I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 214 A Yin’s screams and Tang Hao’s helplessness

"Well done!"

A sharp shout was like lightning tearing through the sky.

Zang summoned all the strength in his body and instantly gathered it in his palm, accompanied by the surging soul power in his body.

At the same time, his body was also vaguely covered with a bright layer of glazed aura, shining with crystal light.

A pair of tiger eyes are as sharp as knives, shining with determination and determination, as if they want to cut off all obstacles.

Then, he turned over with a kite and struck the huge Sumeru hammer under him with his palm.

A powerful air current burst out instantly, like an invisible storm surging in the air.

The force was so powerful that even the air seemed to be shaking, making people feel heart-stopping.


There was a deafening thunder, and the palm and the big Sumeru hammer were in a head-to-head confrontation.

However, there is a layer of substantial glazed aura in the middle. This layer of aura is as strong as an iron wall and can withstand the fierce attack of the Great Sumeru Hammer.

His face remained unchanged, all the muscles in his body were tense, and a steady stream of Gang Qi poured into his palms like running water.

On the opposite side, Tang Hao's eyes also became solemn.

He felt the huge backlash from the Great Sumeru Hammer, which made his arms begin to tremble slightly.

This power was so great that he had to marvel at Zang's powerful physical body.

"Is that Gang Qi? How can it be so strong? Even my big Sumeru hammer can't break it!

And with this incredible power, I'm afraid even a giant dragon is nothing more than that! "

Tang Hao gritted his teeth in his heart.

He felt that his arms had begun to go numb, as if a powerful force was constantly eroding his body.

He knew that if he could not break away from this stalemate as soon as possible, he would fall into an extremely passive situation.

However, at this moment, a trace of evil flashed in Zang's eyes.

He took a sharp breath, and the Gang Qi in his body began to surge.

Immediately afterwards, Zang made a fist with his other hand, packed with infinite Gang Qi, and punched the Great Sumeru Hammer with a fierce punch.

The force of this punch was so great that it seemed as if even the air was instantly sucked out of the surrounding area.

In an instant, an even more powerful counter-shock force erupted from the Big Sumeru Hammer, causing Tang Hao's body to lower involuntarily.

He was horrified:

"This power..."

Tang Hao only felt a strong force coming from the hammer handle, as if he was wrestling with a hundred thousand year old dark gold Terrorclaw bear, and his arms holding the hammer handle began to tremble inexplicably.

He tried hard to stabilize his body, but the force was too great, forcing him to retreat continuously.

As a result, his eyes were full of surprise and disbelief:

"How can this be……"

The next moment, Tang Hao's blood-red eyes became more fierce, and a violent feeling suddenly arose in his heart, and he shouted:

"Explode the ring!"

Following Tang Hao's violent roar, a spine-chilling "Gaba Gaba" sound suddenly came from his body.

This voice seemed to come from the deepest part of hell, making people shudder.

Suddenly, Tang Hao's whole body suddenly swelled, and veins popped up on his exposed skin, covered with bloody traces, as if a ferocious beast was about to break out of its cage.

His eyes became more fierce, as if he wanted to swallow up the whole world.

At this moment, Tang Hao's aura completely changed, as if he had turned into a ferocious beast.

Every movement and look he makes is full of violence and murderous intent, making people want to retreat.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, eight thunderclaps rang out from the big Sumeru hammer in front of Tang Hao.

The sound was deafening and frightening.

An unparalleled powerful soul power burst out from Tang Hao's body, as if it was going to tear the entire world apart.

Tang Hao actually exploded eight soul rings in one breath!

Except for the most powerful ninth soul ring, the other eight soul rings all exploded and merged into the Great Sumeru Hammer!

With the explosion of super soul power brought by the ring explosion, the big Sumeru hammer in Tang Hao's arms instantly became even bigger.

The bloody lines on the original hammer became more and more dazzling, and endless golden lightning wrapped around the surface of the hammer, as if a golden dragon was dancing.

This kind of power is like the arrival of the God of Thunder!

When Tang Hao first entered the realm of Titled Douluo, he could defeat Jugui Douluo in one breath just by blowing up the first two hundred-year-old spirit rings.

Now that he had exploded eight soul rings in one go, his strength had skyrocketed.

