As for Li Qingqiu, she was connected to the palace by the emperor, and Xiao Ning was also placed in the palace.

After Xiaonaituanzi and others arrived in Northern Xinjiang, they went straight to Prince Qin's Mansion.

When Prince Qin saw several people coming back, he was so happy that he opened his mouth from ear to ear and hurriedly asked Princess Qin to give them a good place to stay.

These days, the carriage has been controlled by the little girl.

After a tiring journey, Xiao Naituanzi fell asleep as soon as she arrived at Prince Qin's Mansion.

Mo Heng was called to Prince Qin's study.


After not seeing each other for nearly a year, Mo Heng stood in front of Prince Qin and called him respectfully.

Hearing the words "Father", Prince Qin's eyes turned red.

Ever since he found out that Mo Heng was not his biological child, he felt very uncomfortable.

I also complained and got angry.

But in the end I was relieved!

So what if it's not your own?

After all, he is the child who has been raised by himself, and he is also his own nephew.

This child is a filial person, he will not deny him!

But thinking like this is just to comfort myself after all.

Now that he heard the words "Father", his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Your life experience... your father has already told you, what do you think?" Prince Qin asked.

"Father, my son is just the son of you and your mother and concubine from the beginning to the end." Mo Heng said seriously and firmly.

He could hear what King Qin meant.

But even though he is the emperor's son, he is a prince!He also didn't have the slightest thought about that position.

Growing up, the queen treated him very well, and he also served as a pupil to the second prince.

He was actually aware of the different expressions the Queen looked at him from time to time.

I just didn't expect that the truth of the matter was like this.

But in fact, he didn't feel resentful at all. Instead, he was very grateful.

If he hadn't grown up in Prince Qin's palace, perhaps he would have become a victim of the intrigues in the palace.

It was precisely because he grew up in Prince Qin's mansion that he got to know his master, made more friends, and lost many constraints.

At the same time, he also felt a lot of family affection that the royal family did not have.

His father, mother and concubine all treated him very well.

What's more, although the second prince has a softer temper, he is also a gentle and intelligent person.

Such a person is benevolent and benevolent, and it would be perfect for him to guard the country of Northern Xinjiang from now on!
And he...

For the rest of my life, I just want to live with my wife and daughter.

When King Qin heard what he said, he patted his shoulder lightly, "With your words, my father is very satisfied!"

"Brother and sister-in-law are your biological parents after all. Let's go to the palace to meet them tomorrow."

"Yes." Mo Heng nodded.

The father and son talked about old times for a while, and soon Prince Qin asked Mo Heng to go down and rest.

The next day, Xiao Naituanzi hadn't woken up when Mo Heng entered the palace, so he led brothers Xu Mo and Xu Jian to the palace without waiting for her.

It was the first time that the emperor looked at Mo Heng so carefully, and his old face was stained with excitement.

In fact, Mo Heng and the second prince look very similar.

When the two stood together, they looked like twins.

But the emperor and Prince Qin are also brothers, and their looks are somewhat similar.

So the two brothers played together since childhood, and no one suspected anything.

"Uncle Emperor."

Mo Heng still called him by the same name as before, respectfully and politely but with a sense of alienation.


The old emperor looked at Mo Heng and his voice became choked with sobs.

"Your life experience..." "I know!"

As soon as the old emperor spoke, Mo Heng raised his head and interrupted him.

"Uncle Huang, if what happened back then was wrong, then let it go to the end. No need to say more. Mo Heng is only the son of King Qin and the heir apparent of the Prince of Qin's palace."

Mo Heng looked at him with firm eyes, "Now that Northern Xinjiang is in turmoil, we must not make any more mistakes."

Hearing this, the old emperor's eyes turned red.

He knew that Mo Heng was reminding him that in addition to external troubles, internal troubles in Northern Xinjiang also needed to be resolved.

Once his identity is exposed, it may not be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives.

The imperial family, the second prince, and even the queen and Prince Qin's palace that the queen was guarding would all be roasted on the fire because of this matter.

By then, there will be chaos again.

But just because he was so sensible, the old emperor felt more guilty and distressed towards him.

"That's fine." The old emperor nodded after being silent for a while.

When Mo Heng left, the emperor gave a lot of things to Prince Qin's palace on the pretext of rewarding Xiao Nai Dumplings.

King Qin knew that he was trying to compensate Mo Heng in a different way.

It doesn't matter though.

Now the queen has invited herself to live in the small Buddhist hall, saying that she wants to pray for the people of Northern Xinjiang.

The emperor knew that she was depressed, so he let her go.

After Mo Heng came out from the emperor's place, he went to the queen's small Buddhist hall.

The second prince happened to be there at this time.

The two of them looked guilty when they saw Mo Heng.

Mo Heng understood, but didn't say anything.

After the normal visit, Mo Heng made his attitude clear as before.

He also firmly expressed in front of the second prince that he wanted to leave with his wife and daughter after everything calmed down.

The second prince is not a stingy person, on the contrary, he has a broad heart and is also smart.

He knew that Mo Heng did this just to reassure him and the queen.

So he also expressed his thoughts.

Mo Heng grew up with him, and he also knew Mo Heng's temperament well and knew that he was a righteous person.

Finally, the queen also apologized for burning Xiao Ning.

Mo Heng was very concerned about this matter, but he could also understand why the queen did this.

He would not forgive the queen for what she had done, but he did not pursue anything further.

It's just that compared to the closeness with the queen and the second prince in the past, there is more deliberate alienation now.

It is said that the queen fell ill after Mo Heng left the small Buddhist hall.

During this period, Xiaonaituanzi visited her once and gave her medicine, but the effect was not fast.

The main reason is still herself.

After staying in the capital city of Northern Xinjiang for nearly a month, Xiao Nai Tuanzi was very busy every day.

She refined a lot of elixirs that could eliminate diseases and prepared them to be sent to the front line.

At the beginning of March, Xiaonaituanzi and others went to the front line together.

At this time, the battle situation on the front line has entered a fever pitch.

Led by Ye Zhaozhao, the deposed prince of Northern Xinjiang and occupying the body of the second master of the Duke's Palace, he led 50 troops to fight against the [-] troops of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

The alliance's troops encircled the deposed prince and Ye Zhaozhao and his party.

I thought that with ten times the number of men and horses, each of them could drown these people with a drop of saliva.

Unexpectedly, most of the people on their side were puppets.

One against one hundred.

Ordinary people are no match for them at all.

Only a group of beast soldiers led by Xiao Jingzhe could compete with them. (End of chapter)

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