I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 201 It’s all the master’s task

The next moment, Zang activated the Sacred Tree Martial Spirit, and the six yellow, yellow, purple, and black soul rings on the back of his head were beating rhythmically. The soul power aura displayed was that of a level 62 soul emperor.

Immediately afterwards, Zang's figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Dai Mubai.

His movements were swift and stealthy, as if he were integrated with the surrounding environment, making it impossible for anyone to notice.

"Dai Mubai, what are you doing?"

Zang gave a sharp shout, and powerful soul power surged, causing the surrounding airflow to tremble.

Dai Mubai felt an invisible force surge out from under his feet, and several tree roots grew out of thin air, binding him tightly, unable to move.

At this time, Tang Yuehua also walked over slowly, and she saw the girl bullied by Dai Mubai at a glance.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and her voice trembled:


Standing in front of Tang Yuehua was a girl with bare feet, a gray face, and a tattered blue dress.

However, her graceful figure and shy expression all revealed a different kind of charm.

This girl was A Yin, and her appearance surprised Tang Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua's eyes widened. She never thought that she would see A Yin again at this time.

However, Tang Yuehua was a little stunned by what Ah Yin was wearing.

In her impression, Ah Yin had always been that noble and elegant woman, able to attract everyone's attention at any time.

But now, Ah Yin was wearing a tattered blue dress.

Although the color and style of the long skirt were very similar to the one she wore before, it now looked like it was torn.

Although he is not exposed, he gives people the feeling of a gold medal lecturer.

Tang Yuehua couldn't help but wonder, how could Ah Yin become like this?

Could it be because she was severely injured while being hunted?

But there were no signs of injury on Ah Yin's face, only some dust and dirt.

However, Zang didn't care at all.

He immediately picked up Ah Yin, quickly rushed to Tang Yuehua's side, and carefully put her down.

His eyes were full of concern and nervousness, as if Ah Yin was the most important person to him.

"Dai Mubai, you must have drunk too much!"

Zang frowned and looked at Dai Mubai, his face full of dissatisfaction and blame.

He obviously couldn't tolerate Dai Mubai being drunk and molesting a girl in public.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was flushed, belching wine, and looking at Zang with blurred eyes:

"Hiccup~ I didn't drink too much!"

His voice was slurred, and he was obviously very drunk.

Zang looked at Dai Mubai's drunken appearance, frowned, and scolded dissatisfied:

"You said you didn't drink too much? You got drunk on the street and openly molested a girl.

If I hadn't heard the sound, you might have done something stupid! "

After saying that, Zang quickly controlled the tree roots and drained all the soul power from Dai Mubai's body.

Immediately, Dai Mubai slumped powerlessly among the tree roots, unable to move.

"Please reflect on it for me!"

Zang reprimanded and turned to look at A Yin and Tang Yuehua.

Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Ah Yin beside her with a look of disbelief.

She wanted to come up and talk to him, but she was not sure of Ah Yin's origin, so she hesitated.

At this time, Ah Yin's cheeks were rosy and her eyes were bright, looking at Zang who was walking towards him with great admiration.

She bowed gracefully and said in a tired voice:

"A Yin thanks you for your help. If it hadn't been for your help tonight, A Yin would have been bullied by this drunkard."

Tang Yuehua was shocked when he heard that the girl in front of him who looked exactly like his sister-in-law actually claimed to be Ah Yin.

She had a ghostly expression on her face, her lips moved but she couldn't say anything. She thought in her mind:

"Isn't Ah Yin dead? Why did she come back to life again?"

She was puzzled, but the scene in front of her was so real.

When Zang heard Ah Yin's thanks, he waved his hand slightly, saying there was no need to be so polite.

He was obviously very curious about Ah Yin. He looked her up and down and asked aloud:

"Your name is A Yin? It sounds pretty good. Are you a resident of Tiandou City?"

Ah Yin shook his head slightly, his waist-length hair fluttering in the breeze, as if every hair strand was shining with blue fluorescence.

Her face is still so beautiful, her delicate facial features and fair skin seem to be a masterpiece given by God.

Although her clothes were in tatters, it did not affect her temperament and beauty at all. Her noble temperament seemed to be innate, and her every move exuded an imperial nobility.

