I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 224 “Torture” Bibi Dong Severely

Chapter 224 “Torture” Bibi Dong Severely

During the two days when Zang, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu were in retreat "cultivating", Qian Renxue and Snake Spear Douluo returned to the Spirit Hall together.

Returning to Wuhun Hall this time, Qian Renxue has another important task, which is to meet his grandfather Qian Daoliu and explain in person what happened with him.

At this moment, in the Elder's Hall, there is a golden angel statue.

This angel statue is ten meters high, with three pairs of wings spread out behind it and holding an angel sword in its hand.

Qian Renxue lowered her head and knelt in front of this pure gold angel statue, clasping her hands together and placing them in front of her forehead.

There was a pious and determined look on her face, and she was obviously praying to the angel icon.

On the side, Qian Daoliu was wearing a gray robe, with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the angel statue.

His face is probably in his thirties or forties, and he is tall but not strong.

Moreover, he was dressed in extremely simple clothes. I am afraid no one would believe that such an ordinary person could be the all-powerful "Sky Douluo" back then.

Qian Daoliu looked at his granddaughter and couldn't help but frown.

He said seriously:

"Xiaoxue, you are too bold this time.

If that person has evil intentions, all your latent operations over the past few years will be in vain.

I asked Snake Spear Douluo to bring you back this time, just to ask you about him in detail. "

Hearing this, Qian Renxue raised her head, looked at her grandfather firmly, and retorted:

"Grandpa, I know that my behavior this time is a bit risky. But I believe in my own vision and I also believe in Zang's character.

He is a very outstanding young man and a inheritor of the gods. And he is very powerful and is my best spouse. "

Qian Daoliu was silent for a moment after hearing this, perhaps because he felt that what he just said was too harsh.

He said softly: "Xiaoxue, you said that Zang is very powerful and is the inheritor of the gods. Then after he comes to the Spirit Hall for the Soul Master Competition, I will personally test his strength."

Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a little nervous when she heard her grandfather's words.

She was very aware of her grandfather's strength. He was the top strong man on the entire continent and the best descendant of the Angel Clan of Wuhun Palace besides her.

If grandpa wanted to test Jiaozang's strength in person, it would undoubtedly be a great test for Jiaozang.

But she also believed that Zang would be able to pass this test and show his true strength and value.

However, just in case, Qian Renxue decided to say something, hoping that grandpa would be merciful when he takes the Jiaozang test.

Therefore, Qian Renxue didn't care much. She blushed slightly, fluttered her eyelashes, and said shyly:

"Grandpa, Zang and I are completely together. I have planned to give him a child in the next two years."

Speaking of this, Qian Renxue recalled that when she and Zang were together before, she deliberately put a pillow under her buttocks after finishing work, just to try to make herself pregnant.

Moreover, he also used the power of his angel soul to firmly absorb the positive energy hidden in his body.

In the past, she had been able to force out all this positive energy through luck.

She hopes to gain her grandfather's approval and blessing in this way.

After all, she knew her grandfather's responsibility and loyalty to Wuhun Palace, and she also understood his expectations and care for her.

She believed that as long as she could give birth to a child with angel blood, her grandfather would definitely look at Zang differently.

Qian Daoliu couldn't help being stunned after hearing his granddaughter's words.

He had no idea that his granddaughter would have reached this point with the young man named Zang.

But he was a well-informed person after all, and he quickly regained his composure.

He asked calmly:

"Xiaoxue, are you sure you want to do this? Do you know what this means?"

Qian Renxue nodded firmly:

“Grandpa, I’ve thought it through.

I love Zang, and I believe he will become an ally of our Spirit Hall.

When the time comes, our children will inherit the strongest bloodline of the two of us and will definitely be very good. "

After the words fell, Qian Renxue closed her eyes, and her whole body momentum began to increase.

Seven soul rings slowly emerged, and at the same time three pairs of flawless white angel wings slowly unfolded.

Then, the three pairs of wings behind Qian Renxue began to change.

The originally white feathers gradually became bright and dazzling, as if shrouded in golden sunlight.

