I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 203 Tang 3, your mother ran away with someone!

"Ah, Ah Yin, are you going to admit defeat?"

Tang Yuehua's clear voice sounded, but it sounded a little trembling, and there was a hint of pain that could not be concealed.

At this moment, Tang Yuehua turned his back to A Yin, lying tremblingly on Zang's legs.

She closed her eyes tightly, as if trying to calm the wet excitement inside her.

She hugged Zang's feet and kissed his toes from time to time with trembling lips. This was her way of venting her excitement and her way of seeking a sense of security.

Behind Tang Yuehua, A Yin also had his back to her, sitting on her neck.

She closed her eyes and raised her head to face the ceiling, holding his shoulders tightly with both hands, as if she was pouring out her heart.

Jiao Hao's expression was a little painful, and she seemed unable to say a word.

Not inferior to Tang Yuehua, his heart beat rapidly and his breathing became rapid.

At this special moment, both Tang Yuehua and A Yin showed different reactions.

Tang Yuehua chose to express her emotions by kissing, while A Yin chose silence. They are all facing the excitement and uneasiness of this moment in their own way.

"You, you're not going to die, are you? Ah Yin?"

After a long time, Tang Yuehua seemed to have regained his strength.

She slowly sat upright from Zang's legs, but her legs and belly were still twitching, as if she had hit a certain muscle.

The spasmodic pain made her frown, but she gritted her teeth and made no sound.

At the same time, Ah Yin also looked a little bad.

Her cheeks were rosy and she looked like she was sweating profusely. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was slightly open, her chest was rising and falling violently, and she was breathing heavily.

Ah Yin's breathing was rapid, as if he was enduring great pain.

Despite this, she didn't make any sound and just endured it all silently.

Both of them were obviously not in good condition, but they were both working hard to adjust their breathing and emotions.

They know that the most important thing now is to stay calm and collected in order to face the challenges ahead.

Neither Tang Yuehua nor A Yin is willing to admit that they are inferior to each other.

It was just a pain to be caught between the two of them, forced to hide from both sides.

Zang looked at A Yin's short light blue hair in front of him. He raised his eyes first and crossed the flat and tight waistcoat line, which seemed to be able to pass through all obstacles. He looked at A Yin's long and white neck like a swan, and sobbed:

"You... Chi Liu... have had enough trouble, right? You two... Chi... why don't you just shake hands and make peace..."

After the words fell, Zang couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that the two of them still didn't have any intention of subduing.

If all his lovers were as competitive as Tang Yuehua and A Yin, how could he discipline them?

So, I hid it in my heart and said silently:

"Transformation Technique!"

In an instant, Tang Yuehua and A Yin exclaimed in unison:

"Ouch! How could this happen?"

The two women opened their eyes instantly, feeling the strong suction power coming from the Transformation Technique in disbelief, and they felt as if their bodies were about to melt.

The next moment, both A Yin and Tang Yuehua fell down, lying on the tatami in embarrassment.

"Really! Give me a hand and make peace! Stop being so petty!"

Zang sat up straight and scolded coldly.

Then, he took out a sweat towel from the soul guide and carefully wiped his warm chin and mouth.

After hearing that Zang seemed a little angry, A Yin and Tang Yuehua immediately ignored the painful feeling in their bodies and struggled to stand up with trembling bodies.

Ignoring their cramped Dantian, they forcibly stood up and knelt on the tatami, tremblingly picked up the sweat towel and began to help him wipe his masterpiece.

Ah Yin's lips trembled, and she said pitifully:

"I'm sorry...Master...I shouldn't have been so petty..."

Her face still had the red glow from earlier, and there were faint red spots on her body, which made her look even more attractive.

She snatched the sweat towel from Zang's hand and wiped his lips, jaw, collarbone and chest carefully.

When she lowered her head, a strand of long blue hair gently spread over Zang's shoulders, making the picture more beautiful.

Seeing A Yin being so considerate, Zang's tone softened, he rubbed her smooth cheek and said softly:

"Okay, I want you to live in peace with Yuehua, can you do it?"

Ah Yin's eyes were blurry, and he nodded gently while wiping the stain carefully.

Seeing that A Yin was so obedient, Zang began to prepare to teach Tang Yuehua a lesson, but just when he lowered his head to look at her, he suddenly felt warm and cold.