She explained:

"I don't know where I'm from either..."

Her voice was soft and somewhat confused, as if she was recalling her vague past.

At this time, Tang Yuehua finally summoned up the courage. She looked at A Yin and asked:

"Ah Yin, do you still know me? I am Tang Yuehua, your sister."

Her voice was trembling, and she was obviously looking forward to A Yin's answer.

Hearing this, Ah Yin turned to look at Tang Yuehua, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed, staring at her face, as if she was trying to remember something.

There was a kind of confusion and confusion in her eyes, which made people worried about her.

After a long time, Ah Yin nodded first, then immediately shook her head. She explained:

"You look familiar to me, but I really don't know who you are."

There was a hint of helplessness and confusion in the clear voice of an oriole, and it was obvious that he was very confused about his own memory.

Suddenly, Tang Yuehua rushed forward and grabbed A Yin's shoulders. A Yin was suddenly startled, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Tang Yuehua couldn't care about anything else at this time and asked anxiously:

"Then do you know my brother? Tang Hao, Tang Hao, my brother's name is Tang Hao."

"Your brother?"

Ah Yin murmured to himself, a trace of confusion flashing in his eyes.

Suddenly, Ah Yin's eyes widened and a horrified expression appeared on his face.

Her whole body began to tremble violently, like a sieve, and she kept saying:

"Afraid, afraid, Ah Yin is afraid of the name Tang Hao."

As he spoke, Ah Yin struggled to break away from Tang Yuehua's hands, turned around and threw herself into Zang's arms.

She said fearfully:

"Young Master, save me, Young Master, save me, A Yin is afraid of the name Tang Hao!"

Ah Yin hugged Zang's waist tightly, pressed his ribs hard and evilly, buried her gray face in his chest, and accidentally rubbed the dust all over Zang's body.

Seeing Ah Yin being so frightened, Zang subconsciously hugged her waist tightly, patted her back gently and comforted her:

"Don't be afraid. With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anyone."

Being comforted by Zang, Ah Yin gradually calmed down and her body no longer trembled.

However, she kept holding Zang tightly and refused to leave his arms, greedily enjoying Zang's caress.

At this moment, Tang Yuehua's shock and confusion were beyond words.

She looked at her sister-in-law hiding in her arms, frowned, and said to herself:

"How is that possible? How could you be afraid of Tang Hao? Have you really lost your memory?" This question troubled Tang Yuehua. She was puzzled and confused.

However, she soon noticed that the behavior between A Yin and Zang was a little too close.

Ah Yin, his brother's wife, is now nestled in the arms of a boy who is more than ten years younger than herself, and this boy is his lover.

Tang Yuehua suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable anger and embarrassment, and she thought angrily in her heart:

"What is this? My sister-in-law is lying in the arms of my sister-in-law's man! Is it ridiculous? Is it ridiculous?"

Then, Tang Yuehua rushed forward with an angry face, grabbed A Yin's silver arm, shook it vigorously, and said loudly:

"Ah Yin, how can you lie in Zang's arms? You can't be in this position..."

However, Ah Yin was like a little wild animal, lying in Zang's arms and refusing to leave.

She retorted:

"Bad woman, you used the name Tang Hao to scare Ah Yin, and you didn't let Ah Yin hold the young master, you bad woman! Bad woman!"

Tang Yuehua pulled Ah Yin hard, trying to pull her out of Zang's arms, but Ah Yin seemed to be glued to Zang's body and refused to come out.

So, Tang Yuehua said angrily:

"Ah Yin, you are my brother's wife, how can you lie in my man's arms!"

Then, Tang Yuehua looked at the innocent-looking Zang and said loudly:

"Zang, why don't you let go quickly?"

Zang blinked and said innocently:

"It's not me who hugged her, she insisted on coming up and hugging me."

After a pause, Zang continued to ask:

"Yuehua, you just said that this girl is your brother Tang Hao's wife?"

Tang Yuehua tugged hard again, but found that A Yin was like a piece of brown sugar, stuck in Zang's arms and couldn't be pulled off at all.

In desperation, she nodded, gave up the idea, and explained:

"I mentioned to you before that my brother's wife was originally a hundred thousand year old soul beast - Blue Silver Emperor.

