Chapter 617: The money I saved for a year~

As soon as they reached the third floor, someone discovered the little breast dumpling!

Before she could stand still, a sword struck her.


Xiao Naituanzi clamped the sword between his two small fingers, and with a slight force, the sword fell to the ground with a "clang" sound.

"Brother Min, I haven't seen you for such a long time. You've made some progress~"

The little girl put her hands behind her back and looked at Min Shenxing with a smile on her face.

It was only a year since they last saw Min Shenxing. Not only did Min Shenxing grow taller and stronger, but his skin tone also turned a lot darker. Compared with more than a year ago, the change was not a big change.

"Ran Ran!"

Min Shenxing and Xu Yan spoke in unison, with a tone of surprise and a bit of disbelief.

"Brother Xu, Brother Min, how are you?" Xiao Naituanzi waved his little hands and smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his teeth.

"Ran Ran, it's really Ran Ran!"

Xu Yan circled around the little breast dumpling twice, smiling silly.

He hasn't changed much, except that the circles under his eyes are dark like a giant panda.

"Yes, yes, it's me, I'm back~"

Xiao Naituanzi sat down on the stool next to him unceremoniously, then drank the elixir being refined over there, and said with a smile: "Brother Xu, you are making progress~ This elixir smells delicious. Very good!”

Xu Yan nodded, as arrogant as ever, "That's right, you, Brother Xu, and I are also little miracle doctors that everyone respects. Refining elixirs is very similar to studying medicine~"

When Min Shenxing heard this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Ranran, don't listen to him! He has some talent, but not much!"

"I am here today thanks to the guidance of the alchemist from the Li family."

"This guy has become his teacher!"

"Now that the alchemist himself has achieved a breakthrough, it is said that he still got your guidance?"

"Everyone walks upwards. Someone gave me advice on how to make elixirs. What's wrong with me becoming my teacher?" Xu Yan curled his lips and asked.

In the words of his old man, as long as he can learn real skills, it doesn't matter if he supports others?

I remember that at the beginning, the old man wanted to force him to accept Ran Ran, a little baby girl, as his teacher.

Thinking of the scene at that time, the corners of Xu Yan's mouth couldn't help but curve.

He was reluctant at the time, but now that he thinks about it, he regrets it.

"Well, Brother Xu Yan is right!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded in agreement.

"Ran Ran, when did you come back? How come you have no news at all for so long?" Min Shenxing said: "If master hadn't sent us a message asking us to prepare these pills, we wouldn't have known you were alive. .”

After saying this, Min Shenxing still felt a little aggrieved.

I remember that when he first learned the news that Xiao Nai Dumpling had "gone", he cried for a long time. Master was really helpless and then secretly told him that Xiao Nai Dumpling was not dead.

It was precisely because of this incident that he was so angry that he came here and beat Xu Yan severely.

Xu Yan was so angry at that time!

Now that I think about it, that scene is still vivid in my mind.

"Yeah, you little girl is so heartless! We are so worried about you, but you don't give us any news!" Xu Yan also echoed Min Shenxing's words.

"Hmm~, Ranran can't write!"

The small-breasted dumpling acted as if he was a little girl, and after speaking, he bared his teeth at the two of them.

Xu Yan: "..."

Min Shenxing: "..."

This little girl is not ashamed but proud?

Forgive her!

Xiao Naituanzi stayed in Huichun Hall for a long time and told them all the things he had encountered during this time.After listening, Xu Yan and Min Shenxing fell into silence.

Now that Ye Zhaozhao's crimes have been revealed to the world, the three countries are all in danger because of her.

However, there is a being like the devil beside such a person!
To completely eliminate them would be even harder than reaching the sky.

It's really heartbreaking that Xiao Naituanzi has to endure this at such a young age.

After chatting about the business, Xiaotai Tuanzi stretched out his little hand towards Xu Yan, "Brother Xu, do you still owe Ran Ran anything?"

Xu Yan: "..."

"What? I don't know?"

Xu Yan turned away his head, pretending to be puzzled.

"Hey, I said you don't remember Dr. Xu, how about I help you recall your memories?" At this time, Min Shenxing looked at Xu Yan as if he was watching a good show.

"Be careful, no one will think you are dumb if you don't speak!"

"Actually, it's not impossible for me to be a mute. Money can make all the difference. Why don't you give it a try?" After saying that, Min Shenxing also stretched out his hand towards Xu Yan, with the palm facing up. he.

Xu Yan: "..."

"Go, go, go! Do you need any money? My brother is very poor~" Xu Yan said while turning away his head.

Since marrying his wife, the old man has entrusted his wife with all the money in the family.

At this moment, his pocket is cleaner than his face!

Xiao Naituanzi and Min Shenxing looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yan pursed his lips, looked at the little breast dumplings and said, "Don't worry, you won't miss the big red envelope. The old man has prepared it for you early! I'll go there for you when you get back~"

"Thank you, Brother Xu!" Xiao Naituanzi immediately thanked her sweetly.

"Small~" Xu Yan couldn't help but pinch the little face of Xiaotuanzi.

"Well, I'm a little thinner! Not as soft as before!" Xu Yan said with some distress.

The little girl touched her face and smiled, "That's because Ranran has grown up~ Ranran looks at Brother Xu's rosy face and seems to be happy~"


Hearing this, Xu Yan immediately perked up and looked at Xiaotuanzi with burning eyes, "Really, what kind of happiness? What kind of happiness?"

"The secret must not be leaked~" Xiaonuituanzi blinked, looking like I won't tell you unless you pay me.

Xu Yan: "..."

Xu Yan was tickled by Xiao Nai Tuanzi's words. He gritted his teeth and took off his shoes, then took out a banknote from his socks and handed it to Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Little milk dumpling: "..."

Min Shenxing: "..."

"I said, Great Doctor Xu, are your days getting worse and worse?" Min Shenxing slapped his nose with his hand, his face full of disgust and ridicule.

Xu Yan: "..."

"Ahem!" Xu Yan coughed slightly uncomfortably, and then raised his head with a proud look, "What do you know? Brother, this is called happiness! You don't have that blessing to share, do you know?"

Min Shenxing: "..."

He doesn't really want to enjoy this kind of blessing!
The little girl sighed slightly and waved her hands, "Forget it, Ran Ran doesn't want the banknote anymore. I'll ask Grandpa Min to go there another day!"

Xu Yan: "..."

This was the money he had saved for more than a year, but he was so disgusted with it!

Forget it, if you don’t want it, don’t!

He doesn’t want to give it yet!

It was a happy event anyway, he would know it soon!
(End of this chapter)

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