I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 212 Ah Yin: Zang, you are so fierce

Zang slowly emerged from hell like a demon and punched Tang Hao with a strange punch that was both as heavy as a mountain and as light as a feather.

Tang Hao knew that Zang possessed some kind of "flying" soul skill, so he could fly in the sky.

He was overjoyed when he saw that the person hiding under his sneak attack actually didn't want to dodge and dared to confront him head-on.

The reason why Tai Tan followed him wholeheartedly was because Tang Hao was able to defeat Tai Tai in terms of strength when he was young, and he was the only one in the Haotian Sect who did not underestimate the art of blacksmithing.

Moreover, Tang Hao also took the extreme route. Every soul ring attached to his Clear Sky Hammer martial soul increased his power.

Therefore, Tang Hao considers himself to be the best in the world in terms of strength.

"Suffer death! One blow from Ling Tian!"

Regardless of the pain in his body, Tang Hao concentrated all his soul power on the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and slammed it down.

At the same time, he also saw that there was some kind of strange spiritual magic in the possession. While performing the "Lingtian Strike", he also quickly launched the "Killing God Realm".

The strong murderous aura condensed into a line, temporarily breaking the intrusion of spiritual powers in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand struck hard with Zang's fist.

The invisible huge force instantly pressed along the handle of the hammer to his chest, making Tang Hao feel like his breathing had stopped.

His heart suddenly shrank, as if it was about to be squeezed out of his chest by this force.

"How is it possible! How can a mere brat resist my power!"

Tang Hao's eyes widened and he looked at the young man below with surprise and disbelief on his face.

There was a huge wave in his heart, as if he was hit hard by an invisible force.

You must know that Tang Hao's power is extremely powerful. Even Qian Xunji was no match for him in terms of strength.

However, the young man in front of him actually took his blow, and he seemed to still have some strength left. How can this be!

Even if he didn't use the "Great Sumeru Hammer" or activate the martial soul's true form, he still used the "Lingtian Strike"!

This is Haotian's unique skill that can gather all the strength of the whole body!

However, this was actually caught by Zang!

I saw the full head of hidden black hair, blown by the hammering wind, flying around the head like flames, giving people a wild and mysterious feeling.

The vitality of heaven and earth pours in from the Baihui point on the top of the head, pours out from the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet, pours in from the Yongquan point, and gushes out from the Baihui point.

Just like the way of heaven, it flows endlessly and repeats itself in cycles.

At the same time, a strange soul power suddenly emitted from Zang's body, as hot as fire, and as cold as bone-chilling.

His eyes condensed into two lights, which seemed to illuminate the earth, sharp and bright.

The magic pupil stared at Tang Hao in front of him, as if he wanted to see through his soul.

Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Zang's mouth, and he praised:

"The strength is acceptable, but unfortunately it's not domineering enough."

As he spoke, an invisible but strange force invaded Tang Hao's body through his fist and along the Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang Hao was suddenly startled and felt a strange force surge into his body instantly.

This force was cold and hot, as if two strong men were pulling his body from two different directions, making him feel at a loss.

He tried hard to control his body, trying to resist the invasion of this force, but the soul power in his body became vulnerable to the ravages of this force.

This force contained a strange soul power that was both cold and hot, hot and cold. It penetrated the meridians in Tang Hao's body like a drill, leaving behind streaks of blazing burns and bone-chilling frostbite.

The next second, blood flowed from the corner of Tang Hao's mouth, and his body was shaking.

Below, Zang actually blocked Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer with one punch, which surprised Tang San.

He had always believed that his father was the most powerful being in the world, but today he witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Zang and his father were equally matched.

Tang San couldn't help but feel a strong shock in his heart. He looked at Zang's calm back and seemed to see a whole new world.

He never thought that there was someone in the world who could compete with his father, or even be able to withstand his father's Clear Sky Hammer with just his fists.

Suddenly, Tang San's eyes turned to his father, and he saw a trace of bright red blood spilling from the corner of Tang Hao's mouth, and his face was as pale as paper.

