Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 164 Zhuge’s poison plan

Chapter 164 Zhuge’s poison plan
"Fu Wan has been living in Xudu for a long time, going in and out of the harem in the morning and evening, causing trouble. It is also a good thing to get rid of him today, once and for all. Gu has long wanted to get rid of him, and hates the lack of good opportunities. Today, I will use the heads of these three mediocre people to exchange for Fu Wan's family. Undead!"

"Send the order and order Cao Ren to immediately tie the three men outside the camp gate and behead them in public, and spread the emperor's edict to the whole world: He hooked up with Zhuge Wende in Jingzhou, framed the royal family, and was captured by Xun Lingjun. He was escorted to Laiwan City. Now the law has been rectified, and the barbarians Its nine tribes!”

Xun You bowed and accepted the order.

Cao Cao thought for a few seconds and then continued: "In the name of Gu, I will send a letter to Xiahou Dun, warning him to ask Xun Lingjun for advice on everything in Xu, and not to act arbitrarily and cause big trouble again. If there is any violation, he will be punished. Spare!"

Xun You accepted the order and was about to exit when suddenly he saw the door curtain flicker and a person hurried in, almost bumping into Xun You!

Chapter 277

"Report to the Prime Minister, something happened in Xinye!"

The person who came was none other than Cheng Yu. His clothes were disheveled and his hat was crooked. He was clearly in a hurry and was running all the way over.

"What's wrong? Does Zhuge Wende really dare to send troops to attack Xinye? The day before yesterday, Gu had sent three thousand elite troops to support Xinye. Even if Jingzhou has soldiers and horses to attack, the city cannot be broken overnight!"

"Why be so alarmed!"

Cao Cao said very displeased when he saw Cheng Yu was sweating profusely and looking panicked. He didn't look like the five great counselors of the Han Dynasty.


"Xu Chu wielded a knife last night and killed all Zhang Liao's family members!"

Cheng Yu said with a panicked expression.


Cao Cao, who had just stood up, his knees softened when he heard this, and he sat back on the original chair. He put his hands on the back of the chair and wanted to stand up. For a moment, he forgot how to use his strength.

"It's over! I've lost Zhang Liao forever!"

Cao Cao stamped his feet, beat his chest, and cursed angrily: "Xu Chu is ignorant and ruined my big job! In a few days, I can go to Xinye in person to welcome Zhang Liao back. But at this time, my success is on the verge of failure and ruined!"

Xun You looked at the dirt on the ground and the dust on the Prime Minister's sleeves. He bowed and said, "Don't worry, Prime Minister. Let's go to the main tent first and discuss this matter later."

The three of them returned to the central military tent. Zhong Yao had already prepared tables, chairs, and tea cups. Seeing the arrival of the prime minister, he hurried to greet him and poured a bowl of fragrant tea for Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's heart was on fire, one wave of injustice came after another. He had just dealt with the civil strife in Xudu, and Xinye was causing trouble again.

"What exactly happened? Please tell me in detail."

Seeing that the prime minister's expression calmed down slightly, Xun You turned to look at Cheng Yu and said.

Cheng Yu flattened the Xinye newspaper in his hand, stood up and stood at the foot of the steps, and slowly recounted the story.

"A few days ago, that is, the day after the Prime Minister sent [-] armored knights to reinforce Xinye, Lu Qian discussed with Xu Chu and sent Xu Chu's son Xu Yi to lead [-] tiger warriors back to Wancheng to collect food." Cao Cao nodded and said: " You are careless. This small town in the backcountry of Xinye is not rich in food. I sent [-] more armored soldiers, but it only increased the burden on Xu Chu's troops!"

Seeing that the Prime Minister was silent, Cheng Yu continued: "I didn't expect Xu Yi to be ambushed less than fifty miles out of the new field. The soldiers and horses in the ambush were all tigers, leopards, jackals, and falcons!"

Xun You exclaimed in surprise: "The soldiers and horses of the Southern Barbarian King!"

