I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 221 Collect Shui Binger

Unable to hide himself, he stroked Shui Yue'er's cheek, like stroking the skin of a dolphin, and asked softly:

"I received the interest, so how will you repay the principal?"

His voice was low and gentle, full of temptation.

At this moment, Shui Yue'er's body was sore and weak, and she could hardly stand.

Zang's hands hugged her slender waist tightly, making her feel a sense of security.

She raised her head and looked at Zang, her eyes full of fascination and affection.

She knew that she had fallen deeply into the charm of this man.

"I will deal with my principal later. My sister and I will go back first and tell our families that we will come to your place for a few days of retreat."

Shui Yue'er said in a timid voice, her voice full of temptation and charm.

Her words made Zang's heart throb. He wanted more, but he also knew that now was not the time.

As soon as the words fell, Shui Yue'er broke away from Zang's arms, came to Shui Bing'er's side, and gently held Shui Bing'er's arm.

Shui Bing'er was stunned for a moment, and immediately woke up from her endless imagination.

She felt sticky under her feet and it was very slippery when she walked.

Huo Wu next to her was obviously the same as her. Her mouth was extremely dry and her eyes were blurred. She seemed to be still recalling the taste of the kiss she had with Zang on the ring.

Then, Shui Yue'er, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu left Zang's room together, but their hearts were full of expectation and anxiety.

They don't know how to face Zang who has occupied their hearts, and they don't know how to get along with Zang in the future.

However, they all know that this man has deeply affected their lives and they can no longer forget him.

Zang stood at the door of the room, watching the three girls leave hand in hand.

An evil light flashed in his eyes, and he began to communicate with Zhu Zhuqing in his heart, telling her that he would be in seclusion for a few days, and they would not have to look for him these days.


In the afternoon, the sun shines through the windows into the exquisite room, adding a touch of warmth to the place.

Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu came here again. They had made all preparations and were looking forward to what would happen next.

The layout of the room is very exquisite and full of warm atmosphere.

On the futon, Zang and the three women sat cross-legged together, with piles of quilts spread randomly around them, looking like soft clouds.

These quilts are flawlessly white, soft and comfortable, making people feel extremely comfortable leaning on them.

Around the quilt were piles of hidden black clothes, as well as Shui Yue'er's aqua blue gauze skirt and aqua blue tube top.

Zang took off all his clothes and wore only shorts, revealing his body, which was as fair as snow and more beautiful than any other.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes, and seemed to be adjusting his breathing.

Shui Yue'er also looked similar to Zang, sitting next to him and touching Zang's chest curiously.

Shui Yue'er gently slid her fingertips over Zang's skin, as if admiring a beautiful piece of art.

Her fingertips felt the body temperature of her abdominal muscles, which felt slightly hot, but made her feel comfortable and reassuring.

At the same time, she also felt the tension in Zang's muscles, and imagined how she would feel if Zang's tight and strong arms were hugged her.

Gradually, Shui Yue'er began to feel thirsty and wished she couldn't eat some popsicles to quench her thirst.

She didn't know what the hidden abs would look like if they could cling to her buttocks.

Time passed quietly, and Shui Yue'er seemed to be intoxicated by this feeling.

Her three eyes were filled with a pool of passionate spring water, which was the expression of her deep love and intoxication for Tibet.

"Zang, your skin is really good. It feels very smooth. I'm a little envious of it."

Shui Yue'er couldn't help but sigh,

"And you don't have a single scar on your body, not even calluses on your hands. How do you take care of them?"

There was a hint of curiosity and surprise in her words, as if she was praising a breathtaking beauty.

Hearing this, Zang opened his starry eyes and looked at Shui Yue'er in front of him. Shui Yue'er's face from cheeks to neck turned rosy, like a layer of rosy sunset.

However, even though she was wearing the same clothes as Zang, Shui Yue'er did not hide away or deliberately cover up, but openly stood in front of Zang.

