I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 256 Take a bath together

Just as Hu Liena was immersed in the coolness of the shower and concentrated on rinsing her beautiful shoulders, her thoughts inadvertently drifted into the distance, and the figure of Chu Zang quietly appeared in her mind.

That tall figure and deep eyes seemed to carry an indescribable charm, making her heart beat faster and her thoughts swirling.


Hu Liena suddenly hummed softly, and a blush quickly appeared on her face.

She seemed to have imagined those shy and heart-warming moments with Zang, and those sweet and subtle memories filled her heart with waves of warmth.

She wanted to continue rinsing her smooth and jade-like thighs, but she was surprised to find that the skin on her legs became dirtier and dirtier with each wash, as if shrouded in a mysterious layer of dirt.

Hu Liena couldn't help but feel a little panicked. She rubbed her thighs vigorously, trying to completely wash away the dirt, but no matter how hard she tried, the dirt always stubbornly adhered to her skin.

Just when Hu Liena was almost unable to stand and felt extremely helpless, there was a "swish" sound and the shower door was suddenly opened.

Hu Liena looked up and saw Zang's figure suddenly appearing in front of her.

He was naked, his skin exuded a charming luster under the light, and his deep eyes shone like obsidian.

Hu Liena was stunned for a moment. A strong impulse surged in her heart. She rushed into Zang's arms and hugged his waist tightly with both hands.

Her heartbeat was beating like a drum, as if she wanted to pour all her emotions into the embrace of this moment.

And Zang hugged her back tightly, their bodies touching each other, as if they were merging into one.

At this moment, all the shyness, uneasiness and doubts disappeared, leaving only the deep emotions and endless warmth for each other.


I don't know how long it took, but Zang and Hu Liena came out of the shower hand in hand. The water droplets slid down along the curves of their skin, leaving behind a trail of crystal clear traces.

They walked through the living room and came to the soft sofa, as if two tired birds had found a warm nest.

The down on the sofa gently wrapped them around them, bringing them a touch of comfort and comfort.

However, this short break failed to satisfy their inner desires.

They got up from the sofa again, Hu Liena rode on Zang's body, and walked to the balcony like a horse.

The cool night breeze blew gently, blowing away the heat on their bodies and causing ripples in their hearts.

On the balcony, the moonlight fell like water, reflecting their closely linked figures, like a beautiful picture.

Finally, they arrived at the large, spacious bed. The bed was soft and comfortable, as if hugging their tired bodies.

They kissed passionately on this bed and released their inner passion.

Hu Liena's delicate body trembled slightly in Zang's arms, and her eyes flashed with blurred light, as if she was intoxicated in this endless joy.

And Zang is enjoying this beauty to the fullest.

After the cicada possessed them, both of them fell into a deep sleep.

Their breaths intertwined, and the moonlight fell on them through the gaps in the curtains, covering them with a veil of mystery.

When Zang woke up early the next morning, he found himself hugging Hu Liena tightly.

She lay in his arms with tears on her face, as if she had experienced an intense nightmare.

Zang looked down and saw that Hu Liena's body was covered with red marks, which was obviously a result of severe torture.

However, Zang only felt that he was refreshed at this moment, as if he was bathed in the morning sunshine.

The fatigue caused by yesterday's fierce battle with the King of Slaughter has disappeared without a trace.

He took a deep breath and stretched, feeling the lightness and comfort of his body.

"Sure enough, if you really want to relax, you have to do it."

He secretly thought in his heart, feeling that he had endless strength all over his body.

He couldn't help but pat Hu Liena gently again, and there was another fresh slap mark on her face.

"Well, stop making trouble, let me rest~"

Hu Liena muttered in her sleep, with a hint of coquettishness and satisfaction in her voice, like a child eating a candy.

She didn't open her eyes to take a look, she just buried her head deeper into his arms, looking for the slightest bit of comfort and warmth.

However, Hu Liena did not wake up from her deep sleep. Her breathing was even and gentle, like a quiet lake, calm and calm.

However, there was an urge to tease her in Zang's heart, like a naughty child who saw the toy in front of him and couldn't help but want to touch and tease it.

Zang stood up gently, trying not to make any noise so as not to wake up the beauty in his arms.

He approached Hu Liena cautiously, as if playing a silent game.

Finally, he couldn't help but put his body against Hu Liena's back, as if he was playing a game of sticking sesame cakes.

His movements were gentle and quick, for fear of disturbing her sweet dream.

However, despite this, Hu Liena was still awakened by his sudden heavy blow.


A cry of surprise rang out, and Hu Liena suddenly opened her eyes, feeling the weight and warmth coming from her back.

She turned around and saw Zang Zheng looking at her jokingly, with a mischievous light in his eyes.

"You...what are you doing?"

Hu Liena asked with some embarrassment, her cheeks were slightly red, as if she was blushing from the hidden salted fish thorns.

Zang looked at her shy look and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

He smiled softly and said:

"It's nothing, I just want to play a little game with you."

Hu Liena wanted to say something else, but Zang kissed her red lips, and she could no longer say a word.


At noon, the blood-red sunlight shines coldly on every inch of the Killing City. All the darkness and blood here become deeper and more evil under the bloody light.

Two figures slowly walked out of the hotel and arrived at the hell killing field in the center of the inner city of the killing capital.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding Fallen.

However, these degenerates, who were usually arrogant and domineering, seemed to have seen something terrible at this moment. They were all silent and did not even dare to speak out.

It's just because they know that one of the two people in front of them is a truly strong person, an unrivaled existence in this land.

Anyone who dared to make a sound and disturb the world between the two of them would have been killed without exception.

Zang was sitting on a stone seat near the ring. His eyes were calm and deep, as if he could see through all illusions and lies.

