I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 209 My father is currently committing a crime

Just when Sword Douluo was studying Ah Yin's identity carefully, Tai Tan suddenly spoke up.

He stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Ah Yin, and his voice was filled with surprise and joy.

"It is indeed the mistress, I remembered it! The mistress used to be exactly the same as this girl, but this girl is a little younger!"

Tai Tan's exclamation caught Tang San's attention. He turned his head and stared at Tai Tan blankly with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Tang San couldn't believe his ears. He always thought that his mother had passed away long ago.

When Tang Yuehua said that A Yin might be his mother, he still couldn't believe it.

However, now that even Old Titan has confirmed that Ah Yin is his mother, then Ah Yin's identity is certain.

After all, Tai Tan has served Tang Hao all his life and has seen A Yin before. He will definitely not misremember A Yin's appearance.

The Ah Yin in front of him was his mother, but for some unknown reason, she was reborn again.

However, his mother is now in the arms of another man, and they are still married.

At this moment, Tang San felt a mixture of emotions, including joy, anger, and a hint of helplessness towards his fate.

And Ah Yin seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the gazes of Tang San and Tai Tan. She subconsciously shrank towards Zang's arms, trying to avoid the scorching gaze.

Suddenly, the Titan moved.

He stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan, trying to pull A Yin's arm.

His attitude was very tough, as if he believed that A Yin was his mistress.

"You are the young master's mother, how can you be in the arms of another man?

Even if you have lost your memory, you should still be the wife of the master and cannot commit yourself to anyone else! "

Tai Tan's tone was somewhat dissatisfied and angry, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with Ah Yin's current situation.

However, Zang stood in front of A Yin at this moment.

He stretched out one foot and stepped hard on Titan's wrist.

I saw Zang holding A Yin and Tang Yuehua in his arms, with a hint of warning in his eyes, and his tone became very cold.

"Titan, right? Who allowed you to pull my A Yin's arm?"

Zang swore arrogantly.

Zang's words stunned Tai Tan. He didn't expect that this young man who looked like a naughty boy would actually take action for Ah Yin.

But he didn't mean to back down, he just looked up at Zang, with a bit of provocation and a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Your A Yin? This is the mother of the young master, the wife of the master. You kid really bullied me too much. You bullied the mistress into losing her memory and took her by force!"

At the same time, Titan began to burst out with powerful power, like a volcano that was ready to erupt at any time.

He clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his wrists popped out, and all the muscles in his body were tense, obviously condensing all his strength.

Titan's eyes were full of disdain and provocation, as if he was challenging Zang's limits.

He wanted to knock Zang to the ground in one fell swoop and let him know how powerful his Hercules was.

However, to Titan's surprise, Zang still stepped firmly on his wrist, his expression looking very relaxed, as if everything was under his control.

There was a hint of joking and confidence in Zang's eyes, and he didn't seem to take the Titan's power seriously.

His feet were like fine steel, tightly suppressing the Titan's wrists, preventing him from exerting his power.

However, Zang's body still maintained balance. Even with A Yin and Tang Yuehua in his arms, he remained unmoved in the face of the Titan's fierce attack.

This display of strength and confidence made Titan feel a little shocked.

He had never encountered someone so calm and composed, and the other person's power and strength seemed to be superior to his.

At this moment, Titan felt unprecedented pressure.

He began to doubt his own judgment. Could it be that this seemingly handsome young man really had such great strength?

Zang, on the other hand, is like a mountain peak, standing erect.

There was a hint of arrogance and confidence in his eyes, as if to say: "You are not qualified to challenge me."

When Sword Douluo saw this scene, he originally wanted to stop Titan to prevent the situation from escalating.

However, he suddenly heard a message from Tibet.

"Grandpa Jian, you don't need to take action, I can deal with this old orangutan by myself.

At the same time, it’s just time for you to see what the rewards of the Shenqiu are. "

There was a hint of pride and confidence in Zang's eyes, and his tone was very calm, as if he had everything under control.

Sword Douluo hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to believe in Zang's ability.

He stood aside, ready to observe the direction of this duel.

Zang looked at Titan and suddenly grinned. There seemed to be a trace of bloodthirsty murderous intent in his smile.

His tone became cold, as if he was completely different from his previous gentle image.

