I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 229 Bibi Dong was hit hard

Under the light of the secret room, Zang sat on the futon with his hands on the ground.

That unyielding majesty still stands like a mountain.

Then, Zang stood upright towards Bibi Dong with his head held high, then raised a hand and hooked her, and said:

"Dong'er, come and play..."

Bibi Dong licked the corner of her mouth. The trace of positive energy on her lips was like a crystal clear candy, sweet and tempting.

This trace of positive energy seemed to have magical power, filling Bibi Dong's heart with warmth and hope.

She gently stuck out the tip of her tongue and swept it into her mouth, as if she was afraid of breaking the tranquility.

With a growl in her throat, the positive energy was smoothly swallowed into her body and turned into a warm current surging inside her body.

This warm current made Bibi Dong feel an unprecedented sense of comfort and ease, as if the whole world had become gentle.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the peace and beauty.

The next second, the papal robe on Bibi Dong slid down her arms and gently fell to the ground, as if a fallen leaf was dancing in the breeze.

The robe made a slight sound when it fell to the ground, breaking the peaceful moment.

As the robe slipped down, Bibi Dong's body was completely revealed in front of Zang's eyes.

I saw that Bibi Dong was only wearing a piece of obscene clothing as thin as a cicada, which highlighted her perfect figure.

Her skin is as white as snow, smooth and delicate, and exudes an alluring luster.

The obscene clothes clung to her body and swayed gently with her movements, as if telling her story.

With a faint sound like a mouse gnawing something, Bibi Dong stood in front of Zang completely clear, showing everything about herself in front of Zang without any concealment.

She looked at Zang who was getting ready to go, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and walked up to him gracefully.

Bibi Dong's steps were light and graceful, and every step was like dancing.

She exudes a unique fragrance that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Then, Bibi Dong stretched out a jade foot and stepped on Zang's chest.

She spread her legs slightly, looking down at his eyes like a victorious Valkyrie.

Zang was lying on the ground, staring at Bibi Dong's short lavender hair, his eyes full of surprise and desire.

Bibi Dong didn't mind what Zang would see when he was lying on the ground. She knew that Zang's heart was completely occupied by her.

"Xiao Gang, I won't allow you to escape this time."

Bibi Dong leaned over to his ear and said with a smile like a flower.

Her voice was gentle and firm, like a spring breeze blowing across her cheeks. Her words were full of confidence and determination, making Zang unable to look away.

Then, Bibi Dong gently moved her jade feet and stepped on Zang's abdominal muscles, twisting her jade toes like playing a piano.

Every twist was like an electric current passing through Zang's body, making him unable to extricate himself.

Zang began to twist his body involuntarily, trying to break free from the restraints, and the devil frantically urged him to do it.

Bibi Dong continued to twist her jade feet gracefully on her abdominal muscles.

She knew her charm was enough to make him surrender to her feet.

At this moment, she felt as if she had mastered everything and became the queen of this world.

A drop of crystal clear water gently fell on Zang's chest.

It's like Bibi Dong's tears...

The water droplets seemed to exude an unparalleled fragrance, which made people fascinated.

As if she got some signal, Bibi Dong gracefully leaned down and sat on Zang's abs.

Her movements were very natural, as if she had practiced them thousands of times.

She gently pressed on Zang's abdominal muscles, making him feel an indescribable restraint and warmth.

Zang's body trembled involuntarily, and he felt Bibi Dong's body pressing tightly against him, making him unable to resist.

An evil light suddenly disappeared in his eyes, and the demon began to gain momentum.

However, Bibi Dong did not give Zang a chance to break free.

She gently hooked Zang's legs with her jade feet, fixing his body under hers.

There was a seductive light in her lavender eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was admiring Zang's reaction.

"Xiao Gang, let me see how you escape now."

Bibi Dong's voice was gentle but firm, like a magic spell that Zang couldn't resist.

He felt that his body was completely controlled by Bibi Dong, as if bound by an invisible force.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Their bodies were close to each other, and their breaths intertwined, as if forming a beautiful melody.

There is an indescribable tension in the air that makes people's hearts beat faster and their blood boil.



"Hey, don't move!"


An hour seemed to be just a fleeting moment for the two of them.

Zang's power and charm have completely conquered Bibi Dong's body and mind.

She couldn't help but lament that these fifty years of life seemed to have been in vain, because only at this moment did she truly feel the taste of love between men and women.

"Xiao Gang, I love you..."

Bibi Dong murmured with her eyes closed, her voice low and sincere, and she began to gently shake her waist.

Her cheeks were flushed, as if blood was rising, making her look even more shy and attractive.

Behind Bibi Dong, Zang Xie stared at her jade back and every twist and turn detail in front of her abdominal muscles.

The arched lines seemed to be natural works of art, and the crystal clear skin carried an indescribable charm.

Zang couldn't help but sigh, Bibi Dong's Mingqi was no less magical than the other girls he had tried.

However, what interests Zang the most is the huge evil power in Bibi Dong's body.

That power seemed to be an endless abyss, so deep and mysterious that he couldn't help but want to find out.

He felt that he might be able to reap great benefits from Bibi Dong.

At this moment, inside Zang's body, the extremely weird demon species began to boil like lava.

The demonic power sneaked into Bibi Dong's body silently, but it didn't even arouse Bibi Dong's vigilance.

He felt his demon seed blending with the evil power in Bibi Dong's body, creating an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

However, Zang did not indulge in this wonderful feeling.

