Chapter 163 Jia Xu and Sima Yi
In the back tent.

Cao Cao put his hands behind his back and walked back and forth. He had almost never been to this extremely remote tent. Because of this, the tent looked messy and dusty. Every time he took a step, dirt like morning mist would splash up.

"On the day Xiahou Dun returned to Xudu, he killed Fu Wan in the street, hanged Queen Fu to death, and also killed Queen Fu's two sons!"

"The reason is that Fu Wan wanted to spread a message and call on all parties to enter Xudu to attack the prime minister in the name of supporting the Han Dynasty. However, Cui Zhouping, Shi Guangyuan and other three people secretly monitored him and reported it to Xiahou Dun. Xiahou Dun was so angry that he did this Things that are disobedient.”

"I have strictly controlled this matter, but it will happen sooner or later. I hope the Prime Minister will make a decision soon!"

Xun Yu's letter clearly explained the unexpected events in the palace, but there was no mention of recommending the three men to serve in the army.It also did not explain how to treat these three people.

"Yuan Rang! Yuan Rang!"

"You're going to kill me!"

Cao Cao patted his head angrily, feeling regretful.If he had known this, he should not have allowed Xiahou Dun to return to Xuchang to recuperate. It was originally a good intention, but he did not expect that he would cause such a big disaster.

At this time, he had strong soldiers and horses, and he was dominating one side, and he was not afraid of any princes' power.

But to the outside world, he still regarded himself as the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, because although the Han Dynasty declined, it would not collapse.Although the Cao Mansion was prosperous, it was still not powerful enough to abandon the emperor and rule the world alone.

Conquering the four directions according to the order of the emperor, the name is just and smooth, and everyone in the world will follow it.

This is the persona he has established for himself, and it is also the supreme magic weapon that has allowed him to conquer all directions and dominate one side over the years!

But if he is found guilty of killing the royal family, he will be following in Dong Zhuo's footsteps, and the consequences will be dire!
"Prime Minister, what happened in Xudu?"

Xun You and Jia Xu stepped into the small tent. Looking at Cao Cao who was restless, Xun You asked in a low voice.

"Please take a look at Xun Lingjun's letter before you speak."

Cao Cao reached out and handed the letter to Xun You. Xun You unfolded it and gathered with Jia Xu in the dim light of the tent door to read it carefully.

"Prime Minister, our great cause has not yet been accomplished. Yuan Rang's move will offend the heroes of the world who are loyal to the Han Dynasty. It is inappropriate..."

After Xun You finished reading the letter, he took a long breath and said with a solemn expression.

"Xia Houyuanrang's temper is too violent. If this matter had been reported to Xun Lingjun first and then handled, the situation would never have resulted in the current situation."

Jia Xu lowered his head and murmured.

"I hate Cui Zhouping and these three people, who are doing despicable and dirty things. He is only afraid of reporting it to Xun Lingjun. He can't do anything and can't achieve success!"

Cao Cao spat on the ground, then raised his head and looked at the two of them: "But something has happened. How should I deal with it? You two can give me an idea."

Xun You said: "Kill the father-in-law, poison the prince, and hang the queen. This is a heinous crime of treason. Even if the nine tribes are killed, it will not be enough to make up for it."

"And sooner or later, everyone in the world will know about this matter. If you want to cover it up, you can't cover it up. Why don't the prime minister just admit it and take responsibility? Instead, he can face the world directly."

Cao Cao rolled his eyes and looked at Xun You, and said coldly: "But how can I admit it, and how can I bear the responsibility of admitting it?" Xun You lowered his head and thought for a long time: "I dare not say it!"

Cao Cao walked slowly to the chair at the top, bent down and wiped the dust on it with his sleeves, sat down slowly, raised his head and said: "Just say it, in this camp today, there is no distinction between king and minister. But he said he was not guilty."

Xun You took two steps forward, arrived in front of Cao Cao, bowed and said: "This happened in Xudu, and people died at the hands of Xiahou Dun. Either kill Xun Lingjun, or kill Xiahou Dun!"

