Chapter 202 Opportunity
Chapter 200 Opportunity

In their view, this is a rare opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Once they miss it, they may never see it again!
Sima Yi suddenly said: "Generals, please wait and argue. I have something else to tell you."

When the generals heard Sima Yi reveal this great mystery, they began not to believe it. After Xun Yu verified it, they already understood in their hearts that this matter was almost certain. Therefore, he looked at Sima Yi with admiration.

"Sima Zhongda's strategy is only slightly inferior to Xun Yu of Xuchang, but it is much higher than the four great counselors under his command!"

"When Zhongda was able to figure out the mystery, Xun Yu's letter had already arrived. Moreover, Xun Yu was in Xuchang and not in the government. He didn't know the details as well as Sima Yi. It can be seen that Xun Yu's strategy is still unique!"

When Sima Yi heard people around him mentioning Xun Yu, he couldn't help but trembled slightly. Sima Hui's prophecy came to mind again: "Unless Xun Yu dies, the tiger will not come out of the grave!"

I was born at this time, was it too hasty?

Sima Yi, who couldn't restrain his talent and brilliance, couldn't help but ask himself, but since the arrow was already on the string, he had to take action!
"Zhongda, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Prime Minister Cao, who was about to chop off his head just now, also changed his face at this time and said calmly.

Sima Yi sighed and said: "According to time, Cao Zixiao's troops are probably only three days away from Hefei. If I want to catch up at this time, it will be too late. I can only rely on him to adapt to the situation and find a way out!"

The first sentence of the poem had already made Cao Cao's blood surge. If he hadn't held it back, he would have sprayed it right in front of him.

When Cao Cao heard this, he felt even heavier and lowered his head in silence.

"Report to the Prime Minister!"

He surrounded Hefei but did not attack, because he wanted to use Hefei as bait to drain all the grain, grass and financial resources from the Central Plains!
But I think I have a plan here, so what else can I say about entering the situation with my own body and luring the enemy deeper?
In an instant, Cao Cao felt physically and mentally exhausted, with a feeling of exhaustion. It was as if he was in a battle with Zhuge Wende. He threw a combination of powerful punches, but he couldn't touch the opponent's body at all!

Xu Huang's urging for food, Xun Yu's vigilance.

"Jingzhou has been in constant civil strife and has become extremely weak. The Prime Minister took pity on him and distributed grain and grass to support the people of Jingzhou. Everyone in Jingzhou is grateful to the Prime Minister for his great kindness!"

Cao Cao only took one glance and knew that this letter was not written by Liu Bei personally, but by Zhuge Ming or Zhuge Liang!
Because he had too much contact with Cao Cao before Liu Bei moved to Jingzhou, and Cao Cao knew Liu Bei's humanity well.

The letter unfolds.

Zhuge Wende!

Unexpectedly, a million-strong army conquered Jingzhou Jiangdong. The real battle had not yet begun, but they had already been defeated in a mess!
Cao Ren's 50,000 elite troops and 300,000 stones of food and grass didn't even know who their opponent was, or that they were already in the game!
This Zhuge Wende has such a big plan and vicious methods!

"Liu Bei of Jingzhou has a letter for the Prime Minister!"

Cao Cao struggled to get up, stood firm, cleared his throat, raised his head and said, "Send Liu Bei's letter to you!"

Another letter.

Xun You nodded, frowned and said: "Cao Zixiao was granted an urgent order by the Prime Minister, so he rushed to Hefei like a spark, how could we delay? It is impossible for us to catch up. However, Cao Zixiao was both wise and brave, well versed in the art of war, and he brought five Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, all of whom are the best in the army, must be able to turn danger into good fortune, and not be like the ordinary soldiers and horses who escorted grain and grass a few times before, and all of them are missing..."

Of course, Cao Cao didn't know what anime was, but looking at the figure in front of him grinning stupidly at him, he still felt an inexplicable and humiliating feeling of being teased.

"Now Jingzhou has enough money and food to last more than a year. China has been fighting for many years and the people are extremely exhausted. I would also like to ask the Prime Minister to stop fighting, recuperate, and have a truce with each other!"

But he couldn't control Zhuge Wende at all. It seemed that this man's behavior, thinking and logic were not from this world at all, as if he came from another world!
"Thank you, Prime Minister, for using China's power to support Jingzhou!"

If I don’t kill you, I swear my surname will not be Cao!

At the beginning, there is actually a smiling anime character!

What is Liu Bei's letter about?
Maybe it’s time to reveal the mystery! Zhuge Wende, what plan are you using!
"Cough cough!"

"If the Prime Minister is stubborn and refuses to obey, we will still fight with each other. My military advisor Zhuge Wende has already said that as long as the Prime Minister offends Jingzhou again, he will take the Prime Minister's dog head as a punishment for the crime on behalf of Heaven, and choose another virtuous person to be the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty!"

"General Zuo of the Han Dynasty - Personal letter from Liu Bei!"

Liu Bei, you bullied me too much!
Zhuge Wende, actually treats me like a dog?
As expected, as Sima Yi and Xun Yu expected, it turned out that all the grain and grass I continuously transported to Hefei fell into Jingzhou's pockets! If I can't abdicate such a shame and humiliation, how can I survive in this world!

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao laughed angrily, got up and slapped the table!
The generals and all the counselors were shocked. When they looked up at the Prime Minister, they saw that the Prime Minister's face was distorted and his expression was extremely weird!

"Give me the order!"

"Go to Wancheng immediately, mobilize all troops and horses, and assemble under Xinye City within three days!"

"Gu Yao personally led the troops to conquer Jingzhou and captured Zhuge Wende!"

Cao Cao shouted angrily!

"Prime Minister, you must not..."

"Prime Minister, don't get angry, you will offend Zhuge Wende..."

"All soldiers and horses? The expedition starts from Xinye?"

Everyone was horrified. I didn’t expect that the Prime Minister, a traitor like the Prime Minister whose face remained unchanged despite the collapse of his mountain, would become so irrational!
"shut up!"

"Where is the swordsman!"


Cao Cao shouted, and the three hundred swordsmen and axemen outside the door swarmed in, standing at the door of the hall and behind the generals and counselors, their sharp blades shining with a dazzling cold light.

"Anyone who dares to persuade Gu Gu to stop fighting will be killed immediately!"

Cao Cao suddenly stood up, stood on the high steps, pulled out the Yitian Sword in his hand with a "choking" sound, and thrust it out in the air!

Xiahou Dun was so frightened that he took a few steps back. Last time, he couldn't dodge when the prime minister was angry, and the hair on his head was cut off with his sword, making him a veritable flat-top man!
"Zhuge Wende!"

"If I don't kill you with this sword, what's the point of killing everyone in the world!"

"Zhuge Wende..."

Cao Cao suddenly paused, his eyes bulged, his teeth clenched, and the sword in his right hand was held in the air, like a clay or wood sculpture.

"Prime Minister, my Prime Minister!"

Xu Chu had followed Cao Cao for many years, but he had never seen Ruyi acting strangely. In panic, he rushed forward to help him.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Cao Cao's mouth, covering Xu Chu's entire face!


Another sound, and then a scream: "Ah!"

Xu Chu's eyes were covered by Cao Cao's spurting blood, and he could not identify the direction. His shoulder hit the Heavenly Sword in Cao Cao's hand!

Yitian Sword is the king of swords. It blows hair and makes a decisive decision, cutting iron like clay!

Coupled with the force with which Xu Chu rushed over, the long sword passed directly through his body, and the three-foot blade was exposed from Xu Chu's shoulder blade.

(End of this chapter)

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