"No, it's impossible! My third brother has tried it, and that method is effective against the devil!" Xiao Jingrui suddenly thought of this and retorted loudly: "You and the devil are on the same side, you can't possibly..."

Ye Zhaozhao interrupted him and said funnyly: "Kid, you are too naive! There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, don't you understand?"

"I used this power to get here, but I also paid a huge price."

"Before, I needed to use the power of luck from your Xiao family to gain the trust of the dog emperor. It also needed the power of luck to suppress the power of the demon in my body."

"The power of your luck and the golden light of that little girl's merit are indeed important things to restrain the power of the devil."

"Oh, by the way, there's this!" As he said, Ye Zhaozhao took out an iron box and held it in his hand, "I can go back with that power. The power of luck is mine! As for that The devil... Hahaha, that little girl should be enough to destroy him!"

Looking at the iron box, the pupils of the three Xiao family members shrank.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether this was real or the fake one they had made before.

After all, they kept the truth secretly in the imperial palace in the capital.

Ye Zhaozhao's plan was clearly to use Xiao Naituanzi's hands to destroy the devil so that she could leave here without any worries.

What a good plan!

At this moment, they were a little worried about Xiaotai Dumpling!
That demon has killed so many people, so his skill must have improved.

I don’t know if Ran Ran can handle it.

"Ye Zhaozhao, you want to get rid of the devil so much, you can just keep him suppressed, why should you let him out!" Xiao Jingbai was puzzled.

Isn't this unnecessary for Ye Zhaozhao?

"Of course the reason for letting him out is to get rid of him completely!" Ye Zhaozhao chuckled, "And...it's tempting you people to take the bait, isn't it?"

"The Demon God's seal, even without that little girl, will not be able to suppress the Demon God after some time."

In fact, what Ye Zhaozhao didn't say was that she didn't want to release the devil before, but the little breast dumpling appeared, didn't she?
It's a good thing for her that the devil is dead, right?
This way he can have a lot less worries.

"You... despicable!"

Xiao Jingrui couldn't help but curse.


Hearing this, Ye Zhaozhao couldn't help laughing again.

"When I catch all of you, take away your luck at once, and then take Xiao Ning away, everything will be perfect. Hahaha..."

Xiao Jingbai narrowed his eyes and instantly caught the key information in her words.

"Ye Zhaozhao, if you can, kill us now, otherwise you will get nothing in the end." Xiao Jingbai said loudly on purpose.

"Oh, excite me?"

Ye Zhaozhao sounded extremely disdainful, bent down and pinched Xiao Jingbai's chin, "Do you think anyone else will come to save you at this time?"

"Ye Zhaozhao, you had many opportunities to kill us a few years ago, why did you wait until now?"

Xiao Jingxuan's mind changed and he instantly understood what Xiao Jingbai wanted to ask just now.

Ye Zhaozhao's words, as well as her previous words and deeds, made Xiao Jingxuan have a guess in his mind.

She wanted to take away the luck of everyone in the Xiao family at once, so she set up such a trap to get them together here.

"Of course..." Ye Zhaozhao blurted out and was about to answer, but as soon as he said a few words, he suddenly reacted, "Are you trying to trick me on purpose?"

Xiao Jingbai: "..."

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."


Seeing that they were silent, Ye Zhaozhao snorted coldly, "Just stay here and stay well for me! When I catch the others, I will send you to death immediately."

After saying that, Ye Zhaozhao left without looking back.As soon as he left, Xiao Jingrui looked at Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai, "Dad, second uncle, what should we do now? And Ran Ran, I don't know what she will do against the demon god by herself."

"Don't worry, Ye Zhaozhao wants to use Ran Ran to kill the Demon God, which means there is no rift between her and the Demon God. In this case, the secret method in the Gobi to suppress the Demon God is most likely true."

"Ye Zhaozhao said that what the devil is most afraid of is our Xiao family's luck and Ran Ran's golden light of merit."

"Ye Zhaozhao has the power of the devil in her body, so she is also afraid of these two things. In this case... then it is easy to handle. When she wants to take away our luck, we can also kill her. "

"That's right." Xiao Jingbai agreed: "In the worst case, we will die together with her!"

Xiao Jingrui nodded, "In this way, if Ye Zhaozhao wants to bring us together, she will try her best to protect our Xiao family from being killed by the devil. In this way, our Xiao family is the safest."


Xiao Jingxuan and Xiao Jingbai nodded at the same time.

The ones who are most worried now are Ran Ran and Na Mo Heng.

Ye Zhaozhao's twisted thoughts towards Ning'er will definitely kill Mo Heng.

Here, Xiao Jingyao and Xiao Jingren led the soldiers to attack with all their strength. With the determination to fight to the death, they knocked each of the puppets to the ground, set themselves on fire, and died together with them.

After a day of continuous fighting, all the puppets finally fell to the ground.

As a result, two-thirds of the troops of the Three Kingdoms Alliance were killed or wounded.

However, even though they paid such a high price, the demon was still safe and sound, and his skills even improved due to the resentment generated by the dead soldiers.

"Ha! You are indeed a person with the power of luck. Even if you are so seriously injured, you can still stand tall! I really admire you. It's a pity... you will die in my hands soon. It’s in.”

The devil's sinister and terrifying voice kept floating in the air, lingering in his ears.

The only black thing about him was the black mist, and the two green eyes were hovering above their heads.

"Oh, if you have the ability, come and kill us!" Xiao Jingyao shouted loudly.

Although he was at the end of his strength at this moment, his attitude of refusing to admit defeat was still full of pride.


After Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, the black mist in mid-air came directly towards him, but in an instant, it was in front of him, and the invisible hand moved towards his neck.

Xiao Jingyao couldn't avoid it, his neck was restrained, and his feet left the ground little by little.


Not far away, Xiao Jingren shouted, and the sword in his hand concentrated his inner strength and headed straight towards the black figure.


The Demon God just flicked Xiao Jingren away.

Xiao Jingren fell heavily to the ground and spit out a large mouthful of blood.


Looking at Xiao Jingren who was crawling on the ground like an ant, the devil laughed.

"Today I killed all of you Xiao family members to see who else can threaten me in the future, hahaha...hahaha..."

The devil laughed wildly, and the hand on Xiao Jingyao's neck gradually tightened.

However, within a short time, Xiao Jingyao's face turned the color of pig liver, and his eyes gradually turned red.


At this moment, a powerful force suddenly came from behind the Demon God. (End of chapter)

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