Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 616: Grandma didn’t pay for correcting her confession

Chapter 616: Grandma didn’t pay for the correction~
"You kid, what nonsense are you talking about!" Jin Ling shook her head helplessly.

It seems like they can eat people.

"Hehe~" Xiao Naituanzi bared his teeth at Jin Ling and smiled.

"Junior Mo Heng, I have met the old lady!" Mo Heng, neither humble nor overbearing, gave a respectful junior salute to Madam Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao looked Mo Heng up and down for a while, then nodded, "Okay, okay, okay! He's a good boy!"

Madam Xiao was satisfied with Mo Heng.

At first I thought my daughter was gone, but I didn't expect that not only was she still there, but she also had someone who loved her and gave birth to such a good child as Ran Ran.

She has always judged people very accurately. This child was born in a decent manner and behaved politely.Such a person can't be any worse.

Besides, the little girl can also read people's faces.

She liked this Mo Heng so much that it was inevitable.

It’s great that my daughter can marry such a person!
"Sit down and talk!" the old lady said.


Mo Heng responded, then nodded to Jin Ling, and then sat down.

Seeing this, Xiao Naituanzi immediately ran back to Mrs. Xiao and secretly whispered in Mrs. Xiao's ear: "Grandma, grandma, are you satisfied with my father?"

Old lady Xiao: "..."

Henry Mo: "..."

What she said was not loud or small, and it happened that the whole living room could hear it.

Mrs. Xiao tapped the tip of the small nipple dumpling, glanced at Mo Heng who was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Satisfied, satisfied! As long as he is good to your mother and good to you, grandma has nothing to be dissatisfied with." ."

Hearing this, Mo Heng stood up hastily, "Don't worry, old lady, Ning'er and Ran Ran are my wife and my daughter! Mo Heng will treat them well in this life!"

Mo Heng's attitude was very sincere and his words were very firm.

Jin Ling said cheerfully: "In that case, why should my brother-in-law be called old lady? He should be called mother instead!"

"Yes, yes, yes, call me mother!"

The old lady also echoed.

Hearing this, Mo Heng felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

When he came in, he thought about many scenarios in which he would respond when Mrs. Xiao was dissatisfied with him, and he also thought about countless ways to get Mrs. Xiao and the Xiao family to accept him.

But Dudu didn't expect it to be so easy.

This actually made him a little confused as to what to do.

After waiting for a long time, Mrs. Xiao didn't wait for Mo Heng to speak, and she was a little confused for a moment.

Could it be that the way her old man spoke just now was too fierce?
Frightened people?

Thinking about it, Mrs. Xiao looked towards Jin Ling doubtfully.

Jin Ling was also confused.

They all happily recognized him. Shouldn't it be a happy scene for everyone?
Is it possible that he is still unwilling?
"Old madam, you haven't paid me the money for correcting your confession yet!" At this moment, Xuan Yin, who didn't regard himself as an outsider at all and was sitting by the side with his head tilted and eating melon seeds, suddenly said something.

Mo Heng: "..." His old face will be completely disgraced.

In the past, Pu Dingzi's uncle tricked him, but now that he is gone, there is another big-headed monk.


He is a little sad these days!
Mrs. Xiao: "???"

She even forgot that she would have to pay for the change of confession.

But at this time, where could she get such a red envelope?
"Well... Senior brother is right, grandma should really give a big red envelope!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded his little head in agreement.

"No, no need!" Mo Heng waved his hands hurriedly, "Mom, it's Mo Heng who's rude." Madam Xiao laughed, "They were right, they should give me a big red envelope!"

Henry Mo: "..."

"But I'm not prepared now, so this big red envelope will have to come later~"

"Grandma, you said this, Ranran remembered it for daddy~" The little dumpling was soft and waxy, and she smiled like a little fox.


Mrs. Xiao gently poked her forehead with her finger, "I'm afraid your grandma's wallet will be emptied by you!"

"Hehe~" Xiao Naituanzi covered his forehead with one hand and whispered in the old lady's ear: "Grandma, don't worry, the fifth uncle is rich, Ranran will help you cheat him when the time comes!"

"Uh..." Mrs. Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Her eyes were filled with helplessness as she looked at the little breast dumplings.

This kid...

Really quirky.

"Okay, let's dig in more~" Old Mrs. Xiao said very cooperatively.

Xiao Jinghan, who was far away in the capital of northern Xinjiang, felt an inexplicable chill on her neck, as if she was being targeted by someone.

Today's situation is becoming more and more serious.

Not long ago, a plague broke out in northern and southern Xinjiang.

People died one after another, causing grief and sorrow from all sides.

Although Xiao Naituanzi had already passed the news to Xiao Jingyao and the others after discovering the secrets of those people, they still could not stop the development trend of the plague.

Now that the three countries have formed an alliance, they will concentrate their forces to attack the deposed prince and Ye Zhaozhao in northern Xinjiang.

Xiao Jingyao was also very busy at this time, and he didn't have any free time even in the New Year.


Mo Heng is polite and gentle.

After explaining to the old lady the reason why she took Xiao Ning away and how she had been looking for a way to treat Xiao Ning all these years, the old lady was extremely satisfied with Mo Heng.

Xiao Ning has suffered for half her life, and she is lucky to meet someone like Mo Heng.

As for other people, their mother and daughter may never have the slightest chance to meet each other in this life.

Not to mention blaming him for taking Xiao Ning away back then, she also wanted to thank him.

The little girl saw that the old lady liked Mo Heng, so she stayed here impatiently to listen to their chat. So she jumped down from the stool and said, "Grandma, mother, I'm going out to play~"

Knowing that she couldn't stay any longer, Mrs. Xiao said: "Go, go!"

Seeing this, Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan also retreated with her.

Jin Ling went to arrange guest rooms for Mo Heng and his two guards.

At that time, almost all the people in Yonglin knew about the news of Xiao Nai Tuanzi's "death", so this time Xiao Nai Tuanzi went out without making any publicity, and just made a special trip to Huichun Hall.

The epidemic in Dazhou was detected in time and controlled fairly well.

However, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, local governments still asked people to go to medical clinics to get some preventive medicines.

Therefore, when Xiaonuituanzi arrived at the Huichun Hall, there was a long queue at the door of the Huichun Hall.

Xu Yan has now learned how to refine ordinary elixirs, and Xiao Naituanzi also gave him the prescription.

Therefore, before the epidemic broke out, Xu Yan had already been preparing.

Seeing that there were so many people, Xiaonuituanzi did not go through the front door, but flew directly to the third floor from the back door.

(End of this chapter)

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