"You should be the leader of the Force Clan, right?

I also killed people from your force clan a few years ago?

It seems like a Soul King, a Soul Emperor, a Soul Lord? "

When Tai Tan heard this, he was suddenly startled, his eyes widened, and he seemed a little confused.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart, and he felt that something was not quite right.

The next moment, Titan's anger erupted like a volcano, and he remembered what happened a few years ago.

His eyes were burning with angry fire, his fists were clenched, and his muscles were tense, as if he wanted to eat Zang alive.

"Did you kill my brother Taikang and the others?"

There was endless anger and grief in Titan's voice, and the pain of his relatives being killed was once again evoked.

His heart was filled with the flame of revenge and he vowed to make Zang pay the price.

At this moment, Tai Tan knew about the grudge between him and Zang, and not only wanted to stand up for the young master, but also wanted to avenge his own relatives.

As for why Zang was able to kill a Soul Emperor a few years ago, Titan selectively ignored this issue.

Zang did not flinch in the face of Titan's anger, but became calmer and more confident.

"You go to Grandpa Jian first."

Zang whispered to A Yin, Tang Yuehua, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

He let go of their arms and let them walk away.

So A Yin, Tang Yuehua, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing walked to Sword Douluo's side obediently.

They saw that Zang was interested in competing with Titan, and although they were worried, they chose to believe in his strength.

Not far away, Qian Renxue remained silent. She also found this scene very interesting.

Who would have thought that Ah Yin, whom Zang and Tang Yuehua picked up by chance, would actually be Tang San's mother?

And what happened to be bad was that Tang San bumped into his mother.

"I hope I can lure Tang Hao out and kill him to avenge my father."

Qian Renxue thought with a cold light in her eyes.

She knew Zang's strength very well. Tai Tan and Tang San had no chance of defeating him. If Tang Hao didn't take action, the two of them would be dead!

And if Tang Hao takes action, she can let Zang kill Tang Hao. "The worst thing is tonight, let Zang go through the back door."

Qian Renxue thought in her heart, and decided to take action to Qiu Qiuzang and capture Tang Hao in one fell swoop.

On the side, Zang raised his head and looked at the extremely angry Titan, with an evil light flashing in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth raised, provoking Titan's nerves with words.

"A few years ago, I snatched an attached soul bone in the Sunset Forest, and happened to meet people from your Power Clan.

I had no choice but to silence the three of them, just in time to test the power of my external soul bone. "

Zang's tone was understatement, as if killing someone was as easy as trampling on an ant.

This angered the Titan even more, and his anger had reached its peak.

Tang San on the side watched all this, and couldn't help but feel a little secretly happy in his heart.

He thought this was a perfect opportunity for Titan to get rid of this hidden danger.

"Old guy, today I will give you a chance for revenge."

Zang suddenly looked at Tang San, with a confident smile on his lips.

"I'm going to challenge you and Tang San alone, and I won't let Grandpa Jian take action.

Moreover, even if I lose and die in your hands, I will not let Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone take revenge on you.

How about it? dare? "

When Tang San heard Zang's words, his eyes suddenly lit up with a purple light.

He was secretly glad that this opportunity finally came.

As early as when Zang and Tang Yuehua were together, Tang San had the idea of ​​killing Zang. He didn't want his aunt to commit herself to another man.

But due to the lack of suitable opportunities, Tang San has never been able to achieve his wish.

Now, Zang is overestimating his ability to single out him and Tai Tan. This is simply asking for death.

Tang San smiled secretly in his heart, he had already made the "King of Hell Tie", which was his strongest hidden weapon at the moment.

As soon as the "King of Hell Post" comes out, the King of Hell will let you die at the third watch, and will never leave anyone alive until the fifth watch.

Tang San was confident that even a titled Douluo like Sword Douluo, if accidentally hit by the "King of Hell Sticker", would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die, let alone hide a Soul Emperor.

In fact, if Sword Douluo hadn't been at the scene and Zang had possessed his mother, he would have secretly used the "King of Hell Sticker" to assassinate Zang without anyone noticing.

However, Tang San has always been in awe of Sword Douluo. He was worried that his methods would be seen through by Sword Douluo, so he kept enduring.

