Chapter 183 Cao Cao’s Heart

"Only how to advance the army, please ask the military advisor to give instructions to the generals."

Sun Quan saw that his morale was usable, that the civil and military forces were harmonious, and that he was united both internally and externally. Feeling overjoyed, he turned his attention to Lu Su and asked.

Lu Su stood up slowly, walked in front of the generals, and said calmly: "Let's advance the army, treat Cao's soldiers, and leave the city twenty miles before we discuss it."


If Wu Hou hadn't been standing there himself, the court would have been in chaos!

No one thought that Lu Su, who was the deputy commander-in-chief of the three armies and a military advisor, knew that on the eve of the departure of the three armies, he still had no decision-making rules.

Taishi Ci, Cheng Pu, Gan Ning and other generals, except for Gan Ning, were all wearing armor, and everyone was whispering and discussing. They doubted that Lu Su, who had never commanded an army before, really knew how to rank and deploy formations?

Fortunately, the three of them are all famous Jiangdong generals, well versed in the art of war, and good at military aircraft. They had already made up their minds in private. If Lu Su's government order is unclear, the arrangement will be unfair. They ignored Lu Su and fought on their own.

However, Lu Su had already received Pang Tong's instructions in advance and acted according to Pang Tong's instructions without any confusion.


At dawn, three cannons were fired, and Sun Quan, the Marquis of Wu, personally led an army of 100,000 people and marched towards Hefei County!

Gan Ning and Cheng Pu, two generals, led three thousand armored troops. As the vanguard, they were the first to clear the way and build bridges when encountering water.

In the two sedans of the Chinese army, the person sitting in the front was Sun Quan, the Marquis of Wu, and the person sitting in the car behind was the military counselor Lu Su.

"Mr. Feng Chu, in the car ahead is my lord Sun Quan. May I introduce you to him and entrust you with important tasks, rather than being so secretive and allowing me to appropriate your credit?"

Lu Su and Pang Tong sat opposite each other, and Lu Su couldn't help but persuade again.

"Zijing, you and I have made an agreement a long time ago. I will only help you in this battle in your name. Why do you want to regret it now?"

Pang Tong closed his eyes to rest, sat cross-legged, without opening his eyes, and said calmly.

"No, once a man has said something, there is no reason to go back on it. It's just that Lu Su is afraid that Mr. Fengchu will be wronged. Why not introduce you to my lord, worship him as a military advisor, and assist him in achieving this great feat? Mr. But his name is immortalized on bamboo and silk, and he is famous all over the world. Lu Su doesn't understand military affairs, so he passes military information back and forth. Isn't it unnecessary?"

Lu Su was afraid that Pang Shiyuan would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained with a smile.

Pang Tong was displeased: "In the past, when Kong Ming came to the river to look for me and asked me to help you, I had an agreement with him. I only made plans but not people. He also agreed to this. That's why I came to see you. If you insist on doing this, Pang Tong would rather not say a word from now on!"

Pang Tong was arrogant all his life and disobedient to others. The only time he bowed down and worshiped was in Zhuge Ming's military advisor's mansion in Jingzhou. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by Zhuge Ming and asked to come to Jiangdong to live temporarily. This also made him feel resentful and unable to let go. This time Kong Ming approached him to help Lu Su attack Hefei, which was a good opportunity to make contributions. However, Pang Tong believed that if he achieved great things because of this, it was because of Zhuge Wende's momentum, and the stubbornness in his heart made him rather die than obey.

But Zhuge Liang's provocative method made him unable to refuse, and he was eager to use a great victory to prove to Zhuge Ming that he was not a mediocre person. Therefore, the two men agreed that Pang Tong would hide in Lu Su's tent and make suggestions for Lu Su, while Lu Su would serve as a military advisor and command the three armies.

