally come to visit them.

"Oh, that's great! We can finally see grandma and the others." Xiao Naituanzi jumped up happily.

Mo Heng looked at her with a father-like smile.

that's nice!

Soon they will be able to reunite as a family.

After spending an entire afternoon preparing, we set off together early in the morning.

There was a small breast dumpling here, and it happened to be that on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, I arrived at the gate of Yonglin Xiao's house.

Looking at the familiar gate, Xiao Naituanzi felt a little more excited. He jumped out of the carriage and rushed in like a cannonball.

"Ranran, slow down!"

Mo Heng shouted helplessly.

Looking up at the majestic door in front of him, Mo Heng stroked his hair, adjusted his clothes subconsciously, and then asked Xiao Jinghan next to him, "Brother Han, there is nothing wrong with my uncle's clothes..." Right?"

Xiao Jinghan: "..."

"Uncle, don't worry! You're doing very well." Xiao Jinghan said, suppressing a smile.

I'm afraid this uncle doesn't know, but he has asked this question no less than ten times.

"That's good, that's good!" Mo Heng nodded to himself. He took just two steps and then turned to ask Xiao Jinghan, "What kind of people do your grandmother and your uncle like? Look at your uncle. Will they like this?"

"I like it, I definitely like it!" Xiao Jinghan replied tirelessly.

He wondered if every man was like this when he first met the elders of the woman's family. His fifth uncle was like this at the beginning, and this uncle is like this now.

Xu Jian behind him said with a smile: "Master, even if Mrs. Xiao doesn't like you, there's nothing you can do about it. Miss Ran Ran is already so old, isn't she?"

"You kid, you have the wrong idea!" Mo Heng turned his head and lectured, "How can you talk like that? That lady is the old lady's heartthrob, and she was also pampered by those uncles and grew up. Although I Married, Ranran is already that old, but this is my first time visiting her. The etiquette and rules that should be followed are indispensable. "

"If people don't like me, it must be because I did something bad!"

"If the old prince hears what you said, he will definitely beat you up."

Xu Jian quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "Yes, yes, yes, I realize my mistake!"

"Let's go, take all the gifts I prepared." Mo Heng straightened his clothes again, and then walked towards Li Xiao's house.

"Uncle, relax!" Xiao Jinghan said with a smile: "Grandma, aunt, and my mother are all relatively easy-going people. My eldest uncle and fourth uncle only look cold on the surface, but in fact they are all soft-hearted."

"And..." Xiao Jinghan looked around and then whispered in Mo Heng's ear: "My uncle is a man with ragged ears, that is, he is afraid of his wife, so don't worry, at home, Once the woman is coaxed, everything will be fine!"

Henry Mo: "..."

This guy...well, not bad!
(End of this chapter)

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