Cao Cao's expression also changed. In an instant, he remembered the first southern expedition, when 20 soldiers and horses attacked Fancheng for the last time, and were rushed and killed by the Xiang camp of the Southern Barbarian King. They suffered serious casualties. Even Le Jin, the five best generals, died. In the formation, there were no bones left.However, the remnant soldiers who retreated were attacked by the beast control camp less than ten miles away from the main camp. Countless people were devoured by jackals, tigers and leopards, bitten and maimed.

In that battle, 20 elite soldiers were killed and injured nearly 15!
Cao Cao frowned and said nothing, but the hand holding the tea bowl was trembling slightly. He was not frightened by the surprise attack of Xu Yi's 200 men.Instead, I recall the ruined scenes of the past with lingering fear.

"And the one who commanded the southern barbarians to attack my new wild troops was none other than Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, who will return to my Han Dynasty in ten days!"

Zhang Wenyuan!
From Cao Cao down, the three great counselors exclaimed in unison.

Zhang Liao bravely chose to die rather than surrender. Although he had been trapped in Jingzhou for more than ten days, he still refused to give in. Even Zhuge Wende, who was extremely resourceful and resourceful, had no choice but to negotiate and release him.

How could Zhang Liao, such a loyal and good general, suddenly betray and lead the troops of the Southern Barbarian King to attack Xinye and sneak attack Xu Yi?
Zhong Yao couldn't believe it, shook his head and sighed: "With Wen Yuan's character, if he wanted to surrender, he would have surrendered long ago. Why wait until today? Is there another reason for Zhang Liao's surrender? Or is this Zhang Liao not Zhang Liao? Xu Yi was in front of the two armies. Got the wrong person?"

Cheng Yu pointed at the letter with his hand and said: "Lü Qian's letter made it clear. When he took Xu Yi back to the city, Zhang Liao personally said, 'For the sake of the old days, spare his life.'" Lu Qian's thoughts It’s meticulous, he’s seen it with his own eyes, how can it be false?”

"And according to what Xu Yi said, a few days before this happened, there were rumors in Xinye that Zhang Liao had surrendered and surrendered to Zhao Yun in Fancheng, waiting for the prime minister to march south, so that he would meet with us and others in battle. At that time, Xu Chu was about to commit murder, but Lu Qian tried his best to persuade him to stop him."

"However, in this raid, only about [-] of the [-] cavalry led by Xu Yi fled back, and one of Xu Yi's eyes was pecked out by a flying eagle. Xu Chu was furious, drunk, and overly sad, and took advantage of it. He broke into Zhang Liao's family compound at night and killed everyone."

Cao Cao sighed, and seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. It can be seen that Zhang Liao's return and surrender had dealt a huge blow to his mind.

"Since Wen Yuan surrendered to me at Baimen Tower, he has been a good mentor and friend for many years, relying on the reputation of emperors and ministers. There has never been any resentment, but today, he surrendered to Jingzhou and raised an army to attack me, and Xu Chu slaughtered his whole family. From then on, Wen Yuan and I , the hatred of life and death is irreconcilable!"

"I can let the world down, but I can't let Wenyuan down. If I had known that he had surrendered to Jingzhou, I would rather have his family back and reunite him in Jingzhou."

While Cao Cao was speaking, he burst into tears. His feelings were so deep that it was difficult to express them in words.

The four counselors below were secretly frightened. They did not expect that Prime Minister Cao, who had always been decisive and treacherous, was also a person who valued love and justice.

Jia Xu stood up slowly and whispered: "Prime Minister, in my opinion, I'm afraid there is something fishy about this matter."

"I guess this must be Zhuge Wende's treacherous plan, but I can't explain why Zhang Liao surrendered to Jingzhou at this juncture and offended Xinye Xu Chu."

"Wen Yuan is a calm-minded person who is never impulsive. He should know that the one sitting in the new field is the violent Xu Chu. Zhong Kang can do anything when he is angry!"

Zhuge Wende!

Cao Cao's originally sad face was suddenly full of anger. He raised his halberd and pointed it in the direction of Jingzhou. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Zhuge is the most unfaithful man! He has already sent me a letter to earn Zhang Liao's family members to Xinye. The plan is right for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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