I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 184 Azure Bull Python, you don’t want Xiao Wu to be

In an instant, these thunder and lightning condensed into a huge dragon claw, suspended above the head of the azure bull python, making the sound of countless birds chirping together.

Originally, this azure thunder dragon claw, with the support of the azure bull python's soul power regardless of the cost, would have doubled in size.

However, due to the weakening of the "Evil Emperor's Domain", the power of this dragon claw is only about half of its original strength, which makes the Azure Bull Python feel very troublesome.

And from here we can also see how much the ability of the "Evil Emperor Domain" can help Zang.

Not only did the Azure Bull Python be unable to use the slow field, it was also unable to exert its original strength.

After the Azure Thunder Dragon Claws could no longer gather together, the Azure Bull Python let out a roar, and the dragon claws flew out from above the head with great power, like a thunderbolt, grabbing Zang who was flying in mid-air.

However, the hidden fairy spirit had already predicted all the movements of the Azure Bull Python.

At the moment when the Azure Thunder Dragon Claw was about to come, the first soul ring behind his head lit up, and the whole person completely entered the divine power space, leaving only a shadow in the air.

In an instant, a huge dragon claw flashing with cyan thunder passed through the shadow, galloping into the distance with undiminished power.

Seeing that his attack had no effect at all, the Azure Bull Python couldn't help but turn pale in shock and said:
  "How is this possible? How could it pass through his body."

But at this moment, Azure Bull Python had no time to think about why Zanghui turned into a shadow.

Because he still turned into a phantom, chasing closely the staggering Titan ape, and was about to catch up.

Because the Titan ape's right leg was being invaded by evil energy, it did not escape very far. In just one breath, Zang flew half the distance.

Although the Titan Giant Ape was majestic, it exuded a somewhat miserable aura at this time, but there was no trace of mercy in Zang's heart.

He stared at the back of the Titan ape, a transparent space vortex suddenly appeared in his eyes, and said coldly:

"Divine power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a space vortex suddenly appeared behind the Titan Ape's head. Zang was about to use his divine power to break the Titan Ape's neck in one fell swoop.

This distance and this timing are undoubtedly the best.

However, at this critical moment, the Azure Bull Python sensed that there were spatial fluctuations around the Titan Ape.

It secretly screamed "Not good" and flicked its tail almost subconsciously, trying to pull the Titan Ape away from where the space vortex appeared.

I saw the azure bull python's snake body streaking across a mark like lightning, leaving a deep winding mark even on the ground.

In an instant, the Azure Bull Python came to the side of the Titan Ape and tied its thick snake tail tightly to the Titan Ape's body, but it had no chance to escape.

Because at this moment, Zang's eyes were fixed on the Azure Bull Python.

He pointed his divine power at it, raised a contemptuous smile on his lips, and sneered:

"You got Fooled!"

Azure Bull Python said subconsciously:


Before its words completely dissipated in the air, a cloud of blood suddenly fell in the air, accompanied by the painful roar of the Azure Bull Python and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Zang's divine power had already taken effect. The tail of the azure bull python fell off the Titan ape and landed heavily on the ground, stirring up a circle of dust.

Blood and internal organs continued to flow out from the severed tail, forming a lake of blood that spread under the body of the azure bull python.

The hundred-meter-long thick snake body was nearly half broken by Zang's divine power. This single blow almost killed half of its life.

The pain and weakness made the Azure Bull Python unbearable, and it roared in a low voice, with pain and anger shining in its eyes.

When the Titan Giant Ape saw the azure bull python being attacked by Zang in order to protect itself, it turned into such a miserable situation, and couldn't help shouting:

"Ming dynasty!"

The name carries deep emotion and concern, like a sharp pain in the giant ape's heart.

The next moment, a khaki energy cannon spurted out from the Titan ape's mouth, filled with anger and surging murderous intent.

This energy cannon drew a long trajectory in the air, roaring towards Zang.

However, the hidden fairy spirit had already noticed this scene, and he dodged the energy cannon attack in mid-air in advance.

The hurricane rolled up by the energy cannon blew up the flame-like black hair and whizzed past his ears.

He glanced at the Titan Ape, with a trace of murderous intent and contempt flashing in his eyes.

He was not panicked by the giant ape's attack. On the contrary, he became calmer and more confident.

At this moment, he was very satisfied with the power of the divine power and praised:

"Sure enough, the power of space attribute soul skills is strong, and more importantly, it is impossible to defend against."

Then, Zang fell from the sky and landed on a huge rock. With a tap of his foot, his body shot towards the Titan ape like an arrow.