When the transformation of the last feather was completed, the three pairs of wings had turned into four pairs, and the new pair of wings emitted an even more dazzling brilliance under the illumination of the holy light.

At the same time, the environment around Qian Renxue also changed.

Some kind of strange "field" came, which seemed to isolate everything around it, forming an independent space.

In this empty mountain spiritual rain space, it seems that there is a fairy spirit lingering around, and Qian Renxue's beauty is like the beauty of heaven and earth, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Qian Renxue's eight-winged angel martial spirit is her immortal fetus, so when the martial spirit is summoned, her immortal temperament will be revealed.

Seeing this scene, Qian Daoliu couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

He never expected that his granddaughter's angel martial spirit would undergo such a huge change.

The original six-winged angel has evolved into an eight-winged angel, and the aura it exudes has become more sacred and powerful.

"Xiaoxue! You! You! What happened to your martial spirit? Why did you get an extra pair of angel wings?"

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but exclaimed, his voice full of doubts and surprises.

He couldn't help but feel a strong excitement in his heart.

As a descendant of the angel clan, he naturally understands the importance of the seraph's martial soul evolving into an eight-winged angel.

And Qian Renxue's martial spirit has undergone such a huge change, which undoubtedly means that her strength and talent have been greatly improved.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu seemed not to notice his gaffe.

He staggered towards Qian Renxue and stretched out a hand as if to touch the golden angel wings behind Qian Renxue.

He couldn't help but feel a strong emotion in his heart.

This granddaughter is so outstanding and outstanding, and as a grandfather, he can't help but feel proud of her.

When his fingertips touched the light emitted by the golden angel wings, Qian Daoliu's fingers trembled slightly.

He could feel the sacred aura transmitted from the angel wings. This aura was powerful, pure, and awe-inspiring, far exceeding the sacred power of his own angel spirit.

This is an improvement in quality. Even if he has level 99 soul power, the quality of his martial soul is still far inferior to that of his granddaughter who is still a soul saint.

"Xiaoxue, God has blessed me as an angel clan. I never thought that the seraph martial spirit of the ancestral angel god would be able to evolve when it was passed down to your generation!

You are definitely the best successor in the history of our angel clan. Grandpa firmly believes that under your leadership, Wuhun Palace will reach a higher level. "

Qian Daoru said with emotion, wishing he could make a sacrifice now and start the Angel God Exam for Qian Renxue.

Then, Qian Renxue asked her doubts in a trembling voice: "Xiaoxue, is it because you were promoted to Soul Saint and obtained the martial soul's true body, has the martial soul evolved?"

Hearing her grandfather's praise, Qian Renxue couldn't help but blush on her face. Of course she knew how her Seraphim Martial Spirit evolved into the Eight-Winged Angel Martial Spirit.

After all, that day, she gave Zang's Niuzhi a good blow and ate a lot of Zang's positive energy before she could transform her martial soul.

However, Qian Renxue patiently explained:

"Grandpa, you misunderstood.

The evolution of my martial soul is not entirely dependent on my own efforts.

It's because I received Zang's teachings that my martial spirit evolved. "

Qian Daoliu frowned slightly when he heard this, showing a puzzled expression.

He asked in confusion: "What? You got his martial arts transfer? What's going on? How could he make your martial soul evolve?"

Qian Renxue smiled softly, put away the four pairs of angel wings behind her, and explained:

"Grandpa, have you forgotten?

Zang is also the inheritor of the gods, and he must have some powerful means and abilities that we don't know about.

It is precisely because of his help that I was able to evolve my martial soul. "

Upon hearing this, Qian Daoliu lowered his eyes silently and began to think deeply.

He thought in his mind:

"If this is the case, then this Zang can be regarded as a good match for Xiaoxue.

If he can also pass the divine test, then our Wuhun Palace will give birth to three gods at once, which can be regarded as a fate. "

Unknowingly, Qian Daoliu had incorporated Zang into the power of his own Spirit Hall.

As the top expert in Wuhun Palace, Qiandaoliu is naturally very aware that there are inheritances of other gods on this continent.

For example, Qian Daoliu was very aware of Bibi Dong's inheritance of the Rakshasa God Examination.

