I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 185 As everyone knows, I don’t keep my promises!

Zang Jiejie smiled, his eyes revealing cunning and danger.

He pretended to be in deep thought, looked at the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, and said in a seductive tone:

"You don't want to see Xiao Wu get hurt because of you.

For example, forty-nine wooden balls, being killed by ninety-nine rabbits, killing people and taking their bones, etc.? "

Hearing this, the two soul beasts suddenly felt nervous and asked anxiously:

"What do you mean? Didn't you promise not to hurt Sister Xiaowu just now? Why are you going back on your word now?"

Zang Jiejie looked at their nervous expressions and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Then, he spread out his palms, shook his head helplessly, and sighed:

"I said I won't hurt Xiao Wu, but the premise is that I can get a suitable hundred thousand year soul ring.

For example, you two are particularly suitable as my soul rings.

But it seems that even if you blow yourself up, you are not willing to hand over your soul rings and soul bones to me. "

He paused for a moment, and then his tone became a little gloomy:

"In this case, I have no choice but to kill Xiao Wu and get the soul ring and soul bone from her.

After all, Xiao Wu is also a [-]-year-old soul beast. Although its power is a little weaker and its attributes are not suitable, it is still stronger than ordinary soul beasts. "

Upon hearing this, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape suddenly felt as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer, feeling extremely painful in their hearts.

They knew that if they could not provide Zang with the hundred thousand year soul ring he needed, then Xiao Wu would become his target.

"Are you really going to do this?"

The Azure Bull Python panted heavily and asked in a low voice, the blood in its eyes getting darker.

But Zang didn't answer directly. He was silent for a while, and then suddenly laughed:
  "Don't worry, I won't let Xiao Wu suffer any pain.

I will use the most gentle way to obtain her soul ring and soul bone, and let her die without feeling. "

Hearing these words, the anger in the hearts of the two soul beasts had reached its peak.

They knew that Zang was forcing them to submit, and they also knew that no matter how much they objected and resisted, they could not change Zang's decision.

The next moment, the most grumpy Titan ape finally couldn't hold himself back and was ready to take action.

It no longer listened to Zang's next words, but roared and fired a gravity cannon from its mouth.

At this time, it no longer cared about the poison and evil energy that was constantly eroding within its body, and just wanted to knock down the hateful human being in front of it.

But at this time, Zang's divine power had finished cooling down, and the Titan Ape's gravity cannon just passed through a shadow, causing no damage at all.

Zang smiled lightly, as if everything was as he expected.

The next moment, Zang's expression suddenly changed, as if he was irritated, and two lightning bolts suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"Mental piercing!"

Zang drank lightly.

The hundred-thousand-year-old Void Three-Eyed Fox's Soul Bone Skill was activated, and the invisible spiritual whip, like two bloody tentacles, struck crazily on the Titan Ape's soul.

As a [-]-year-old soul beast, the Titan Giant Ape is extremely powerful in strength and body, but in the spiritual realm, how can it compare with Zang who is close to the realm of returning to the virtual world.

After being whipped by the mental piercing, the Titan ape roared miserably and fell limply to the ground, his whole body twitching.

The severe pain in his soul and the double torture of the poison in his body made this beast with a violent personality worse than death.

Its eyes were full of fear and confusion. How could this human being have such strong spiritual cultivation and strength despite being so young?

It can't figure it out and doesn't dare to think about it.

Seeing this, the Azure Bull Python was suddenly worried.

Although it doesn't want to show its weak side, it can't hide its inner fear and worry now.

Then, the Azure Bull Python forcibly dragged its bloody body and swam to the side of the Titan Ape, looking at the trembling Er Ming with concern.

"Er Ming, what's wrong with you? Damn human being, what did you do to Er Ming?"

The Azure Bull Python roared angrily, his voice full of anger and unwillingness.

At this time, the hidden figure flashed, and the whole person turned into a ghost shadow, instantly appearing above the head of the Titan Giant Ape.

He stepped lightly on the head of the giant beast, looked at it condescendingly, and said arrogantly:
  "Because of your actions just now, I have decided.

After I go back, I will torture Xiao Wu severely.

