I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 208: If you don’t give up, 3 is willing to be your adoptive father

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

She seemed to be considering something, and she seemed to be thinking about her decision.

After a long time, her eyes became firm and her tone became more calm as she said:

"Good morning, mistress. We haven't seen you for a while, and you are becoming more and more handsome."

When Tang San heard his aunt's greetings, a warm current surged into his heart.

He felt a stronger emotional bond with his aunt.

However, what he was more curious about was A Yin's identity.

Who is this sister, and why does she feel so familiar to him?

So, Tang San couldn't wait to ask:

"Auntie, who is this sister? Why do I think she is so familiar to me."

Tang Yuehua was silent for a while after hearing Tang San's question.

She opened her mouth but closed it again, as if she was thinking about how to speak in order to tell Tang San the truth of the matter.

Finally, Tang Yuehua took a deep breath and said with a trembling tone:

"Her name is - A Yin."

When Tang San heard the name A Yin, he immediately felt a strong shock.

His eyes were wide open, and he was stunned. He stood there blankly, his body shaking.

He couldn't believe his ears. The name A Yin caused huge waves in his heart.

Tang San tried to calm himself down, but found that his heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became rapid.

Ah Yin looked at Tang San's silly expression and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

She knew that this news must be a huge shock to Tang San.

Of course Ah Yin knew that Tang San was her son before he was reborn, but in order to cooperate with Zang's plan, she had to pretend to have amnesia.

At this time, Zang came over and came between Tang Yuehua and A Yin.

He put his arm around Ah Yin's shoulders in a familiar manner and asked curiously:

"What's wrong with you? What were you talking about just now?"

Ah Yin took Zang's arm, leaned gently in his arms, and whispered:

“As soon as this little brother saw me, he said he seemed to have seen me before, and then he asked me what my name was.

Sister Yuehua just said my name, and he had this look on his face.

But to be honest, I seem to have an inexplicable affinity for him, as if we have actually met somewhere. "

Hearing A Yin's confusion, Zang hugged A Yin's waist tightly, his eyes flashing thoughtfully.

At the same time, Sword Douluo and Tai Tan heard the name A Yin, and they felt very familiar in their hearts, as if they had heard it somewhere before, but they couldn't remember it for a moment.

And when Tang San saw Zang hugging Ah Yin so intimately, an angry flame immediately surged in his heart, burning his own reason.

He felt that his territory had been violated and was very annoyed by Zang's behavior.

However, he now needs to confirm his thoughts. After all, this may be a coincidence.

There are so many women in the world, what if there is a girl named Ah Yin?

So, Tang San took a deep breath, clenched his fist and then unclenched it, forcing down the anger in his heart.

Then, Tang San gritted his teeth and asked in a deep voice:

"Auntie, I want to know...the origin of...this...sister..."

When Tang San said these words, his voice was trembling.

He began to clenched his fists tightly, and his body seemed to be shaking slightly.

Everyone present could see that Tang San's behavior was too abnormal, after all, his current appearance was too obvious.

However, none of them understood why Tang San had such a huge reaction to this girl named A Yin.

This unusual situation made several people present feel a little nervous and uneasy, and at the same time, there was also a secret excitement.

"Third brother...you...are you okay?"

Xiao Wu couldn't care less about being jealous at this time. She pulled Tang San's arm worriedly, with a look of concern in her eyes.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing on the side seemed to feel the tense atmosphere.

They held each other's arms and subconsciously moved closer to Zang, as if they had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Only Qian Renxue stood by with a calm face and watched all this with her arms folded.

Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San, the contradictions and struggles in his heart were written on his face.

She knew that she could not keep Ah Yin's identity hidden forever.

After all, Ah Yin's appearance has never changed, he just returned to his eighteen-year-old appearance after being reborn.

That is to say, Tang Hao doesn't know why he is not with Tang San now, otherwise, he would definitely come out to meet A Yin.

But it is really not easy to say it now.

Tang San continued to ask, every question was like a sharp knife piercing her heart.

