Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 85: With the chicken butt, dad won’t dare to bully mom.

Chapter 85: With the chicken butt, dad won’t dare to bully mom.
"Mom, didn't you say that after taking the prescription Ranran gave you, you feel much better? Your son and I were sent as guards to repay my kindness, so why don't you just spend some money to join in the fun? Are you happy?"

Mrs. Min San: "."

"That's right, Mrs. Min San, if you lose, you can only lose 5000 taels of silver at most! It shouldn't be nothing to the Min family, right?" Mrs. Wu said with a smile.

The Min family has always remained neutral and never participated in any disputes!
Now, he gave his precious grandson to a little girl as a guard. This was clearly a deliberate move to favor the Xiao family!
If you're not from our camp, don't blame her for being rude!

Mrs. Min San was not a person who didn't understand anything. Naturally, she also heard Mrs. Wu's bad intentions. She slightly pursed her lower lip and said with a smile: "What my son said is, then just join in the fun! By the way, I There are still 500 taels left, let’s all bet on Mrs. Xiao to win!”

With that said, Mrs. Min San took out another 500 taels from her sleeves and threw them over casually.

It looked like he was sending away a beggar!

Min Shenxing: "."

"Mom, you're really good!" Min Shenxing gave Mrs. Min San a thumbs up, and then whispered a few words in her ear.

Mrs. Min San was suddenly shocked after hearing this, "Really?"

"Yes." Min Shenxing nodded and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, mother!"

The little girl raised her head and looked at the mother and son with her big eyes in confusion, "Auntie, Brother Min, what are you talking about?"

"I didn't say anything, the show is about to begin! Watch the show, watch the show!" Min Shenxing put his big hand on her little head and turned her little head away.

"Wow, that's my mother! She's so handsome and stylish!"

The moment he turned around, the little girl with small breasts saw Jin Ling, who was wearing a bright red riding suit and riding a big horse into the track. She immediately jumped up with excitement, and the little breasts on her face trembled with excitement!

Mrs. Min San also looked over with a smile, with deep admiration and envy in her eyes, "Your mother is really worthy of being born in a general family. It is not an exaggeration to say that her temperament is that of a woman."

Unlike her, she has been weak since she was a child!
Let alone horse racing, just sitting in a carriage for a while makes me feel extremely uncomfortable!
After hearing Mrs. Min San's words, Xiaotai Tuanzi said arrogantly: "My father also said such a thing!"

"Really?" Mrs. Min San looked kind and gentle, "I can see that your mother lives a happy life!"

As soon as Xiaotai Tuanzi heard this, he grinned and grinned, whispering in Mrs. Min San's ear: "Auntie, I'll tell you secretly, my mother said that the secret to subduing my father is to give him Clamp the chicken’s butt~”

“Chicken butt???”

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded seriously, "With the chicken butt, dad won't dare to bully mom? So mom will be very happy!"


Mrs. Min San laughed out loud. It was hard to imagine that Xiao Jingxuan looked cold and serious, but he was a strict wife!
However, we can also guess from this that their relationship as a couple is very good.

Mrs. Min San pinched the little breast dumpling’s face, full of envy!
The horse racing soon began.

A large number of people gathered outside the venue, and it was very lively. There were endless screams and shouts.

The little breasted dumpling was running around excitedly, like a fanatical fan, waving his little hands towards Jin Ling and shouting loudly, "Come on!"

Mrs. Yu looked at her with envy, "Mrs. Xiao, you are so lucky! Look at that little guy's appearance, I feel like my blood is boiling!"

Jin Ling knew Mrs. Yu’s situation.

Her mother's family was very powerful, and she married the eldest son of the Yu family. Unfortunately, her son suddenly became ill when he was two years old, causing him to lose the ability to walk in both legs.The daughter who was born later suddenly fell into the water and drowned when she was five years old!
After that, she was unable to give birth to a healthy child, and her husband was not as good as the concubine of her second wife, so many of her rights were gradually deprived of her by her second wife.

If it weren't for the powerful natal family behind her, she might have died in the Yu family.

Years of silence have also created her slightly gloomy temperament now.

I'm afraid that when I saw Ran Ran today, I thought of my lost daughter!
Jin Ling hid all the thoughts in her heart and showed a sincere smile to Mrs. Yu, "That little girl has a wild temper and is like a wild horse running wild! She is so full of energy! Just like It’s like light!” Like light?
Mrs. Yu raised her head and let the faint light in the sky shine on her cheeks, making her feel warm.

At this moment, the dying heart seemed to be alive again at this moment.

"Mrs. Xiao, I am very happy to meet you mother and daughter today! How about you and I calling each other sisters in the future? I will post for you in the future!" Mrs. Yu said with a smile.

It could be heard that at this moment, there was a little more energy in her words!

Jin Ling nodded, "I wish you could do it!"

Mrs. Yuda's natal family is the richest man in Jiangnan and the number one imperial merchant.

Although she is not the lady of the master's family, she is deeply loved.Her uncle is the president of the Yonglin Chamber of Commerce.

If they can make good friends with Mrs. Yu, it will be a hundred benefits to them without any harm!
Many ladies nearby heard their conversation and had different expressions.

There are people who are envious, jealous, and hateful!

Mrs. Yu rarely goes out, and even when she does, she rarely talks to anyone. I didn’t expect that she would become friends with the county magistrate’s wife so quickly!
Thinking about people like them, even if they tell the truth, people will ignore them.

After all, they are just not as scheming as the county magistrate's wife, and they rely on their children to build relationships!

At this time, a gong sounded, and a steward-like person in the venue raised his voice: "Now the horse racing begins! The first to reach the finish line wins! Madams, please get ready!"

After saying that, the steward took a few steps back, and then glanced around the ladies.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the gong in their hands rang with a "dang" sound.


As the gong sounded, all the ladies shouted in unison, and the horses rushed forward quickly.

"Mother, come on!"

"Mom, you are the best!"

"Mom, you are the most handsome!"

The little girl stood on the stool, raised her two little paws and kept shouting for Jin Ling.

"Brother Min, hurry up, shout quickly! Shout after me!"

Min Shenxing muttered, looking a little shy and embarrassed, "If you want to shout, just shout yourself, I won't shout!"

He is a quiet handsome man, how embarrassing it would be for him to shout like a woman!

"Brother Min~~"

The little girl with small breasts turned around, pursed her lips tightly, and looked at him aggrievedly with her small breasts on her small face puffed out.

"Don't shout!"

Min Shenxing folded his hands on his chest and glanced away, as if he was determined to die!

"Brother Min~~"

The little girl pulled his sleeve and shook it gently. Her coquettish little voice made her ears tingle, "Brother Min, you are the best, just shout~shout~"

(End of this chapter)

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