I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 225 Bibi Dong’s “Fall”

But now, Zang didn't think too much about Bibi Dong.

He only had one thought in his mind at the moment, which was to get rid of Shui Bing'er in front of him first.

Zang knew that this girl was not simple. Her Mingqi was too cold. If an ordinary man came here, he would have been frozen to death.

Therefore, he must concentrate and give his best.

So, he quickly grabbed Shui Bing'er's hands with his backhand, put her hands behind her back, and pulled hard, Shui Bing'er's whole body was tightly controlled.

Zang's figure arched slightly, forming a perfect arc, and his eyes became sharp.

At this moment, Zang was like a cheetah, always ready to launch a fierce attack.

Shui Bing'er felt the strong power from Zang and couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

In front of Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er gently raised her chin, with a gentle and elegant light in her eyes.

She looked at Shui Bing'er's confused and intoxicated eyes, raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, and lowered her head gently.

Shui Bing'er was stunned, her eyes became more blurred, as if she had fallen into an endless dream.

Shui Yue'er slowly raised her head, with a trace of pride in her eyes.

Shui Bing'er's attention has been successfully distracted.

Although Zang was a little appreciative at this moment, he did not stop what he was doing.

He pulled hard and pulled Shui Bing'er's hands tighter.

Shui Bing'er felt a strong stimulation, as if she had become a man, and she couldn't help but let out a exclamation.

Zang took the opportunity to press Shui Bing'er's body tightly against his own, and tightly wrapped his hands around her waist.

His lips were close to Shui Bing'er's ears, he breathed out hot breath gracefully, and said softly:

"Bing'er, how's the cooperation between Yue'er and me?"

Shui Bing'er felt Zang's breath and body temperature, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

However, at this moment, under the joint attack of Zang and Shui Yue'er, how could Shui Bing'er say a word?


Two hours later, Zang successfully completed the process of changing tendons and cutting marrow for Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu.

In this process, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu gained the most.

This time not only did their soul power levels increase, but more importantly, their martial souls evolved and gained ultimate attributes.

Shui Bing'er's "Ice Phoenix" martial spirit evolved into the "Xuanbing Phoenix", and Huo Wu's "Hokage" martial spirit evolved into the "Sky Fire" martial spirit.

These two new names were both creative ideas from Zang, and were unanimously approved by the two girls.

After completing the muscle-changing and marrow-cutting exercises, Zang went to the bathroom with Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, and Huo Wu to prepare to relax.

The bathtub in his residence is so big that it can accommodate seven or eight people at a time.

During the mandarin duck bath, Zang and the three girls had fun again, enjoying this rare happy time.

During this process, Zang specifically asked Shui Yue'er to be possessed by a martial spirit.

He knew that Shui Yue'er would turn into a lovely mermaid when she was possessed by the "Jade Dolphin".

Just like that, another mermaid was added to the hidden [Furui Treasure Book].

After taking a shower, the three girls were ready to put on their clothes and leave.

They had already spent two days with Zang, and there was only one week left before the start of the promotion tournament.

However, when the three beauties were about to leave, Zang did not get up to see them off.

He seemed to have some unfinished business, which made the three beauties a little curious.

Shui Bing'er looked at Zang, with seemingly endless tenderness in her eyes, and asked softly:

"Zang, aren't you going back to the Qibao Glazed Sect?"

Zang shook his head gently, a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes:

"I still have something to do, so you should go back to your homes first."

Hearing this answer, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu were both a little surprised.

They didn't understand why Zang wanted to stay. Is there anything else that needed him to deal with?

"You guys go back first,"

Zang said slowly,

"I want to stay here and continue practicing."

Hearing this, Shui Yue'er couldn't help but asked curiously:

"Practice? Do you have some insights?"

Hearing this, Zang nodded:

"Yes, when I was helping you to change your tendons and cut your marrow, I suddenly had some insights."

Huo Wu couldn't help but asked curiously:

"Then how can we help you?"