The name of the Blue Silver Emperor is A Yin, and he looks exactly like this girl. "

"Later, because the couple was hunted down by the Wuhun Palace, the Blue Silver Emperor was forced to sacrifice to my brother, allowing him to possess the ninth soul ring of 100,000 years.

However, I remember that A Yin was already dead after the sacrifice?

How could he be resurrected again and meet us by such a coincidence? "

Speaking of this, Tang Yuehua showed a confused expression on his face.

However, at this moment, Ah Yin suddenly shouted loudly:

"Ah Yin is not Tang Hao's wife, Ah Yin is the young master's wife!

The young master just saved Ah Yin’s life, and Ah Yin wants to pledge his life to him! "

Zang looked at her helplessly, with an embarrassed look on his face. He spread his hands and said with a wry smile:

"Yue Hua, it seems she just looks like your brother's wife, and her name happens to be A Yin.

She is not the Blue Silver Emperor you mentioned. "

When Tang Yuehua heard this, he shook his head and explained:

"I once heard that the most powerful ability of the Blue Silver Emperor is its endless vitality.

As long as the Blue Silver Emperor doesn't commit suicide, no one can completely kill the Blue Silver Emperor.

Therefore, this Ah Yin may be the real Blue Silver Emperor. "

However, Zang pointed to Ah Yin in his arms and calmly analyzed:

"Since she has no impression of you, she doesn't remember her own identity.

She is so afraid that you will mention the name Tang Hao, so how can she be the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin? "

Tang Yuehua knocked her head in distress, pulled her high bun, and thought hard:

"This is indeed a problem. The fact that she can have an impression of me and react to the name Tang Hao means that she must be the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

However, she didn't know anyone. Did she lose her memory after she came back from the dead?

Oh, it’s so annoying! "

Suddenly, Ah Yin shouted again:

"Bad woman, Ah Yin is not Tang Hao's wife, Ah Yin is the young master's wife, don't talk nonsense!"

For a moment, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but feel short of breath, her chest was rising and falling, and she didn't know how to deal with it for a moment.

Although she was facing Zang in her heart, she couldn't just watch her brother's wife behave so intimately with her sister-in-law's lover.

What's more important is that the position where Ah Yin is lying should belong to her, Tang Yuehua! ! !

Feeling irritated in her heart, Tang Yuehua could no longer hold back her emotions and tried to pull A Yin away again.

However, at this time, Zang suddenly reached out and grabbed Tang Yuehua's wrist, then stretched out his other arm and held Tang Yuehua in his arms.


Tang Yuehua's face suddenly turned red, her heart skipped a beat, and she felt like her whole body was about to melt.

She was too shy to say a word. She could only feel Zang's breath and body temperature reaching her skin through her clothes, making her heart beat faster.

At this moment, her heart was full of sweetness and shyness, but also a little confused and confused.

"Yuehua, I can see that you are a little worried about Ah Yin, but since she has lost her memory, we shouldn't be too harsh on her."

Zang took a deep breath and looked gently into Tang Yuehua's eyes.

Under Zang's gaze, Tang Yuehua couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She was immersed in the fragrant fragrance, and a warm current surged in her heart.

She knew Zang had a point and agreed with him.

So, with rosy cheeks, she nodded silently.

“Let’s go back to Yuexuan first.

I see that A Yin's clothes are all torn. Let's change her into clean clothes first.

Let her take a bath and get some rest.

Then ask her about her origins. "

Then, Ah Yin, who was leaning towards the little bird, said:

"Your name is A Yin, right? My name is Zang, you can just call me Zang, and don't call me Young Master again."

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin immediately responded:

"Okay, Zang! Ah Yin knows! Ah Yin listens to Zang the most!"

Tang Yuehua also nodded when she heard this. She knew that this was the most appropriate approach at the moment.

So, she turned to look at Ah Yin aside and said softly:

"Ah Yin, let's go back."

The next moment, Ah Yin raised his head and looked at Zang with his clear eyes, full of gratitude and trust.

She knew that Tang Yuehua and Zang were both people who really cared about her, especially Zang who had just saved her.

So, she nodded without hesitation and followed them back to Yuexuan.

Only Dai Mubai was tied up in place, shivering in the biting night wind. (End of chapter)

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