Beside him was Hu Liena, who was wearing a red tights. Her beauty and power eclipsed everything around her. "I've finished what I came here to do. Do you want to go out with me?"

Zang asked Hu Liena beside him calmly. Although his voice was not loud, it had an unquestionable majesty.

There was still a gorgeous red cloud on Hu Liena's face, and she obviously hadn't gotten over the afterglow yet.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked up at Zang, with a firm light shining in her eyes:
"Go out? The teacher asked me to come to the Killing City just to practice. I'd better practice here first."

Zang smiled slightly, as if he had anticipated her answer.

He nodded and explained: "In that case, I will take the first step."

There was no blame or dissatisfaction in his tone, but full of understanding and tolerance.

In fact, the purpose of hiding here has been basically achieved.

The demon seed in his body has absorbed enough negative energy, which has greatly improved his strength.

Originally, he needed to stay in the Killing City for a while before the demon species could absorb enough negative energy.

However, after devouring all the power of the blood-red nine-headed bat king, the demon species has fallen into a deep sleep.

Zang knew that this was the devil accumulating strength, waiting for its next awakening.

And when the demon woke up again, it was the day he transformed into Tao Xin. That was an important node in his spiritual practice and a key step in his pursuit of a higher realm.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and then, a figure fell from the sky and landed on the ring.

This figure exudes strong murderous intent. It is Tang Chen who has escaped from the blood-red nine-headed bat king - the king of killing.

Tang Chen's eyes scanned around the people present, and finally landed on Zang.

There was a flash of complicated emotions in his eyes, but he quickly looked away.

He said loudly: "Yesterday, our city of killing welcomed a new god of killing. In order to welcome the coming of the god of killing, as the king of killing, I received an oracle and needed to use blood to open the road to hell."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Hell Killing Fields fell into madness.

The fallen ones shouted loudly one after another, seeming to be very excited after hearing what Tang Chen said about opening the road to hell.

However, what they didn't know was that the blood the Slaughter King mentioned actually meant their blood.

At the same time, Tang Chen sent a message to Tibet:

“The only way to leave the Killing City is through Hell Road.

Today I will open the road to hell once. If you want to walk, this is your only chance. "

When Zang heard the words, he also sent a message: "You just said you got an oracle. Is this true or false?"

However, when Zang asked this question, Tang Chen did not respond, as if he didn't hear it.

On the contrary, his body began to emit a strong red light, which spread like waves to the entire hell killing field.

Under this red light, the entire hell killing field seemed to have turned into a crazy purgatory.

The fallen ones around the ring seemed to be controlled by an invisible force. Their eyes became hollow and crazy, as if they had lost their minds and began to tear apart like crazy.

Their palms seemed to have turned into sharp claws, tearing at their bodies crazily. Every inch of skin and every muscle was ruthlessly torn open, and blood spattered everywhere. The scene was extremely tragic.

Their screams and roars came one after another, like a demonic carnival, which made people shudder.

However, under the influence of this red light, Zang and Hu Liena appeared extremely calm.

Zang's spiritual realm is only a hair away from refining the gods and returning to the void, so naturally he will not be shaken by this red light.

As for Hu Liena, because she possesses the head soul bone gifted by Bibi Dong, her mental power has been greatly enhanced and she can resist the erosion of red light.

They stood quietly in the audience, staring at the center of the ring.

As the red light continued to spread, the entire hell killing field became more and more chaotic, as if it was a world about to collapse.

Blood continued to flow from the bodies of the fallen, gathering into small streams, flowing along the pipes under the auditorium to the center of the ring.

The blood formed a huge bloody pattern on the ring, like a mysterious magic circle, exuding a strange aura.

Suddenly, a low and majestic voice sounded in the empty hell killing field:
"This is the road to hell, do you dare to try it?"

This voice is full of challenges and temptations that are irresistible.

Zang frowned slightly, but he did not flinch. Instead, he straightened his back, his eyes shining with determination.

He took a deep breath, then jumped from the audience into the center of the ring.

Under the red light, Zang's figure looked particularly tall and mighty, as if he were a god of war descending into the world.

After he landed, he stood firmly and stared directly at the mysterious blood pattern in front of him.

The next moment, Zang's body seemed to be hit by an invisible force. He felt his whole body shake and was surrounded by a powerful red light.

He looked around and was surprised to find that the surrounding scenery began to flicker rapidly, as if being distorted by a powerful energy.

However, the arena under his feet was like a solid island, standing firm in this chaotic space, and seemed to be the carrier for launching the ceremony.

Zang's heart moved, and his powerful spiritual sense told him that his body was traveling through space in some magical way.

This feeling was both strange and novel. He seemed to have become a traveler in space, traveling through the endless void.

"Presumably, the road to hell is in some strange alien space, like the divine space."

Zang secretly thought, while staring at the space in front of him that began to become mottled.

He could feel the distortion and changes in space, as if he was passing through a mysterious portal leading to an unknown world.

After an unknown amount of time, Zang suddenly felt the arena beneath his feet begin to vibrate, and at the same time, the space around him seemed to become more stable.

His heart moved, and he knew that he had arrived at the entrance of Hell Road.

However, when the space stabilized, what greeted Zang's eyes was a sea of ​​fire.

He stood on the ring, staring at the boundless sea of ​​magma in front of him.

The magma was like boiling flames, constantly surging, emitting blazing light and endless heat.

Zang could feel the terrifying energy contained in the magma, as if it would burst out at any time.

In the magma sea, there is only one road that is not covered by hot magma.

It was a narrow and rugged road, like a bridge leading to the unknown.

Zang knew that this was the path he was going to take next. He had to step on this path and pass through this sea of ​​fire before he could move forward.

He took a deep breath and felt the hot breath emanating from the magma sea, but his heart was unusually calm. (End of chapter)

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