I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 255 The little fox went bad

Chapter 255 The little fox went bad
Zang stared at the King of Killing who was enlarging his moves with a stern expression.

A cold snort, containing his anger and determination, was chilling and seemed to freeze the whole world at this moment.

With his cold snort, the demon hidden in his body suddenly received strong mental stimulation, as if it had been injected with new vitality.

It suddenly rose, as if a huge heart was beating, and every beat brought shocking power.

The spiritual power of the demon species surged like a violent storm, sweeping across the entire killing city in an instant.

Originally, the demon species had been greedily devouring all the negative emotions in the killing city. Those emotions such as killing, fear, anger, despair, etc. were the nutrients for its growth.

However, at this moment, it suddenly stopped this devouring behavior, as if it had found a more attractive target.

Zang could clearly feel the excitement coming from the demon species, like a hungry wolf seeing a delicious meal.

Zangya couldn't help but be moved by this excitement. He knew that the demon was about to release even more powerful power.

Sure enough, the next moment, infinite demonic energy burst out from Zang's body, as if black flames were burning.

The demonic energy quickly condensed into a long black energy dragon, which circled and danced in the air, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

The dense demonic power is hidden in this black dragon, ready to release destructive power at any time.

"What is this?"

The Slaughter King's eyes widened and he stared at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

His eyes fell on the black dragon that suddenly appeared, and a strong uneasiness surged in his heart.

This long dragon of black energy seemed to be born from the endless darkness, and it came straight towards him with a heart-stopping aura.

The blood-red nine-headed bat king who controls the King of Slaughter claims to be invincible, but at this moment, it feels an unprecedented fear.

The long black dragon was extremely fast and pounced on him in an instant.

He tried to avoid it, but found that his body seemed to be bound by an invisible force and he could not move.


Within the body of the King of Slaughter, the blood-red nine-headed bat king screamed in terror. Although its sonic attack was strong, it seemed so powerless in front of this black energy.

It struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of this force, but everything was in vain.

On the surface, the King of Slaughter also let out a scream, and his face was covered in rich black energy. The black energy seemed to be alive, devouring its power crazily.

The blood-red nine-headed bat king who controlled the King of Slaughter seemed so fragile in front of this demonic force and was devoured mercilessly.

"No! I don't want to go out! What are these! Rao-"

Before the King of Slaughter could finish begging for mercy, he couldn't say another word.

His voice was swallowed up by the black energy, leaving only endless fear and despair.

I saw black energy retreating instead of advancing, spurting out from the face of the Slaughter King.

The black energy was actually accompanied by a heavy trace of blood.

The blood seemed to be drawn out of the Slaughter King's body, with a strange and terrifying aura.

As time went by, the blood on the face of the Slaughter King became more and more intense.

His hair and eyes gradually lost their color and returned to their original black color.

At this moment, he had gotten rid of the control of the blood-red nine-headed bat king and regained his original sanity.

However, now Tang Chen's strength has been swallowed up by the blood-red nine-headed bat king, and his body has become extremely weak.

"Ahem, thank you for helping me regain my consciousness."

Tang Chen lay weakly on the ground, his voice was trembling, but his eyes showed deep gratitude to the person in front of him.

Zang nodded slightly, put away the black energy dragon, and showed a faint smile on his face.

His eyes were filled with dark flames, as if there was endless depth and mystery.

Behind him, five blood-red soul rings were spinning silently, exuding a powerful aura that made people shudder.

Just now, the Blood-Red Nine-Headed Bat King used spiritual shock to attack Zang, but the Demon Seed sensed the Blood-Red Nine-Headed Bat King that was parasitic in Tang Chen's body.

The power of the blood-red nine-headed bat king aroused the demon species' desire to devour, and this was how the black energy dragon counterattacked just now.

But now, the blood-red nine-headed bat king was swallowed up by the demonic power and turned into the fifth soul ring that contained the second martial soul.

There is no doubt that the blood-red nine-headed bat king can control Tang Chen. He is also a super soul beast with a cultivation period of more than 100,000 years.

According to Zang's induction, the blood-red nine-headed bat king's cultivation level is at least 300,000.

Moreover, it is a super soul beast that mainly attacks the spiritual system. It is probably only inferior to the Evil Eye Tyrant King from the Sun and Moon Continent who has cultivated for 800,000 years.