Although he was mentally prepared, Tang Yuehua still felt his body begin to tremble, and an inexplicable fear spread in his heart.

At this moment, Zang gently put his other hand around her shoulders and held her tightly in his arms.

Tang Yuehua's body went limp and she almost collapsed to the ground, but she relied on Zang's strength to barely support herself.

Zang's eyes were full of worry and tenderness, and he gently stroked her back, as if he wanted to use this method to calm her inner turmoil.

A Yin, who was next to her, also held Tang Yuehua's slender hand and nodded firmly towards her, indicating that she should speak out her guess boldly.

So, with trembling pale lips, Tang Yuehua finally revealed that A Yin was Tang San's mother.

"Xiao San, I suspect A Yin is your mother."

As soon as these words came out, the entire atmosphere suddenly became solemn and heavy.

Tang San's eyes widened with a look of disbelief, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Tang San and A Yin in shock, as if they were looking at a stranger.

At this moment, even Qian Renxue couldn't remain calm.

She put her hands down, her eyes widened first at Ah Yin, then at Zang, and finally focused on Tang San, her jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise.

"Is this sister the third brother's mother?"

Xiao Wu's voice was trembling, she couldn't imagine this fact.

"Is this impossible?"

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also shook their heads. They thought this was incredible.

At this moment, Tang San's mind was in chaos, and his thoughts were like a mess and it was difficult to sort them out.

He looked at A Yin, then at Tang Yuehua, and finally at Zang, with mixed feelings in his heart.

But gradually, the current appearance of Ah Yin seemed to gradually overlap with the vague appearance left in his heart by his mother when he was born.

He suddenly felt like he understood why he felt so close to Ah Yin when he saw her.

But the gap between them still made him feel unable to cross.

Tang Yuehua looked at their shocked expressions and knew that the news was too shocking, and it was understandable that it was difficult to accept it for a while.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions.

“I know this is sudden and hard to accept.

But the fact is right in front of you, A Yin is most likely your biological mother. " She paused, as if recalling the past,

“A few nights ago, Zang and I met Ah Yin in Tiandou City.

At that time, she was molested by the drunk Dai Mubai, and we rescued her.

When I saw her appearance, I was shocked because she looked exactly like your mother.

But, for some reason, when we met Ah Yin, she actually lost her memory and couldn't remember anything.

Moreover, she was also dirty and looked like she had wandered all the way here.

We asked her about her experience, but she only knew her name was A Yin.

She was attracted to Tiandou City for some special reasons.

I suspect that she must have sensed the blood in your body. "

At this time, Zang also nodded and added:

"At that time, when Yuehua saw Ah Yin, she was shocked and blurted out, 'Sister-in-law, why are you here?'

But no matter how Yuehua asked, Ah Yin only knew her name and nothing else.

At the same time, Ah Yin seemed to be very afraid of the name Tang Hao.

As soon as she heard Yuehua mention your father, she would tremble all over and show great fear.

This also made Yuehua confirm that Ah Yin is your mother, but for some unknown reason, she is afraid of the name Tang Hao.

Perhaps because of her rebirth, she couldn't remember what happened before.


Zang paused for a moment, as if he felt that what he said next was a bit difficult to say.

“I don’t know why, maybe because I saved Ah Yin, she kept pestering me.

She seemed to recognize me as her benefactor, and she would agree to anything she said.

I couldn't hold it back at that time, and accidentally..."

Having said this, Zangya shyly lowered his head and stared at his toes, as if he had committed some heinous crime.

When Ah Yin on the side heard this, he pecking at the rice and nodded.

She looked at Tang San who was silent and responded:

"Zang saved Ah Yin, she is Ah Yin's master, and Ah Yin must commit herself to her.

Sister Yuehua has always said that I am your mother, and I also feel that you are very kind, as if I have seen you somewhere.

Maybe you really are my son, but I really don’t remember what happened before. "

As soon as these words were said, the whole scene suddenly became more awkward and silent.