So, Zang Ning looked around and saw that Tang Yuehua threw the sweat towel aside and went to clean up the wuz in person.

This time, Zangya had nothing to teach him.

After Tang Yuehua worked diligently to clean up the Uzi on her body, she straightened up her delicate body, which was slightly taller than Ah Yin's, and took the sweat towel next to her to wipe the corners of her mouth, looking a little unsatisfied.

"I understand. You don't need to tell me. I will get along well with Ah Yin, okay?"

Tang Yuehua said with a smile as bright as a flower, the tip of her tongue gently cleaning the sweetness left between her lips and teeth.

It has to be said that a mature woman like Tang Yuehua has an extremely plump figure. She looks a little fatter and a little thinner, and she has a sense of maturity that other girls don't have.

Although Ah Yin's figure is also very good, compared to Tang Yuehua, whether it is plump hips or breasts, she is far behind.

Ah Yin's advantage is that her figure is very tight, giving people the feeling of caressing the skin of a dolphin.

And Tang Yuehua's words were like stroking the beluga's head.

This also made Zang's heart soften. He reached out and took her into his arms, stroking her soft shoulders, which made Ah Yin feel a little jealous.

Of course, he wasn't angry in the first place, he was just showing off.

In Zang's arms, Tang Yuehua felt the warmth and care from him, and tenderness surged in her heart.

Zang's fingers tapped her nose lightly, as if stroking a precious work of art.

At this moment, there was no jealousy or dissatisfaction in Tang Yuehua's heart, only deep love for Zang and expectations for the future.

"Now you have met each other openly. Regardless of whether Ah Yin was your sister-in-law before, she is now your good sister.

Now I ask you to stay with Ah Yin well and not to quarrel. Can you do it? "

Zang asked pretending to be serious.

After this night of tit-for-tat, Tang Yuehua no longer felt any jealousy in her heart, and she had already accepted A Yin's status as her sister.

So, Tang Yuehua hugged Zang's head, held him gently in her arms, and said obediently:

"Now that everything is done, what can I say? It's okay for Ah Yin to follow you, but it's just my brother's side? What are you going to do?

He is also a Titled Douluo after all, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect may not offend a Titled Douluo just because of your personal affairs. "

Tang Yuehua's voice was obviously a little worried, as if he was worried that Zang had completely offended Tang Hao and whether it was a serious matter.

Zang leaned his face against Tang Yuehua's chest. Hearing her worry, he sneered and said:

"What does a titled Douluo mean? No matter how powerful Tang Hao is, he is still no match for me. As long as Yuehua can stand by my side, that's all."

There was unparalleled confidence in Zang's tone, as if he felt that even a mere titled Douluo was in front of him, and he could not help but arouse Tang Yuehua's curiosity. So, Tang Yuehua asked curiously:

"Zang, aren't you a soul emperor? Although you have twin martial souls, how can you be my brother's opponent?"

Tang Yuehua only knew about Zang's twin martial arts, but not about Zang's true strength, so he was a little worried that he had offended Tang Hao.

At this time, Zangya was no longer prepared to hide his strength, and there was no point in continuing to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

After all, at his current tenth level of [Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique], the only people who have the ability to compete with him are those demigod-level experts.

In addition, Qian Renxue is now his, which means that the great worshipers of Wuhun Palace, including Qian Daoliu, are all his potential supporters.

Coupled with the power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Zang Ke could walk sideways on this continent.

Unless the gods from the divine realm personally descend to the realm, he has no need to be afraid of anyone.

Of course, Zang still had to make up a reasonable explanation for his rapid improvement in strength, otherwise it would not be easy to explain.

Zang groaned and explained:

"Actually, I have already reached level 80. I only have one eighth soul ring left before I can officially become a Contra."

As he finished speaking, he glanced at A Yin seemingly casually, with a hint of deep meaning flashing in his eyes.

When Tang Yuehua heard this, he immediately exclaimed, with a look of surprise on his face, and said:

"What? You have reached level 80."

She unconsciously let go of her hand, pushed Zang away from her chest, and looked at him in disbelief, as if she wanted to get to know him all over again.

A Yin, on the other hand, also pretended to be in disbelief. He covered his mouth and widened his eyes, unable to say a word.