"Xun Lingjun controlled the security of the capital and brought trouble to the harem. He has an unshirkable responsibility. He could kill enough to silence the world. Xiahou Dun was a direct participant in the atrocities, and his crime was serious. But his position was not enough to bear the serious crime, even if he died, It’s hard to cover up the world’s words, I’m afraid in the end the world’s criticism will still be passed on to you, Prime Minister.”

"After all, Xiahou Dun was still the prime minister's general. He had just entered Xuchang from Wancheng, and he committed such a murder. It's hard not to imagine that this matter was all done under the orders of the prime minister from beginning to end."

"As for what Fu Wan and Queen Fu did, we can't mention it. It's not important anymore. Even if they are really guilty of murdering the Prime Minister, they can't commit such random murders and kill them in the street. The laws of the imperial court and the majesty of the Prime Minister's Mansion are all Trampled and messy.”

Cao Cao lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then raised his head and said calmly: "You cannot kill Xun Lingjun. Gu's hundreds of thousands of troops are all due to Xun Yu's contribution. If he is killed, Gu's southern expedition will be completely defeated."

"Xiahou Dun cannot be killed! Xiahou Dun and I are close relatives of the clan. If you kill him, you will be admitting his crime. However, if the crime involves the three clans, my Cao family will also exterminate the family, let alone kill the nine clans?"

"Furthermore, Xiahou Dun has followed Gu Nan in his expeditions to the north for many years, and has many military exploits. His merits and demerits are equal to each other, so I will spare his life."

Xun You shook his head and was at a loss for ideas: "If this is the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with this matter in the world."

"But I want you to pardon these two people and put an end to this matter!"

Cao Cao sat on a chair with cold eyes, scanning Xun You and Jia Xu.

Jia Xu, who had been silent all this time, took half a step forward, hunched over and bowed, saying, "I have a plan to protect these two people."

Cao Cao's eyes suddenly became shiny again, and he raised his head and stared at Jia Xu: "Oh? Please tell me and listen!"

Jia Xu lowered his head and said in a weak voice: "The cause of the matter is that Cui Zhouping, Shi Guangyuan and other three people supervised Shengting without authorization, deceived Xiahou Dun, and deceived Xun Lingjun, which made the matter evolve to such a serious stage. I mean: It can be punished. Killing three people, it is only said that the three of them are the confidants of Zhuge Wende in Jingzhou, sent to Xuchang to frame the royal family. It just so happens that the three of them are from Jingzhou and are Zhuge Liang's close friends. This is shared by everyone in the world. What you know is irrefutable.”

Xun You listened attentively, shook his head and said: "Although there is some truth at this time, these three villains, betraying their friends for glory, broke off their relationship with Zhuge Liang a month ago. This is also known to everyone, isn't it contradictory? If we investigate it carefully, it is still difficult to justify it.”

Jia Xu smiled sinisterly and said in a low voice: "Pursuing to detail? Where is the need to investigate!"

"As long as he gets away with it, let him spread rumors as he pleases. It won't take three to five months for him to gradually become indifferent. It won't take a year. I guarantee that not many people in the world will talk about this matter anymore."

"Letting it go is the best way to end this matter!"

"It's just those three people, but they will definitely die!"

Cao Cao stood up and said with gritted teeth: "Just do what Jia Wenhe said! If you don't kill these three bastards who are causing trouble, they will do something big sooner or later!"

Jia Xu hurriedly added: "Not only that, after the Prime Minister returns to the capital, he has to apologize to the Emperor in the palace and resign as Prime Minister, so that the world will know that the Prime Minister is heartbroken and compassionate. The massacre of the harem is definitely not the Prime Minister's fault. What you did!"

Cao Cao put his hands on his hands and laughed, stood up and patted Jia Xu on the shoulder: "It is indeed a clever plan, and it is quite poisonous!"

(End of this chapter)

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