At the same time, I also want her to know that the reason why she was hurt is all because of you two guys who don't know how to live or die. "

After a pause, a wicked smile appeared on Zang's face,
  "Jie Jie Jie, but before that, I want to enjoy myself. After all, Xiao Wu looks pretty good and has a very good figure.

After I lose interest in her, I will collect her soul ring and soul bones. "

Hearing these words, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape immediately felt their hearts palpitation. They all glared at Zang's figure, but they did not dare to make any more resistance.

"Don't go too far!"

The Titan ape roared while holding back the pain in his soul.


A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Zang's pretty mouth,

"You have survived in the Star Forest for so long, and you should be very clear that in this world, power is everything!
  The law of nature is the law of the jungle, and I happen to have the power.

It was already very merciful of me not to kill Xiao Wu right away. "

Hearing this, the Azure Bull Python let out a long sigh:
  "We don't want to be your enemy, but if you do this..."

"An enemy of me?"

Zang immediately interrupted him,
  "You are not qualified enough to fight me.

If I hadn't worried about your self-destruction and caused me to lose your soul rings and soul bones, you would have been completely dead at this moment. "

The two soul beasts looked at each other and saw the helplessness and pain in each other's eyes.

"What do you want us to do?"

Then, Azure Bull Python asked.

Seeing that the two soul beasts took the initiative under his coercion and inducement, Zang showed a smile on his face and said softly:

“It’s not too demanding, I want both of you to sacrifice to me together.

If I obtain your soul rings and soul bones, I will let Xiao Wu go.

Otherwise, I will definitely make Xiao Wu live and die!

I do what I say! "

Upon hearing Zang's request, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape couldn't help but feel sad in their hearts. But when faced with Xiao Wu’s safety, how could they oppose Zang’s request?
  The Azure Bull Python seemed to have thought of something, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice:
  "Let's do this, I will sacrifice to you, and you let Er Ming and Xiao Wu go."

Zang heard the words and flatly refused:

"No, you two have no room for bargaining, you must all make sacrifices to me!"

At this time, Tianqing Bull Python also became hardened.

Its body gradually began to swell, as if it was about to explode at the next moment, and roared:
  "In this case, we can only break up.

Even if you use Xiao Wu as a threat, don't even think about getting a sacrifice from both of us! "

The Titan Ape wanted to say something, but it also knew that Daming must have his own ideas when he took such a tough stance.

Your own mind is not as smart as it, so it is better to remain silent.

At the same time, the Titan Giant Ape also cooperated with the Azure Bull Python to make a self-destruction look.

It seemed that if Zang didn't agree, the two of them would blow themselves up on the spot for him to see.

Zang was silent for a while, looking at them with cold eyes, as if he was thinking of something.

After a long time, just when the Azure Bull Python thought there was no chance, Zang suddenly spoke:

"Okay, I agree. I'll let you sacrifice to me, and I promise to let Xiao Wu and the gorilla go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the poisonous stake with the attached soul bone behind him was swung out and gently pierced into the chest of the titan ape.

In an instant, Zang sucked the poison and evil energy in its body into the Evil God Hook, indicating that he had not deceived them.

Feeling the poison and evil energy disappearing from his body, the Titan ape gently sat up from the ground, feeling extremely relaxed all over his body.

Although it was surprised that Zang really agreed to their request.

However, when it heard that the Azure Bull Python was about to sacrifice Zang, it couldn't help feeling anxious and said:

"No, Daming, if you want to make a sacrifice, I will make the sacrifice. You have to stay and take good care of Xiao Wu."

At this time, the Azure Bull Python had already made up its mind that it would sacrifice itself to save the lives of Xiao Wu and Er Ming.

So, it took a deep look at the Titan ape and said affectionately:
  "I can feel that I have no vitality left, I am really injured too seriously.

Er Ming, let me handle the sacrifice.

I know that you also have Sister Xiaowu in your heart, but it's just because of me that you didn't confess your love to Sister Xiaowu.

However, after I die, Er Ming, you don’t need to take care of me anymore. "

When the Titan Giant Ape heard Daming express his thoughts over the years, tears burst down his face and he sobbed:

"No, Daming, you can't do this."

