Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 90: To say you are stupid is to overestimate you.

Chapter 90: To say you are stupid is to overestimate you.

"Aunt Jin, you were so arrogant just now! That person surnamed Wu was speechless by you!"

On the carriage, Min Shenxing looked at Jin Ling with admiration on his face, and the two characters "Miscellaneous Brother" were almost written on his forehead!
Jin Ling said: "If you are not ruthless and take the lead in shocking the opponent, they may be able to fool you into this matter today! If you are not ruthless, others will think you are easy to bully!"

"Yeah!" Min Shenxing agreed very much with Jin Ling's words, "Aunt Jin, what you said is so right!"

"But since then, I'm afraid I will completely offend the Wu family!"

Jin Ling smiled nonchalantly and said, "Without these things, the Wu family is destined not to have a good relationship with our Xiao family! It just so happens that I am too lazy to make excuses with these people, so I might as well open the skylight as soon as possible so that the differences can be clearly seen!"

"makes sense!"

Min Shenxing nodded.

After all, the situation of the Xiao family is different from that of the Min family.

Hongxing interjected: "Madam, will the Wu family give us an explanation?"

"will not!"

"Probably they will find a scapegoat and blame the whole thing on the scapegoat. After all... whether it is the charge of collaborating with the enemy and treason, or the charge of attempted murder, it is enough to make the Wu family drink a pot!"

"They are not that stupid to admit that they did it themselves!"

"Then Madam's injuries were in vain? It's really easy for them!" Hongxing said with some dissatisfaction.

"The Wu family won't be able to gain any advantage this time. There are quite a few injured ladies, all of whom are respectable people. Just apologizing is enough to embarrass the Wu family!"

"If word spreads about the horses eating prunella vulgaris, the higher authorities will definitely send people to investigate the matter thoroughly, and the Wu family's business will definitely be affected!"

"This business will be affected, and the Wu family's reputation and status in the chamber of commerce will be greatly reduced!"

"No matter how we calculate this matter, we are not at a disadvantage!"

"This little injury is worth it!"

When Min Shenxing heard this, he admired Jin Ling even more.

He didn't expect that just a small thing could have such a big impact!The Xiao family simply won!

When Mr. Wu returned home and heard what happened at the racecourse, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"How do you do things! Where is Madam?"

The housekeeper lowered his head and replied tremblingly, "Sir, my wife was so angry that she fainted. The eldest lady is still watching!"

"The eldest son has already rushed over to deal with the matter at the racecourse. He should be back soon!"

After hearing this, Mr. Wu angrily went to the wing in the backyard.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

None of the servants dared to frown at Master Wu and ran out in a hurry.

"You prodigal bitch! How can you still let me lie down in peace after such a big thing happened?"


Mr. Wu angrily grabbed Mrs. Wu's hand and threw her to the ground with a hard swing.

Mrs. Wu was so shaken that stars appeared in her eyes, and she lay on the ground moaning in pain.

"Old... Master!" Mrs. Wu had tears in her eyes, covering her chest, her face was extremely pale, and she said weakly, "I just... just wanted to take revenge on that bitch, I didn't expect it to be so big. It’s something!”

"Revenge?" Mr. Wu hated the iron, and pinched her neck fiercely with his big hands. The coldness and cruelty in his eyes were not concealed at all, "To say you are stupid is to overestimate you!"

"Are you the only one who wants to take revenge on Jin Ling? Do you know her background?"

"Jin Ling was born in a general's palace and was on the battlefield when she was young! You want her to suffer just because you did something on the racecourse? It's simply wishful thinking!"

"How noble was the Xiao family in the past? Jin Ling was also a person who had been in the circle of noble women in Kyoto. It's just you? Can you fight?"

After saying that, Mr. Wu threw Mrs. Wu away, stood up, and said coldly: "Don't go out for the past month! Just stay here!"

"I...ahem..." Mrs. Wu's eyes were red, and the tears in her eyes kept flowing down, gradually condensing into drops of regret.

"Master, the eldest son is back!
As soon as Mr. Wu went out, he heard the housekeeper say: "He is waiting for you in the study!"


It was already past noon when Jin Ling returned to the Yamen with her little breast dumplings.

Several people were so hungry that their heads were spinning, and their stomachs were grumbling in protest.

Xiao Jingxuan hurriedly asked Lu Qing to tell the kitchen to prepare the food and then hurriedly went to check Jin Ling's injury.

"Is it okay? Is the injury serious?" Xiao Jingxuan said with worry on his face, "I asked you to take Lu Qing with you, but you didn't listen!"

"Okay, okay!" Jin Ling was a little impatient and complained: "Can't you just let me be quiet? Don't you want to hear how I got hurt?"

Xiao Jingxuan pursed his lower lip, looked at Hongxing beside him and said, "Why don't you hurry up and get the good golden sore medicine?"


Hongxing felt relieved and retreated.

"Dad, don't worry! Mom is just a little scratched, Ran Ran has wrapped it up for her!" Xiao Tiao Tuanzi said softly.

When he spoke, his voice was weak and a little aggrieved.

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned and looked at Jin Ling in confusion, "Who made Ran Ran feel wronged?"

Jin Ling shook her head slightly. She was still happily talking to Min Shenxing in the carriage just now, like a little sparrow.

"It's not you yet, daddy!"

The little girl with small breasts pouted her little mouth, her little white eyes rolled almost to the edge, and she said angrily: "Now that I have a mother, I have forgotten about Ran Ran! When she comes back, she doesn't even know how to hug me. !”

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."


When Jin Ling heard this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. She reached out and pinched her bulging cheeks, and teased: "How can such a little girl learn to be jealous?"

"No way!" Xiaonuituanzi raised her little head proudly, "What is jealousy? I won't eat it!"

"Come on, give me a hug, Daddy!"

Xiao Jingxuan was helpless. He was so focused on his injured wife that he forgot about his little girl!
"I don't care if you ask for a hug! Humph!"

The little girl stomped her little feet, snorted, turned around and ran away, "I'm going to find my fourth uncle!"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."


As soon as the little breast dumpling left, Jin Ling couldn't help laughing.

“Our daughter really likes it more and more the more she watches it!”

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at her, "How dare you laugh! How can I say that I have been through hundreds of battles, but in the end I didn't end up with wounds all over my body!"

Jin Ling was dissatisfied when she heard this, and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Jingxuan, you dare to hurt me!? They are already injured, and you still want to hurt others! 嘤嘤嘤"

Xiao Jingxuan: "..."

"You're already thirty, so be normal!"

"Hey Xiao Jingxuan, do you dislike me? Really?"

"No, how dare I dislike you?"

"Hmph! You said you don't dare, not that you can't! You just dislike me!"

"No, no, no..."

(End of this chapter)

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