Zang looked at Bone Douluo, who was facing a formidable enemy, with an evil smile on his lips, and said carelessly:

"How about it? Grandpa Bone, do you still dare to hit me?"

Bone Douluo endured the pain of the broken bone and said calmly:

"Hmph, you brat has a problem, but your Grandpa Bone is not made of clay, so just come over here."

"Especially, in front of that old swordsman..."

Bone Douluo swallowed the last sentence silently, glanced at Sword Douluo without any trace, and found that his expression was still surprised by Zang's strength, and he didn't seem to be laughing at him for not being able to withstand even Zang's hammer. And couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When he just lost consciousness and fell to the ground, Bone Douluo could almost predict how severely Sword Douluo would laugh at him.

However, Bone Douluo was actually very shocked in his heart. He had lived for so many years and experienced countless battles, but he had never been beaten like this with a hammer like today.

"This boy's soul skills are really powerful. It should be some kind of strange spiritual attack, right?"

Thinking of the weird mental attack just now, Bone Douluo didn't dare to neglect it.

This time he was careless and didn't dodge, so he didn't react and was hit by Zang Yi's hammer.

Otherwise, with the bone dragon spirit's weird spatial ability, he wouldn't be hit directly in the body by a hidden hammer.

Thinking like this, a soul ring behind Bone Douluo lit up, and a huge bone shield immediately appeared in front of him, protecting him.

He also tried his best to sense the movement around him, for fear that he would accidentally hit the road again.


Zang saw that Bone Douluo was ready, and his free right hand tightly grasped the handle of the hammer, and took the Clear Sky Hammer from his right shoulder with both hands.

Then, a strong blast of soul power that was cold and hot, hot and cold suddenly burst out from his body.

This unique soul power is unparalleled and is condensed in large amounts on the Clear Sky Hammer.

Zang also put on a waving posture, and his whole person exuded an indescribable majesty.

His eyes were firm, like a giant dragon staring at a weak reptile.

When Bone Douluo saw this, he immediately understood that this attack was no small matter.

He didn't dare to neglect. From the soul power radiating from Zang's body, he could feel that he wanted to test the second soul ring.

So, he immediately erected the bone shield in front of him. This was his main defensive soul skill and could withstand most attacks.

At the same time, several soul rings lit up behind him. These were all soul skills that strengthened his own defense, and they also blessed him.

"Second Soul Skill: Domination of the Sea——"

With a low roar that sounded like a dragon's roar, the second hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring hiding behind bloomed with blood-red light. This light was dazzling and seemed to contain endless power.

Zang swung the Clear Sky Hammer with mighty force, and a thick burst of air immediately formed in front of him. The hot and cold soul power rolled together and blasted towards Bone Douluo with lightning speed.

The sound of the soul power pillar exploding was deafening and heart-stopping.

The soul power mixed with cold and heat is like a double helix structure, exuding strange and powerful energy.

The force of this blow was enough to crack mountains and crack the ground, and it was so powerful that even the bricks and stones on the floor of the martial arts arena were rolled up as the air column spread, even though Zang's attack did not touch the ground at all.

The second soul skill of the Clear Sky Hammer's martial soul: Domination of the Sea, condenses half of the soul power of the whole body, and swings it out with a mighty posture, forming a powerful and unforged soul power column, with a 100% armor-breaking effect.

At this moment, Bone Douluo heard the whistling of the hunting wind in his ears. He felt the power of this force and couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

Immediately, he defended with all his strength, using all the defensive soul skills behind him to their maximum. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to deal with this earth-shattering blow.


With a loud noise that shook the earth, Ba Hai's soul force Qi pillar hit Bone Douluo's bone shield hard.

The soul power of the two collided fiercely, setting off a strong energy storm.

The surrounding air seemed to tremble under the blow, making it suffocating.

It seemed that only the light of Bahai's soul power was left between heaven and earth. When Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing saw this attack, they both held their breath subconsciously, as if they were afraid that their breathing would disturb Bone Douluo.

At this moment, although Bone Douluo defended with all his strength, he was still shaken back several steps by the blow.

He couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart, this boy's soul power is so strong!

He gritted his teeth and adjusted his body shape, as if he felt that Ba Hai's attack was over.

However, the air column in front of him exploded again.

This time, Ba Hai's soul power pillar was even more powerful and violent.

The hot and cold soul power rushed toward Bone Douluo like a giant dragon, which was daunting.


The bone shield in front of Bone Douluo actually cracked. This scene made both Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo widen their eyes, feeling a little unbelievable.

They knew how powerful this bone shield was. It was not a one-time consumable, but was continuously supported by the soul power of Bone Douluo.

But in the soul power competition with Zang, Bone Douluo actually lost. How could this not surprise the two titled Douluo!

"Is it possible that this kid's attack has an armor-breaking effect? ​​Yes, it contains the soul power of extreme heat and cold. It can definitely have armor-breaking ability."

Bone Douluo thought in his heart, but he is not a pedantic person, and he will not go head-to-head with Zang.

Seeing that he had used all his soul power to support the bone shield, but was unable to defend against Ba Hai's attack, Bone Douluo rolled his eyes and seemed to remember something.

A space vortex immediately appeared behind him, and he quickly took a few steps back.

Then, Bone Douluo dodged and hid in the space vortex.

Whoever wants to take the title of "The Titled Douluo with the Best Defense System in the World" can take it. Isn't it just a powerful turtle that can be beaten?

