Chapter 201: Gathering Troops
Chapter 199: Gathering Troops

On the ground of the Prime Minister, there is such a mysterious force that makes the Prime Minister helpless. This in itself is a great insult!

We must know that Hefei has 350,000 troops and Wancheng has nearly 400,000 troops. What kind of deterrence is this?

What if this mysterious force could calmly move back and forth between hundreds of thousands of armies? Not only would it not be afraid at all, but it could also calmly move millions of grain, grain and grass to another place? ! !
What if this force turns north and goes straight to Xudu, or goes further north and penetrates into Jizhou, Youzhou and other places in the heart of the Central Plains?

The Central Plains is in turmoil and the world is in shock. How can we conquer the south and unify the world?
"I haven't unified them yet, they have already penetrated into my rear!"

"This is a huge insult to Gu!"

Cao Cao held his hands on the table, trying to force himself to drink a glass of water to calm down, but his hands holding the tea bowl were shaking involuntarily.

"Prime Minister, you are afraid of a bird!"

Xu Chu couldn't help but roared first!
"Isn't he powerful Xiehu? I don't accept it!"

"I am willing to lead Xinye's three thousand iron cavalry horses and travel day and night to rush to Hefei ahead of Cao Ren and fight with him. It depends on whether my sword is sharp or his neck is strong!"

"What a bullshit question, just ask it quickly. If it delays me from going to Hefei to perform meritorious service, I will ask you!"

“Tiger Hou, don’t be reckless!!”

Xu Chu was furious. He and Cao Cao followed him for a long time and could inadvertently sense the prime minister's emotions.

"Tiger Hou, let me ask you two questions. If you can answer them truthfully, I won't stop you. Okay?"

Cheng Yu looked up at Xu Chu and said warmly.

After all, Xu Chu was irrational when he was in a rage. Even the lord's friend and fellow countryman Xu You was killed by him, not to mention that he and the lord were not related to each other at all?
"Say! What you are about to say makes no sense, and I am not polite to you!"

He knew that Xu Chu was a jerk, so trying to persuade him earnestly would just add fuel to the fire. Not only would he not be able to convince him, but he would be aroused, and he might even punch you twice or even wipe your neck with a flick knife!

Seeing that the Prime Minister was silent, Cheng Yu thought that he had acquiesced, so he hurriedly took a step forward and reached out to stop Xu Chu.

At this moment, Cao Cao is Xu Chu who is hiding. He has ten thousand hearts that want to burst into rage to release the unhappiness and anger in his heart, but he still needs to endure and pretend.

Xu Chu glared, pinched his waist with his left hand, and touched the handle of the waist knife with his right hand. He stared at Cheng Yu angrily as if he was ready to kill someone at any time.

Cheng Yu shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "No one can doubt the power of Tiger Hou. But I have a few more words. I wonder if Tiger Hou can listen carefully?"

"If I can't chop off his head and bring it to the Prime Minister, I'll be willing to serve as a military commander!"

"What? Cheng Zhongde. Are you afraid of me?"

Xu Chu said anxiously.

Cao Cao was in front of the writing desk. Although he had not spoken a word, his eyes kept passing by the ministers, and he quietly watched the words and reactions of the many civil and military ministers.

His biggest advantage is that he can not only collect opinions from everyone, but also summarize and establish his own unique point of view. Neither arrogant nor blindly obedient!
Cheng Yu stretched out his robe sleeves, took a step forward, stared at Xu Chu and asked: "Hu Hou's Tiger Camp is really powerful, but I wonder if your 3,000 Tiger Cavalry are worth the 50,000 troops under Cao Ren?" "

Xu Chu was stunned, scratched his head and said: "Of course not. Cao Zixiao's 50,000 elite men are no weaker than my Tiger Riders. How can 3,000 be worth 50,000? You are kidding me!"

Cao Ren is the younger brother of Prime Minister Cao. Among the generals, he is closer than the Xiahou family. His troops and horses are very different from those of the other five good generals. Not only do they have the best soldiers, but they also have the best horses. The combat effectiveness is only slightly weaker than Xu Chu's Tiger Rider.

However, Huben did not have many men and horses, and his main responsibility was to charge into battle and protect the prime minister. Therefore, in comparison, Cao Ren's soldiers and horses were the real king.

Cheng Yu nodded and smiled: "Come on! If Cao Ren's 50,000-strong army can't withstand it, then what's the point of going?"

"On the other hand, if Cao Ren can take care of it, then why would you have to travel thousands of miles to come here and mobilize the troops?"

Xu Chu was speechless and couldn't help scratching his head. He didn't know how to respond for a while.

Cheng Yu continued to ask the second question calmly: "Secondly, I don't know what the responsibilities of the Tiger Marquis are? I would like the Tiger Marquis to tell you something."

Xu Chuzheng didn't know how to answer his first question. Seeing that he suddenly changed the topic, but the second question couldn't stump him, he immediately regained his composure as if he was receiving an amnesty, glared and laughed: "Cheng Yu , you are too stupid!"

"My first responsibility is to protect the Prime Minister's safety and stay with him at all times. This is something everyone in the world knows, so why do you need to ask more!"

Cheng Yu smiled faintly: "Hu Hou is still smart, but I don't know such a simple question."

"But I don't understand that now the Prime Minister is in Xinye, only a hundred miles away from the troops of Liu Bei and Zhuge Wende in Jingzhou. The Prime Minister has entered the situation personally and lured the enemy deep, which is extremely courageous. But at this time, you want to lure The only three thousand armored warriors remaining in Xinye have evacuated. I wonder if you are afraid of Zhuge Yong's attack, or if you don't want to protect the prime minister?"

Xun You hurriedly stood up, looked at Cheng Yu, and then at Xu Chu: "How can we be afraid of Zhuge Yong when a tiger is waiting for a tiger to be brave? He is just eager to perform meritorious deeds. Naturally, there are many warriors guarding the prime minister's safety. Just give way." He just goes!"

Zhong Yao understood and stepped out from the crowd. He said with a smile: "Yes, I predict that with the speed of the Hu Ben cavalry, if Xingye goes there, I will definitely be able to get ahead of Cao Ren and take away his credit! I wonder if Cao Ren will be happy then. , I’m still depressed, haha!”

Xu Chu stood dumbly in the hall, looked at Xun You, then at Zhong Yao, and suddenly patted his head.


This sound was like thunder. If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that this slap would move his head!

"Xu Chu, this bastard, really shows no mercy even to himself!"

Xu Chu stared at Xun You and Zhong Yao: "You two are very bad. You want me to leave my post without authorization and go and take credit from Cao Ren!"

"If I really go to Hefei, I will fall into the trap of you two. Even if I can't get the job, I will also be charged with leaving my post without permission. If the Prime Minister makes any mistake, I will be the first to be cut off. Off the head!"

Xu Chu turned around angrily and stood behind Cao Cao politely, never daring to mention going to Hefei again.

But among the other generals, Jiao Chu, Zhang Nan, Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and others still sent out their duties one after another, hoping to lead their troops to reinforce Cao Ren and strangle the unknown force!

(End of this chapter)

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