Chapter 182 Grand Governor

Zhuge Ming beside him smiled and said nothing, but Zhuge Liang, who was standing next to him, suddenly realized: "Brother, a month ago, you said that the person who fights with me has appeared. Could it be this Sima Yi?"

Zhuge Ming nodded and said: "That's him! Sima Yi can only do this. You may not know everything, but if you despise him, you will definitely suffer. Not to mention you, even I don't dare to treat him lightly!"

Liu Bei turned his head and recalled, becoming more and more confused: "I once lived in Xuchang for a period of time. At that time, Cao Pi was only a teenager. He had an attendant beside him, Sima Ba, the son of Sima Fang, the former Jingzhao Yin. Zhongda is the second most accomplished person. I only remember that his eyes flickered and he was as sinister as an eagle. Although he was young, he had the look of a wolf. Could it be that this person has become a great strategist in the past few years? "

Zhuge Liang smiled faintly and said: "I once heard my father-in-law Huang Chengyan say. Sima Yi also came to Jingzhou when he was young and visited the famous scholar Sima Hui. Sima Hui praised him highly, but also gave him the following words: 'If Xun Yu does not die, the tomb tiger will not die. Come out. Now that Sima Yi has become an official and ranks among the top five counselors, it can be seen that Xu Du Xunyu's life will not be long!"

Liu Bei was even more surprised: "Although Xun Lingjun obeys orders under Cao Cao's tent, he is upright and tolerant and has the air of an elder. There are many people in the court who have received his favor. If this person dies, the Han Dynasty will suffer a great loss!"

Zhuge Ming suddenly turned his head and said: "Sima Yi will definitely discover the secrets of Hefei when he comes out of the mountain. If what I expected is correct, all the grain and grass in Wancheng have been transported to Hefei at this moment. I know Pang Shiyuan will advance the troops quickly. If he waits until the grain and grass in Hefei If it is delivered, all plans will be in vain, and Jiangdong will also suffer from war!"

Zhuge Liang said curiously: "Brother, according to your instructions, in the past month, since Wenyuan was captured, all the grain and grass sent from around Hefei have been used by me. They have been sent by car, ship and ship to Jiangxia. Now all the grain and grass in Wancheng have gone to Leaving Hefei. Wouldn't it be transported to Jingzhou sooner or later for my use?"

Zhuge Ming shook his head and said: "When acting as a human being, you should know how to advance and retreat, and be wary of being greedy and stubborn. If you are greedy and want to look forward to Shu, it will be counterproductive. Not only will you not be able to ask for it, but you may even spit out what you have already received."

When Liu Bei heard that Zhuge Ming said that all the grain and grass in Wancheng had been transported to Hefei, he was overjoyed and asked in a low voice: "Military advisor, if you send an envoy to Fancheng at this moment, and order Zilong and King Meng Huo of the Southern Barbarians to lead their own troops to attack Wancheng, it may be a great event. What?"

Zhuge Ming nodded and said: "There is no need to rush to Wancheng. Once my elite troops come out, Cao Cao will no longer want to fight and will definitely abandon the city."

Liu Bei's eyes lit up and he said enthusiastically: "Then I will continue to move forward and recover Xuchang! Recapture the Han Emperor and revive the Han Dynasty."

Zhuge Ming sighed softly, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the mansion step by step.

Liu Bei was extremely embarrassed. He stood there with his eyes following the figure of military advisor Zhuge Ming, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

Zhuge Liang stood behind him, waited for Zhuge Ming to leave the mansion, and then said: "My lord, when Cao Cao went on his first southern expedition, the Southern Barbarians had a great victory. The crisis in Fancheng was resolved. At that time, if the military advisor released the order, the Southern Barbarian King would With an army of 200,000 tigers and wolves, we can attack Xuchang overnight."

"But after all, the military advisor did not allow the Southern Barbarian King's troops to wreak havoc, and allowed Cao Cao's troops to retreat to Wancheng, which is where we are today. Do you know why?"

Liu Bei put his hands on the table, lowered his head and thought for a long time, then raised his head and asked: "Why?"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and said: "What the military advisor does is to be a teacher of benevolence and righteousness. What kind of person Cao Cao is, my lord knows better than the military advisor. With his character, if he is trapped in a desperate situation, will he be captured without mercy? The people of Hecheng will suffer accordingly." Is it possible that the tragedy of losing one's children and eating one's own life will happen again?"