Tang Hao's soul master level was originally level ninety-four, but now it has reached level ninety-eight in an instant, which is second only to the demigod level of level ninety-nine!

However, the power brought by the Ring Explosion does not come without a price.

Tang Hao spit out a large mouthful of blood, and strands of blood flowed from the pores all over his body, making him look like a bloody man.

His body was shaking violently, as if he was in endless pain.

This pain penetrated deep into his bones, causing his internal organs to ache extremely.

However, there was no fear or flinching in Tang Hao's eyes.

Facing the pain and pressure, a smile actually appeared on his lips.

There was a firmness and determination in this smile, as if he had put life and death aside.

There is only one person in his eyes, and that is Zang.

Then, Tang Hao took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice:

"It's up to you what to do now, just suffer death!"

As his words fell, Tang Hao roared angrily and swung the big Sumeru hammer behind the explosive ring.

At the same time, the "Killing God Realm" was also launched with full force, trying to suppress Zang's strength as much as possible.

However, he was disappointed again.

The big Sumeru hammer in his arms, with the increase in power after the ring was exploded, had no impact on Zang at all.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake a single hair on Zang's body, let alone defeat him.

That layer of transparent Gangqi, which was like running water, resisted Tang Hao's offensive. It could be called "absolute defense".

If Gu Rong, the Bone Douluo, had seen this scene, he might not have the shame to claim to be "the best defense Douluo in the world" anymore.

Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a strong sense of frustration. He felt that his strength seemed to become so small in an instant.

He widened his eyes and looked at Zang's calm expression, and the anger in his heart became even stronger.

Moreover, what disappointed him even more was that his "Killing God Domain" was unable to suppress Zang at all.

Originally, this field could weaken the enemy's strength by ten percent, but Zang seemed to be immune and was not affected by this field at all.

Anger and disappointment intertwined in Tang Hao's heart, and he was stunned for a moment.

Erzang looked at Tang Hao and his face turned purple, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

He mocked:

"What's wrong? Is this all you have? Then it's my turn!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he thought silently in his heart:

"Royal power!"

In an instant, an invisible force fell from the sky and enveloped Tang Hao.

Tang Hao felt his legs tremble and immediately fell to his knees.

An unimaginable gravity pressed on his body, making him almost breathless.

This gravity seemed to come from the endless abyss and would press him under the ground forever.

Tang Hao struggled hard and tried to stand up, but the gravity seemed to restrain even his soul.

He felt that his body was being gradually squashed, and his internal organs seemed to be squeezed out of his body.

This was an indescribable pain that made him scream in agony. The surrounding air seemed to freeze at this moment, and everything became silent.

Only Tang Hao's painful and pitiful low wailing echoed, making people feel a sense of sadness.

Tang Hao's eyes were full of despair and unwillingness. He never expected that he would be defeated so completely.

However, even in desperate situation, Tang Hao still did not give up.

He gritted his teeth and struggled with all his strength.

Tang Hao knew that if he gave up like this, it would mean complete failure.

However, he is unwilling to accept such a result and will resist to the end.

"The ninth soul ring - ring explosion!"

Finally, Tang Hao took a deep breath and exploded the last hundred thousand year soul ring.

At this moment, his body's endurance reached its limit.

He felt as if his body was about to be torn apart, and a large amount of blood poured out of his pores, staining his clothes red.

Under his feet, a pool of blood formed, which was shocking.

However, even though he was suffering so much pain, Tang Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

His strength skyrocketed even more at this moment, and he finally touched the astonishing threshold of level ninety-nine.

Even if he only has the power of one strike, that strike is enough to make him believe that he can defeat any enemy.

With a roar, Tang Hao stood up again under the pressure of "royal power".

He swung the big Sumeru hammer and fought back hard.

The power of this blow seemed to shake the heaven and the earth, making everything around it tremble.

Finally, the Liuli Gang Qi on Zang's body was broken by Tang Hao's attack.

Tang Hao wielded the Great Sumeru Hammer and broke through to Zang's side, but was blocked in front of him by his arms in time, only to be thrown far away.

"This time... I should win, right?"

When Tang Hao saw Zang being knocked away by him, he finally couldn't hold on any longer.

He subconsciously canceled the Clear Sky Hammer spirit and fell to his knees in a pool of blood.