Shui Yue'er is just like her martial spirit jade dolphin, and her skin and figure are as firm as a dolphin.

I just don’t know…

Is it also like a dolphin?

Then, Zang smiled and replied:

"I have a special way of exercising called [Little Jade Cauldron Technique]. If you want to learn it, I can teach you?"

His words were full of confidence and calmness, as if he was very satisfied and proud of his body and training methods.

After hearing this, Shui Yue'er couldn't help but be ecstatic, wishing she could learn this [Little Jade Cauldron Technique] now.

However, Shui Yue'er knew that now was not the time to study, but to let her sister Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu's martial arts reach their ultimate attributes.

So, Shui Yue'er turned to look at Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu next to her, and urged:

"Sister, Huo Wu, hurry up. Didn't we agree that Zang's soul power will be instilled into our bodies?"

At this moment, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu, with flushed cheeks, were sitting among the quilts, holding the corners of their skirts with both hands, looking very nervous.

They heard Shui Yue'er's urging and glanced at each other, as if communicating with each other's feelings with their eyes.

They all wore thin gauze skirts, but Shui Bing'er wore ice blue and Huo Wu wore fiery red, but they all looked very beautiful.

However, now they feel a little shy and nervous, but they are already ready to face Zang calmly.

But when I really wanted to take the initiative to be honest in front of him, even with Huo Wu's character of daring to love and hate, she felt a little embarrassed.

Not to mention Shui Binger, who looks extremely cold on the outside, but is actually very shy on the inside.

She was not as bold as her sister. Before Zang could take off her upper body clothes, she took the lead and took off her gauze skirt on the ground, taking off her aqua blue tube top as well.

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu hesitated for a moment, and finally looked at each other, seemingly encouraging each other silently.

Then, they slowly reached out to their gauze skirts and gently took them off.

The gauze skirt fell gently to the ground, revealing Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu's slender waists and slender legs.

The next second, an ice blue tube top and a fiery red tube top also fell to the ground along the slender jade legs, and were kicked aside gently by them.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room became a little subtle. Zang's eyes turned slightly away, and his gaze wandered over the three women.

Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu also felt his gaze, and their cheeks turned redder. However, they did not avoid his gaze, but bravely met his gaze.

With a move in his heart, he stretched out his arms and took Shui Yue'er into his arms.

Shui Yue'er leaned on his chest obediently, feeling his heartbeat and breathing.

She pressed her hot cheek against his chest and closed her eyes, seeming to enjoy the peace and warmth of this moment.

At the same time, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu slowly approached them.

The three girls cuddled tightly together, feeling each other's body temperature and breath.

Shui Yue'er's eyes fell on Huo Wu's flawless long legs, her eyes showing incomparable envy and curiosity.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Huo Wu's calf, feeling the smooth and tight skin.

"Sister Huowu, your legs are too long. I'm so jealous!"

Shui Yue'er's tone was full of sincere envy and admiration,

"What did you eat when you were a child? Why are your legs so long?"

Huo Wu smiled and replied:

"Actually, I don't eat anything in particular. Maybe it's hereditary."

Her words were full of confidence and calmness, as if she was very satisfied and proud of her body.

After all, Huo Wu's height is close to 1.8 meters, which is quite outstanding among ordinary women.

However, Huo Wu not only has a tall figure, but also has perfect proportions. Her nine-headed body proportions make her look more slender and elegant, like a gift from God.

Huo Wu's figure is not that thin and weak bamboo pole shape, but healthy, well-proportioned, and full of feminine curves, giving her a sense of deja vu as a campus cheerleader.

There is flesh where there should be flesh, and slim where there should be slim. Every detail is just right, and people can't help but admire it.

What Huo Wu is most proud of is undoubtedly her pair of long legs, which are not only slender, but also solid and powerful. Especially deep down, they seem to contain endless power and charm.

Zang on the side also felt that Huo Wu's legs were really amazing. Among all the beauties he had seen, only Xiao Wu's beautiful legs could rival Huo Wu's.

