Prince Jin's strategy is very simple, just play tricks on the deposed prince.

When the people who deposed the prince came up, he ordered them to withdraw.

When the deposed prince wanted to make amends, he ordered a surprise attack.

After this back and forth, in less than two days, the deposed prince was exhausted by Prince Jin.

As the so-called one-shot, and then decline, three and exhausted.

The deposed prince was not a fighting figure to begin with. In addition, he had been squeezed for a long time after joining Ye Zhaozhao, which caused him to lose patience in a short period of time and become eager for quick success.

No, after the third day, Prince Jin used a plan to lure the enemy deeper and captured the deposed prince alive.

In an instant, [-] soldiers and horses were leaderless.

Prince Jin was polite first and then sent troops. Xiaozhi moved them with reason and emotion, and quickly persuaded the soldiers to surrender.

It can be said that victory is achieved without wasting effort.

"Trash, trash!"

Ye Zhaozhao was extremely angry when he learned that not only were the [-] soldiers and horses not dead, but they had all been taken away by Prince Jin.

Originally, 4 people were sent to die, and the resentment generated by these innocent souls would be able to boost his power. Unexpectedly, this would be the result.

What is the difference between this and stealing the chicken but losing the rice!
Military camp of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.

They captured [-] soldiers and horses without even using a single soldier, and everyone couldn't help but get excited.

That night, the Xiao brothers ordered a reward for the three armies.

The soldiers were happy and their morale was high.

After that, Xiao Jingzhe gathered all the Xiao family members together.

Compared with the joy in front of outsiders, everyone in the Xiao family looked serious at this time.

In front of the soldiers, they are to boost morale and let them see that victory is in sight.

But everyone in the Xiao family knows very well that the next battle is the most difficult.

Although Ye Zhaozhao only has 1 people left, those [-] people are all puppets.

In today's military camp, no one can kill those puppets honestly except Xiao Naituanzi.

At this time, Ye Zhaozhao still had Xiao Ning's soul in his hands, as well as an extremely powerful demon.

Although Ran Ran is capable, she can't beat four hands with just two fists.

"Xiao San, is the method you mentioned before really effective?" After everyone was silent for a while, Xiao Jingxuan, the eldest brother, spoke first.

Xiao Jinghan nodded, "It's probably useful."

"The things recorded on the wall should not be false. The children of the Xiao family came into being, and everyone has the power of luck." Xiao Jinghan said seriously: "That day, when we faced the devil, Ran Ran's ability, coupled with the power Pu Dingzi exchanged for his own lifespan, were unable to suppress the demon."

"But in the end, I used that method, but the demon god weakened his own power."

"It can be seen that if you want to destroy that demon, you must rely on the blood of our Xiao family."

"Before, Ye Zhaozhao thought of a way to steal the luck of our Xiao family, which undoubtedly proves this point."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Jinghan's gray temples.

If the Demon God could only be destroyed in this way, the price the Xiao family would have to pay would be too high.

I don't know if... the women in the family can bear it in the end.

The five Xiao Jingxuan brothers couldn't help but feel heavy when they looked at the juniors in front of them.

They have lived for decades, experienced a lot, and have seen through many things.

But these children...

They have not always been around since they were young, and have never enjoyed the glory and convenience that Xiao brought to them, but now...

"Don't be so pessimistic, everyone. Maybe we can think of a better way?" Xiao Jingyao said optimistically.

But in this situation, anyone could see that he was just trying to comfort everyone on the surface.

In the next few days, there was absolutely no movement from Ye Zhaozhao's side.Xiao Nai Tuanzi was not in a hurry. He took Xiao Jinghan, Xuan Yin and Mo Heng to draw talismans and seals in the house every day.

The more of these talismans and seals, the better.

Finally, on March [-]th, Ye Zhaozhao made new moves.

She sent a message to Xiao Jingzhe, saying that if she wanted Xiao Ning's soul, she would exchange it for him.

Xiao Jingzhe, as the military advisor of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, is also the backbone of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

If something happens to him, it will definitely shake the morale of the army.

This Ye Zhaozhao has a good calculation.

However, Xiao Ning's soul is indeed their lifeline now, and the lifeline is held in his hands. If Xiao Jingzhe wants to retreat completely, he must pay the corresponding price.

"Fourth brother, you can't go!" Xiao Jingyao said seriously.

At this time, the person who should least have trouble is Xiao Jingzhe.

"Let me go!" Mo Heng walked over slowly.

He recalled some things in detail these days, and he clearly understood what Ye Zhaozhao did to the Xiao family from the mouths of Xiao Nai Tuanzi and others.

He guessed [-]% to [-]% of the purpose of so many people from the Xiao family appearing here.

"Ran Ran knows magic and can turn me into your appearance, which is enough to deal with Ye Zhaozhao." Mo Heng said.

"Besides, Ning'er is my wife, Mo Heng, so it's my duty to save him!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingzhe fell into silence.

Xiao Jingyao put a hand on Mo Heng's shoulder, "Brother-in-law, I, Xiao Jingyao, admire you as a man!"

The corner of Mo Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Xiao Jingyao before focusing his eyes on Xiao Jingzhe.

After a long silence, Xiao Jingzhe said: "Be careful."

"Fourth brother, don't worry. I will bring both Ran Ran and Ning'er back safe and sound," Mo Heng said.

Even if he gave up himself, he would save their mother and daughter.

The next day, when the appointed time came, Mo Heng pretended to be Xiao Jingzhe and went to the place agreed with Ye Zhaozhao with Xiao Naituanzi, followed closely by his personal bodyguard Qin Shi.

As soon as they left, Ye Zhaozhao's lackeys commanded the puppet troops to approach the city.

On the city gate, Xiao Jingzhe, disguised, stood facing the wind, his eyes gradually becoming darker.

He turned to wink at Xiao Jingren, the third child next to him.

Xiao Jingren understood and led two pairs of troops out of the city to fight.

At the same time, Prince Jin and the mighty general of Southern Xinjiang each led 2 troops and outflanked them from the left and right.

After a battle, there were many casualties.

Xiao Jingren and others led their troops to flee to the mouth of Yangmingshan Gorge.

Ye Zhaozhao's lackeys took advantage of the victory to pursue, faced difficulties and entered the mouth of the gorge.

At this time, Xiao Jingyao, Xiao Jingyan and others had already ambushed around the canyon in advance.

As soon as the puppet soldiers entered, they entered the formation arranged by Xiaonaituanzi and Xuan Yin in advance.

Xuan Yin threw each piece of talisman and seal into the formation, and the puppets held their heads and were gradually burned to ashes.

In this fierce battle, the Alliance army suffered more than [-] casualties.

The puppet soldiers were more than half destroyed.

In a certain cave, the demon god absorbed the resentment from these dead soldiers, and the lost skill also increased bit by bit.


"Stupid humans! Just let you kill each other!"

"When my skill reaches the tenth level, there will be no rival for me in this world!" (End of Chapter)

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