I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 200 Master, Tang Hao’s wife was

"Master, you smell so good, Ah Yin is already starting to feel weak~"

A Yinxiang's soft body leaned tightly against Zang, greedily smelling the sandalwood on his body, and murmured to herself.

Zang gently put his hand on A Yin's fragrant shoulder, his fingers caressing her shoulder as gently as feathers, and his other hand gently placed on her smooth and delicate waist.

His movements were gentle and natural, as if he were protecting the most precious treasure.

Zang slowly lowered his head and approached A Yin's lips.

When Ah Yin saw him lowering his head, a strong excitement immediately surged in his heart.

Her heart was pounding like a deer pounding in her chest.

At this moment, she felt nervous and excited, and it seemed like all the blood was rushing to her cheeks.

Although Ah Yin is nervous, she is also a sensible girl.

She gently raised her head and put her soft red lips towards Zang.

At this moment, their breaths were intertwined, as if all their emotions were released at this moment.


When Ah Yin closed her eyes and felt the heat coming from the tip of Zang's nose, she couldn't help but raise her arms and wrap her arms around Zang's neck, pressing her chest tightly against his.

At this moment, Ah Yin felt that her body was about to melt. If Zang hadn't hugged her tightly, she might have fallen to the ground.

Sweet love is like thick honey, slowly flowing out from the heart and flowing into the soil.

Ah Yin felt that her body became softer and warmer, as if a strong force was supporting her.

This feeling was so wonderful that she couldn't help but indulge in it.

Zang also felt A Yin's passion and love. He held her tightly, letting her feel the temperature of his body and the sound of his heartbeat.

Their lips and teeth were filled with fragrance, bringing their hearts closer to each other.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and only the two of them existed.

After a long time, Zang and Ah Yin finally separated their lips.

Ah Yin's watery eyes were like blue lakes, staring at Zang affectionately.

Her eyes were full of infinite love and tenderness, as if she wanted to melt Zang into her eyes.

The soft face has an intoxicating peach blossom color, as if it has been gently kissed by the warm sunshine, exuding a charming brilliance.

"Ah Yin, I'm here~ Just bear with me~"

Zang looked at Ah Yin, who had nothing in front of him, and asked gently.

I don't know when, but dense blue silver grass grew under their feet.

These blue and silver grasses swayed gently, as if cheering for the rebirth of their king.

Then, Ah Yin and Zang lay down gently in the world paved with blue silver grass.

Ah Yin turned her head slightly and put her hands lazily on her head, as if she didn't dare to look into her fiery eyes, but she had already opened the heavenly door and called for the sheep.

"Zang, after I transform again, I will be a completely new life.

Although I still retain the original memories, it feels like I'm watching another person's experience. "

Ah Yin murmured softly, as if he was afraid that Zang might misunderstand something.

"In other words, you are still a young chick?"

Zang raised his eyebrows and quietly took off the belt of his black outfit.

Ah Yin nodded extremely shyly when he heard this, and said in a disgusting voice:

"So... don't be too... I'm afraid... of pain..."

"it is good!"


I don't know how much time passed, but Ah Yinyan lay comfortably on Zang's chest, closed her eyes as bright as stars, and savored the fragrant fragrance in her mouth.

She felt relaxed and happy, and she felt that the whole world had become so beautiful.

Ah Yin stretched out a hand, gently rubbed Zang's cheek, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with great satisfaction:

"Master, you are so powerful, much stronger than the original Tang Hao."

Hearing Ah Yin's praise, Zang subconsciously played with the beads in his palm, with a proud smile on his face.

He chuckled, with a hint of mischief and cunning in his tone:

"Tell me, what would happen if I let you appear in front of Tang Hao?"

When Ah Yin heard this sentence, he seemed to be interested and opened his eyes instantly.

A ray of evil seemed to light up in her pupils, an evil smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she said excitedly:

"If the master can subdue that Tang Hao, then we will be in front of him...


Ah Yin didn't finish her words, but Zang already understood what she meant.

The two looked at each other and smiled, with an indescribable tacit understanding and excitement shining in each other's eyes.

