
Chapter 101 Shameless

Chapter 101 Shameless
Zhen Yuyan saw Yin Xiaoxiao smiling at Jun Moyin and rubbing his back and shoulders. Jun Moyin obviously liked all this, and she became even more angry.The soles of the feet seemed to be filled with raging fire, constantly rubbing against the forehead!
I want to say that Yin Xiaoxiao, a shameless woman, openly seduced the prince in broad daylight, how shameless!shameless!He cursed Yin Xiaoxiao over and over in his heart, wishing he could tear him into pieces!
Yin Xiaoxiao seemed to be aware of Zhen Yuyan's silent curse. She raised her head and looked at Zhen Yuyan's angry face, winking and smiling seductively.
"Your Majesty, the prince knows best what Xiaoxiao thinks about the prince. Do you think Xiaoxiao will be the kind of person who molests the princess's sister? Even if he has not been favored by the prince for a long time, Xiaoxiao will not be greedy for the princess's sister. Let's start, right?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice while rubbing Jun Moyin's shoulders and back.
Ouch, that tone is really aggrieved, and the people listening to it will feel sour to death!
Jun Moyin reached out and patted Yin's small and tender hand, nodded lightly and said, "Well, I know that Lian'er must be lying and slandering you!"
"Your Majesty!" Jin Lian'er was speechless at Jun Moyin's death, who was obviously fascinated by Yin Xiaoxiao.If he knocked her down with just a few words, what would become of her?
Jun Moyin heard Jin Lian'er's dissatisfied voice and reprimanded angrily: "What? Do you have any explanation? From the beginning to the end, I just heard you talking about it all by yourself. One moment, you said it was Xiaoxiao who wanted to indoctrinate you." I'll kill you, and then I said you jumped into the hot spring pool by yourself. Finally, I got even more violent and started to slander Xiaoxiao for molesting you. Lian'er, do you never think through your words when you speak, huh?"
"Pfft!" Yin Xiaoxiao sprayed directly.Jun Mo, who doesn't even use curse words in his speech, wants to laugh her to death?
Jin Lian'er's cheeks turned red and white when she was scolded by Jun Moyin. Now the situation is that no matter what she says, Jun Moyin can't listen or believe it, right?
Also, who told her to lie from the beginning and keep lying about what happened in the back mountain?Now, she really said that Yin Xiaoxiao molested her body, and no one would believe her.
"Yin Xiaoxiao, don't be complacent! I won't let this matter go by today!" Jin Lian'er raised her finger and pointed at Yin Xiaoxiao, and started to threaten him in front of Jun Moyin.
Yin Xiaoxiao leaned towards Jun Moyin and said weakly: "Oh, my lord, you see my sister is frightening Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao is so scared!"
"Ahem!" Jun Moyin knew very well about Yin Xiaoxiao's changing personality, but her sudden change still made Jun Moyin cough frequently.
Jin Lian'er stomped out of the wing angrily. Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao's dead look, she was very angry, so angry!
Zhen Yuyan is also angry. The prince belongs to her. If Yin Xiaoxiao dares to snatch it from her, she will fight Yin Xiaoxiao to the death!
Fortunately, Yin Xiaoxiao is a very self-aware person.Seeing that Jin Lian'er was angry and walked away, Zhen Yuyan was also extremely angry, and Yin Xiaoxiao stopped as soon as she saw it was good, and jumped to leave.
"Where are you going?" Jun Mo asked in an unhappy tone as he introduced Yin Xiaoxiao to jump out.
What is this woman like?Will everything be fine after teasing him?
How unjust is Yin Xiaoxiao?She didn't tease Jun Moyin at all!
He stopped and looked at Jun Moyin innocently, then pointed outside, "Your Majesty, please go out for a walk!"
"You're not allowed to go!" Jun Mo said firmly, then sat at the table and poured himself a cup of fragrant tea.
Yin Xiaoxiao frowned, jumped back, pouted and asked: "Why?"
Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and gave Yin Xiaoxiao a cold look, "If I can't tell you, I won't. There's no reason!"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and skipped towards the bed.Without being dragged out, she had a good sleep.I just took a bath and felt so comfortable, it felt good to have a good sleep!
Jun Moyin watched Yin Xiaoxiao jumping around the room, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Are you a rabbit? Are you tired of jumping around?"
Yin Xiaoxiao jumped up and answered provocatively: "Yes! I am a rabbit, and I just like jumping around. Does the prince even have to take care of this?"
Jun Moyin shrugged and spread his hands, "I'm not so bored!"
Yin Xiaoxiao snorted and muttered: "You are the most boring one with your stinky beauty!"
"Ah!" Just after muttering, he screamed the next second.
Jun Mo followed the sound and looked around, only to see a "certain rabbit" falling heavily to the ground. That unlucky look was so unlucky that it made people laugh.
"Pfft!" Jun Moyin was holding tea to drink when he sprayed all the tea on Zhen Yuyan.
It turned out that Yin Xiaoxiao was jumping up and down and stepped on the hem of her skirt. She lost her center of gravity and fell upside down.
After hearing the super -laughed laughter that belongs to Jun Mo Yin, Yin Xiaoxiao clenched his fist, stood up extremely calmly, patted the dust on his body, and then shook his long hair. The wind was light and light. He took off his shoes and went to bed, turned his back to Jun Mo and closed his eyes to sleep.
After making sure that Jun Moyin couldn't see it, Yin Xiaoxiao bared his teeth and grinned, with various expressions of pain and winks!
