I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 211 Ah Yin, am I the fiercest, or is Tang Hao the fiercest?

There was a trace of fear in Tai Tan's eyes. He looked at the black iron ball condensed by countless bone-transforming needles and shot towards him rapidly, as if he felt a cold and heavy oppression.

His heart couldn't help but beat violently, cold sweat slid down his forehead, and the eight soul rings behind him were beating rhythmically.

Tai Tan was well aware of the dangers of Tang San's weird hidden weapons. They could be said to be poisonous even if they were touched.

Therefore, even if he is a Contra, he does not dare to be hit by this black iron ball easily.

At the critical moment, he quickly activated his soul power, trying to turn around and avoid this fatal blow.

However, his action seemed to be a little late. The speed of the black iron ball was too fast and it was about to hit his body.

At this critical moment, Tang San appeared in front of Titan like a ghost, with a mysterious purple light flashing in his eyes.

He stretched out his palm, used his black jade hand to easily catch the black iron ball, and then put it into his soul guide.

This series of actions was completed so quickly that it was dizzying.

"Grandpa Titan, try to contain his attention. I have a way to kill him with one strike."

Tang San whispered. Although his tone was a little nervous, his eyes shone with determination.

Tai Tan had full understanding and trust in Tang San's strength.

He no longer hesitated, mobilized all the soul power in his body, and the seventh soul ring behind him shined brightly, activating the true form of the martial soul.

As the seventh soul ring behind Titan lit up, his body underwent earth-shaking changes.

A powerful energy was released from the soul ring and enveloped his whole body.

Soon, a 20-meter-tall gorilla phantom appeared outside him, surrounded him, and then quickly solidified.

"Suffer death, boy!"

Titan roared angrily, and with a fierce punch, his huge fist slammed into the wooden dragon's head.

That huge power seemed to be able to destroy everything, making people worried about Zang standing on it.

At the same time, Tang San continued to use ghost shadows to move his body flexibly in the shadows.

His eyes were fixed on Zang's figure, looking for any flaws.

He holds the "King of Hell Sticker" tightly in his hand, and whenever he finds an opportunity, he will launch a fatal blow without hesitation.

And Zang stood on top of the wooden dragon, feeling the roar of the fist wind without any fear.

He whispered: "Just use your gorilla to stretch your muscles."

Since practicing Neijiaquan to the level of "Gang Jin" which is extraordinary and holy, he has not had a good fight with anyone.

When he was hunting the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python before, in order to prevent them from having long nights and dreams, he did not waste time fighting with them, but quickly used his soul skills to kill them.

Now that this old orangutan was here, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​competing with this guy nicknamed "Hercules".

He does not use any soul skills or fields, but simply uses his own indestructible golden body and the strange spiritual technique of [Tao Heart Demon Planting Technique].

So, Zang jumped up from the wooden dragon, and with a flying kick, he hit the huge fist swung by the Titan.

In the eyes of others, the speed of this kick is undoubtedly very fast, even comparable to the speed of an agility attack type Soul Douluo.

However, in Titan's view, that extremely fast kick became as slow as a snail climbing a tree, but it also gave him the feeling that this kick would hit him first.

This feeling made Titan feel very strange, but he knew that this feeling was real.

Whether it was the arc that Zang's figure drew in the air or the soles of his feet that gradually enlarged, everything was clearly imprinted in his eyes.

He could clearly see every move Zang made, and every detail seemed to be magnified several times, as if he was watching some kind of slow-motion replay.

This feeling is like a special visual experience, which is unbelievable but makes people want to vomit blood.

At this moment, Titan realized that his perception was silently affected.

He knew that this must be caused by some special power, but he could not understand the source and principle of this power.

As a result, the eighth soul ring lit up behind Tai Tan. This soul ring came from the 30,000-year-old Thousand Jun Ants and could greatly enhance his strength.

Even ordinary titled Douluo cannot compare with him in terms of strength.

He could only try his best to deal with this kick, trying to use his own strength and martial soul to resist the blow.


There was a loud noise, and Titan's fist collided with Zang's flying kick.

He was shocked because the power of this kick was far beyond his imagination.

In his perception, his strength and martial soul's true form were like a child facing an adult in front of this divine power, and he was knocked down to the ground without the ability to fight back.

But what's even more frightening is that at this moment, from Titan's perspective, Zang's figure is still jumping in the air, so how could he kick his own fist?

This is simply incomprehensible.

However, the next moment, he clearly saw Zang kicking himself to the ground and floating in the air, as if he were stepping on an invisible platform rising from the ground.

This sight shocked Titan.

He couldn't understand what this invisible force was that could actually affect his vision, let alone how powerful it was.

This power seemed to be completely beyond his cognitive scope, making him feel unprecedented pressure and frustration.

Zang stood in the air like a demon, looking down at the Titan who fell to the ground.

He had a look of disappointment on his face and shook his head.

He didn't expect that he could knock the old orangutan to the ground with less than half of his strength.

Fortunately, his nickname is still "Hercules"!

Moreover, this old guy has no power to fight back in front of his [Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique].

He had to admit that his [Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique] was too powerful.

With Zang's current state, the power of the demon seed can easily deprive a person of his five senses, and even block the other person's sixth sense.

This power has surpassed the limits of human beings, turning Zang into a being comparable to living gods and demons.

He thought to himself that even a titled Douluo below the level of a demigod would have no ability to fight back in front of his accomplished demon species, and could only let his demon species take whatever it wanted.

However, his demon seed simply affected Titan's vision and actually caused him to lose his ability to perceive.

This also gave Zang a feeling of neither going up nor coming down, as if he had sprayed halfway but suddenly stopped.