After devouring the blood-red nine-headed bat king, the demon species seemed to have experienced a great battle and fell into deep silence.

It is no longer as restless as before, but has become extremely calm. Only from time to time, it will beat gently like a heart.

As if telling Zang that it is accumulating strength and preparing for the next transformation.

In Zang's induction, the demon species conveyed a feeling of being "stuffed".

It was a kind of satisfaction and enrichment, as if it had received enough energy to transform into Tao Heart.

Zang could clearly feel the changes inside the demon species. It was a transformation from the inside out, just like a chrysalis slowly transforming into a butterfly, waiting for the moment to spread its wings and fly high.

Next, Zang knew that he only needed to wait quietly for the demon species to transform.

He was no longer eager for success, but chose patience and calmness.

Thinking of this, Zangya restrained his murderous intent and seemed to become a gentle and elegant young man.

He walked up to Tang Chen with a calm expression and asked:

"I want to leave the killing city."

Tang Chen didn't show much surprise when he heard Zang's words.

He stood up slowly, looked at Zang's body, and then said:
"You are only allowed to enter and not leave the Capital of Killing. This is a rule established since the Capital of Killing. Even I cannot violate it."

Although Tang Chen's voice was calm, it revealed an unquestionable determination.

Zang knew that this was not a rejection of himself, but a statement of fact.

He nodded in understanding.

However, Tang Chen did not stop there. He continued:
“However, it is not impossible to leave the Killing City.

You must win hundreds of games in the Hell Killing Fields, then pass the Hell Road, obtain the Killing Fields and become the God of Killing.

With your strength, if you want to win a hundred games, passing the Hell Road should be a piece of cake. "

In fact, Zang was also curious about the Hell Road in the Killing City. After all, it was specially arranged by God Shura.

He suspected that the hell road he would experience then would be different from what Tang San originally experienced.

This is also the reason why Zang did not force his way out of the Killing City.

When the two stopped to talk, Hu Liena trotted up to them like a breeze.

She seemed to have just experienced a tense battle, her towering chest was still rising and falling slightly, she was panting a little, and her body was filled with blood.

However, those clear and bright big eyes shone with curiosity and admiration for Tibet.

Hu Liena gently stroked her chest with her hand, calmed her breathing, then turned her head and stared at Zang's side face with her big, smart eyes, as if she wanted to find out more secrets from it.

Her voice was clear and sweet, flowing out like a mountain stream:

"Zang, I didn't expect that you are so strong that you can suppress this king of killing.

I heard that the King of Slaughter is a titled Douluo, and there are very few people who can compete with him. "

Speaking of this, Hu Liena's eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of admiration and awe.

She knew exactly what the title Douluo's strength was.

However, Zang was able to compete with the King of Slaughter with his own strength, which gave her a deeper understanding of Zang's strength.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Liena changed the topic and brought the topic to the five hundred thousand year soul rings hidden behind her. There was a bit of curiosity and inquiry in her eyes, as if she wanted to see through the secrets hidden in these soul rings.

She carefully glanced at the soul rings, and then asked softly:

"However, these hundred thousand year soul rings of yours...

How did you get it?

I have never seen anyone possess so many hundred thousand year soul rings. "

However, Zang did not answer Hu Liena's question directly, but smiled faintly, as if all this was natural.

Hu Liena's words were like a pebble dropped into a calm lake, arousing Tang Chen's curiosity.

He had been silently observing the interaction between Zang and Hu Liena, but now he couldn't help but show doubts.

He also wanted to know why Zang had such great strength and so many hundred thousand year soul rings.

He could clearly see that these hundred thousand year soul rings should be from the hidden second martial soul.

However, Tang Chen, who had just been rescued from the clutches of the Blood-Red Nine-Headed Bat King, felt a little complicated in his heart.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask Hidden something, but finally gave up.

He thought to himself:
"Forget it, even though I was saved by him, he is still strong enough to inherit the Shura Divine Examination.

But after all, he is not a disciple of my Haotian Sect. I should keep this Shura Demonic Sword for the time being. "

So, Tang Chen made a decision in his heart.

He nodded towards Zang, then disappeared in a flash.