Ouch, ouch, it really hurts!
Jun Mo Yin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao lying on the bed, still trembling with pain, and almost suffered internal injuries from laughing.Well, he is an unscrupulous person. At this time, you should at least step forward and ask with concern!
"Xiaoxiao, you didn't fall somewhere, did you?" Jun Moyin's voice sounded so uncomfortable to Yin Xiaoxiao's ears.
Grinding his teeth angrily, Yin Xiaoxiao snorted: "It's okay!"
It’s strange that nothing happens!Ouch, it hurts like hell!
Jun Moyin didn't expose Yin Xiaoxiao's lies. The parties involved were so calm, so he, an outsider, had to be calm too!
"Your Majesty!" Zhen Yuyan's angry voice came from the side.
Jun Moyin turned around and saw that Zhen Yuyan's clothes were all wet, which was obviously the result of him spraying tea just now.
"Uh! Yan'er, you... go to the inner room and change your clothes!" Jun Mo pointed to his inner room.
Zhen Yuyan nodded, a little dissatisfied with Jun Moyin's attitude.
With a silent sigh, Zhen Yuyan went to her bed to get her baggage, took out her clothes and went into the inner room to change.
Jun Moyin watched Zhen Yuyan walk into the inner room, his eyes darting around like a thief.When Zhen Yuyan entered the inner room, he quickly stood up and followed her to look outside the inner room door. After confirming that she had gone behind the screen to change clothes, he immediately narrowed his eyes, turned around and strode towards Yin Xiaoxiao's bed.
Yin Xiaoxiao was currently facing the wall, baring his teeth and secretly feeling pain, feeling so entangled that he wanted to cry without tears.
Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands covering her slim waist.
Yin Xiaoxiao turned around and stared at Jun Moyin who suddenly appeared, and was stunned and silent.
This guy... appears like a ghost. He wants to do something crazy?
"You..." As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao asked a syllable, Jun Moyin immediately reached out to cover her lips and shushed her softly, "Shh! Don't make any noise."
Yin Xiaoxiao blinked, wondering which song Jun Moyin was singing.
Just when he felt that the other party was strange, he saw Jun Moyin reaching down and boldly covering Yin Xiaoxiao's two soft balls.
"You..." Yin Xiaoxiao breathed out softly.
Jun Moyin's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he laughed softly: "Didn't you ask me to check the evidence of the torture left by Lian'er on your chest earlier? Now... I will check it carefully. "
Yin Xiaoxiao opened his mouth in an 'O' shape, and Jun Mo led the stupid donkey. Did he know that he was talking about the magic horse?
When Jun Moyin saw Yin Xiaoxiao's surprised look, the slight twinkle in his eyes became even stronger!
correct!That’s it!Yin Xiaoxiao looks like a frightened little rabbit now. It's so cute that it makes people want to pounce on it and ravage it severely.
While Yin Xiaoxiao was in a daze, Jun Moyin moved as fast as lightning to open the belt on Yin Xiaoxiao's chest.Parting her hands to the left and right, Yin Xiaoxiao's coat was separated, revealing the intimate clothes underneath.
"Uh! You..." Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened. He didn't expect Jun Moyin to be such a sullen and coquettish man.To do such a vulgar behavior to her in broad daylight is really... so shameless!
"You... gangster!" Yin Xiaoxiao stammered and scolded.
Damn it, when had she been so useless and her tongue was tied at the critical moment?
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows, leaned close to Yin Xiaoxiao and whispered, "Have I ever been a rogue? Since Xiaoxiao has always accused me of being a rogue, then I you a rogue?"
"No!" As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao refused, Jun Moyin quickly pressed his lips to hers.
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, rolled his eyes violently.Ouch, ouch, she was eaten by a pig in broad daylight!
Behind the screen in the inner room, Zhen Yuyan, who was changing clothes, felt that the atmosphere was strange for no reason, and she felt very depressed.That feeling is quite unpleasant!
There are only two people in the outer hall, Jun Moyin and Yin Xiaoxiao. I wonder if Yin Xiaoxiao will seduce Jun Moyin behind her back!At this time, Zhen Yuyan had no idea that it was not Yin Xiaoxiao who was seducing Jun Moyin, but Jun Moyin who was seducing Yin Xiaoxiao behind her back.
While undressing anxiously, he called out: "Your Majesty!"
Zhen Yuyan called out, but didn't hear Jun Moyin's response. She felt inexplicably nervous and suspicious in her heart.Jun Moyin has great martial arts skills, and there is a wall between the inner room and the outer hall. There is no way he can't hear that he is replacing him?Unless he...he was entangled by that little vixen Yin Xiaoxiao?
In fact, the situation in the outer hall at this time was that Jun Moyin had entangled Yin Xiaoxiao.But I saw that his whole body was pressed against Yin Xiaoxiao's tender body, and he was kissing, biting, fingering and other unsightly and obscene behaviors like crazy.
On the other hand, Yin Xiaoxiao kept gritting his teeth and resisting, glaring at Jun Moyin sideways.What are you doing?Want to get mad and go away?I just fell down and was chewing mud, and my whole body hurts. Does this damn man have any sympathy for her?
Two people, a man on top and a woman on the bottom.One resisted in every possible way, while the other pressed forward step by step.Just when things were getting tense, Zhen Yuyan's nervous and loud call came from the inner hall: "Your Majesty? Your Majesty!"
Yin Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, hehe, the most beloved girl in your family called you, let’s see how you continue this time!
(End of this chapter)

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