Chapter 86
"Don't call me Brother Min. Even I, Father Min, are useless!" Min Shenxing said firmly with a straight face.


The little girl snorted coldly, stomped her little feet on the stool, followed his example and put her hands around her chest, pouting her little mouth and threatening her fiercely: "If you don't help me, mother." Scream, and I'll tell Grandpa Min to go! Let Grandpa Min cut you!"

"I'm not afraid!" Min Shenxing gritted his teeth, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and said proudly: "The old man is afraid of dogs. If he dares to cut me, I will let him go!"

"Really not to shout?"

The little girl bared her teeth at him, "Then don't blame me for being rude, okay?"

"Why are you so rude?" Min Shenxing looked at her with interest.

"Don't force me to use my ultimate move~" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile, the ends of his narrow eyes were dyed with a bit of menace and cunning, and even more threatening.

Inexplicably, Min Shenxing swallowed subconsciously when he saw the small breast dumplings.

" don't want to...want to threaten me with a snake, do you?"

"Snake?" Xiaonuituanzi raised his chubby middle finger and waved it in front of Min Shenxing. An unpredictable smile appeared on his small face, and then he moved towards Min Shenxing's forehead with lightning speed. There is a piece of talisman paper stuck on it.

Min Shenxing subconsciously touched his forehead, but he didn't touch anything.

The little girl waved her little paw, like a successful little fox, "Brother Min, the snake will only scare you. I won't be so stupid!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Before he could figure out what was going on, Xiao Naituanzi had already said, "Shout after me!"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi made a trumpet shape with his hands and put them to his mouth, and continued to shout.

"Mother, come on!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Min Shenxing subconsciously shouted, "Mother, come on!"

The sound was loud and loud, and extremely penetrating.

It attracted many people to look this way.

After shouting, Min Shenxing's eyes were as big as bells, and he covered his mouth with his hands, looking at the little breast dumplings in astonishment.

When Mrs. Min San saw many people looking over her, she hurriedly covered her face with a handkerchief, for fear that others would recognize her!
"You brat, who are you calling mother?"

This person, who usually looks weak and vulnerable, sounds so energetic! ?


Min Shenxing was very unjustly accused, and he didn't know what was going on!
This is really too evil!

The little breasted dumpling chuckled twice, "Idiot brother, I said mother, you said come on!"


Min Shenxing paused for two seconds, and before he could fully react, he heard Xiaonuituanzi shouting loudly, "Mother!"

And he shouted uncontrollably, "Come on!"


"come on!"


"come on!"

After a while, these two voices were the only ones left in the entire viewing area.

Mrs. Wu's face was extremely ugly. Her eyes were staring straight at Jin Ling, who had been leading the field. Her hands were clenched into fists and they were tightly squeezed together. She didn't even notice the sharp nails sinking into her flesh.


At this time, the mother-in-law hurriedly walked forward with an anxious look on her face.

"Ma'am, it's not good..."

The mother-in-law whispered a few words in Mrs. Wu's ear.


After hearing this, Mrs. Wu stood up in shock, looked at the arena with worried eyes, and her heart lifted.

"Ma'am, what should I do now?"

The mother-in-law looked at the arena with a worried look on her face, her body trembling unconsciously.If something really happened today, I'm afraid it would be hard to explain!
"Quickly, notify them quickly and let the people in charge pay close attention! If something goes wrong today, none of them will survive!" Mrs. Wu said urgently.


The mother-in-law responded and hurried away again.

Seeing something was wrong with Mrs. Wu, Mrs. Min San got up and walked over, asking softly, "Mrs. Wu, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"'s okay!" Mrs. Wu trembled her lips, glanced away, and stammered: "I...I have this old problem!"

Mrs. Min San took a deep look at her and saw that her hands were tightly holding the handkerchief, as if she was nervous and afraid of something!
Immediately afterwards, he followed her gaze to the arena, feeling relieved in his heart, and a bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.


"Coming, coming! The last lap!"

"Mrs. Cheng finally caught up, and Mrs. Yu Er followed closely behind! They are all expected to surpass Mrs. Xiao!"

"So nervous, so nervous!"

"Mrs. Cheng wins! Mrs. Cheng wins!"

"I bet on Mrs. Yu Er, Mrs. Yu Er will win!"


The exciting moment is coming, and many ladies and ladies are excited, with their eyes fixed on the horse running at the front!

But at this moment...

A horse running in the middle suddenly raised its front hooves for some unknown reason and neighed.




As a horse suddenly went crazy, all the people and horses following it were affected and turned upside down!

Screams and screams immediately resounded in everyone's eardrums.

Everyone in the stadium looked like they were dumbfounded, covering their mouths and watching this scene.

Jin Ling, Mrs. Cheng and Mrs. Yu Er at the front want to reach the finish line!

Jinling wins!

But everyone’s focus is not on this!

"Quick, go take a look and call the doctor!"

Mrs. Wu was talking incoherently, and she was so anxious that she almost fainted.

There was chaos on the field, and several ladies were thrown off their horses, and even got trampled by the horses a few times in panic!
The people from the Wu family were in a panic and rushed forward.

But at this time, the crazy horse suddenly rushed out of the arena and headed towards the forest area.

"No, it's Mrs. Yu!"

someone exclaimed.

Seeing this, Jin Ling hurriedly chased after him on his horse.


The small-breasted dumpling jumped from the viewing area into the viewing area without saying a word.

"Ran Ran!"

Mrs. Min San was startled and hurriedly told Min Shenxing, "Be careful, hurry up, follow Ran Ran, don't let anything happen to her!"

Seeing this, Min Shenxing jumped down from the viewing area and ran in the direction of the little breast dumpling.

However, he didn't run very far when he discovered that the little breast dumpling had disappeared.

And here Mrs. Yu was nervously holding on to the rope, trying to make the horse stop.

But she doesn’t know what’s wrong with this horse, and no matter what method she uses, it won’t help!

(End of this chapter)

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