I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 215 Tang Hao: I can only watch, but I can’t

In that breathtaking moment, Ah Yin's body trembled slightly, as if he had experienced some unspeakable evil.

The invisible terrifying monster crawled out of her heart, seemingly extremely evil, and involuntarily eroded the noble defense line of Holy Light.

Then, Zang wiped one hand on his body, and then put his arm around Ah Yin's back.

The next second, the aqua blue dress on her body seemed to be given life.

Following Ah Yin's movements, it slid down gently without any hindrance, just like a clear spring in a mountain stream undulating on a stone.

I saw that A Yin's neck was white and flawless, as long and slender as a swan, as if it were a beautiful jade that had accumulated over the years, warm and subtle.

Her figure is flawless, like a statue made of white jade. A little more makes her look fatter, a little less makes her look thinner.

At this moment, Ah Yin slightly squinted her starry eyes, like the singing of nature, which made people ecstatic, with a hint of shyness, which made people irresistible.

"Zang, come on, I love you."

Ah Yin leaned close to Zang's ear and said sweetly.

At this moment, Zang only felt that Ah Yin's love was as pure as white clouds.

Zang raised his head without hesitation and took out a cushion from the soul guide.

At the same time, he also reached out to pull A Yin down and arrange her to sit in front of him.

Ah Yin smiled sweetly when she saw this, put her arms on Zang's shoulders, and pressed her delicate hands tightly against his solid back.

Then, she leaned over and put her cheek against Zang's ear, murmuring:

"Master, you are too impatient, in front of Tang Hao...

However, I'm a little hungry.

Ah Yin is a little greedy. Did the master bring anything delicious?

Are there any crispy rice balls or anything like that? "

Hearing this, Zang gently scraped Ah Yin's nose, took out a large piece of rice cake and handed it to Ah Yin.

Ah Yin picked up the rice cake and started eating it.

At this moment, Tang Hao knew without turning his head that Ah Yin was eating with gusto.

Anger suddenly welled up in his heart. When he and Ah Yin were together in the past, Ah Yin always refused to eat his food.

But now, whenever Zang asks Ah Yin to eat something delicious, Ah Yin will obediently eat whatever is delicious, just like one of his slaves.

No, this is simply more obedient than a slave.

This made Tang Hao feel extremely jealous, and his emotions began to become excited, and his whole face became a little distorted.

"Damn it! Ah Yin! My favorite Ah Yin!"

Tang Hao felt grief-stricken and shouted crazily in his heart,

"My Ah Yin! I'm so useless.

I can only watch as your innocence is stained by another man in front of me.

First, Yuehua was given to that boy, and then you were raped in front of me...

woo woo woo...

But I can't do anything, I can't protect anyone!

What kind of man am I? "

Tang Hao's heart was filled with self-blame and grief, and his emotions became more and more agitated. It was obvious that he could not forgive himself for his incompetence.

At the same time, an invisible force of demonic seeds followed his emotions deeper into the depths of his spiritual sea, absorbing his energy and spirit unscrupulously.

Ah Yin didn't seem to notice Tang Hao's emotional changes.

She ate the rice dumplings handed to her by Zang and whimpered inarticulately:

"Yes, it tastes good, just as delicious as the reader's."

Zang Ze looked at Ah Yin tenderly and gently stroked Ah Yin's white head, feeling that his palm was stroking a piece of extremely smooth silk.

He was secretly proud that he had completely grasped Ah Yin's preferences.

And the rice cake is just like the reader, it is far better than Tang Hao's, and the ingredients are very full, not missing a pound, a full twenty pounds.

Tang Hao listened to the interaction between A Yin and Zang, and the jealousy in his heart became stronger.

He began to realize his own weakness. He felt that he was too weak.

Gradually, Tang Hao's heart became silent, and his whole body seemed to be jade, unable to detect any abnormal movement at all.

"Have you finished eating? Hey, do you want me to give you a kiss?"

Zang whispered.

Under the dim light in Shenwei Space, Ah Yin's long hair flowed like water waves, glowing with a faint blue light, as if blending into the night.

Zang's palm gently stroked the silky smooth hair, feeling their touch on his fingertips. He couldn't help but be intoxicated by the softness and warmth.

He carefully moved her hanging hair to one side, as gently as if he was afraid of disturbing her.

Ah Yin rolled her eyes at him with a charming expression when she heard this, but stood up understandingly, put a pair of lotus-rooted arms on Zang's shoulders, and sat down opposite him.

And Zang also pinched Ah Yin's slender waist with great tenderness, feeling that it was barely enough to hold.

His movements were very gentle, as if he was afraid that Ah Yin would be hurt. After all, Ah Yin was in a weak state now.

Suddenly, Ah Yin seemed to have lost his center of gravity and sat heavily on the ground. He was startled, rolled his eyes and raised his head, as if he had hit something.

Her expression seemed to be in great pain, as if she was seriously injured, and she also had an expression of indescribable relief.

"Hey, it hurts so much. Please help me up slowly. This is so painful..."

Ah Yin raised her head high, her jade-white gooseneck was taut, and she whispered instructions with blurred eyes, looking as if she was seriously injured.