Zang smiled and shook his head:

"You don't need to help me. I can just retreat for two days. You go back and prepare for the promotion competition."

Although they were a little reluctant to give up, Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu knew that they had their own plans and goals.

They couldn't ask any more questions, so they had to leave first.

Before leaving, they made an agreement with Zang to meet again in the promotion tournament in a week.

After the three girls left, Zang stood up from the quilt without haste.

However, after getting up, Zang's appearance suddenly changed into that of a master.

Both appearance and height are exactly the same as the previous master.

Probably only the size betrays the fact that this "master" is not that "master".

"Hey, the show is about to begin.

Bibi Dong...

Qian Renxue...


"Master" chuckled, a vague spatial vortex appeared in his eyes, and the whole person gradually disappeared in place.


At this moment, it is almost noon.

The sun shines through the clouds and falls on the bustling Wuhun City, casting a golden glow on this city full of history and legend.

In the hustle and bustle of the city, a middle-aged man in a white robe was walking slowly on the street. His figure seemed particularly inconspicuous, but he had an inexplicable temperament.

It was hiding in the "Master's" vest, walking in Wuhun City.

Due to the special repairs by Zang, in the eyes of others, although this middle-aged man has an unshaven beard and deep eyes, he has a unique charm and feels like a decadent and handsome uncle.

Because Bibi Dong once recited Zang's name, Zang's demon species had in turn completely remembered Bibi Dong's aura.

Only then did he get through the demon species' lock and use "divine power" to arrive at Wuhun City.

This is the terrifying thing about the Dacheng Demon Seed. As long as someone has a thought and puts his mind on the demon breeder, he can be locked in the reverse direction. No matter how far the person escapes, he cannot escape the demon seed's lock.

And once the demon seed is completely transformed into the Taoist heart, the spirit of the demon seeder may even explore the existence of other dimensions. After all, void is also a kind of fluctuation. Since it is a fluctuation, it may be caught. It just depends on whether your spiritual realm can reach a certain level.

Then, the hidden power of the demonic seed wandered in the void, like a nimble butterfly, looking for Bibi Dong's aura, and calmly arrived at the Supreme Authority of the Wuhun Palace - the Pope's Palace.

This is a solemn and sacred building, towering into the clouds, as if it is the master of the martial arts world, standing on the top of the city.

"Stop, who is coming!"

Outside the Pope's Palace, two Templar captains in heavy armor blocked Zang's path. They held long swords and stared warily at the middle-aged man of unknown origin in front of them.

Behind them, there were more than a hundred Templar Knights, who also held the knight's sword tightly in their hands and stood ready.

However, facing this tight line of defense, Zang's eyes looked unusually calm.

His eyes suddenly emitted a strange wave, as if an invisible force emerged from him.

At this moment, the ability of the Eye of the Mind began to activate, and the invisible power of the mind enveloped the surrounding Templars like a huge net.

Zang stared at the knights in front of him, his eyes were deep and mysterious, as if he could see through their hearts.

"I am the elder of Wuhun Palace. If I need to see His Majesty the Pope for something important, just say that I want to see you, Master."

Zang said calmly, with an irresistible force in his tone.

At this moment, the Templar Knights seemed to be hypnotized, their consciousness began to blur, as if they had accepted the fact that the person in front of them was the elder of Wuhun Hall.

So, the leading knight captain quickly led Zang Qian to the Pope's Palace to wait, while the other knight rushed to report the news about Bibi Dong.

Under their leadership, Zang successfully passed the defense line outside the Pope's Palace and came to the door of this solemn building.

In the Papal Palace, the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

The towering marble columns support the high dome, and the sunlight shines through the stained glass windows, creating colorful light and shadow.

In this sacred place, every slight sound seems to resonate.

Hiding in this solemn atmosphere and waiting, holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand.

Er, he smiled softly and turned to look out the door.