Therefore, when he heard that Zang was also a divine examiner, he was not too surprised.

After all, it was only after Tang Chen went to find the inheritance of other gods that there was no news about him.

"Speaking of which, Big Hammer, you're not really dead, are you? Did you fall on the way to the divine examination?"

Qian Daoliu thought in his heart, remembering the past when he, Tang Chen and Bo Saixi were together.

Tang Chen scolded himself as a coward because he did not inherit the throne of the God of Angels, and then went to find the inheritance of the gods alone.

Now, the successor who is truly suitable to inherit the throne of the God of Angels stands in front of him.

Then, Qian Daoliu raised his head and looked at Qian Renxue again, his eyes shining with thought.

he asked:

"Xiaoxue, how much do you know about Zang? What kind of person do you think he is?"

Qian Renxue frowned slightly, as if she was remembering something.

She thought carefully for a moment and then replied:

“Grandpa, I don’t know much about Tibet.

But judging from our previous interactions, he is a very mysterious and powerful person.

This guy was very philandering and had five or six lovers before me.

But what I can be sure of is that he loves me very much. Even if he doesn’t love anyone, he will never stop loving me.

And he is also very powerful, possibly even more powerful than you. "

After hearing Qian Renxue's description, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He knew that his granddaughter would not make such an evaluation of a person easily, so he also became somewhat curious about Zang.

"Looks like I need to learn more about this hideout."

Qian Daoliu thought in his mind,

"If he is really that powerful, perhaps cooperation between our Spirit Hall and him is not impossible."

In such thoughts, Qian Daoliu began to ask about the past when Qian Renxue and Zang were together.

Qian Renxue also picked some things she could tell and told Qian Daoliu. At the same time, she also activated He Zang's "psychic transmission" and told Zang what Qian Daoliu wanted to see him.


On the other side, Zang also learned about what happened in the Elder Hall through the psychic transmission between the demon species and Qian Renxue, and also knew that Qian Daoliu wanted to see him.

However, he is still very busy now and does not take this matter to heart. After all, Qian Daoliu cannot do anything to him.

Zang looked at Shui Bing'er in front of him and couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"These three girls really have their own merits. Yue'er can bite people, and the fire dance can make people warm, while Bing'er is icy and cool, and it feels like drinking carbonated drinks."

In the time that just passed, Zang also experienced what it would be like to have Huo Wu's long legs hooked around his waist.

I can only say it’s wonderful!

Who knows who plays!

Moreover, the fire dance is also extraordinary. It actually makes Zang Sheng feel comfortable all over his body, just like being in a sauna.

Then, Zang took a deep breath, concentrated his energy, and began to help Shui Bing'er resolve the flames in his heart.

He understood that for girls like Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er, the inner flame was their most vulnerable place and the place where they needed help the most.

In this process, Zang is not fighting alone.

Shui Yue'er also came to his side. Seeing her sister Shui Bing'er burnt in flames, she felt very uncomfortable.

She knew there was a way to relieve this pain, so she took the initiative to join in and hugged her sister from behind, hoping to relieve Shui Bing'er's symptoms.

Huo Wu was sitting alone behind Zang, with her legs together and her jade feet resting on Zang's back.

Although her legs were very weak now, she still patiently pushed Zang's back with her soft soles.

This time, it was her turn to play the role of a maid. Sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er had just gone into battle together, but they bullied her so miserably that she decided to take revenge.

During this process, Zang couldn't help but begin to appreciate the differences between the three girls, the three Mingqi.

He felt Shui Bing'er's cold temperature, which seemed to cool down the sweat on his body.

He thought:

"Hiss...it's so cold! It feels like popping candy."

Zang concentrated hard and used his own capital and skills to relieve the flames in Shui Bing'er's heart.

However, hidden in my heart, I was thinking about another thing.

"Why don't I go to the Wuhun Palace before the vacation is over, pretend to be a master, and get in-depth contact with Bibi Dong?

In this way, I will give her another good torture and at the same time leave a mental mark on her body.

From now on, it will be easy to cultivate Bibi Dong or take her as my maid. "

 If you are interested, you can read my friend’s book.



(End of this chapter)

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