“No, it’s still a little short of heat.

Bibi Dong has not yet reached the supreme realm, and the [True Yang] in her body has not yet been completely exposed to me. "

Zang thought in his heart, and once again forcibly suppressed his desire to baptize Bibi Dong with positive energy. He knew that now was not the time.

He needed to wait for Bibi Dong to expose the [True Yang] in her body involuntarily, rather than forcibly intervening through external force.

So Zang began to use rubber rocket launchers and tried his best.

The goal is to allow Bibi Dong to become one with nature and man.

He was constantly changing his moves, skillfully and exquisitely, immersing Bibi Dong in the realm of unity between man and nature.

Time passed minute by minute, and Bibi Dong had reached the limit of harmony between man and nature.

As a result, Zang continued to strengthen his magical power.

at last.

Bibi Dong felt that her realm seemed to have reached a critical point, like a embankment that was about to collapse.

She couldn't help urging in a low voice:

"Xiao Gang, I love you so much. Please..."

After receiving Bibi Dong's order, Zang knew that the decisive blow was right in front of him.

He felt the level of Bibi Dong's realm.

Should it be strengthened or weakened.

A quarter of an hour later.

Bibi Dong suddenly raised her head high, like an inverted rainbow bridge, extremely beautiful and alluring.

It looks very delicate and charming.

The unity of heaven and man is about to begin.

He stimulated Bibi Dong's mind even harder.

Finally, under Zang's intense gaze.

A strong feeling of soul power flowed through the meridians throughout her body.

As if enjoying this unparalleled seductive moment.

"It's now!"

He growled deep in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became rapid.

At this moment, he finally opened the door of Bibi Dong's palace completely and "got a glimpse" of the looming [True Yang].

This is what he dreams of, and it is also his ulterior purpose.

He felt that his body was filled with power and desire, as if all the passions were gathered at this moment.


Zang's voice is full of power and wildness.

At the same time, endless positive energy rushed towards the [True Yang] in Bibi Dong's body like a torrent.

It seemed like everything was going to be destroyed.

Under the endless positive energy, the power of hidden demon seeds also quietly followed.

This power is strange and inexplicable, but it echoes Zang's positive energy.

With the cover of positive energy, the power of the demon seed silently climbed onto Bibi Dong's [True Yang], like tentacles, absorbing the evil power in Bibi Dong's body.

Under the guidance of Zang, these forces gradually converge into a powerful energy that blends with Zang's positive energy.

At this time, Bibi Dong finally noticed the strange movement coming from her body.

She felt that her body seemed to be controlled by a powerful force, and her whole body had no strength.

In desperation, Bibi Dong wanted to turn around and see what Zang had done to her, but it actually gave her a bad feeling.

However, at this moment, Bibi Dong seemed to be firmly stuck.

Like a fish with its bones removed, it was unable to resist at all and could only flop on the ground.

She could only watch helplessly as she was manipulated by this powerful force, but she was unable to do anything about it.

Zang knew that Bibi Dong was dying.

He continued his attack without mercy.

He tightened up with every strike.

And the power of the demonic seeds adsorbed around [True Yang] is also constantly devouring Bibi Dong's evil power, gradually converting it into part of Zang's power.

Time seemed to stand still.

The two of them clung to each other, feeling each other's body temperature and breath.

Their heartbeats and breathing were intertwined.

During this process,

Although Bibi Dong's body was controlled, she didn't feel anything was wrong in her heart.

Her spiritual consciousness has been confused by the demon species!

The next moment, Bibi Dong's whole body suddenly started to move like waves, as if she was in a violent wind.

Zang stared at Bibi Dong's back, reached out and pinched her neck firmly, and an inexplicable and powerful evil aura rose up on her body.

The closer Bibi Dong was to the hiding place, the more intense the wavy shaking of her skin became.

"The great method of absorbing energy!"

Zangbao shouted and began to penetrate Bibi Dong's power.

A gap opened at the beginning of the abdominal muscles, and a suction force as powerful as a black hole suddenly formed, absorbing the soul power in Bibi Dong's body like an abyss.

A boundless soul power emanated from Bibi Dong, but like all rivers returning to the sea, it flowed into Zang's body through the channels between the two.

"No! Don't! My soul power! Don't leave me!"

Bibi Dong screamed and wailed, wanting to leave Zang's body, but due to the influence of the demon species, how could she move?


An hour later, Bibi Dong looked like a frog waiting to be slaughtered, lying on the ground in extremely miserable state.

The originally bright star eyes became hollow and lifeless, the lips were as pale as paper, and the complexion became pale and bloodless.

At this moment, Bibi Dong felt as if she was suffering from a serious illness, and all her strength had been drained away.

And this is natural. Any woman who has the [True Yang] stolen from her body will do this, and will basically die instantly.

After all, a woman’s [True Yang] and a man’s [True Yin] are related to a person’s life.

The reason Bibi Dong didn't die suddenly the moment [True Yang] was stolen by Zang was because she was a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo with profound skills.

"You...you are not Xiaogang, who exactly are you?"

Bibi Dong asked weakly, her voice weak and trembling.

She raised her head hard and looked at the strange yet familiar person in front of her.

Although she had lost her strength, her eyes were still full of doubts and vigilance.

Bibi Dong didn't understand who this person was and why he pretended to be a master to approach her. (End of chapter)

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