Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 621: Array within array, the Xiao family is here

Speaking of this beast soldier, it was all thanks to the person Xiao Naituanzi saved on Yinshan Mountain.

Although this person has no martial arts skills, he is good at controlling beasts.

It happened that the place where Ye Zhaozhao and the others were located was mostly mountainous and forested.

There are not only tigers and lions on this mountain, but also many other snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Although they couldn't defeat those puppet soldiers, there was no problem in dealing with those [-] to [-] people.

Therefore, the two sides have been fighting for more than a month, and neither side has any advantage.

As Xiao Naituanzi approached the battlefield, he looked at the turbid air in the sky and felt something bad.

The turbid air gradually turned into resentment, and the war was bound to cause a lot of casualties. If the souls of these people did not return to peace after their death, the resentment would become even stronger.

Last time they paid such a high price but only weakened the demon god's power by half. At this time, there was still Ye Zhaozhao. If they were allowed to absorb so much resentment and turbidity to increase their power, then they wanted to The possibility of exterminating it is much smaller.

"Ran Ran, what should we do now?"

Xuan Yin and others are all knowledgeable about Taoism, so naturally they can see something is wrong here just like Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

The little girl frowned deeply and tilted her head to make up her mind.

Mo Heng said: "Judging from the current situation, Ye Zhaozhao and the deposed prince are undoubtedly deliberately dragging them. After one battle, they absorbed a lot of resentment for them to improve their skills."

"Nowadays, there are only two main sources for them to absorb these grievances. One is from those infected with the disease, and the other is the soldiers who died."

"Ran Ran, do you have the ability to build a huge formation that can cover all the areas on the front line? This can isolate the resentment of the people outside who are infected with the epidemic."

Xiaonuituanzi thought about it seriously, then nodded, "It's possible, but it will take a little longer."

"how much time is required?"

"Um... ten days!" Xiao Naituanzi said.

"It's okay, let's come together." Xiao Jinghan said.

Having been with Xiao Nai Tuanzi for so long, he knows many formations, and even if he doesn't, he can get started quickly.

The battle between Xuan Yin and Mo Heng is not unfamiliar either.

If they help together, I believe time will fly by quickly.


Hearing Xiao Jinghan's words, Xuan Yin and Mo Heng both nodded at the same time.

"Okay, then let's set up a formation." Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

A few people found a relatively secluded place to live. Xu Mo and Xu Jian were responsible for buying yellow paper, bold pens, cinnabar, etc.

The four of them were led by Xiao Naituanzi and drew a lot of talismans at home.

At the same time, Mo Heng also sent someone to notify Xiao Jingzhe, asking them to find a way to hold down Ye Zhaozhao's puppets and reduce casualties as much as possible.

After four days and four nights, a few people finally drew all the necessary talismans.

After resting for a day, Xiao Nai Tuanzi put all the talismans into his Qiankun bag, and then began to set up the formation.

It is quite simple to set up a formation to block resentment, but what is not simple is that the key is to prevent people like Ye Zhaozhao and the Demon God from breaking through the formation.

Xiao Naituanzi thought about it for a long time, and then thought of the formation within the formation that he had seen at the bottom of the lake.

Since the Demon God could use that formation to let them release him unintentionally, why couldn't they use this formation to weaken their demonic energy?
Xiao Nai Tuanzi and others spent three days setting up the formation.

"Finally I can feel relieved!" Xiao Jinghan patted her palms and breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes!" Xuan Yin said with a smile: "They have a good plan, and we also have a ladder to cross the bridge."

Mo Heng looked at the little breast dumplings with distressed expressions in his eyes. It was really hard to bear such a heavy responsibility at such a young age.

"Ran Ran, please sleep for a while, daddy will hold you!" Mo Heng held her in his arms and patted her back.


The little girl nodded her head, then put her hands around Mo Heng's waist and fell asleep in her arms peacefully.

After a while, everyone heard her even breathing.

Xiao Jinghan looked at the green and black color in Mo Heng's eyes and couldn't help but whisper: "Uncle, we are not in a hurry about the war right now. Why don't we go back and rest for a day before setting off."

"it is good."

Everyone rested for a night, and after eating and drinking the next evening, they headed to the camp where Xiao Jingzhe and the others were.

As soon as Xiaonai Tuanzi arrived at the camp, he was surprised to find that the five Xiao Jingxuan brothers and Xiao Jingyan brothers, ranging from the eldest to the fifth, were there.

When Mo Heng saw so many Xiao family members, his heart suddenly jumped.

He subconsciously glanced at Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan, and found that these two people seemed to have known about this for a long time.

When Mo Heng looked over, Xuan Yin and Xiao Jinghan also looked over at him.

Xuan Yin pursed his lips slightly, and although he turned to another place very calmly, the seriousness between his brows could not fool Mo Heng.

They have something to do with him!
It is definitely not an accident that so many people from the Xiao family appear here!

The next second, Xiao Jinghan's words seemed even more deliberate and overt. He just said: "Uncle, don't worry, not everyone is like my uncle! Other uncles and my father are Still looking forward to seeing you.”

"And they love my aunt so much. They didn't help much when we were looking for my aunt's soul. This aunt's soul is her last, and they want to help."

"We, the Xiao family, have a lot, but we all feel sorry for our aunt!"

Mo Heng glanced at the boy lightly.

After being together for so long, he didn't know exactly what his temper was, but he knew a lot about him.

This child tends to talk more when he is nervous.

Obviously... it is not a coincidence that so many people from the Xiao family are here, and they are not here for Xiao Ning as he said.

He won't talk about the other people, but Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai, a county magistrate and a scholar...

Don't tell him that you are here to be a military advisor.

After all, Xiao Jingzhe is the most powerful person in the Xiao family in terms of strategy.

When Mo Heng thought that something big might happen next, his mood became serious.

The little girl didn't notice this at all. She was so happy to see so many relatives all at once that she jumped out of the carriage and happily ran towards the Xiao family.

At this time, the front line was Lianzhou where Ye Zhaozhao and the deposed prince were stationed.

In the past few days, Xiao Jingzhe only attacked but did not defend, which made the resentment and turmoil on the front line less and less.

Today, the resentment outside suddenly dropped like a cliff, causing Ye Zhaozhao and the Demon God's skills to stagnate.

Ye Zhaozhao, who was wearing the skin of the second master of the Duke's palace, was so impatient that he directly killed several strong soldiers and sucked their energy.

"Go, go and find out what's going on!" (End of Chapter)

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