Tang San's heart tightened, he was frightened, and subconsciously exclaimed:


This cry was full of worry and concern.

However, when Tang San's eyes turned to Zang again, he suddenly remembered something, and there was a vicious light in his eyes.

He wiped his palm from the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridge and took out a strange-looking thing that looked like an invitation.

"Suffer to death!"

Tang San said with secret hatred in his heart.

Then, he began to input all his soul power into the "King of Hell Tie", a hidden weapon he had never used before.

There was no sound of breaking through the air, and a silent black light shot towards Zang's back.

This is one of the Tang Sect's top hidden weapons, ranking third in the Inner Sect.

The speed of the black light was so fast that it was almost undetectable, leaving only a faint black shadow in the air.

Except for Sword Douluo, no one else on the entire field could keep up with this speed.

"Be careful of sneak attacks!"

Sword Douluo's eyes flashed, and he instantly judged the origin of the black light.

The next moment, the Seven Kills Sword in his hand burst out with fierce sword energy and rushed straight towards the black light.


There was a clear sound of metal clashing, and a Seven Kills Sword Qi was already placed in front of Tang San's throat. The sword Qi was so fierce that Tang San could hardly breathe.

"He wants to kill me!"

Tang San felt the fierce killing intent and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He never thought that his subconscious sneak attack could force Sword Douluo to take such action. This kind of terror between life and death frightened him.

At the same time, Sword Douluo's entire body turned into a stream of light and followed the direction of the black light.

His eyes flashed with a sharp light, as if he wanted to completely cut off the black light.

At this moment, Zang seemed to sense something. He turned his head gracefully and waved back with his other hand.

His movements seemed so relaxed and comfortable, as if he was chasing away a fly, and he held the black light so lightly.

Below, Tang San's eyes widened, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

He exclaimed:

"Impossible! How could anyone grab the "King of Hell Sticker" with bare hands! "

He had used all his strength to launch this hidden weapon, and it was their Tang Sect's most precious treasure. But now it was caught so easily, which made him feel very unbelievable.

The next moment, Sword Douluo appeared in front of Tang Hao holding the Seven Kills Sword. His eyes flashed with sword intent, he stared at Tang Hao coldly and said:

"Tang Hao, as a titled Douluo, it is too shameless for you to suddenly attack a junior."

His voice was full of anger and disappointment, and he was obviously very disdainful of Tang Hao's behavior.

However, when Sword Douluo saw that Zang not only withstood Tang Hao's sneak attack, but also caught Tang San's hidden weapon with his bare hands, although he was surprised by his strength, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was really afraid that Zanghui would be attacked by Tang San's hidden weapon.

Sword Douluo had also heard of these strange but powerful hidden weapons from Ning Rongrong.

Next to him, when Tang Hao heard Sword Douluo's rebuke, he couldn't help snorting coldly. He also knew very well in his heart that the current strength gap between himself and Sword Douluo was really too big.

So, he put away the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and landed lightly on the ground.

However, the tingling sensation in his meridians made his face turn pale as paper, and he vomited another mouthful of blood.

Seeing his father injured, Tang San felt very anxious. He knew that his actions not only failed to help his father, but actually made him more dangerous.

At the same time, Zang and Sword Douluo also landed lightly on the ground, and their eyes fell on Tang Hao, who was seriously injured in front of them.

At this moment, Ah Yin dodged and came to Zang like the wind.

She hugged the boy's neck and asked gently:

"Zang, you are so powerful that you were able to block Tang Hao. Are you not injured?"

At this moment, Ah Yin only had eyes for the young man in front of her, and didn't pay attention to Tang Hao behind him.

Zang felt A Yin's concern and smiled softly.

He gently stroked Ah Yin's cheek, pinched her little face, and responded softly:

"I am okay."

Then, he looked at Tang San who was being restrained by Sword Douluo, and sneered:

"Xiaosan, your hidden weapon is really not very good."

As he spoke, Zang waved his hand gently, and the "King of Hell Sticker" in his hand turned into a flash of black light, hitting Tang San's cheek and hitting the ground.