Now, Zang was actually willing to cut off his own arm and challenge him and Tai Tan over his own strength. In Tang San's eyes, he was already a dead man.

Tang San's eyes flashed with cold light, he stared at Zang closely, and he was already ready to take action.

He wants Zang to pay the price for his arrogance, and he also wants to get his mother back for his father.

The Titan on the side showed no sign of weakness, his eyes were burning with angry flames, and he vowed to completely destroy Zang.

The two have the same goal, to put Zang to death.

So, Tang San and Tai Tan said in unison:

"We agreed!"

So, Zang moved his feet, allowing Titan to retract his wrist, and suggested:

"Then let's go to the training ground in the back mountain. There are too many people here and it's not suitable for us to fight souls."

There was a hint of no doubt in Zang's tone, as if he had everything under control.

Then, he turned around and left with firm steps, not afraid that Tai Tai and Tang San would take the opportunity to sneak attack on him.

Tang San was filled with anger when he saw Zang actually dared to turn his back to him.

He stared closely at Zang's back, his eyes instantly becoming cold and sharp.

Tang San's fingers bent unconsciously, wanting to take out the "King of Hell Sticker" for a sneak attack, but he was concerned about Sword Douluo next to him, so he had to endure it.

"When I wait for the soul fight, I will use a hidden weapon to kill you openly."

Tang San swore secretly in his heart, his eyes flashing with determination.

Meanwhile, the Titans followed suit.

His eyes were burning with anger, and his heart was roaring that he wanted to teach Zang a lesson.

His steps were firm and powerful, and he exuded a strong momentum, but it was invisible, but every step he took on the ground left a footprint on the floor tiles.

When Tang San saw this, he could only follow him quickly.

Behind them, Sword Douluo and the girls were walking step by step.

He looked at Zang's figure and couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Sword Douluo had noticed the murderous intention in Zang's heart, and couldn't help but sigh that Zang's murderous intention was still so strong.

However, he remembered that the murderous intention in his heart was no better than Zang's, and he couldn't help but laugh at himself in his heart.

In an extremely hidden corner on the other side, Tang Hao tried his best to hide his aura and prevent his whereabouts from being noticed by Sword Douluo.

He stared at everything that happened in front of him with cold eyes, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I am both happy for Ah Yin's rebirth and sad and angry for Ah Yin's situation.

Anger and pain were intertwined, making him almost unable to control himself.

Tang Hao stared at A Yin's back. She was the only one in his eyes. He bit his lower lip tightly with his teeth, and he couldn't even notice the blood seeping out of his lips.

“Get the hell out of here, you actually bullied my Ah Yin into losing her memory and deceived her!

Yuehua, you deserve to die too. Why do you want to be with this boy, and why do you still tacitly agree that Ah Yin is committed to this boy? "

Tang Hao was filled with hatred.

He clenched his fists and couldn't help but want to kill Zang and Tang Yuehua as well.

Due to hemorrhoids and constipation, Tang Hao had just come to Tang San, but he also witnessed what happened after Tang San asked Tang Yuehua A Yin's identity.

When he saw the conflict between Tang San and Zang, he was filled with anger.

The moment Tang Hao first saw Ah Yin, he wanted to rush out and beat him to death before meeting Ah Yin again.

However, when he saw the outstanding Sword Douluo standing beside him, the impulse in his heart immediately calmed down, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

With Sword Douluo guarding him, Tang Hao knew that he couldn't just kill Zang and take Ah Yin away.

He knew that his strength was far from that of Sword Douluo due to the injuries in his body.

If you act rashly, not only will you not be able to rescue Ah Yin, you may also put yourself in danger.

Sword Douluo even had reason to take action against Tang San to eliminate this future threat to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

If this happens, his only hope of revenge against Wuhun Palace will be lost.

Tang Hao was extremely anxious, but he was helpless.

His eyes were firm and cold, and he was hoping in his heart that Tai Tan would be more powerful and destroy this treasure.

If Sword Douluo breaks the agreement and rescues Xia Zang, he can show up and put forward conditions for him to take Ah Yin with him.

In this case, Sword Douluo must not be able to say anything.

However, what Tang Hao couldn't notice was that as his hatred for Zang continued to deepen, an invisible and insubstantial demonic energy quietly appeared in his spiritual sea. (End of this chapter)

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