Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 624 Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to

However, what he didn't expect was that the resentment gradually disappeared as soon as night fell.


Without his resentment, the demon's power stagnated and his temper became violent.

Alliance military camp.

Xuan Yin watched the dead soldiers lining up and disappearing in front of the Samsara Gate one by one. He closed his eyes and silently recited the Rebirth Mantra.

No one wants to die.

But these people bravely went forward in order to confuse Ye Zhaozhao and the demon.

They died in the right place, and this love is more important than Mount Tai.

Xiao Jinghan stood silently on the side. At this moment, in front of him was Zhou Zhongren, who had cultivated a human figure.

When Xiao Nai Tuanzi left, she left him behind.

As soon as it was dark, he summoned the souls of all the soldiers, and then asked Xuan to use magic to open the reincarnation door and let these ghosts leave.

This not only distracted Ye Zhaozhao and the Demon God, but also disrupted their plans.

If the demon's skill cannot be improved, it will be much easier to deal with it.

And they were gradually delaying the puppet soldiers, buying time for Xiao Nai Tuanzi and Mo Heng.

If Xiao Naituanzi can come back in time, the pressure on the military camp will be much less.

This is currently the most perfect solution that Xiao Jingzhe can think of.

There will be sacrifices, but at least not all of them.

Xiao Naituanzi and Mo Heng had been traveling for a whole day, and the further they walked... the more Mo Heng felt something was wrong.

"Ran Ran, use your compass to see if your mother's soul is in this direction?" Mo Heng said seriously.

According to Ye Zhaozhao and the others' urgent need for resentment to improve their skills, the place Ye Zhaozhao chose should not be the endless desert over there, but a place with many people.


The little girl nodded and quickly took out the compass.

After some probing.

The little breasted dumpling looked at the pointer on the compass and said, "Yes, this is the place~"

Hearing this, Mo Heng frowned slightly, secretly thinking that he was overthinking.

However, when the three people arrived, they did not see Ye Zhaozhao, but only a desert.

"not good!"

Mo Heng's brows knitted together fiercely.

They have fallen into the trap of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

I thought Ye Zhaozhao would use Xiao Ning's soul to threaten them to do something, but obviously...she didn't plan to do this.

Her biggest purpose is to lure Ran Ran away so that she can destroy the people in the Alliance together with the Demon God.


Xiao Naituanzi looked at Mo Heng with some doubts.

Mo Heng recounted his suspicions.

When the little girl heard this, her little face couldn't help but wrinkled.

"Then let's find mother quickly and leave here as soon as possible." Xiao Naituanzi said.

"it is good."

The wind and sand here are very big, and the area is also very large. Although there is a compass, it is as difficult for them to find a soul as it is in the blue sky.

There were only five people in total when they went out this time.

If it was buried somewhere like last time, I couldn't imagine how they would dig it out.

Sure enough, just as they thought, even though they found the location, they couldn't find the specific whereabouts of the soul at all.

The five people spent a day searching in this desert. They dug deep into the sand, but still could not find it.

"No! Ranran, you can't stay here any longer!" Mo Heng looked at Xiaotuanzi and said seriously: "Ranran, please go back and have a look, and leave the matter of finding your mother to your father."

What he was most worried about at this time was the people of the Xiao family. He didn't know what specific plans they had in mind, but it was definitely not simple.

Ye Zhaozhao tried his best to lure them away, maybe just to do something.Without Ran Ran, they might not be able to sustain it for long.

Hearing this, Xiao Naituanzi was a little reluctant and looked at Mo Heng eagerly.

"Ran Ran, be obedient! Trust dad, dad will definitely take your mother back." After Mo Heng said firmly, his eyes fell on Qin Shi, "Qin Shi, you and Ran Ran go back together. "


Qin Shi felt a little uneasy at the moment and wished he could appear in front of his master immediately.

Hearing Mo Heng's words, he nodded deeply without any hesitation.

Xiao Nai Tuanzi was not willful. He took out all the food he had hidden in the Qiankun bag and left it with Mo Heng and the others before leaving with Qin Shi.

Sure enough, it was as expected by Mo Heng.

The military camp was in chaos at this moment.

Since they defeated the puppets last time, the Demon God personally controlled the puppets to continue attacking that night, catching Xiao Jingzhe and the others off guard.

Because there was no complete preparation, the Allied forces suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, there was someone on their side who could control the beasts, who could mobilize the beasts in the mountains and allow the soldiers to retreat quickly.

However, just as they were retreating, Xiao Jingxuan, Xiao Jingbai and Xiao Jingrui were all captured.

This couldn't help but make Xiao Jingzhe a little panicked.

The puppets can fight day and night, but living people like them can't.

Moreover, as more and more soldiers died, the Demon God's recovery speed would speed up. By then... Xiao Jingzhe didn't dare to think about it.

In this way, Xiao Jingzhe and the others fought desperately against the puppets for three days and three nights, killing more than [-] people, and only [-] of those puppets were destroyed.


"You humans deserve to die, you all deserve to die!" The devil's voice kept hovering in the air.

The soldiers below were all frightened.

At this moment, they were like people waiting to die, just waiting to see when the devil was happy, he would kill them directly.

"Brothers, we fought with them!"

Xiao Jingyao raised a spear in his hand and shouted loudly.

This moment is not the time to be discouraged.

We must get rid of all those puppet soldiers in one go.

Then, with the Demon God alone and helpless, they can find a way to get rid of him.

And they have not rested for three days and three nights. Once they are discouraged, what awaits them is the annihilation of their entire army.


Although they were exhausted, everyone shouted in response.

"Come on!"

Xiao Jingyao took the lead to greet them with his troops.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan, Xiao Jingbai and Xiao Jingrui were tied up and thrown into a cave.


As soon as the three of them woke up, they heard a low and terrifying laughter.

"woke up?"

Ye Zhaozhao looked at them condescendingly, with mocking eyes, "I didn't was so easy to bring the Xiao family together. I thought it would take some effort!"

"It's really hard to find a place after wearing iron shoes. It's not a waste of effort to get it, hahaha...hahaha..."

"You are Ye Zhaozhao!"

Xiao Jingxuan knew what had happened after all, and stared at Ye Zhaozhao with cold eyes.

At this moment, he is their backbone!

Never panic.

Ye Zhaozhao touched his old face and immediately laughed, "Yes, it's me!" (End of Chapter)

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