"Speaking of which, Ah Yin, you are not the original Blue Silver Emperor now, right?

It would be more appropriate to call you the Dark Blue Silver Emperor, right? "

Zang kissed Ah Yin's forehead gently, with a trace of doubt and curiosity in his eyes.

Ah Yin heard Zang's question, nodded slightly, and replied:

“Thanks to Master’s help, Ah Yin is much stronger now than before.

Not only is the martial spirit much stronger than before, but it also retains its original strength. "

Her voice was full of gratitude and joy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Yin summoned the Dark Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit. The eight yellow, yellow, purple, black, and black soul rings under his body were beating in rhythm, releasing powerful energy.

Astonishingly, he was an eighty-nine level Contra! !

Countless black blue silver emperors grew around the two of them, each one like the evil tentacles of the ancient gods, exuding unspeakable malice.

Ah Yin stretched out a hand, let a dark blue silver emperor come over, and gently wrapped it around her index finger.

She smiled and introduced:

"Master, my Dark Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit has the ability to devour. It can improve its cultivation by absorbing the enemy's life.

However, Master, how do you want Ah Yin to appear by your side reasonably? "

Her eyes sparkled with mischief and cunning, as if waiting for Zang's response.

"This is indeed a problem..."

Hearing this, Zang fell into deep thought, his eyes flashing with thought.

He closed his eyes as if he was calculating something, constantly weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

Suddenly, he had an idea in his mind, and a cunning light flashed in his eyes.

He lowered his head, leaned against A Yin's ear, and whispered:

"I will first teach you a secret technique that can reduce the soul power level and soul ring. This secret technique is very subtle.

Listen, it’s called [Hidden Dragon Dream Technique]..."

Ah Yin was tickled by the hot breath from Zang's mouth, and there was a ripple in her heart.

She listened attentively, paying full attention to the subtleties of the [Hidden Dragon Dream Technique].

The name of this secret technique sounded very mysterious, and she couldn't help but have a strong interest in this unknown field.

After a while, Ah Yin couldn't help but clenched her little pink fist, punched Zang's chest affectionately, and said with a sweet smile:

"Master, you are so evil!"

Hearing Ah Yin's slightly seductive words, Zang couldn't bear it any longer and turned over to look directly into Ah Yin's eyes and threatened:

"You little goblin, aren't you Tang Hao's wife? Why do you dare to provoke me?"

Ah Yin smiled charmingly, winked at Chao Zang, stretched out his right index finger and hooked it, and said with a smile:

"Then why did you give that person's wife to that person?"

After a pause, Ah Yin continued to seduce,


This sentence is extraordinarily long, it can almost pull people's hearts out, and it carries a soul-stirring charm. “Tang Hao’s wife is being beaten hard by you——”

Ah Yin's last sentence began to lengthen infinitely, as if it was hinting at something.

When Zang heard Ah Yin's words, a fire suddenly lit up in his heart.

He held Ah Yin's arm tightly, his eyes revealing a strong desire and possessiveness.

His deep voice was full of temptation:

"Tang Hao's wife is being brutally... ravaged by me!"

Ah Yin was shocked by Zang's words, and his body stiffened for a moment.

But then, she became excited and responded with a coquettish smile:

"Okay, okay! Master, you must love Tang Hao well..."

Before he finished speaking, Ah Yin was unable to make any sound.


"The taste of Ah Yin is like being poked by a needle cloth!!!"

Zang Rusi sighed!


Two days later, in Tiandou City.

As night falls, the bright moon hangs high in the night sky, like a bright pearl.

The moonlight shone and the silver glow covered the ground, casting a mysterious veil over this bustling city.

At this moment, the streets next to Yuexuan were sparsely populated, with only the occasional carriage passing by breaking the tranquility of the night.

The buildings in the distance are looming in the moonlight, like a dreamy picture.

The breeze blows, bringing a light fragrance of grass and flowers, which is refreshing.

In this quiet night, Tiandou City seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

However, in the corner in front of Yuexuan's door, Tang Yuehua nestled tightly in Zang's arms, her voice filled with a little reluctance.