Zang and Hu Liena were left behind, continuing to talk in the night of the Killing City.

Zang put away his second martial spirit and walked into the inner city of the Killing City with a steady pace.

Behind him, Hu Liena followed closely, her eyes full of curiosity and trust in Zang.

The scene in the inner city is completely different from the deathly silence of the outer city. It seems like a prosperous different world.

The lights are bright, the neon lights are flashing, and all kinds of places have sprung up, full of depravity and desire.

The air is filled with the rich aroma of wine and tempting food, making people intoxicated.

As Zang and Hu Liena walked through the bustling street, the eyes of the surrounding soul masters focused on them.

Especially Zang, his appearance is like a bright star, lighting up this dark world.

His fight with the King of Slaughter just now shocked the entire inner city, and all the soul masters witnessed the thrilling scene with their own eyes.

Therefore, when they saw Zang's figure, they all lowered their heads with expressions of awe.

These soul masters were terrified of Zang's strength.

They know that the person who can suppress the King of Slaughter is by no means an ordinary person.

Every movement and every look in Zang's eyes revealed an indescribable majesty and power that made people dare not show any slights.

At this moment, Zang lowered his voice and had a secret conversation with Hu Liena that only the two of them could hear.

An evil smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, as if he was hiding some unknown secret.

Hu Liena's heart was instantly attracted, and she moved closer curiously, wanting to hear what Qingzang said.

"Aren't you curious why I have these hundred thousand year soul rings?"

Zang's voice was low and magnetic, and every word seemed to hit Hu Liena's heartstrings.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes, trying to find the answer from Zang's words.

"I can tell you at night, do you dare to come and listen?"

As soon as Zang finished speaking, Hu Liena's face suddenly turned red.

She knew clearly what Hidden's words meant.

Although she was a little shy in her heart, she was more curious and eager to hide.

Although Hu Liena has always had a charming appearance, she is very pure in her heart.

She has never been in love since she was a child, and she knows nothing about men and women.

However, facing Zang at this moment, she felt an inexplicable attraction.

The majestic and heroic look that he had just hidden was deeply imprinted in her heart, and she couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

"I still want it, or I don't want it..."

Hu Liena was troubled in her heart, her heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

She couldn't help but think that since Zang was so powerful, he must also have extraordinary attainments in certain capitals.

The idea made her feel a little shy, but also full of anticipation.

She stood there, her legs seemed a little weak, as if she had lost the power to walk.

Zang's words kept echoing in her mind, making her unable to calm down.

She knew she shouldn't be attracted to a man so easily, but she couldn't control her heartbeat.

Unknowingly, Hu Liena found that she had followed Zang's footsteps and walked into a hotel.

Her eyes widened and she looked at her surroundings in disbelief, as if she suddenly realized her situation.

However, when she realized this, the surprise and doubt in her heart had been replaced by an inexplicable emotion, as if she had acquiesced to all this happening.

Hu Liena stood in the hotel room, her heart beating like a drum.

She looked around, trying to calm herself down.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she could not calm down the excitement and tension in her heart.

She recalled the moment when she followed Zang into the hotel, and there seemed to be an inexplicable force driving her in her heart that she couldn't resist.

"it's nothing……"

Hu Liena kept thinking in her heart and tried to comfort herself with these words.

It was no big deal, she told herself.

However, her heart beat faster and faster, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

Just then, Zang's voice broke her thoughts.

He said to Hu Liena calmly:

"Would you like to take a shower first? You still smell like blood?"

Hu Liena was stunned when she heard this, and then realized that her body was indeed covered with traces of the battle.

She nodded, silently accepting Zang's suggestion.

However, when Hu Liena started to take off her clothes, she suddenly felt nervous.

She found that she had taken off her clothes in front of Zang, which made her feel very shy and embarrassed.

Her cheeks were red and her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.

When Hu Liena came back to her senses, she found that she had almost taken off her clothes.

So, she rushed into the bathroom and closed the door.

She leaned against the bathroom wall, breathing heavily, trying to calm down.

She felt that her heartbeat was still beating wildly, as if she had just experienced a thrilling adventure.

After staying in the bathroom for a long time, Hu Liena gradually regained her composure, then turned on the shower and rinsed her smooth body.

(End of this chapter)

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