Tang San's eyes widened and he swallowed deeply, feeling the sound of "King of Hell Tie" whizzing past his ears.

His legs were already trembling, and he was so frightened that he could hardly speak.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

A stream of sultry yellow liquid flowed out from Tang San's crotch, soaking his pants and falling low to the ground.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter sounded all around.

"Hahaha, he was so scared that he peed."

"That's right, look, his pants are wet."

"It's so funny. He couldn't sneak attack others and was so scared that he peed."

The students from the Tiandou Royal Academy on the side laughed out loud.

Even Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others couldn't help laughing when they saw Tang San pissed in fear.

Only Xiao Wu looked at Tang San with a worried expression, anxious in her heart.

She wanted to rush forward and save him, but she didn't dare to make a mistake in front of Sword Douluo, for fear that he would see her identity as a hundred thousand year soul beast.

At this moment, Tang San felt very humiliated and helpless. He never imagined that one day he would become incontinent due to fear.

His face turned green and white, and the anger and shame in his heart were intertwined, almost making him unbearable.

At this moment, Tang Hao looked at Ah Yin's face at close range, and he only had Ah Yin in his eyes.

The entire Tiandou Royal Academy seemed to have disappeared, and only Ah Yin was left in his world.

"Ah Yin, Ah Yin, you are still alive, that's great..."

Tang Hao murmured to himself, his voice filled with endless joy and excitement.

Of course he recognized it. The Ayin in front of him was her eighteen-year-old self. He had loved this face deeply and suffered from the pain after losing her.

Tang Hao was delighted that Ah Yin was able to be reborn again after disappearing.

He always thought that he would never see her again, that the gentle, kind and beautiful A Yin would no longer be in this world.

But now, she appeared in front of him again, making him feel as if it was a dream.

"Ah Yin, do you know how much I miss you? After you disappeared, I wished I could go down and accompany you. Now that you are reborn, it's so great..."

Tang Hao whispered nervously, his eyes flashing with tears.

The pain and longing in his heart were released at this moment, and all the waiting and pain became worth it.

He stared at Ah Yin closely and stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to carve her into his soul.

He didn't want to lose her again, this time he wanted to hold on to her tightly and prevent her from disappearing from his life again.

Suddenly, Zang's figure appeared in front of Ah Yin, and he blocked her in front of Ah Yin without hesitation, protecting her under his arms.

His eyes were firm and resolute, as if telling Tang Hao that A Yin was no longer someone he could touch.

"Ah Yin has committed herself to me now. She has nothing to do with you anymore. I advise you to take care of yourself!"

Zang said in a deep voice, every word was like a cold hammer hitting Tang Hao's heart.

Tang Hao looked at A Yin's figure, an incredible light flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that Ah Yin would choose to leave him and follow the young man in front of him.

His eyes became obsessed and blurred, as if being pulled by an invisible force, and all his attention was focused on Zang.

"You brat? What kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into A Yin? She actually didn't remember me!"

Tang Hao's voice revealed an unprecedented ferocity and killing intent, like a wounded wolf king.

His body was filled with astonishing murderous aura, causing all the students around him to hold their breath and feel as if there was a sword pressed against their throats.

Even the three education committee members were shocked and quickly summoned their respective martial spirits to surround the surrounding students to prevent Tang Hao from killing people.

Facing Tang Hao's questioning, Zang showed no fear or flinch.

He looked directly into Tang Hao's eyes, with a mocking smile on his lips:

"Ah Yin doesn't remember you at all, so why do you bother her?

Look at how you look now. You are as miserable as a bereaved dog. Are you still worthy of Ah Yin? "

Tang Hao was irritated by Zang's words, and his eyes flashed with a crazy light.

The hundred thousand year ninth spirit ring behind him gradually lit up, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand began to glow with a permeating red light, as if it was about to completely destroy Zang.

However, Zang showed no fear. He exuded a powerful aura that was no less powerful than Tang Hao.

At the same time, Sword Douluo also ducked in front of Zang, the Seven Kills Sword in his hand exhaling cold sword light, and the nine soul rings behind him were pulsing with light. (End of chapter)

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