I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 220: Shui Yue'er

Shui Bing'er was affected by Huo Wu's overt and covert yin and yang aura, but she wasn't angry at all. Instead, she looked like a smile and said:

"Sister Huowu is too impatient. You must know that if you are impatient and can't eat hot tofu, sometimes you may not be able to accomplish anything."

It sounds like a sincere instruction, but it also seems to have a hint.

Shui Yue'er looked left and right, watching the invisible confrontation between the two sisters. She stared at her big watery eyes without saying a word, looking very innocent.

Huo Wu wanted to fight back immediately, but she heard Zang suddenly interrupt:

"Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er, you came here suddenly today, isn't it because you were unwilling to lose to me last time?"

When the two women heard this, they immediately lost their thoughts of tit-for-tat. They laughed bitterly and looked at each other before Shui Bing'er said:

"Where are you still unwilling to give up? We all know that you are already a soul saint, and the sixth and seventh soul rings are still 100,000-year soul rings.

No matter how hard we practice, we will never be your opponent. "

Huo Wu also nodded silently, looking obviously a little depressed.

She was very arrogant, and even Feng Xiaotian, who was born with full soul power, didn't take her seriously.

Even Shui Bing'er, who was obviously better than her, was still dissatisfied and angry, so how could she surrender to Zang?

However, when the gap between ordinary geniuses and peerless geniuses is too huge, when it is so big that you can only raise your head and look up, you can only kneel down and worship.

It's probably equivalent to when you were in junior high school, others praised you as a genius, but when you met people like Newton, you could only wave the flag behind the boss.

Then, Shui Bing'er revealed her true purpose.

"When we come here this time, we actually have something we want to tell you."

Shui Binger looked at Zang and said seriously,

"I want to know something."

Zang frowned slightly:

"How can I help you?"

In fact, he had already guessed it, but he deliberately didn't say anything and waited for them to take the initiative to ask. This made it easier for him to fish.

"Have you forgotten? You told me last time that if you want to know how to reach the level of "Ultimate Ice", just come to me. "

Shui Binger reminded.

Zang nodded: "I remember. But what do you need me to do?"

"I came here this time just to know how to reach the "Ultimate Ice" level. "

Shui Bing'er revealed her purpose.

"Ultimate ice?"

Suddenly, Huo Wu frowned and interrupted Shui Binger,

"Can ice attributes also reach the ultimate level?"

"Yes, I lost to Zang last time, he told me that. Zang happened to come back yesterday, and I came here specifically today. Unexpectedly, we both arrived together."

Shui Binger turned to look at her in surprise and replied,

"That's why I came here to ask him about this matter today. Why, Huo Wu is also interested in "Ultimate Ice"? "

Huo Wu was silent for a moment, then nodded and said unhappily:

"Yes, this guy Zang also told me about the "Ultimate Fire".


Huo Wu looked very angry, but also glared at Zang with a bit of shyness.

"This stinky guy took away my first kiss in public after I lost. I came here today to settle the score with him."

At this time, Shui Yue'er finally spoke. She looked at Huo Wu and asked:

"Sister Huowu, how does it feel to be kissed by Zang? Are his lips sweet? Are they particularly fragrant?"

As soon as these words came out, Huo Wu's cheeks immediately turned red, and his eyes seemed to be filled with mist.

She glanced at Zang furtively, and then looked at Shui Yue'er's half-smiling expression. Her lips moved a few times, but in the end she didn't say a word.

She couldn't tell Shui Yue'er that during this period, she dreamed about Zang every day, so much so that when she got up every day, she would wake up with Kucha Seeds. She would have to change to another Kucha Seeds, right?

However, Shui Yue'er's situation was similar to that of Huo Wu. Ever since he woke up after being unconscious in the ring, he took a look at Zang, and then suddenly burst out with great power.

Her daily situation was like Huo Wu, and she had to replace the bitter tea seeds every morning.