Zang looked at Titan, and suddenly felt a sense of boredom in his heart, like a cat that was tired of playing with its own little toy, which was unchallenging.

Therefore, he decided not to waste time with Tai Tan, but to quickly fight and lure Tang Hao out. He waved his hand gently, and the wooden dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he came to life, and swam towards the Titan lying on the ground like a giant python.

Behind Zang, the seventh soul ring was blooming with light, and his martial soul true form had been activated.

This wooden dragon is the true form of the martial spirit of the Hidden God Tree's martial spirit.

When Tai Tan saw this, he quickly got up from the ground. He knew that he could not sit back and wait for death, but should take the initiative to attack.

He continued to raise his fist and jumped high, trying to hit Zang in mid-air.

However, he still underestimated Zang's strength and reaction speed.

With a fierce look in his eyes, he snorted coldly, and like mercury pouring down the ground, the devil's strange power followed the voice and penetrated into Titan's mind.

Titan only felt that his mind was in chaos, as if a huge force was stirring his thinking and perception.

He wanted to resist, but found that he could not concentrate, as if he was bound and suppressed by an invisible force.

"Change the sky and strike the earth!"

Zang murmured softly.

This was the inspiration he got from Ba Shiba. The power of the demon seed can instantly confuse the opponent's five senses, causing the opponent to fall into endless darkness and chaos, unable to extricate himself.

He watched as Titan fell to the ground in a daze, as if he was drunk and unable to stand.

This kind of mental thaumaturgy is a fatal blow to the simple-minded Titan.

His consciousness began to blur, everything in front of him became blurry, and there were indescribable weird murmurs in his ears. He felt various strange flavors on his tongue for some reason, and even his nose smelled endless weird smells. .

He tried to stand up, but found that he could no longer control his body.

The next moment, Taitan had involuntarily canceled the martial soul's true form.

Titan lay helplessly on the ground, his aura dropped rapidly, his original might and domineering power were gone, and his feces and urine flowed out.

His face was pale, and his eyes showed a look of fear and helplessness.

He knew that he had been hit by some kind of spiritual attack, but he had no power to fight back and could only let his demon seed wreak havoc on him.

Wood Dragon followed closely and came to Titan's side.

Its cold wooden touch made Titan's body tremble involuntarily.

The wooden dragon tightly wrapped around Titan's body and began to absorb his soul power.

Titan only felt that his soul power was constantly being lost, as if it was being sucked away by an invisible force.

His body began to become weak and all the strength in his body was drained.

Everyone onlookers were shocked when they saw Titan's embarrassed appearance.

They didn't understand why Titan had become like this in a short period of time, and they were even more shocked by Yu Zang's powerful strength.

Even Sword Douluo looked at this scene with wide eyes when he saw Zang subduing the Titan in one turn.

With the realm of Sword Douluo, he can naturally feel the spiritual power that ordinary soul masters cannot sense.

He knew in his heart that this was some kind of special spiritual attack, but this was the first time he had seen such evil and weird spiritual power.

He couldn't help but think: "Is this the power of the evil god?"

Sword Douluo frowned tightly, feeling worried in his heart.

At this moment, the three educational committee members of Tiandou Royal Academy had quietly arrived at Sword Douluo's side.

They sensed the Titan's burst of soul power and felt something unusual in it, so they hurried to the scene to find out.

The three education committee members witnessed the entire process that had just happened. They were extremely shocked as they watched Titan being easily subdued by Zang.

They knew the strength of Titan, and they knew even more about the terrifying strength displayed by Zang.

This reminded them of Tang Chen, the leader of the Haotian Sect back then who was once known as the "Invincible on Land".

Meng Shenji stroked his goatee with his trembling, skinny right hand, but accidentally pulled off a few strands.

He was shocked and couldn't help but sigh:

"Your Qibao Glazed Sect will replace the Haotian Sect and become the number one sect in the entire continent."

Meng Shenji's words were full of envy and awe.

He understood that the Qibao Glazed Sect already had the strength to surpass the Haotian Sect, and behind all this was the existence of Zang.

Zang's strength and talent made him the biggest contributor to the rise of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Fortunately, the Qibao Glazed Sect had always supported their Tiandou Empire.

Bai Baoshan and another education committee member on the side also nodded in agreement, their faces full of shock and admiration.

They knew that the rise of the Qibao Glazed Sect was an irreversible trend.

As the teaching committee of Tiandou Royal Academy, they must face this reality and think about how to win over the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which is bound to dominate the world, especially the hidden people behind it.

In the air, after Zang subdued Titan, his eyes slowly turned to Tang San, who was dripping with cold sweat.

Tang San was shocked, he knew that his strength was far inferior to Zang, and it was already too late to escape.

The next second, Zang was like an eagle striking the sky, rushing towards Tang San who was trying to escape.

His speed was extremely fast, as if a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, making it impossible for anyone to see his movements clearly.

Tang San could only watch Zang flying towards him, the fear in his heart reaching the extreme. He wanted to use the ghost shadow to escape, but he was so frightened that he wet his pants and stayed in place stupidly, his two waves fighting. war.

"No! Third brother, be careful! Let third brother go!"

When Xiao Wu saw this, her face turned pale with fright. She desperately stretched out her hand and ran over to block Tang San.

Her heart was filled with worry and anxiety, and she couldn't let Tang San get hurt in any way.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the air, turned into a black line, and appeared directly above Zang.

"Ling Tian strikes!"

Tang Hao roared, swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, gathered all the strength in his body, and hit Zang hard under him.

"Hmph, let Ah Yin see who is stronger, you or me!"

Zang let out a low drink, stopped, and then punched the Clear Sky Hammer that was flying down in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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