Lu Su, on the other hand, was dedicated to Jiangdong, and never forgot to seek virtuous people for Jiangdong. Under Cao Cao's command, there were Xun Yu, Xun You, Cheng Yu, Jia Xu, etc., all of whom were famous in the world and among the best in the country. Although Liu Bei in Jingzhou only had brothers Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Liang, one Zhuge Ming was enough to fight against the world and ravage Cao Cao's five great advisers! Sincerity cannot be judged by quantity!

Only in Jiangdong, although there are Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Gu Yong, Kan Ze, Zhuge Jin and others, they can only be called sages, but they are still far from being famous in the country.

In particular, these people all have strong backgrounds in the Jiangdong clan. When they speak or act, they always consider the interests of the clan as their first priority and do not put Jiangdong first at all.

Although Zhou Lang was extremely intelligent, he was no weaker than the five great advisers, and he was no less generous than Wolong Zhuge. But he led the troops outside and could not sit in charge of the government and the opposition. Just like the last time Zhou Yu was provoked by Cao Cao, if Zhuge Liang hadn't come to Chaisang in person to clarify the facts and clear his innocence. Day after day, the estrangement becomes more and more serious, and sooner or later, disaster will arise!

But if there is a wise man like Pang Tong sitting beside Wu Hou, always admonishing and teaching, then the prosperity of Jiangdong can continue, and sooner or later he will become a king!

While the carriages and horses were moving, suddenly a shooting star came to the horses and reported: "Fifty miles ahead, we are heading towards Cao Bing's camp in Hefei!"

Pang Tong suddenly opened his eyes, reached out and took out a piece of paper from his arms, and handed it to Lu Su: "Zijing can send it to the front and follow the plan!"

Lu Su reached out to take it. After reading it, his eyes were full of confusion. He didn't understand the meaning of Pang Tong's tactics, but he believed it. So he opened the sedan curtain, called the attendant school captain, and passed the battle order to the vanguard.

Chapter 287

Front part.

Gan Ning and Cheng Pu walked side by side, talking as they walked.

"This battle, if the governor comes back in person and provides some troops, he will definitely win. But now Zijing is appointed as the military advisor. He is a weak scholar who only knows the classics and history. Where has he seen the three strategies of "Six Tao"? To an outsider If you are an expert leader, how can you go undefeated in this battle?"

"If I had known this, when the Governor ordered me to come back for support that day, I should have declined and let him choose someone else. Otherwise, I would have come back and come back with a huge defeat!"

Cheng Pu held the iron-spine snake spear in his hand and complained as he walked.

Gan Ning smiled slightly and seemed to be very open-minded: "Old General, there is no need to be so angry. Since the Lord worships him as a military advisor, it is natural for him to do so. Let's listen to how he uses his strategy. If the strategy is not accurate or the events are not well anticipated, we will It is not too late to act on the spot. It is unusual for my lord to go on a personal expedition now. The old general is a veteran who has been following us for generations. We must not act on impulse and cause trouble. It will embarrass our lord when the time comes."

Gan Ning's intention was to advise Cheng Pu to be careful and forbearance. Since Sun Quan worshiped Lu Su as his military advisor, he would be given authority. If Cheng Pu openly resisted, in the future, even if Sun Quan wanted to be lenient, in order to maintain military discipline and the majesty of his military advisor, he would have to punish them all. .

Cheng Pu sneered and said with a sneer: "Zijing is honest, honest, sharp-eyed, and firm in his stance. I don't object to these, but he is definitely not the material to lead troops in war. A real general, like Zhou Lang at that time, was extremely resourceful and resourceful. , plan a thousand miles."

Gan Ning laughed loudly and pointed at Jingzhou and asked: "Nanyang Wolong Zhuge is a weak scholar. The last time he paid a visit to the governor, it was extremely difficult for him to even get off the plank of a ship. He would not be able to travel across the world like he did without him. How could the Sun-Liu alliance be formed due to the entanglement of contacts? I, Jiangdong, might have fallen to the Cao thieves a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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