At this moment, all nine of his soul rings were exploded, and he could no longer use any soul skills. Even the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit could not be summoned.

Tang Hao gasped and knelt on the ground, his whole body full of exhaustion and pain.

He felt that his strength was rapidly draining away, and his vitality was constantly disappearing.

However, even though he was seriously injured, the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised, showing an unyielding posture.

He was about to swear something, but suddenly he was startled, as if he felt something.

He mechanically turned his head and looked back, only to see Zang standing behind him intact, seemingly uninjured by Tang Hao's desperate blow.

Tang Hao was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He struggled hard and tried to stand up, but his body had lost all strength.

So, he closed his eyes in despair, feeling that his world was collapsing.

"The strength of this hammer is enough, but unfortunately the attack power is not enough, and it cannot break my indestructible golden body."

Zang's words spread into Tang Hao's heart, and he immediately felt like a thunderbolt.

He never expected that he would be defeated so completely.

"How... how is it possible? I have obviously exploded all the soul rings, how come I can't hurt a hair on your head?"

Tang Hao muttered to himself desperately, feeling that the sky was about to fall.

He couldn't imagine what kind of attack would break Kaizo's golden body defense.

At this moment, Tang Hao felt unprecedented despair.

He always thought that he was strong enough to defeat any enemy.

However, now he found that his attack could not cause any harm to Zang at all.

This made him feel as if his strength had become so small in an instant, and he couldn't help but feel despair.

The next second, the four soul rings behind him were moving rhythmically, and they had switched to the second martial soul. He whispered softly:

"The fourth soul skill: Time Freezing!"

In an instant, Tang Hao felt that he couldn't move, he couldn't even lift a finger.

"I can't move... I can't move... What kind of soul skill is this?"

Tang Hao was shocked to think that because Zang walked beside him, he could not see the four soul rings behind Zang.

Seeing Tang Haoai's expression of despair, Zang nodded with satisfaction, turned around and waved to Ah Yin.

Zang knew very well that only by completely defeating Tang Hao in terms of both strength and emotion could he completely destroy his inner defenses and prevent him from being able to muster the energy to fight for the demon seed with him in the future.

At this moment, Ah Yin walked towards Zang, his eyes full of affection and expectation.

She asked gently: "Zang, what do you want to do?"

There was a hint of trembling and nervousness in his voice.

Zang's eyes became deep, and he grabbed A Yin's slender waist and hugged her tightly into his arms.

His fingers gently rubbed A Yin's back, as if he were stroking a precious treasure.

Then, he tore off his black clothes, revealing his muscular and smooth chest.

"Ah Yin, do you love me or Tang Hao now?"

Zang's voice is deep and magnetic, full of charm and temptation.

Ah Yin stroked Zang Jie's broad white chest, feeling his body temperature and heartbeat.

Her cheeks couldn't help but become rosy, and her eyes became blurred.

She narrowed her eyes and said:

"What you said means that of course I love you.

That guy Tang Hao is such a waste. He can't protect anything. Such a person is certainly not worthy of my attention. "

Tang Hao listened silently and couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

Ah Yin's words were like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into his heart.

He admitted that A Yin was right, he was indeed a waste and no one could protect him.

He wanted to argue, but he couldn't say a word or do anything. He could only continue to listen dejectedly.

There was a hint of cunning and evil in Zang's eyes.

Of course he knew A Yin's position in Tang Hao's heart, and he also knew how to use this to plant a demon on Tang Hao.

Of course, this kind of magic method is also imitated by Pang Ban.

Although it is vulgar, it is very useful!

Then, Zang lowered his head and kissed Ah Yin's red lips deeply.

Ah Yin also took the opportunity to hold Zang's neck, closed his eyes, and responded to his enthusiasm.

"Hmm... um... Zang... Ah Yin... likes..."

Ah Yin murmured to himself, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his breathing became more rapid.

Immediately, their bodies pressed tightly together, as if they were merging into each other's lives.

At this moment, Tang Hao's eyesight had become wet with tears.

He didn't know how he should face all this. His original woman was now in the arms of another man, but he had no choice but to watch.

And all of this was caused by Tang Hao's incompetence and was his fault. (End of chapter)

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