The next moment, a burst of footsteps broke the silence in the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong's figure appeared at the door of the Pope's Palace, and her eyes met with Zang's.

The two people's eyes intertwined in the air, as if a burst of invisible sparks were aroused.

They looked at each other, as if they were testing each other and trying to figure out each other's thoughts.

Finally, Bibi Dong couldn't bear the throbbing in her heart and took the lead in speaking:

"Are you here?"

Bibi Dong's voice was trembling, and this sentence seemed to contain a thousand words and contained too many complex emotions.

She stood there, with an imperceptible light flashing in her eyes, and an indescribable emotion surging in her heart.

Zang looked at Bibi Dong, with a hint of complicated emotions flashing through his eyes.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm here to see you. How have you been doing these years?"

There was some concern in the words, but there was also an indescribable sense of alienation.

However, Bibi Dong did not answer immediately. A trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and then immediately turned into a look of determination.

She ordered in a cold voice:

"You guys are waiting outside the hall. No one is allowed to come here without my order."

Her voice was firm and powerful, leaving no room for doubt.

Outside the door, many Templar knights knelt down on one knee, then closed the door and turned around to block the outside of the temple.

Following Bibi Dong's order, the entire Papal Palace seemed to have become an island, isolated from the outside world.

Then, she gently knocked the scepter in her hand, and a powerful soul power suddenly burst out from her body, and enveloped the entire papal palace like a spring breeze.

This force seemed to form an invisible barrier, blocking outside prying eyes and preventing the conversation between the two from being heard by others.

Then, Bibi Dong slowly raised her head and her eyes met with Zang's.

At this moment, the two people's hearts seemed to be tightly connected, and a wonderful atmosphere filled the air.

Her voice sounded a little depressed:

"Why did you think of coming to see me today? What? Did you come to see if I was dead?"

There was a hint of complaint in the words, but there was also a hint of excitement.

Zang was silent for a moment, his eyes showing deep thinking.

Then, he said softly:

“No, there’s no reason why I’m here.

I just……

I just miss you a little. "

The husky voice was soft and sincere, as if every word had been carefully thought out.

Bibi Dong's heart seemed to be touched by these words, and a trace of tenderness flashed in her eyes.

She took a deep breath and her tone became softer:

"Really? Over the years, I often think of the days we spent together."

There was a hint of sadness in her voice, but it was also full of nostalgia for the past.

However, when Bibi Dong saw the master's sad face, those dusty memories gradually melted away like a glacier blown by the spring breeze.

In her eyes, those images hidden deep in her heart suddenly appeared——

The scene where the master left without saying goodbye,

The scene of marrying Liu Erlong.

And the most painful thing,

The scene of being drugged by Chihiroji and then entering the secret room.

These memories were like a sharp knife, piercing her heart so hard that she could hardly breathe.

The feeling of betrayal and abandonment came over again, making Bibi Dong's face turn cold again.

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, with a hint of disdain in her tone:

"I didn't expect that you would miss me one day too? We haven't seen each other for about twenty years, right? Why didn't you come to see me before?"

When Zang heard this, his heart moved subconsciously.

He knew that Bibi Dong still loved the master deeply in her heart, but at the same time, she also felt endless resentment and disappointment towards him.

As long as he could soothe the pain in Bibi Dong's heart, he could...

So, he was silent for a moment and tried to explain:

"I left back then because..."


Bibi Dong interrupted him, a hint of provocation flashed in her eyes,

"Is it because you are getting married? You were already getting married, will you still have me in your heart now?"

Bibi Dong's words were like a sharp sword, and it seemed that the revenge master would bring her some unparalleled pleasure.

"Hahahahahaha, I forgot, you can't be together at all!"

Bibi Dong laughed triumphantly, and the laughter echoed in the quiet papal palace, as harsh as a night owl in the middle of the night,

"At this time, do you think of me? Yu Xiaogang, when you left without saying goodbye, why didn't you think of me?" (End of Chapter)

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