This is of course because Zang's secret demonic charm is so powerful that, just like the readers of this book, he is especially liked by girls.

And now, after falling into the trap of Qian Renxue due to hiding evil, she has gained the power of the immortal fetus.

His originally weird and mysterious demonic temperament, mixed with Zhong Tiandi's clever and immortal aura, can be called the killer of all girls.

Not to mention Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu, who couldn't resist now, even Shui Bing'er, who seemed cold and cold, didn't dare to take another look, for fear that the monster in his heart would suddenly come out.

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward, Zang suddenly chuckled and broke the deadlock.

He looked at Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu, with a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes:

"I have a way to help you achieve "Ultimate Ice" and "Ultimate Fire", but it's not very convenient here. "

Hearing this, Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er looked at each other with some doubts in their eyes.

However, they still nodded tacitly, each with other plans in mind.

Indeed, there are Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and A Yin sleeping soundly on the bed here, so it is really not convenient to discuss these things.

Then, Zang coughed lightly and continued:

"I have a place in Tiandou City that is more suitable for us to communicate in depth. How about that?"

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu looked at each other, then nodded.

This suggestion was exactly what they wanted. After all, this was not a good place to talk about big things.

So, the group decided to go to Tiandou City and discuss it in detail at the place designated by Zang.

Along the way, Huo Wu couldn't help but have some doubts.

Is there any way Zang can help her and Shui Bing'er achieve "Ultimate Ice" and "Ultimate Fire"?

She couldn't help but begin to look forward to this trip.

Shui Bing'er, on the other hand, looked calm, as if everything was under her control.

As for Shui Yue'er, she was not interested in "Ultimate Ice" and "Ultimate Fire". As long as she could see Zang, she would be happy.

At this moment, Shui Yue'er was already slipping a little as she walked, just like her martial spirit "Ying Jade Dolphin".


Soon after, everyone arrived at Tiandou City.

Zang led them to a hidden courtyard, where the environment was quiet and perfect for conversation.

This is a property purchased by the puppet Dai Mubai, and Zang specifically wants to use it to do some unknown things.

Zang and the three girls pushed open the door, walked to the living room, and sat on the sofa respectively.

"But, I need to remind you."

Zang paused, looked at Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu, and suddenly spoke,

"This process is very dangerous and may even cost your life. Are you sure you want to continue?"

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu looked at each other and were silent for a moment.

Finally, they nodded firmly and said in unison:

"As long as you can achieve "Ultimate Ice" and "Ultimate Fire", any risk is worth it. "Zang nodded, showed a strange smile, and continued:

"The so-called "Ultimate Ice" and "Ultimate Fire" are the most perfect state of certain elemental attributes.

The reason why I am confident that you can reach this level is because I have eaten two Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures before, and you must have heard of this. "

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu nodded obediently, they must know this.

The fact that Zang once ate two Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures has long been spread among the soul masters in the Tiandou Empire and has become a hotly discussed topic.

Zang went on to explain:

"The two celestial grasses I ate are called "Octagonal Black Ice Grass" and "Fire Apricot Jiaoshu". They contain the two extreme powers of ice and fire respectively.

Therefore, my soul power also contains powerful power of ice and fire.

As long as I let my soul power travel through the meridians of your body, change your tendons and marrow for you, and enhance your martial soul foundation, there is a great possibility that you can also obtain the ultimate attributes.


At this point, Zang stopped, looking a little embarrassed to speak.

Shui Yue'er, on the other hand, was impatient and said hurriedly and curiously:

"Just what? Are you going to instill soul power into our bodies?"

However, Zang suddenly frowned, with a look of hesitation and embarrassment on his face.

"Actually, there are still certain risks in doing this."

He said in a deep voice,

“Although my soul power is powerful, it is a foreign thing after all.

Forcibly instilling it into you may cause damage to your meridians and even cause your soul power to go berserk.

Unless I am allowed to advance slowly, the risk of damage to the meridians can be minimized.