However, the Azure Bull Python was no longer ready to talk anymore. It looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

Then, Ming's huge bull head looked at Zang's position, and a blood-red light lit up between its eyebrows.

The sacrificial ceremony has begun, and the object of the sacrifice is Zang!
  And Zang immediately jumped off the Titan Ape's head, sat cross-legged on the ground, and prepared to use the pupils of his soul to receive the Azure Bull Python's one hundred thousand year soul ring.

He was not worried about any accidents during the sacrificial ceremony. After all, with the strength of his Demon God's treasure body, he did not have to fear the attacks of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape were also very aware of this, so they did not make any small moves behind their backs, but carried out sacrifices honestly.

As the blood light spread, the vitality of the Azure Bull Python gradually disappeared.

It used its last strength to pour all its life force into Zang's body.

This process is painful for it, but it is extremely pleasurable for Zang.

"Hope you can keep your promise."

The voice of the Azure Bull Python sounded in Zang's ears, sounding a little ethereal.

But Zang was currently immersed in that violent vitality, unable to extricate himself, and didn't even bother to respond to the Azure Bull Python's words.

At this moment, the power of the Azure Bull Python surged within his body, as hot as magma.

Fortunately, with Zang's strength, he can easily control these violent energies without having to worry about trouble happening within his body.

In a short time, Zang had completely absorbed all the power of the Azure Bull Python.

His body underwent tremendous changes, and three huge soul rings appeared behind his head, red, black, and red, emitting a mysterious light.

At this time, if any soul master saw this scene, he would not be able to believe it.

There are people who can actually have a hundred thousand year soul ring within the first three soul rings.

This simply subverts the common sense in the soul master world!
  But all this actually happened to Zang.

After Zang completely calmed down the surging soul power in his body, he smiled softly and carefully felt the power contributed by the Azure Bull Python!
  Then, Zang turned around unhurriedly, staring at the Titan ape behind him with unparalleled malice in his eyes.

When the Titan Giant Ape saw the malice in Zang's eyes, his heart immediately beat up and he staggered back.

It seemed to see something, its eyes widened, cold sweat appeared on its forehead, and it roared:
  "You promised us that as long as Daming sacrifices to you, you will let me and Sister Xiaowu go."

However, the next moment, the Titan Ape was speechless.

It lowered its head slightly and stared blankly at the evil hook that penetrated its heart.

At the same time, the hidden powerful demonic power forced its way into the mind of the titan ape through the previous confrontation.

Due to the damage caused to the soul by the mental puncture just now, the Titan ape had no power to resist Zang's mental control.

Now, the Titan ape can't even self-destruct!

"Uh uh uh--"

The Titan ape's throat seemed to want to make a sound, but no matter how hard it tried, no words could be uttered.

It could only watch helplessly as its power was continuously transmitted into Zang's body through the evil god hook that penetrated the heart.

At this moment, the resentment and anger in its heart reached an unprecedented level!
  Zang looked into the dead eyes of the Titan ape, and his heart did not waver at all.

He gently held his right fist, raised the corner of his mouth, showed an evil smile, and said:
  "As you all know, I don't make promises!"

The next moment, Zang activated one of the most powerful abilities of the Poison Stake:

Forcibly absorb all the power of the enemy penetrated by the Evil God Hook!
  There is no need to kill the soul beast, as long as it is penetrated by the evil god hook, the soul ring of the soul beast can be absorbed!

The reason why Zang did this was actually to create unparalleled resentment in the heart of the titan ape, so as to see if he could generate one more soul bone!
  Behind his head, the three soul rings of red, black, and red were spinning faster and faster, as if they were about to form a powerful storm.

At the last moment of his life, the Titan Ape watched helplessly as his power was absorbed by Zang, but he was unable to do anything.

Its heart is filled with endless grief and anger, and it knows that it cannot resist because Zang has completely controlled its behavior.

It sighed in its heart:

"Da Ming, Daming! I'm sorry, I have to come to see you too! It's just a pity that neither of us could express our love to Sister Xiaowu until our death." (End of Chapter)

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