Tang San was silent, the thoughts in his heart were like a mess.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were also stunned, not knowing how to react at all.

Tang Yuehua looked at their shocked expressions and the silent Tang San, and couldn't help but feel a pinching pain in her heart.

She knew that this news was too sudden and difficult for Tang San to accept.

But she also hopes that he can face this fact and face the mystery of his life experience.

After all, no matter what, since Ah Yin has become a hidden woman, she can only stand on her man's side.

No matter how close you are to your brother, you won’t be kissed by your own man.

"Xiao San, I know this is a huge shock to you. You need time to digest this news."

Tang Yuehua said to Tang San gently,

"But no matter what, you still have our families. We will always support you and accompany you."

However, when Tang San heard Tang Yuehua's comfort, he just lowered his head and remained silent in the shadows, as if it was difficult to accept the blow of this incident.

He recalled a series of things Tang Hao told him when he was taken by Tang Hao to find the Blue Silver King in the Blue Silver Forest to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit.

The Blue Silver Emperor seedling that survived the sacrifice of his mother A Yin, together with the 100,000-year-old soul bone left behind, suddenly disappeared for some reason.

At that time, Tang Hao once thought that Ah Yin must have died after being stolen, and he was deeply saddened by it.

But now it seems that the mother's body was not killed after it was stolen.

But he survived tenaciously and became a human again?

"Could it be that the thief who stole my mother's body and soul bones didn't realize that my mother's body was a Blue Silver Emperor?

Instead, he treated his mother as an ordinary bluesilver grass and casually discarded it somewhere.

Therefore, not only did the mother successfully survive, but for some unknown reason, she returned to the ranks of a hundred thousand year soul beast and successfully transformed into a human? "

Tang San kept analyzing A Yin's origin in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more certain he was about his guess.

However, the more Tang San confirmed his guess, the more conflicts and struggles filled his heart.

Because if Ah Yin is really his mother, how should he face her and Zang?

Due to amnesia, Ah Yin firmly believed that Zang was her savior, recognized him as her master, and had committed herself to him.

This knowledge made Tang San feel very troubled.

He had to face a cruel reality:

Zang was not only his aunt's husband, his uncle, but also his foster father.

This complex ethical relationship made Tang San find it difficult to accept.

His heart was filled with anger and pain, and his hatred of Zang continued to grow.

He couldn't bear to have his mother taken away from him, and he couldn't forgive Zang for destroying his family relationship.

"Damn Zang, he took away my aunt before, not counting being my uncle, and now he takes away my mother.

Zang, you deserve to die! I must kill you, you already have a way to die. "

Tang San said with secret hatred in his heart.

His teeth were clenching, his fists were clenched tightly, and his nails were already embedded in his palms and blood was oozing out, but he seemed not to feel any pain at all.

Tang San felt extremely painful inside, and he didn't know how to face this cruel reality.

He began to doubt his own values ​​and outlook on life, and did not understand why such a thing would happen to him.

He felt helpless and confused, as if he was trapped in endless darkness.

For a moment, Tang San couldn't help but look a little dull. He stood there in a daze, unable to say a word.

Among the people present, Sword Douluo was undoubtedly the one with the highest level of soul master.

He frowned, stroking his snow-white beard, and concentrated on feeling A Yin's breath.

However, Sword Douluo couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

This little girl, Ah Yin, is obviously a level 49 soul sect, although she also possesses considerable strength.

However, if she is really Tang San's mother, then she should be a hundred thousand year old soul beast in the form of a soul beast.

As a powerful titled Douluo, he has keen perception and insight, and he naturally knows the aura of soul beasts very well.

However, no matter how he sensed her, Ah Yin always felt like an ordinary human girl to him, with no trace of a soul beast at all.

This made Sword Douluo very confused.

"I remember that Tang Hao married a 100,000-year-old blue silver emperor, but he had already been sacrificed to him."

Sword Douluo muttered in his heart,

"Why does it appear here? This is really weird!" (End of Chapter)

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