It's just that this time will be very long, and it can't be completed in a day or two. It will probably take several days of retreat. "

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu felt their hearts tighten when they heard this. They didn't expect such a risk.

Although they long to become stronger, they don't want to get hurt because of it.

"So, I'm thinking about doing it."

Zang looked at Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu candidly, and said sincerely,

“After all, we are not very familiar with each other yet, and I don’t want to cause you unnecessary trouble.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the process of instilling soul power will not be disturbed, we have to take off as many clothes as possible.

Otherwise, there is some danger of going too far.

This won't be very good for your reputation, unless you don't mind us seeing each other naked. "

Shui Yue'er was a little impatient, she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Do you really want to help us?"

She looked at Zang carelessly and muttered,

"If there is a risk, then we must try it! We are not afraid of getting hurt, as long as we can become stronger."

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu looked a little thoughtful. They looked at each other and had the same idea in their hearts.

Afterwards, Huo Wu closed his eyes, regardless of his inner shyness, lowered his head and said:

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind this, as long as it makes me stronger."

Shui Bing'er also thought of Huo Wu, and she nodded:

"Yes, as long as it can strengthen my strength, don't let you see all my body.

Even if you tie me up and beat me with a whip, I don't mind. "

Hearing that Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu agreed, Shui Yue'er was also a little excited, and she said happily:

"Then it's settled. Let's go back and tell our families that we'll come to your place for a few days of retreat, so as not to worry them.

We will be here soon, and then the soul power can be instilled in our bodies. "

But Zang looked a little hesitant, as if he was worrying about something, and his lips were moving to say something.

However, Shui Yue'er rudely interrupted his scruples.

She suddenly came to Zang. Under his somewhat surprised gaze, Shui Yue'er lowered her body and didn't mind that she was naked in front of Zang.

Then, Shui Yue'er closed her eyes and kissed Zang's lips, still in front of Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu.

At this moment, in this somewhat cozy small room, the atmosphere gradually became subtle.

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu stood beside each other, looking at the scene in front of them, with a faint blush on their faces.

Their heartbeats seemed to be in sync with the atmosphere in the room, beating rapidly.

The temperature in the room seemed to gradually rise, as if infected by their shyness and nervousness.

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu stared closely at the interaction between Shui Yue'er and Zang. Their hands clenched involuntarily, and their knuckles turned slightly white.

An indescribable emotion surged in their hearts, which was envy, shyness, and expectation.

Shui Bing'er bit her lower lip quietly, her eyes flickering.

She secretly thought in her heart, if she could be as brave as Shui Yue'er, would she also be able to get Zang's attention and love?

Her heart was pounding like a deer, at a loss.

Huo Wu was more direct, and she could hardly take her eyes away from Zang.

She imagined what it would be like to stand in front of Zang, and she also wanted to feel Zang's warmth and strength, the feeling that made her heart beat faster.

As a result, the blush on Huo Wu's face became more obvious, and she could almost hear the call deep in her heart.

At this time, Shui Yue'er was completely immersed in her kiss, as if he had forgotten everything around him.

There was only hiding in her eyes, only those affectionate eyes, and the sound of smacking lips could be heard in her ears.

Her heart was surrounded by hidden tenderness, as if she was in a sweet dream.

This scene is both unfamiliar and tempting to Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu.

They have never experienced such emotional fluctuations, nor have they experienced such a heart-pounding feeling.

At this moment, the two women seemed to see the longing and longing deep in their hearts.

The eyes of Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu met inadvertently, and they exchanged a tacit look with each other.

At that moment, their hearts were more closely connected, as if forming a silent understanding.

I don't know how long it took, when both Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu felt their mouths were dry and their hands were holding on to their skirts, Shui Yue'er let go of Zang's arms.

"This is considered the interest you earned from helping us. You should keep it well first."

Shui Yue'er's three eyes were filled with tenderness and sweetness, but she boldly looked directly into Zang's star eyes. (End of chapter)

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