"Back then, when the Shi Chang Shi was in turmoil, Dong Zhuo took advantage of General He Jin's order to drive troops into Beijing and massacre the people. The memory is fresh. If our Jingzhou soldiers and horses attack Cao Cao, the consequences will be the same, then our Jingzhou army of benevolence and righteousness will be the same. , how is it different from Dong Zhuo’s tyrannical Xiliang soldiers and horses?”

Liu Bei broke into a cold sweat, nodded and said: "I am so happy for my success, I am overly concerned about it. Everything must be obeyed by the military advisor's orders!"


Jiangdong, inside Wuhou Palace.

All the civil and military officials were at the bottom of the stairs. Sun Quan, the Marquis of Wu, was also fully clothed and had a sword hanging from his waist. He was extremely powerful. "The traitor Cao deceives the emperor and bullies the emperor. There is nothing more cruel than this in ancient times. I follow the secret edict of the Han Emperor and join forces with the emperor Liu Bei to fight against the traitor Cao. Everyone in the world knows it."

"Now the Cao thieves are gathering troops in Hefei for no reason. If I don't send troops, I will be harmed. Therefore, I, the Jiangdong disciples, cannot sit back and wait for death. Today, I will lead the three armies to conquer them. I will turn against the guests and destroy their spirit, so that the Cao thieves will never dare to do it again. Open your eyes and look at me, Jiangdong!"

Sun Quan was magnificent, passionate and generous, and his words were like blood.

The subordinate generals Taishi Ci, Gan Ning, Cheng Pu and others were so excited that their eyes were about to burst. They clenched the swords and weapons at their waists with one hand and shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill!"

Wu Hou Palace, which was originally quiet and gentle, suddenly became murderous.

"From today onwards, Gu will be the chief general and Tai Shici will be the deputy general. Lu Su will be the military advisor and will be given the title of deputy governor. Gan Ning and Cheng Pu will be the vanguard. We will leave the camp at ordinary times and set off for Hefei!"

Sun Quan gave the order loudly.

"My lord, this personal expedition is imperative. But we still need to make arrangements for the rear."

Lu Su moved forward, bowed and said.

Sun Quan pondered for a moment and then said: "On the day of Cao Cao's southern expedition, Xun Lingjun was left in Xudu to provide troops, horses, money and food, and to maintain local peace."

"I have Zhang Zibu, who is more than capable."

Sun Quan's eyes fell on Zhang Zhao, and he slowly walked down the steps and came to Zhang Zhao. He gently took off the sword from his waist and handed it into Zhang Zhao's hand: "Zibu, after you leave alone, everything in Jiangdong will happen." , then everything is entrusted to you. You are Gu, Gu is you. If there is anyone who disobeys, you can kill them with the sword given by Gu, as if Gu is coming in person."

Zhang Zhao was so moved that he burst into tears. He cried and bowed to the ground. He took Sun Quan's sword with both hands, raised it high above his head and said, "I dare you to disobey your orders! You must do your best to serve the lord. Even if you are ruined, you will never complain."

Jian Yong said from the side: "My lord, this battle is related to the safety and survival of Jiangdong. I, as a person from Jiangdong, cannot stay out of it. Since Zibu Prime Minister Jiangdong's government affairs, I will volunteer myself. The 100,000 soldiers, horses, money and food under my lord's command will all be given to me." In my body, if there is a grain of rice missing from the army, I am the only one to ask!"

Zhang Hong took the opportunity to say: "All the warships, siege equipment, etc. used by the army should be carried on the old minister."

Kan Ze's mind was agitated. Although he was a civil servant, he was also shocked by Sun Quan's words and could not calm down. Seeing that all the civil servants were busy with their duties, he did not dare to fall behind. He later said: "My lord, as soon as I receive the troops, horses and weapons, you can give them to me." Take responsibility. I will ensure that the horses and weapons in the army are all of the best quality. If there is even a little bit behind Cao Cao's soldiers and horses, I would rather personally behead my head and bring it up to see the lord."

Jiangdong clan groups have asked for a fight, fearing to fall behind!

Firstly, it was to express loyalty in front of Sun Quan, and secondly, it was indeed for the survival and development of Jiangdong. The Jiangdong clan has reached unprecedented unity.

"Military advisor, what do you think? Everything is ready. I'm just waiting for your order to launch the cannon."

(End of this chapter)

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