I really don’t know if these legs are wrapped around the waist...

At this critical moment, Zang suddenly spoke:

"Okay, I'm going to instill my soul power into your bodies."

His voice is deep and powerful, making people feel extremely confident and determined.

Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu immediately held their breath, nervously waiting for this moment to arrive.

They know that Zang's teaching of Kung Fu is their greatest hope for transformation. Only through the infusion of Zang's soul power can they complete this mysterious transformation.

Zang continued:

"Bing'er, Huo Wu, you sit in front of me so that I can easily put the soul power into your bodies."

Therefore, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu ignored their shyness and immediately sat on the futon, calmly and calmly in front of Zang's eyes.

For a while.

The peaks and mountains are like gatherings, the waves are like fury, and the mountains and rivers are like Tongguan Road.

I saw Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu with spring in their beautiful eyes. They straightened their backs and assumed a meditation posture with their five hearts in the sky, staring at Zang's calm and deep eyes.

The two women knew that the next moment of indoctrination would be the key to their transformation.

The next moment, Zang stretched out his hands and placed them in front of Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu. They felt like a ball of white marshmallows.


Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu each groaned. This was really the first time they had experienced this since they grew up.

However, the two women did not run away, but straightened their backs unconsciously, as if they were secretly trying to compete.

"Take care of your mind, be careful of going crazy."

Zang reminded Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu in a deep voice.

The next moment, his palm began to emit extremely cold and extremely hot soul power, as if it was going to freeze and burn the entire world.

This is not the first time that Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er have seen this kind of extremely cold and extremely hot soul power, but they feel extremely shocked and amazed every time.

The vitality of heaven and earth suddenly poured in from the top of Zang's head, poured out from under his body, suddenly poured in from under his body, and poured out from the top of his head.

It was Zang who started to run the [Immortal Seal], and only through the [Immortal Seal], he could instill the extremely cold and extremely hot soul power into the bodies of Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er at the same time.

However, affected by the soul power of these two extreme attributes, Shui Yue'er could only go far.

Her "Jade Dolphin" martial spirit is neither ice nor fire, but water.

She felt that she couldn't stand these two soul powers, as if she was about to be torn apart by these two extreme forces.

However, even though she could not stand the influence of these two soul powers, Shui Yue'er still stood firmly in the distance, watching the figures of Zang, Shui Bing'er, and Huo Wu.

Her heart was filled with blessings and expectations, hoping that they could successfully complete this mysterious transformation.

In this moment full of miracles and mystery, the figures of Zang, Shui Bing'er, and Huo Wu seem to be integrated with the vitality of heaven and earth.

Their breathing and heartbeats are synchronized with the vitality of heaven and earth, as if they are playing a beautiful and sacred movement.

At this moment, when the extremely cold and extremely hot soul power was running in Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er's bodies, they both felt a little unbearable.

When this extreme power traveled through the Ren and Du meridians, the two women felt some discomfort and pain, as if their bodies were about to be torn apart.

Zang is not only strengthening their martial soul foundation, but also changing their tendons and cutting marrow to enhance the two women's cultivation qualifications.

Only a master of heaven and man like Zang, who has studied the limits of heaven and man, has the qualification to open up the two channels of Ren and Du for the two of them.

Shui Bing'er gritted her teeth tightly and tried to control her emotions.

Despite this, she could still feel the powerful force pouring in from her chest, impacting her meridians and muscles.

Her body became stiff and numb, as if all her blood had frozen.

Huo Wu's situation was not much better than that of Shui Bing'er. The hot temperature came from her chest, as if a branding iron was placed on her body.

Her skin began to turn red, sweat continued to flow from her forehead, and every breath began to become rapid. It seemed that every breath of air made her feel extremely precious.

However, despite this, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu did not give up.

The two women know that this is a critical moment of transformation and their chance to become true geniuses.

Therefore, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu gritted their teeth tightly, endured the physical pain and discomfort, and continued to persevere. (End of chapter)

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