He, Bone Douluo, is a man who can bend and stretch, so he won't care about a mere false name.

The air column formed by Ba Hai has been blocked by the bone shield, and has already developed a slight tilt angle.

This makes the air column's attack power slightly less powerful, but still very powerful.

Then, this pillar of soul power passed by the place where Bone Douluo had led at an angle of forty-five degrees, and blasted into the sky. "boom!"

At this moment, all the clouds in the sky were blown away by Ba Hai, revealing an unobstructed view of the black night sky.

The stars in the sky seemed to be frightened by this blow and hid, and the whole sky seemed to be trembling.

The powerful power of Bahai stirred up the surrounding airflow, and the airflow formed a huge vortex in the air, as if it was going to swallow everything up.

Bone Douluo emerged from the space vortex, and the sight before him surprised him.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback.

He looked at Feng Qingyun Danzang and said with an annoyed look:

"You're so rude, don't you know that my old bones can't bear the torment?"

At this time, Ning Fengzhi also noticed the appearance of Bone Douluo. He immediately summoned the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, and the bright treasure light enveloped Bone Douluo's body.

Ning Fengzhi treated Bone Douluo's injuries attentively, hoping to help him regain some vitality as soon as possible.

Under Ning Fengzhi's treatment, the colored light on Bone Douluo's body gradually faded, and his face became slightly rosier.

At this time, Sword Douluo walked up to Zang and said solemnly:

"Zang, try not to expose your Clear Sky Hammer spirit until the critical moment. Your strength is already eye-catching enough.

To be honest, I'm worried that Wuhun Palace will send someone to assassinate you. "

Zang nodded silently, agreeing with Sword Douluo's concerns.

He knew in his heart that his strength and talent had attracted the attention of too many forces.

So, he immediately canceled the Clear Sky Hammer spirit in his hand and put it into his body.

However, Zang is very confident in his heart:

"Want to kill me? Unless the four great god kings of the God Realm come, even Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi can't do anything to me."

At this time, Ning Rongrong suddenly walked up to Zang, pinched the flesh of his waist, and said coquettishly:

"Bad guy, you actually injured Grandpa Bone."

Zang looked down at Ning Rongrong's pretty face and suddenly took her into his arms.

Ning Rongrong suddenly felt her heart beating rapidly and her cheeks became rosy.

She timidly lay on Zang's chest, seeming to feel the ambiguous sight and atmosphere coming from around her.

Ning Fengzhi watched her daughter acting coquettishly in Zang's arms, with a teasing smile on her face.

He said gently:

"Okay, it's getting late, you go and have a rest. Rongrong, I'm still waiting to hold my grandson."

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's joke, Ning Rongrong wanted to bury her head in the ground.

Immediately, she quickly took Zang's arm and ran away, leaving Zhu Zhuqing and A Yin looking at each other, shaking their heads and smiling, and then followed closely behind.


The early morning sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains and softly fell on the faces of Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and A Yin.

The faces of the three of them all looked quiet and indifferent, as if they had found a moment of tranquility in the morning light.

As a good sister of the same quilt, Zang will naturally not favor one thing over another.

He understood that they all had different sleeping preferences. For example, Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong liked to sleep on their backs, Ning Rongrong liked to sleep on their sides, but A Yin liked to sleep facing each other holding each other in their arms.

There is also Qian Renxue who is not here. She likes to lie in the fresh wilderness and sleep in the embrace of nature.

As the man they are most distant from, he certainly has the responsibility to care for and take care of everyone.

However, Ah Yin had already received his special care and attention the day before, so he could only focus more on Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, Ning Fengzhi had clearly expressed his wish to have a grandson last night. As his son-in-law, Zang would naturally try his best to satisfy his father-in-law's wish.

He looked lovingly at the three girls who were still sleeping. He couldn't help but lower his head gently and kissed each of them gently on their foreheads.

Then, under the sunshine, Zang stood up gently, trying not to disturb the three sleeping girls.

He walked to the window and opened the curtains, letting the fresh sunlight blow into the room.

He took a deep breath and felt the freshness and tranquility of the morning. He suddenly sensed something and his eyes flickered slightly.

But then, Zang smiled again, shook his head slightly, put behind what the demon spied just now, and began to think about other things.

"I wonder how the master's children look like? Come and have a look when you have time."

Zangsi thought.

At this moment, the low voice of the maid suddenly came from outside the door, as if she was afraid of disturbing their rest.

"Uncle, a girl named Huo Wu suddenly came over. She said she wanted to see you and is waiting in the living room."

When Zang heard the words, his heart suddenly moved.

The next second, he flashed to the door, gently opened the door, looked at the maid waiting outside, and whispered:

"Take me there."

Soon, under the leadership of the maid, Zang came to the living room and saw Huo Wu who suddenly came to visit.

However, what he didn't expect was that the two sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er also came over.

The three girls seemed to be chatting and laughing when they suddenly saw her hiding in the living room. They quickly stopped the smiles on their faces and stood up.

Shui Binger took the initiative and said:

"Sister Huowu has arrived a long time ago. Yue'er and I just came here. When the maid went to report, she didn't know that we were here."

Shui Yue'er, who was on the side, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, looking extremely well-behaved and lovable.

Huo Wu turned around and glanced at Shui Bing'er slightly, and said in a tired voice:

"If I had known that Sister Shui Bing'er was coming, I wouldn't have come, but we happened to come together again. It's such a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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