I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 202 Sister-in-law and Sister-in-law

At this moment, Ah Yin had washed away the dust and fatigue on her body, and Tang Yuehua also changed her into clean clothes.

She was only wearing a cool blue short skirt, lying on the tatami, raising her head and looking at Zang attentively. She would bend her calves and lower them from time to time, giving her a lively and girlish air.

The folds of the skirt undulated slightly with her movements, showing a unique kind of beauty that made people want to go deeper and take a closer look.

Ah Yin propped up a pair of snow-white jade arms to prop up her chin gracefully, and gently pinched the soft earlobes with both hands. She was facing Zang who was sitting cross-legged in front of her, not caring about the evil light shining on him.

A pair of jade feet are overlapped together and placed on the buttocks. The small and exquisite jade toes are twisting subconsciously, making people want to savor them carefully.

"Hehe, Master, do I look like you?"

A Yinjiao asked with a smile, her voice was sweet and crisp, as if it could make people feel happy.

Since Tang Yuehua went out to prepare meals, Ah Yin stopped pretending to be stupid and resumed his original character.

Zang gently stretched out his hand to cover up the evil light, as if he didn't want his eyes to be hurt in any way.

The other hand gently slid through Ah Yin's blue hair. The hair that had just been dried was soft and smooth, like silk.

He gently rubbed A Yin's hair, but this simple action revealed a deep tenderness and affection.

"Not bad, very good,"

Zang praised,

"I didn't expect you to have acting talent, Ah Yin. You just pretended to have amnesia very well."

His voice was low and magnetic, and every word flowed in the air like musical notes, making Ah Yin feel an indescribable comfort and joy in his heart.

When Ah Yin heard Zang's compliment, she was so happy that her eyes narrowed into crescent moons. There was a hint of pride and playfulness in her smile, like a cat that swallowed a canary.

Then, Ah Yin stood up directly, his movements light and elegant.

Under Zang's gaze, she sat down in his arms. This action seemed to be natural, without any hesitation or pretense.

Then, she stretched out a pair of arms to wrap around Zang's neck. Those arms were soft and strong, as if she wanted to hug Zang tightly into her arms.

At this moment, the evil light seemed to become more dazzling. It blinded Zang's eyes and made him feel an unprecedented strong impact.

He felt his heart beating faster and blood rushing through his veins, as if it was about to break through the constraints in his chest.

However, Zang tried hard to control his emotions, tried to stay calm and rational, and was not allowed to hold his head high.

However, Ah Yin's actions made his heart even more turbulent.

Her body was pressed against his cheek, and Zang could feel the soft curves and warm body temperature on her skin.

The fragrant scent gently brushed his cheek, giving him a tickling, crispy feeling.

Zang smelled the faint fragrance of Ah Yin, mixed with the scent of grass and perfume, which made him feel relaxed and happy.

There was a charming and shy look in Ah Yin's eyes, and she bit her lip gently, as if waiting for something.

There was no shyness or concealment in her eyes, only calmness and sincerity, as if there was an indescribable tacit understanding between her and Zang.

The next moment, Ah Yin closed her sapphire-like eyes, lowered her head, and moved closer to Zang's lips.

Her movements were gentle and natural, as if she were completing a beautiful ritual.

There was a faint sweetness in the air, as if foreshadowing the intimate contact that was about to happen.

However, at this critical moment, Tang Yuehua's exclamation suddenly sounded at the door, breaking the charming atmosphere in the room.

The voice was full of surprise and disbelief, like a thunder falling from the sky, which stunned both A Yin and Zang.

"Hey, what are you doing!!"

Tang Yuehua shouted loudly, with a hint of dissatisfaction and anger in her tone.

She stood at the door holding a plate of food prepared by herself, gaping at the two people who were about to kiss.

Her expression was very surprised, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

Hearing Tang Yuehua's voice, A Yin and Zang immediately separated, with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

A blush appeared on Ah Yin's face, as if someone had discovered an unspeakable secret.

There seemed to be a flash of panic in Zang's eyes, as if his behavior just now was a bit out of line, and it felt like being watched by his parents all the time when he was doing his crafts.

