I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 230 Bibi Dong is dying

Chapter 230 Bibi Dong is... dead


Zang stood up gently, then walked in front of Bibi Dong, and made a crisp sound when his soles stepped on the wet ground.

He lowered his head and looked at Bibi Dong, who had lost her resistance at his feet, with a sneer on his lips.

During this process, Zang's body shape and face were constantly distorted, like a piece of plasticine that was constantly squirming.

His body sometimes swelled and sometimes shrank, and his face became sometimes ferocious and sometimes handsome.

By the time Bibi Dong came to him, Zang had completely returned to his original appearance.

Zang stepped gracefully on the wet ground, making "plop" and "plop" sounds with every step, as if he was walking on thin ice. These were all Bibi Dong's masterpieces.

His eyes were always locked on Bibi Dong, staring at the once majestic pope in the Spirit Hall.

At this moment, she was paralyzed on the ground, naked, like a frog that had been struggling to its death.

Zang walked gently in front of Bibi Dong. He showed no pity or joy at all, only an indescribable complex emotion lingering in his eyes.

He gently placed his toes under Bibi Dong's neck, as if he was testing something, and as if he was looking for a kind of strength.

Then, Zang slowly raised his foot and raised Bibi Dong's head.

Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly, as if resisting this invisible humiliation.

However, she was exhausted at this time, relying solely on her own strong foundation to support her, so how could she resist Zang's behavior.

"You...you...who are you?"

Bibi Dong asked extremely weakly with blurred eyes, her voice seemed particularly weak.

There was a deep fear and uneasiness in her eyes, as if she had a premonition of what would happen next.

"Humph, it doesn't matter who I am. However, I want to thank you, Dong'er. I am very satisfied with your power."

Zang said coldly, his voice full of ridicule and contempt.

He looked at Bibi Dong with eyes full of disdain and cruelty, as if he were looking at her like an ant.

Then, Zang slowly leaned down, stretched out his hand, pinched Bibi Dong's chin, and forced her to raise her head to look at him.

"Do you think you are strong? Do you think you can control everything?

I tell you, you are just a poor guy being played by fate!

You were played by Qian Xunji first, and now you are played by me. You will be my slave for the rest of your life. "

Zang's voice was cold and cruel, as if he was suppressing all his emotions deep in his heart.

The eyes he looked at Bibi Dong were full of teasing and cruelty, as if he was admiring her pain and helplessness.

Bibi Dong struggled feebly, but her body was completely controlled.

She felt her chin being pinched painfully, but she couldn't resist.

Bibi Dong looked into Zang's eyes and couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

She felt that her destiny was controlled by this mysterious man, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Who are you? What happened to Xiaogang?"

Bibi Dong asked again, her voice full of fear and helplessness.

She didn't understand who this mysterious man was and why he treated her like this.

She felt that her heart was being torn apart, and she was in pain.

Zang slowly let go of his hand, stood up, looked down at this woman who was once strong but had become so weak now, with a sneer on her lips.

"Master? That loser is already dead."

Zang said coldly, his voice full of disdain and ridicule.

There was a deep contempt and contempt in his eyes, as if he were looking at a dead person.

When Bibi Dong heard this, a trace of unwillingness and despair flashed in her eyes.

She retorted weakly:

"No! You lie! This is impossible!"

Her voice seemed particularly weak, as if she was fighting against fate, yet she seemed so small and fragile.

However, as soon as she said this, Bibi Dong fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Her body was trembling slightly, as if she was suffering some unspeakable pain.

However, at this moment, a drastic change was taking place in Bibi Dong's body.

Originally, a woman would die immediately after losing her [True Yang].

However, in the process of grabbing the [True Yang], Zang poured the power of the demon seed into Bibi Dong's body.

After the disappearance of the [True Yang], the power of these demon species actually concentrated together, taking the place of the [True Yang] and maintaining Bibi Dong's life.

Now, the power of these demonic seeds is being quietly integrated into Bibi Dong's body, transforming her silently.

Her body seemed to have become a magical container, constantly absorbing and transforming these powers.

During this process, Bibi Dong's body gradually changed, as if she had gradually transformed from an ordinary woman into a being full of mysterious power.

Bibi Dong's body gradually became powerful and mysterious under the influence of the power of the demon seed.

Her skin became smoother and more delicate, as if glowing with a faint sheen, and her aura gradually became stronger and deeper, as if it contained endless power.

Zang stared at Bibi Dong, who was lying in a sticky mess, with endless evil in his eyes.

He murmured to himself:

"Go to sleep slowly. When you wake up, you can..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zang used his divine power to leave the secret room, leaving Bibi Dong unconscious without any clothes.


In the divine power space, Zangpan sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and carefully sensed the soul power lurking in his body.

This time, he swallowed Bibi Dong's soul power from level ninety-nine to level ninety-seven.

Ten years of hard work turned into nothing!

Poor Bibi Dongbi's whole body was almost destroyed and festered, like a ball of kneaded river clam meat.

What's more, the [True Yang] Qi that Zang grabbed contains infinite vitality. It can be used to nourish his indestructible golden body, which has endless wonderful uses.

"Let's go meet Xue'er later. After all, we just finished making trouble with Bibi Dong. Wouldn't it be more interesting to make trouble with her later?"

Zang held his chin with his right hand and thought in his mind.

At this time, the originally crystal clear skin on his body was now covered with a layer of glass-like texture.