She was very aware of Zang's strength, but she just wanted to pretend that she didn't know anything.

Zang looked at the unbelievable look in Tang Yuehua's eyes, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly seven soul rings appeared on the back of his head, yellow, yellow, purple, black, red, and red, making no effort to hide his soul power level.

"It's really level eighty!"

Tang Yuehua said even more shocked, staring at the soul ring hidden behind his head unbearably, his pupils trembling slightly.

Then, Zang put away all the soul rings, chuckled, and explained:

"Actually... I am the successor of a god, that is, a divine examiner."

"The divine examiner..."

Tang Yuehua murmured to himself, looking a little unbelievable.

She never imagined that Zang would be the successor of a god.

But in this way, she finally understood why Zang's cultivation speed was so fast.

Then, Zang nodded and continued to explain:

"Yes, I am going through the test of the gods. These two hundred thousand year soul rings are the rewards of the gods."

His words were full of confidence and determination, as if he had everything under control.

But at this time, Tang Yuehua frowned and fell into deep thought.

After a while, she lightly opened her red lips and said:

“I seem to vaguely remember that my father once mentioned that there are inheritances of several gods on this continent.

What he knew for sure was that Wuhun Palace had the spiritual heritage of a god named "The God of Judgment and Angels".

Poseidon Island also has the spiritual heritage of a "Poseidon".

He was not sure about the inheritance of other gods.

My grandfather, Tang Chen, a ninety-nine-level extreme Douluo who was once known as the "Invincible on Land", suddenly lost his voice after he went to search for the inheritance of the gods. "

Hearing this, Zang nodded, indicating that what Tang Yuehua said was right.

He knew Tang Chen's whereabouts very well, but there was no need to explain this to Tang Yuehua.

"Then Master, which god's inheritance do you inherit?"

Suddenly, Ah Yin blinked his big watery eyes and asked curiously.

When Tang Yuehua heard A Yin's question, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she turned to stare at Zang Junlang's face, as if waiting for his answer.

However, Zang showed a mysterious smile, raised his index finger to his lips, and whispered:

"This is a secret that I can tell you only if I have completely passed the various tests of the gods and inherited the throne.

Until then, I can't tell you anything about the gods. "

Ah Yin and Tang Yuehua looked at each other and understood each other.

They naturally understood the intention of hiding this sentence and respected his decision.

As the successor of the gods, he has extraordinary responsibilities and missions, and the secrets that need to be kept are naturally extremely important.

Although they have doubts and curiosity in their hearts, they are more willing to believe and support Zang's decision.

Suddenly, Tang Yuehua lowered his head, leaned gently on Zang's shoulder, and said in a tired voice:

"Since you are not afraid of my brother's strength, then I have nothing to say.

Now Ah Yin is following you. No matter how angry my brother is, I will support you unconditionally. "

Tang Yuehua was previously worried that Tang Hao would beat him to death if Zang found out about Ah Yin.

Now that it was clear that Zang had the inheritance of the gods, his strength would definitely not be inferior to that of Tang Hao, so she felt relieved.

Seeing Tang Yuehua facing him like this, Zang couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

He gently stroked her cheek and said softly:

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, everything will be fine."

Then, he also hugged A Yin and let her lean on his other shoulder.

He was sandwiched in the middle, secretly enjoying the soft and delicate bodies of the two women.

However, after a while.

Tang Yuehua could no longer hold back her inner excitement and asked what she had always felt:

"Zang, since you have inherited the power of the gods, do you have a way to solve the flaws in my martial soul so that I can break through the ninth-level soul power limit and practice as smoothly as other normal soul masters?"

Tang Yuehua bit her lower lip gently, with a worried look on her face.

She has always been troubled by the shortcomings of her martial soul, and longs to be able to practice freely like other soul masters.

She was worried that Zang couldn't solve the problem, but she was eager to hear a definite answer.

Zang felt Tang Yuehua's tension and expectation, and he knew that the answer to this question was crucial to her.

He took a deep breath and said firmly:

"Yes, I have a way to solve your martial arts flaw."

"Really? What can I do????"

Tang Yuehua exclaimed loudly. She instantly stood up from Zang's shoulders and looked at him excitedly.

"Well... my current strength is not enough. After a while, I can start to help you make up for the flaws in your martial soul."

Zang said gently. (End of chapter)

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