So, she quickly raised her body and stood up again. She seemed to feel that her injury was not serious, and sat down on the ground calmly. She seemed to have some nostalgia and reluctance.

When Zang heard Ah Yin's exclamation, he quickly straightened up and looked at her with his head held high.

Then, he went to carefully check A Yin's injuries and found that she only touched the ground lightly and was not seriously injured. This made Zang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then he gently hugged Ah Yin's slender waist, letting her nestle in his arms and have a good rest, while he comforted her heart.

"A Yin, are you feeling better?"

Zang couldn't help but growl.

At this moment, Ah Yin was resting gently in his arms, and she couldn't help but gasp a little from the injury she just suffered.

She knew that the burden on her body had reached a certain limit and she needed to rest.

So, Ah Yin nestled tightly on Zang's chest, feeling his heartbeat, and her heart was filled with endless happiness and satisfaction.

Zang hummed softly, as if a breeze blew gently, bringing a bit of coolness.

There was a vague evil spirit seeping into his eyes. It was a deep and mysterious dark power that made people shudder.

However, Zang's eyes also revealed a kind of obsession and desire, which was driven by the demon seed in his body.

Then, the demon inside the body seemed to be strongly stimulated, and began to become more and more active and excited. It was no longer as agile as usual, like a wild beast, eager to break through the restraints.

That kind of excitement and desire made Zang's body tremble slightly. He tried hard to suppress his impulse and let Ah Yin make the decision completely on his own.

In the following time, the roar of dragons and phoenixes spread throughout every corner of Shenwei Space.

However, for Tang Hao, the two people's voices were like sharp blades, piercing into his heart.

He knelt aside, listening to Ah Yin and Zang's husband and wife singing, and he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

As a result, Tang Hao's eyes showed sadness and pain.

His hands were clenched into fists, his knuckles turned pale from the exertion, and his teeth were clenched.

His heart seemed to be bitten by thousands of ants, and the pain of being green penetrated deep into his bones, making him almost unable to breathe.


Did Ah Yin really fall in love with someone else?

How could she calmly be with this brat like this in front of me?

How could you forget me?

Ah Yin...my Ah Yin..."

Tang Hao roared over and over again in his heart, as if he was questioning the whole world.

His heart was filled with reluctance and doubts. Why would Ah Yin choose to hide instead of him?

They had been through so many storms together, and he had always thought that the relationship between them was indestructible.

Unexpectedly, Ah Yin would completely forget about him and interact with Zang next to him as if no one else was around.

Tang Hao felt that his heart was bleeding, and the pain could not be described in words.

There were tears in his eyes, he felt vulnerable and helpless like he had never felt before.

He wanted to shout loudly and vent his inner pain, but in "Time Freeze", he couldn't even complete a simple shout.

Suddenly, Ah Yin screamed, full of pain and helplessness.

Tang Hao's heart trembled suddenly. He knew that Zang must have done something to Ah Yin.

There was a flash of anger and jealousy in his eyes, but more of it was worry and heartache.

"No...no...I want it. Tang Hao is too bad. He used to have a bad waist. Thank you, Master."

Ah Yin praised Zang sincerely, and hearing these words made Tang Hao feel like he was struck by lightning, and jealousy welled up in his heart.

Tang Hao didn't need to check it himself, he knew how A Yin should smile like a flower when he said such words.

His body was shaking violently, and the pain in his heart surged like a tidal wave. Those derogatory words were like a sharp knife, piercing his heart fiercely.

Finally, Tang Hao couldn't suppress the pain in his heart and cried, tears sliding down his cheeks.

His heart was bleeding, and the pain of being betrayed by his beloved was almost unbearable. He wanted to protect Ah Yin and restore their love.

But he couldn't do anything but silently endure the torment and pain in his heart.

Finally, it has arrived.

The chorus between the two became more urgent and louder.

"Hurry up and activate the rune fatal rhythm for the last time."

Ah Yin closed her eyes and urged in a low voice.

Perhaps after a long time, Ah Yin began to cry and was heartbroken.

At the same time, Tang Hao's heart trembled violently when he heard A Yin's cry.

Ah Yin sobbed softly and said:

"Okay, okay. I love you so much. I love you so much..."

Ah Yin was sobbing, as if she was trying her best to suppress her sadness.

The next second, Ah Yin's tears kept falling, wetting Zang's shoulders one by one.

This scene hurt Tang Hao's heart. His heart hurt like a knife, but he could only listen to A Yin crying.

Zang stretched out his hand and patted Ah Yin's back gently, as if comforting her with his tenderness.

They sat face to face and looked very gentle, but Tang Hao knew that all this was an insult from the winner to the loser.

After a while, Ah Yin's heart seemed to have stabilized.

She wiped her tears and said with a naive smile:

"Zang, I love you so much. I want to keep your love in my heart. Don't leave yet. I want to give you a child as a witness to our relationship."

There was a hint of sweetness and satisfaction in her voice, as if she was recalling the beautiful moment just now.

Tang Hao's heart was stung severely again, and he felt that his heart could no longer bear any more pain. (End of chapter)

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