This is Bibi Dong's [True Yang] at work, allowing Zang's indestructible golden body to reach a higher level towards the supreme realm of [breaking the void and seeing the gods as indestructible]. Immediately, Zang left the Divine Power Space and came to Wuhun City.


It was noon, and the sun shone through the teahouse windows on the bustling streets.

Zang was sitting in a teahouse in Wuhun City. The noise outside the window had nothing to do with him. He was just quietly enjoying this rare leisure time.

He held a teacup as if nothing had happened and gently stroked the rim with his fingers, as if feeling the delicacy and texture of the teacup.

Then, he carefully took a sip of the fragrant tea in the cup, savoring the aroma of tea spreading between his lips and teeth.

Opposite him, Qian Daoliu sat similarly as if nothing had happened, looking up and down at the young man in front of him.

Just now, Qian Renxue suddenly brought him to this teahouse, saying that Zang Zang had arrived in Wuhun City.

So, this is the picture we have now.

At the same time, on Zang's left side, Qian Renxue looked at the two of them nervously, rubbing the corners of her clothes uneasily with her hands.

Her heart was filled with worry and uneasiness, as if she was afraid that the two of them would fight now.

She knew that the strength of these two people was the only one in the entire continent.

If a fight really breaks out, I'm afraid the entire teahouse will be reduced to ruins in an instant.

Qian Daoliu looked at Zang and narrowed his eyes, his body vaguely exuding extreme coercion.

The atmosphere in the teahouse suddenly became extremely tense, as if it was on the verge of breaking out.

However, at this moment, Zang suddenly put down the tea cup in his hand and smiled softly.

There was a hint of inscrutability in his smile, as if everything was under his control.

"Senior, I'm here to take Xue'er back today, so I called Xue'er here through mental induction."

Zang smiled and said softly,

"Of course, if you want to test my strength, senior, you are welcome to go somewhere with me."

There was a sense of confidence and calmness in his words, as if everything was under his control.

Qian Renxue couldn't help being shocked when she heard this.

She naturally knew what Zang meant by "somewhere", and it must be the Kamui space.

After all, this was not the first time that she, together with the other girls, had joined forces to suppress Zang in the Kamui space.

She couldn't help but be a little worried, worried that Zang would rashly challenge Qian Daoliu because of his own strength.

Although she knew that Zang was powerful, she still felt that Qian Daoliu was even more powerful.

If a fight really breaks out, I'm afraid Zang may not necessarily be Qian Daoliu's opponent.

However, just when she was feeling uneasy, Qian Daoliu suddenly stood up and chuckled:

"Good boy, in these past hundred years, apart from the original Seven Kills Sword Master, you are the first person who dares to challenge me.

Forget it, I will accept your invitation to fight and see what you are capable of! "

Just as Qian Daoliu finished speaking, Zang also stood up, his aura concealed.

He smiled and said:

"Senior, if you are not afraid, then come to my soul skill space."

As soon as he finished speaking, a spatial vortex suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but be startled when he saw this.

He immediately understood in his heart that this was some kind of unique space soul skill.

He looked at the spatial vortex in front of him, a trace of surprise and curiosity flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this space vortex was probably the soul skill born from Zang's second martial soul.

He remembered what Qian Renxue mentioned before, that Zang had two martial spirits.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart. This young man's talent and strength were so strong. No wonder he was able to win the favor of his granddaughter who was very ambitious.

Thinking of this, Qian Daoliu no longer hesitated and immediately threw himself into the divine power space.

Qian Renxue gave a hidden look and followed Qian Daoliu in.

She knew that the two of them had to have a fight today before they would let it go, so she no longer thought about starting a fight.

Anyway, Zang has the healing soul skill in his body, so he is not afraid of getting hurt.


In the divine power space, Qian Daoliu has completed the possession of the martial spirit, and the whole person is like a god descending into the world, standing in the void.

Behind him, three pairs of flawless white angel wings slowly flapped, and the nine soul rings exuded an unparalleled aura of level 99.

Qian Daoliu was seen holding an angel holy sword in his hand, with the sword pointed at Zang below, and the aura on his body was as steady as a mountain.

Powerful pressure was released from his body, making the entire space tremble.

The golden eyes sparkled with sharp light, as if they could see through all illusions and point directly to the essence of all things.

And below, the four red, black, and red soul rings behind Zang were blooming with divine power, and endless black light lit up in his eyes.

His eyes were deep and mysterious, as if they contained infinite power and wisdom, and the hidden "Eye of the Soul" martial spirit had been fully activated.

Qian Daoliu saw this and shouted loudly:

"Good boy, is this your second martial spirit? It has so many hundred thousand year soul rings attached to it?"

There was a hint of surprise and confusion in his tone, and he obviously didn't expect Zang to possess such a powerful second martial spirit.

Zang heard the words, but did not answer immediately, but showed a mysterious smile.

There was a playful glint in his eyes, as if he was waiting to appreciate Qian Daoliu's surprised expression.

He took a deep breath, and the Clear Sky Hammer spirit suddenly appeared in his hand, with two mini 100,000-year-old spirit rings wrapped around the handle of the hammer!

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu's pupils dilated, then immediately shrank into a small dot, and he exclaimed:

"This is impossible!!! How can you possess the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit!!!"

His voice was full of shock and disbelief, and he was obviously shocked by Zang's Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit.

While Qian Daoliu exclaimed, Qian Renxue on the side was also in a state of possession by a martial spirit, and her eight golden angel wings slowly flapped, allowing her to float in the air.

In her eyes, there stood a figure holding the Clear Sky Hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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