After all, no matter what, A Yinming's current identity is still Tang Yuehua's sister-in-law, Zang still has to pretend to be more like her.

Tang Yuehua seemed to be frightened, her hands were shaking slightly, and the food she was holding was shaking.

She looked at the two of them with wide eyes, as if she wanted to find out the truth of the matter.

The stimulated eyes revealed a kind of vigilance and doubt, seeming to doubt the relationship between A Yin and Zang.

In the room, both Ah Yin and Zang seemed to feel a little embarrassed and at a loss.

They looked at Tang Yuehua and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Tang Yuehua didn't speak, but looked at them with a scrutinizing gaze.

There was a brief silence in the room, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward and tense.

Ah Yin broke the silence and tried to explain what she had just done.

"Sister Yuehua, we were just joking..."

Her voice was trembling, and she seemed unsure of her explanation.

Tang Yuehua didn't speak, but looked at A Yin and Zang with a more puzzled look.

There was an inquiring look in her eyes, as if she wanted to see through the secrets in their hearts.

"Are you kidding?"

There was a trace of doubt and dissatisfaction in Tang Yuehua's tone.

"Kissing you after all the fuss? If I don't come, will I have to make trouble in bed?"

As she spoke, she came into the room with a plate and placed the food on the table.

Tang Yuehua's eyes flashed with a sharp light, as if he didn't trust the relationship between A Yin and Zang.

She stared at Ah Yin closely, her tone serious and firm.

"Ah Yin, although I know you have lost your memory.

However, you are still my sister-in-law and Zang is my man.

You shouldn't be sitting in his arms and hugging him affectionately! "

There was a firmness and unquestioningness in her voice.

Tang Yuehua's attitude made Ah Yin feel a little embarrassed and at a loss.

So, she lowered her head, not daring to look into Tang Yuehua's eyes.

She knew that Tang Yuehua was right, and her behavior was indeed a bit out of line.

Ah Yin wanted to explain, but didn't know what to say.

At this time, Zang spoke, his voice low and powerful.

"Yuehua, you misunderstood. We didn't do anything extraordinary."

However, Tang Yuehua didn't want to hear their explanation.

"I don't want to hear what you say. I just know that A Yin's behavior just now was a bit excessive."

Her words revealed a strong desire for protection, like a lioness guarding a slaughter, "Ah Yin, you have to remember that Zang is my man, and I will not allow anyone to destroy our relationship."

There was a trace of anger in her eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with A Yin's behavior.

Ah Yin seemed to feel a little aggrieved and helpless.

She knew her behavior was a bit over the line, but she didn't mean to hurt Tang Yuehua's feelings.

She tried to explain, but Tang Yuehua's attitude seemed very determined. She felt a little confused in her heart and didn't know what to do.

In this awkward atmosphere, Tang Yuehua broke the silence again.

She picked up a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Ah Yin.

"Although I'm a little angry, I still want to make a delicious meal for you."

There was a kind of tolerance and warmth in her tone,

"After all, you are also my sister-in-law. Now that you have lost your memory, I should tolerate it."

Zang gently patted Ah Yin's sexy buttocks and motioned for her to stand up and take the chopsticks to eat.

So, Ah Yin reluctantly left Zang's lap.

"Hmph! Bad woman, compete with Ah Yin for a man!"

At this time, Ah Yin also lost his temper. As soon as he took the chopsticks, he snorted at Tang Yuehua.

However, Tang Yuehua suppressed his temper and pretended not to hear anything. Not only did he not get angry at A Yin, but he also put the food on the table.

Then, seeing Zang sitting next to him without moving, she turned around and sat down on his lap.

Like A Yin just now, she also stretched out her jade arms to hold Zang's neck, letting the evil light surround Zang's sight, even tighter than A Yin's hug.

Moreover, Tang Yuehua twisted her peach hips, and after finding a particularly good position, she said to Ah Yin with a bright smile:

"Ah Yin, I don't understand what you are saying.

Zang is my man. In terms of relationship, I came first. What does it have to do with you?

Do you know the various hidden preferences? I know his shape and style very clearly.

