Chapter 89
Min Shenxing left, while Jin Ling was still stunned and unable to react.

"Bet one and pay ten? 2 taels? Then wouldn't you get back 20 taels?"

"Pfft!" Mrs. Min San couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. "Let me tell you, if you bet on others to win, you will lose five if you bet on one! And the total of those ladies and ladies is only 3 to [-] taels." Silver! The Wu family will pay compensation today!"

Jin Ling: "..."

Did the Wu family lose both their wives and their troops today?

Let her laugh wildly in her heart for three days!
"Mother, when you get the money back, it will all belong to mother!" Xiao Naituanzi said generously.

"Uh..." Jin Ling was stunned, then waved her hands and said, "That's the money you won, how can you give it to me?"

"Because you are my mother!" Xiaotiaotuanzi smiled, hugging her legs and rubbing his little head on her legs, "And the money was earned by my mother~"

Jin Ling thought for a while and said, "Then my mother will keep it for you for the time being and keep it for you as a dowry later!"

Hearing this, Ran Ran raised her head and looked at her with confusion, "What is a dowry?"

Mrs. Min San and Mrs. Yu both laughed.

Jin Ling rubbed her little head and said with a smile, "You are still young now. You will know when you grow up!"

When Ran Ran heard this, her little face immediately puffed up, and she sighed in a pretentious manner, "Hey... I'm so annoying. This is how you adults fool children!"

Everyone: "..."

"Mrs. Xiao, Mrs. Yuda, Mrs. Min San!"

At this time, Wu Haolin, the eldest son of Wu, walked out slowly and bowed his hands politely to the three of them, "What I said today was an accident. Please forgive me for disturbing my wife!"

"Accident?" Jin Ling sneered, staring at Wu Haolin with her neck raised, her tone unabashedly mocking, "Is this really an accident?"

"Of course!" Wu Haolin said firmly.

"Very good!" Jin Ling looked solemn, stretched out his hand and took out a long golden hairpin from his head, turned around and stabbed it directly into the hair of the crazy horse behind him with lightning speed. Neck!

The horse neighed loudly and only had time to scream before blood spurted out and fell to the ground.


Mrs. Min San was so frightened that she screamed, covered her mouth and took two steps back.

Mrs. Yu’s complexion couldn’t help but turn pale!She had thought about settling a score with the Wu family, but she didn't expect Jin Ling's method to be so fierce!
"Mrs. Xiao! What are you doing?"

Even Wu Haolin was shocked by Jin Ling's sudden move!
This woman is cruel enough!

Kill a horse with your bare hands!Which lady in this family would be like this?


Jin Ling's voice was very deep and cold. When he looked at Wu Haolin, his face was still stained with the horse's bright red blood. He looked terrifying and ferocious!


The golden hairpin in Jin Ling's hand opened the horse's stomach with a "swish" sound!The undigested Prunella vulgaris suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

"Master Wu, do you still think it's an accident when you see this?" Jin Ling asked coldly.

Wu Haolin swallowed subconsciously. In just a moment, all his momentum was crushed by Jin Ling.
That bloodthirsty expression was hidden in his mind, making him unable to extricate himself!
My heart is beating thumpingly!

This woman is as terrifying as the devil in hell!
"Mrs. Xiao, that's just ordinary grass, what can it prove!?" At this time, the steward next to Wu Haolin said bravely.

"Ordinary grass?" A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Jin Ling's mouth, "Are you bullying me, Jin Ling, for being ignorant? This prunella vulgaris will not be easily digested in the horse's stomach. If it is eaten excessively, It will cause the death of the horse! But everyone who raises horses knows this truth!"

"Your Wu family has such a huge horse farm. It raises hundreds if not thousands of horses, right? Are you telling me that this is just ordinary grass?"

"Mr. Wu, as far as I know, many of the cavalry on the battlefield are provided by your Wu family's horse farm, right? What are your intentions in feeding the horses this Prunella vulgaris? You know, if red flame grass is smeared on a person's body, The juice will cause horses to go crazy!"

"Tell me...if I accuse the whole Wu family of treason today, will it be true?"

After Jin Ling finished speaking, Wu Haolin and the steward were so frightened that they broke out in a cold sweat.

"Mrs. Wu, this horse just ate it by mistake. Why do you have to argue so hard and be so aggressive when you catch such a small mistake?" Wu Haolin held his hand tightly and said through gritted teeth.

"Am I being arrogant and aggressive?" Jin Ling chuckled, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at him sternly, "Mr. Wu, I think you should thank me! Otherwise, your Wu family may be charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason. Confirmed!"

A layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Wu Haolin's forehead!

This woman is so shameless!

"Mrs. Xiao, you just said that this Prunella vulgaris must be mixed with the juice of Red Flame grass to cause the horses to go crazy. Our horses just ate Prunella vulgaris by mistake, and there is no Red Flame grass in our horse farm. ! If Mrs. Xiao doesn't believe it, she can report it to Mr. Xiao and send someone to my racecourse to search!" The racecourse calmed down and analyzed rationally.

"Really?" Jin Ling looked at the steward with a half-smile but suddenly said coldly, "Then how do you explain that Madam Yu's riding uniform is stained with the juice of Red Flame Grass?"

"If I remember correctly, this riding uniform was specially prepared by your martial arts family, right?"


Wu Haolin choked!
I didn’t expect this golden bell to be so powerful, even this one was discovered!
You must know that the smell of red flame grass is very light, even ordinary doctors will not smell it easily!

Could it be...exploding him?

Just as he was thinking this, Mrs. Yu next to him said, "Mr. Wu, after I change these clothes later, I will personally deliver them to the Huichun Hall and ask Mr. Xu to appraise them for me!"

"Originally, this riding uniform was given to Mrs. Xiao. I liked it so I exchanged it with her. I didn't expect that something like this would happen!"

"If your Wu family doesn't give my Yu family an explanation, my Yu family and the Li family behind me will not give up easily from now on!"

"Mrs. Yuda, Mrs. Xiao! No matter what happens today, my Wu family will not be exempted from responsibility. Please rest assured, two ladies, we will investigate thoroughly and give you an explanation!" Wu Haolin tensed up his emotions. A string, apology.

Jin Ling smiled lightly, "In this case, we will wait for Mr. Wu's good news!"

"Oh, by the way, my daughter bet [-] taels of silver today on me to win. Although something unexpected happened, your Wu family cannot deny this money!"

There was a cold look in Wu Haolin's eyes, but his face was extremely respectful, "Mrs. Xiao, don't worry, the most important thing for my Wu family to open this horse racing casino is integrity! Since Miss Xiao won the bet, the banknote will be used another day I will definitely deliver it in person!”

(End of this chapter)

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