"My little sweetheart, how long have you been with my sister? You are about to return to Tiandou Royal Academy. I can't bear to see you go, sister~"

Tang Yuehua's eyes were shining with crystal light, as if she couldn't bear to hide and leave.

She gently stroked his cheek, and her fingers gently slid across his handsome features, as if she wanted to imprint his appearance in her heart.

Zang put his arms around Tang Yuehua's waist, held her tightly in his arms, rested his chin on her head, and said softly:

"Sister Yuehua, I'll come and play with you tomorrow~"

After a pause, Zang continued to ask,

"Speaking of which, we have been together for such a long time, except for you playing with Erlong.

I don’t even meet the younger sisters and play together. "

When Tang Yuehua heard this, a shy smile appeared on his face.

After a long time, she said in a low voice:

"Hmm (third voice)~~~

They are too young, sister, how can I be embarrassed to play with them~

Let's forget it, it's just fine for the two of us to play together. "

Hearing Tang Yuehua's rejection, Zang's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he squinted at her eyes, as if he wanted to see through her mind.

He raised his hand and gently scratched her nose, with a playful smile on his lips and said:

"Are you teaching me how to do things? It seems that you want to try my braiding method.

Next time, you want to live with me at Tiandou Royal Academy, do you know?

Just in time, I will introduce their characteristics to you, so that they can get familiar with you.

I will not allow my woman to act alone all the time. "

As Zang spoke, he hugged Tang Yuehua forcefully, not giving her any chance to refuse.

Seeing how strong Zang Zang was at this point, Tang Yuehua felt a little sweet in her heart, but she could only nod helplessly.

She knew that this was the man she loved deeply, and every move and look in his eyes made her heart beat.

"Okay, why did my sister fall in love with you?

My little sweetheart, my sister is willing to die just for you. "

Tang Yuehua held his chin like a knife with both hands and stared at his handsome face affectionately, his starry eyes full of sorrow.

Suddenly, Zang's eyes flashed and his ears moved slightly, as if he heard something.

He immediately said in a low voice:

"Yuehua, I think I heard someone calling for help!"

Tang Yuehua was startled when he heard this.

Although she heard nothing, she had no doubt about Zang's words.

She knew that Zang was very powerful and would never deceive her.

So, Tang Yuehua quickly said:

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go rescue people quickly!"

Zang nodded without any extra words.

He ignored Tang Yuehua's exclamation and immediately reached out to pick her up.

In Zang's arms, Tang Yuehua felt a sense of peace of mind and warmth.

"Sister Yuehua, it will be faster if I hold you in my arms!"

Zang's voice was low and firm, as if nothing could stop him.

Tang Yuehua didn't speak, but hugged his neck tightly, her heart full of trust and dependence.

Soon, Zang hugged Tang Yuehua and rushed towards the source of the sound.

The wind whistled in her ears, Tang Yuehua closed her eyes tightly and huddled in Zang's arms, feeling the solidity and warmth of his chest.

The next moment, Tang Yuehua heard the owner of the voice. It was a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, and it was obviously made by a beautiful girl.

Some fragments flashed through her mind, but she couldn't remember who the voice belonged to.

"Damn drunkard, stop pestering me! If you follow me again, I won't let you go!"

The owner of that voice seemed a little angry and helpless.

"Hey, little girl, you look so cute.

This hair is so beautiful, like sapphires.

Come here, come into the arms of Master Dai, Master Dai will love you well~"

An arrogant and impudent voice sounded, making people frown involuntarily.

"If you come here again, I'll be really rude! Martial spirit, fire!"

The familiar voice became more testy and threatening.

"Hey, you are still a four-ring soul sect? You, Master Dai, are not scared!"

The arrogant voice responded, obviously not afraid of the threat from the girl in front of him.

The sound gradually became clearer from far to near.

"It's Dai Mubai's voice. It seems that he drank too much. He met a beautiful girl on the street and went up to tease her!"

Zang's voice rang in Tang Yuehua's ears, making her immediately understand what was going on.

Soon, Zang had arrived at the place where the incident occurred.

He gently put Tang Yuehua down in his arms, his eyes flashing coldly. (End of chapter)

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