"Ye Zhaozhao, what grudge does my Ye family have against you?"

Xiao Jingxuan asked coldly.

Ye Zhaozhao has been targeting the Xiao family since he was born.No, it should be said that it has been designed since before birth!
I don’t know what kind of monster she is!
"Oh, the hatred and hatred between me, Ye Zhaozhao, and your Ye family are very deep!" Ye Zhaozhao sneered.

"You Xiao family members all claim to be kind and righteous, but in fact you are just some sanctimonious and hypocritical people! It's not like those people in our Ye family, who are bad in their bones and bad on the surface. .”

Xiao Jingxuan and three others: "???"

I have no idea what this person is talking about!
"Ye Zhaozhao, what are you talking nonsense? What the hell are you!" Xiao Jingrui gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Zhaozhao in front of him, struggling hard with the rope tied to his body, but to no avail.


Ye Zhaozhao chuckled lightly and looked at Xiao Jingrui as if he were looking at an ant.

Xiao Jingbai looked at her calmly, "Ye Zhaozhao, we are meat on your chopping board now. You can do whatever you want. We can't escape from your hands now. Even if we die, let us die happily!" "


When Ye Zhaozhao heard this, he couldn't help laughing again.

"Interesting, really interesting! You people from the Xiao family will beg me one day? It's really not in vain. I, Ye Zhaozhao, sacrificed himself to reverse time and space and bring you to the previous life! Hahaha..."

Reversed time and space and brought to the past life?
Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai looked at each other, doubts on their foreheads.

Ye Zhaozhao glanced at the three of them, raised his head and slowly talked about future generations.

"In another world, your Xiao family and my Ye family have been friends for generations, but by chance, both families ascended to become gods and arrived in a place called the Divine Realm. The Divine Realm at that time was in chaos... it was a barren place. The lives of these little gods are not even as good as ordinary people in this world."

"So the Xiao family and the Ye family worked together to organize those ordinary little gods in that world and began to build a kingdom of their own."

"Give them food, teach them the principles of life, educate them, and help them cultivate..."

"Later, this place became a divine realm."


Speaking of this, Ye Zhaozhao's lips couldn't help but evoke a hint of ridicule.

"The establishment of the Divine Realm was originally the result of two families, but you, the Xiao family, are born with the power of luck, which is innate good luck! No, it should be said that you, the Xiao family, are born to confuse people. Before choosing to rule the Divine Realm When we were our leaders, you, the Xiao family, won the hearts and minds of the people, and almost all the credit has been taken by you!"

Hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai both frowned.

And Xiao Jingrui couldn't help but said: "What the people want, how much the Xiao family has done for the people of the God Realm, the people all see it one by one, so it is understandable to favor the Xiao family when making a choice!"

"How can you say that the two families are family friends? It's clear to me that you are judging a gentleman with a villain's heart!"

"Hahaha... Hahaha... That's right, those people are villains, so after coming to this past life, the first thing I, Ye Zhaozhao, did was to kill them all! So that they will no longer exist in future generations."

Xiao Jingrui: "..."

"But you Xiao family are not good people!" Ye Zhaozhao changed the topic and looked at the three people in front of him with cold eyes, "Everyone is a messenger of justice in front of outsiders, but in reality? It's just for gain. It’s just a matter of saving your face!”

"Do you know? When Xiao Ning rescued me and took me in, how grateful I was to her! I am a young lady from the Ye family, and I am willing to be a girl by her side! But she... doesn't understand me! You know? Since I am a member of the Ye family, you want me to leave!"

"Also...she actually fell in love with a man! What kind of man is that man? He deserves it!"

"I tried my best to persuade her! I did it for her own good! But I thought of her in everything, but what about her? She actually wants to stay and fly with that man!"

"And you, the Xiao family!" "On the surface, you love her so much, love her so much, and treat her like a treasure in your hand. But in fact, you don't object to her being good with that man!"

"Hahaha... Hahaha... So, I will kill that man as soon as possible!"

"Look, I am the only one who treats her best in this world!"

"Those who couldn't be killed in the God's Realm, I killed here one by one! How could they appear in front of me when I returned to the God's Realm when I saw them!"

"And you!"

"Everyone must die!"

"By then, she will only have me in her heart! Hahaha...hahaha..."

The three Xiao family members: "..."

Ye Zhaozhao's heart is completely twisted!

Just because Xiao Ning in the Divine Realm fell in love with a man, she actually planned so many... to turn things around and kill so many innocent people.

Damn it!
"What about us? You hate our Xiao family so much, why do you still keep us alive!" Xiao Jingrui asked.

According to Ye Zhaozhao's paranoid temper, how could he keep so many people from the Xiao family for such a long time?
Similarly, this is also the doubt in the hearts of Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai.

"Ha, of course it's because of...luck!"

Ye Zhaozhao didn't hide anything and directly stated the reason.

"Do you think that with me, a small and inconspicuous little girl in the divine realm, I can make time and space intersect? Can I go back to my previous life?"

"That's because I borrowed the power of the devil and the evil god!"

"The evil god wants the power of luck that you, the Xiao family, have, and the evil god is suppressed and needs me to help him get rid of the formation that suppresses him, so we hit it off right away."

"Ye Zhaozhao, you don't kill us probably because of the power of luck in us!" Xiao Jingxuan said in a deep voice.


Ye Zhaozhao laughed again, "As expected of the Xiao family, they are really smart!"

"I, Ye Zhaozhao, have gone to such great lengths not just to kill a few people in my previous life! I want them to die, and I also want Xiao Ning to know who is the best person to her."

"I want to become the supreme master of God's Domain!"

"And only with the power of luck from your Xiao family, can I realize this wish!"

Xiao Jingxuan and three others: "..."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, those paintings and words left on the Gobi where the demon was suppressed were all left by me! Hahaha...hahaha..."

"The purpose~ is to attract you, the Xiao family, to gather here!"

"Originally, I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn't expect you to actually come to die! You are really stupid!"


Ye Zhaozhao's loud laughter filled the entire cave, making the hearts of the three Xiao family members sink to the bottom bit by bit. (End of chapter)

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