Chapter 615 Return to Yonglin
"Dad, mother, grandma, I'm back~"

As soon as the little breasted dumpling entered the door, he headed towards the old lady's yard. He shouted with joy before he even entered the door.

In the living room, Mrs. Xiao was talking to Jin Ling when she heard the sound of little breast dumplings.

"Boss, wife, did you hear the voice of that little girl Ran Ran?" Mrs. Xiao thought she was hallucinating, and looked at Jin Ling in confusion.

"Mom, did you hear it too?"

Jin Ling also heard the voice of Xiaonuituanzi just now, but she didn't dare to confirm it for a while.

After the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, they both looked at the door.

"Grandma, mother, you heard me right, it's really Ranran who's back~" A little head emerged from the outside and winked at them mischievously.

"Ran Ran!"

Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law stood up in shock.

Jin Ling walked up quickly and hugged her little body, "You little girl, you are finally willing to come back. Please let mother take a good look at you!"

Jin Ling looked at the little breast dumpling who was crying and laughing at the same time. He held her little hand and looked her up and down.

"Well, I've grown taller! But I've lost weight!" Jin Ling pinched her little face, with a look of distress on her face, "Did you tell mother that she didn't eat well?"

"In this case, mother will go and order the kitchen to cook your favorite dish for you!"

"Now that you're back, you won't leave! My mother will definitely raise her back for you."

"Mother!" After hearing what she said, the little breasted dumpling felt warm in his heart. He put his arms around her neck and rubbed her neck. She was tender and soft, waiting to speak, "Ranran, I miss you so much." Yeah~"

This sentence made Jin Ling's eyes turn red. Jin Ling stroked her hair and said, "Good child, mother misses you too!"

"I miss your mother so much that I don't miss my grandmother?" the old lady stood beside her with a loving look on her face, pretending to be angry.

"I think, Ranran misses her grandmother the most!"

The little breasted dumpling quickly came out of Jin Ling's arms, hugged the old lady's legs, raised her head and replied with a smile.


The old lady snorted softly, "You little girl, you can only say these cute words to deceive an old woman like me!"

"No way, no way~ I miss my grandmother, my father, my mother, my third aunt and my brother Xiao Qi."

Seeing the little breast dumpling hooking her little finger and counting one by one, the old lady couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, okay, just come back, just come back!"

"Hee hee~"

The little breasted dumpling grinned, coquettishly and softly, "Grandma, mother, Ranran is hungry~"

Hearing this, Mrs. Xiao hurriedly said: "Boss, my wife, please go down and prepare something delicious for Ran Ran!"

"I got it, mother!" Jin Ling responded with a smile, and then winked at Hong Xing over there.

Hongxing nodded with a smile and hurried away.

At this time, Xiao Jinghan's jealous voice sounded outside the door, "Grandma, aunt, don't just look at Ran Ran, look at me, look at me!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Xiao and Jin Ling both turned their heads away at the same time.

Xiao Jinghan walked in with a smile, and then saluted respectfully, "San'er has met my grandmother and my aunt!"

"San'er, you..." Seeing the changed Xiao Jinghan, Mrs. Xiao and Jin Ling were a little afraid to recognize him.

When he went out, he was still a good young man. How could he suddenly...

The face is still the same, but the gray on the temples...

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi was about to explain, but Xiao Jinghan was really one step ahead of her and said, "Grandma, eldest aunt, take a look at San'er, do I look more mature?"

After saying that, Xiao Jinghan flipped her hair and winked at the two of them, "How is it? Do I look more mature like this?"

Mrs. Xiao: "..."

Jin Ling: "..."

They were not the kind of ignorant women and children raised in the boudoir. They knew immediately if what Xiao Jinghan said was true or false.

Moreover, this child has always been honest and will not lie at all.

They could see that this child was smiling on his face, but in fact he was suffering... in his heart!
Since the child didn't want to talk, they stopped asking so as not to hurt the child's heart.

Madam Xiao said cooperatively: "She looks much more mature and stable!"

Jin Ling also glanced at him, pretending not to notice that he was lying, and said angrily: "Why are you pretending to be mature when you are fine? Be careful, your mother will come back and beat you up later!"

Xiao Jinghan raised her neck and breathed a sigh of relief, but her face was full of pride and she said: "I must be more mature to better protect my sister. My mother will not beat me!"

"Yeah, yeah." Xiao Naituanzi nodded heavily, "Ranran has been protected by her third brother all the way!"

That day at the bottom of the lake, if her third brother hadn't appeared in time, she might not have been able to resist the demon.

"Little girl, now that you have a grandmother and a mother, your biological father and senior brother don't want her anymore?" Xiao Jinghan didn't want to continue this topic and quickly diverted their attention.


Mrs. Xiao and Jin Ling looked at Xiao Jinghan at the same time.

At this time, the little breasted dumpling ran outside again like a rabbit, with such an excited look that Jin Ling and Mrs. Xiao had a little doubt on their faces.

Xiao Jinghan explained simply: "Ran Ran's biological father is the eldest son of Prince Qin in Northern Xinjiang, and his name is Mo Heng."

"Grandma, eldest aunt, there is a reason why my uncle took away my aunt. Moreover, he has made a lot of efforts to help her wake up over the years. He has been running around here and there in the past few years."

"Today is New Year's Eve, and I came here specifically to visit you."

Hearing Xiao Jinghan talk about Xiao Ning, Mrs. Xiao's eyes immediately turned red. She quickly stood up and looked outside the door.

Jin Ling was also a little curious about what kind of person Ran Ran's biological father was.

Look at the little girl’s appearance, she must like her very much!

I'm afraid my guy will be disgusted when he comes back!
At this time, Xiao Jingxuan, who was still busy in the yamen, suddenly felt that his ears were a little hot. After touching his ears and finishing the last bit of business, he said with a smile: "It's thirty this year, madam and mother-in-law." You must be thinking of me!"

Lu Qing stood beside him: "..."

He found that since his master came to Yonglin, his face has become thicker and thicker.

"Daddy, come in quickly." The little girl of the Xiao family pulled Mo Heng into the living room, and then said angrily to Mrs. Xiao and Jin Lingnai: "Grandma, mother, this is Ran Ran His biological father, please don’t bully him~”

(End of this chapter)

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