After the Titan Giant Ape released an energy cannon, the soul power in his body suddenly became chaotic.

The poison and evil energy took the opportunity to begin to corrode the body on the other side, causing the Titan ape to suffer terribly.

It spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with evil energy, forced its exhausted body, and came to the side of the Azure Bull Python.

Looking at the azure bull python lying in a pool of blood, the Titan ape said reproachfully:

"I'm sorry, Daming, if it weren't for protecting me, you wouldn't be so seriously injured."

The Titan Ape's words were filled with deep self-blame and guilt, which made the Azure Bull Python feel warm in its heart.

However, at this moment, the Azure Bull Python couldn't care less about talking to the Titan Ape, because Zang was about to fly behind the Titan Ape.

Immediately, the Azure Bull Python endured the pain of having its tail cut off and accumulated the last soul power in its body.

It knows that this is its last chance, and if it fails, the Titan ape will probably die.

I saw the azure bull python raising its majestic bull's head, and a blue beam of light erupted from the bull's mouth. With the attributes of thunder and slowness, it passed by the Titan ape and shot straight towards Zang in mid-air.

This beam of light cut through the air like lightning, accompanied by powerful energy fluctuations and earth-shattering sounds.

The Azure Bull Python used up its last bit of strength and gathered all its soul power into the light pillar, hoping to defeat Zang in one fell swoop.

Because the divine power was still cooling down, and the azure bull python's counterattack speed was too fast, it was too late to dodge in time while hiding in the air, so it had no choice but to face the cyan light beam.

He opened up the Hunyuan Gang Qi, hovered in mid-air, formed a transparent ball, and pushed the cyan light pillar against the surface of the Gang Qi.

Although the light beam is powerful and has a strong impact, the hidden Hunyuan Qi can never be broken.

However, the Azure Bull Python's original intention was not to kill Zang, but to delay him as much as possible.

Through the fight just now, it knew that with the abilities of it and the Titan Giant Ape, it was impossible to cause harm to Zang. The backhand left in the light pillar was the real method.

Just when Zang Yu was using Hunyuan Gangqi to resist the cyan beam of light, he suddenly found that his thinking and movements had become slower.

A powerful slow-attributed aura enveloped Zang, making every move he made extremely slow. This was the Azure Bull Python's back-up plan, hoping to take this opportunity to gain some time.

At this moment, the azure bull python was lying on the ground, talking weakly and vomiting blood from its mouth. Blood and internal organs were still flowing out from the severed tail.

“Er Ming, my injuries are too serious and I can no longer survive.

You still have a chance to survive. I will blow myself up and hold this person back. You can take the opportunity to escape quickly. "

Hearing this, the Titan Giant Ape interrupted it rudely and said in great pain: "Da Ming, if we want to go together, I will never leave you alone."

Then, the Titan Giant Ape quickly leaned over to pick up the Azure Bull Python and wrapped it around his shoulders.

However, the Azure Bull Python forcefully broke away from the Titan Ape's arms, forcibly raised its upper body, looked into the Titan Ape's eyes, and said:

"Don't be stupid, you still have poison in your body. If you take me with you, you won't be able to run very far.

Okay, Erming, you have to think more about Sister Xiaowu.

If Sister Xiaowu comes back and finds both of us dead, what should she do?
  If you can survive, Sister Xiaowu will still have someone to rely on in the future. "

The words of the Azure Bull Python were filled with endless pain and helplessness, but it never gave up on protecting its friends.

He knew his injuries were irreparable, but he still hoped to give his friends a chance to survive.

It didn't want the Titan Ape to lose its life after it sacrificed itself, and it didn't want Xiao Wu to face the death of its two friends when she came back.

When the Titan Giant Ape heard these words, his heart was filled with pain and helplessness.

It knew that Azure Bull Python made such a choice for himself and Xiao Wu, but he could not accept such a result.

So, the Titan Ape struggled to stand up and wanted to continue fighting, but found that he had no strength.

His heavy body began to tremble, and his heart beat extremely violently, as if it might stop at any time.

On the other side, a stronger evil energy suddenly erupted from Zang's body, forcibly dispersing the slow energy around him.

The air around him instantly became hot, as if it was about to burn.

Zang's eyes flashed coldly, and his body seemed to become taller and more powerful.

Then, he supported the Hunyuan Gang Qi Mask and escaped from the impact of the cyan light beam in one breath.

He stood in the air, his black hair blown up by the evil energy, like a burning black flame. His evil temperament made him look like a demon.