Remember, even if you lose your memory, you can only be my brother's woman, so don't try to trick him. "

Hearing Tang Yuehua's question, Ah Yin exploded instantly. She slapped the table, stared at Tang Yuehua and said:

"Not long after I met you, you kept saying that I had lost my memory and that I was your brother's wife.

However, I don’t know you at all, and I don’t even know what your brother looks like.

You said Zang is your man, are you married?

Zang is my savior, and I have decided to commit myself to him.

He is my man, he can do whatever he wants to me, why didn't you allow us to kiss just now. "

Tang Yuehua was stunned for a moment by Ah Yin's words.

She didn't expect that Ah Yin would refute her so directly, and what he said would be so sharp.

Tang Yuehua didn't know how to respond to A Yin's accusation for a while.

Although Ah Yin's words were a bit extreme, they were not unreasonable.

She lost her memory and knew nothing about what happened before.

Now she is like a person who has just started a new life. Whoever she likes is her own business and does not require interference or criticism from others.

Tang Yuehua took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions.

"Ah Yin, I know you have lost your memory, but some things are not as simple as you think."

There was a sense of helplessness and exhaustion in her tone,

"You can't understand what happened between Zang and me. Although we are not married, we already have a deep emotional foundation."

And Zang was immersed in the evil light, silently watching A Yin and Tang Yuehua's confrontation, but he was enjoying Tang Yuehua's delicate body.

However, Ah Yin did not want to give up. She said forcefully:

"I don't care what you say. I am your sister-in-law. In short, I will definitely follow Zang! He is my savior!"

However, Tang Yuehua was not as angry as before. Instead, he showed off very green tea and said:

"It doesn't matter if you follow him, I can kiss him without restraint, can you?"

After the words fell, Tang Yuehua held Zang's chin in an extremely domineering manner, lowered his head and kissed Zang's mouth fiercely.

The kiss was passionate and deep, as if they wanted to suck each other's hearts into their mouths.

Zang didn't resist and allowed Tang Yuehua to kiss her. There was a hint of evil and excitement in his eyes.

Ah Yin was stunned when he saw this scene.

She opened her mouth and stared, as if she couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing.

The chopsticks in her hand fell to her side, but she didn't seem to notice.

She felt a strong sense of jealousy and loss in her heart, as if something she loved had been taken away.

"you you you!"

Ayin said "you" three times in a row, her voice trembling and weak.

As if questioning Tang Yuehua and Zang, "How could you do this? How could you betray me?"

After a long time, Tang Yuehua raised her head with red cheeks, shyly daring not to look at the slightly smiling eyes.

There seemed to be waves surging in her heart, including sweet shyness and domineering jealousy.

However, the next moment, A Yin actually sat on Zang's other leg, which was beyond Tang Yuehua's expectation.

She never thought that Ah Yin, who seemed to be a weak woman, could be so agile.

Judging from the speed just shown, it is already not inferior to ordinary agility soul sects.

A trace of surprise and confusion flashed in Tang Yuehua's eyes.

She didn't understand why Ah Yin had such fast speed. Could it be that she had completely restored her previous cultivation level?

However, Ah Yin did not give her time to think.

Under Tang Yuehua's gaze, which was too late to stop him, Ah Yin lowered his head and kissed Zang's lips affectionately.

At this moment, Tang Yuehua seemed to hear the sound of his own heart breaking.

She covered her lips, looked at the two of them in disbelief, and murmured to herself:

"You actually-"

After a long time, Ah Yin raised his head, looked at Tang Yuehua provocatively, and showed off:

"Who says I can't do what you can do? No matter what you do to Zang, I dare to do it.

I'm afraid that you won't dare to try the things I dare to do. "

There was a hint of determination and persistence in her tone, as if no one could shake her determination.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Yuehua tore open Zang's black nightgown and pushed him down on the tatami regardless of his opinion.


Zang's weak voice came from under the two of them, but what greeted them was Tang Yuehua who covered his mouth domineeringly.

"Ah Yin, let me show you something that only I can do! I'm afraid you don't dare!"

"Huh! Come on, come on!" (End of chapter)

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