Zang looked at the Azure Bull Python and Titan Ape coldly and said:

"You two are called Da Ming and Er Ming, right? Is the little dance sister you talk about turned into a human being from a soft-boned charming rabbit?
  If it's really a [-]-year-old soft-boned and charming rabbit, I know the little dance sister you call me. "

His words were full of ridicule and contempt, as if he didn't care about their strength.

When the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape heard this, they were suddenly shocked and said loudly in shock:
  "Do you know Sister Xiaowu? What did you do to her?"

Their words were full of worry and tension. Xiao Wu was the crush of their two licking dogs, and they couldn't let her get hurt in any way.

These two spirit beasts did not doubt whether Zang's words were true or false. After all, they were the only ones who knew the information that Xiao Wu was a [-]-year-old lithe rabbit.

Zang's ability to tell this matter is enough to prove that he has met Xiao Wu, has a good relationship with Xiao Wu, and also recognized her identity.

But Zang didn't answer their questions, just smiled coldly.

He seemed to be enjoying their nervousness and fear, and seemed to be waiting for their begging for mercy.

There is an evil light in his cynical eyes, which makes people shudder.

However, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape did not succumb to his threat.

They stared at Zang closely, exuding a powerful aura, their eyes began to fill with blood, and their huge size began to gradually expand.

There is a posture that if you don’t give me an explanation, we will use self-destruction as a threat.

When it comes to treating Xiao Wu, the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python will never compromise.

Seeing their determination and courage, Zang couldn't help but frown slightly.

Although he is not afraid of their self-destruction, he also knows clearly that if they choose to self-destruct, the soul ring and soul bones he is about to obtain will instantly disappear.

Suddenly, Zang had a plan in his mind, and he couldn't help but smile inwardly, as if he already had a plan to deal with it.

Then, his frown relaxed, a smile appeared on his face, and he chuckled:

"Don't worry, your little dance sister and I are classmates and good friends.

Although I later saw her identity as a soul beast, it was only after our relationship was deep, so I didn't do anything to her. "

After a pause, Zang spoke again:

"Look, these are all my soul rings. If you feel the aura in them, Xiao Wu is not there."

After he finished speaking, he generously displayed the aura of the soul ring behind his head.

Immediately afterwards, he switched to the Divine Tree Martial Spirit, and the spirit ring behind his head immediately turned into seven spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, red, and red.

When the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python saw this, they did not care to be surprised by the two hundred thousand year soul rings of the Hidden God Tree's martial soul, but quickly and carefully felt the auras contained in the sixth and seventh soul rings.

After discovering that it didn't contain Xiao Wu's aura, the two soul beast kings couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and felt a little more relieved.

However, they began to feel nervous again.

After all, even if Zang hadn't absorbed Xiao Wu's soul ring, there was no guarantee that he would reveal Xiao Wu's identity.

A walking transformed soul beast is an automatic golden mountain for a soul master who is about to rise to the title of Douluo.

They cannot take this risk and must find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible.

And Zang seemed to have seen what they were thinking, and explained first:

"Don't worry, I didn't reveal Xiao Wu's identity, nor did I imprison her.

Although Xiao Wu is a human from a hundred thousand year old soul beast, we have known each other for a long time after all.

Moreover, she is just a hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone charming rabbit. Although she is also a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, she is not suitable to be my soul ring in terms of strength and attributes. "

When the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape heard that Xiao Wu was not in danger, their hearts suddenly dropped, and so did their swollen bodies.

Also, anyone who encounters a hundred thousand year old soul beast should quickly kill it and absorb the soul ring and soul bones, for fear of having long nights and many dreams.

The fact that Zang was able to keep Xiao Wu from absorbing her was enough to prove that he had no intention of coveting Xiao Wu.

But then, Zang suddenly said coldly:
  “However, don’t even think about begging for mercy from me.

After all, Xiao Wu is Xiao Wu, and I can let Xiao Wu go because we are good friends.

You are just two soul beasts, and I don’t know you. "

When the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape heard this, their hearts that had just dropped suddenly rose again, and they both made a posture of stubborn resistance.

It's just that these two soul beasts, poisoned and tail-broken, don't really seem to be a threat.

However, Zang's aura suddenly dropped. Although he still maintained the "Evil Emperor's Domain", the terrifying sense of oppression relaxed.

"However, since you have a good relationship with Xiao Wu, I can't be accommodating.

Azure Bull Python, you don’t want Xiao Wu to be harmed, right? "

Zang Jiejie smiled. (End of chapter)

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