
Chapter 102 Flying Lightning Eyes

Chapter 102 Flying Lightning Eyes
Jun Moyin caught the silent joking in Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes. He kissed Yin Xiaoxiao hard on the lips, and then whispered in a low voice: "Little goblin, don't be too disappointed! I haven't been here for a few days. I favor you and know how much I miss you in my heart. So tonight, I will make it happen for you, huh?"
Finally, he gave Yin Xiaoxiao a flash of lightning.
Yin Xiaoxiao's whole body was twitching, and he was almost bleeding from all his orifices when he was electrocuted.Your sister, do you know what a flying electric eye is?Others' flying electric eyes can erode their bones and ecstasy, but Jun Mo's flying electric eyes will make your soul fly away!Look at the deathly virtue of that dead fish blinking his eyes, it's as if he's suffering from epilepsy, it's scary.
Watching Jun Moyin tidy up his clothes and strode towards the inner room, and responded to Zhen Yuyan's call in a serious manner during the process, the corners of Yin Xiaoxiao's lips twitched crazily at least a dozen times.
Did this damn man think he was attractive?What did he just say?Oh, right.He said that he hadn't pampered him for a long time and knew that he missed him very much, so he was ready to fulfill her tonight.
This so-called fulfillment... Nima, fulfill his sister?Who wants him to fulfill it?
In the inner room, Jun Moyin walked in and asked Zhen Yuyan what was going on.When Zhen Yuyan saw Jun Moyin coming in so slowly, she became even more suspicious, so she lied, saying that the clothes she brought in were too thin and it would get cold when the weather turned cold soon.In short, she just asked Jun Moyin to bring her another set of clothes.
After changing his clothes and coming out, Jun Moyin sat at the table and was still drinking tea.And Yin Xiaoxiao also maintained the previous posture, lying on the bed with his back to the table.I couldn't clearly see the expression on the other person's face, and I didn't notice anything fishy.But for some reason, Zhen Yuyan just felt that something was strange and she couldn't place it.
Yin Xiaoxiao turned her back to Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan, and was silently and slowly arranging her belt and undress that had been taken off by Jun Moyin, her teeth grinding loudly.
"Creak! Crack! Crack!" It was like gnawing on a bone.
Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan heard Yin Xiaoxiao making strange noises, and Zhen Yuyan was the first to ask, "What's wrong with my sister? Are your teeth uncomfortable?"
Yin Xiaoxiao continued to grind his teeth even louder.
Jun Mo responded seriously: "It's okay! She is a dog, so she probably fell asleep and dreamed of chewing bones!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was speechless, grinding even louder.
Damn Jun Moyin, you are a dog, your whole family is a dog, your whole family is dreaming of chewing bones!
In the servant's room in the side courtyard, Jin Lian'er found Qiu Lu.Liu Yi happened to be there too, and it seemed like he was telling Qiu Lu that he would be responsible for it.Anyway, Qiu Lu's complexion and condition were obviously better than before, and she actually had a shy look on her face.
"Princess Lian!" Liu Yi saw Jin Lian'er coming and bowed to greet her.
Seeing that there were no other maids in the servant's room, Jin Lian'er waved to Liu Yi not to be polite.
"Princess, what's wrong with you?" Qiu Lu asked quickly when she saw that Jin Lian'er was wet.
Jin Lian'er had just been driven crazy by Yin Xiao's stinginess. She came to Qiu Lu's place without even changing her clothes, so she looked very embarrassed.
Jin Lian'er gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "It's okay not to mention it!"
Seeing Jin Lian'er's angry look, Qiu Lu boldly guessed: "Could it be...that woman in the North Wing?"
Jin Lian'er did not deny it, Qiu Lu clenched her fists.Thinking that she and Liu Yi had lost face in front of everyone because of each other's frame-up, and that as a woman, she had also lost her innocence and reputation because of this matter, she was naturally very angry.Even though I completely agree to marry Liu Yi, I still feel uncomfortable holding this tone in my heart, very uncomfortable!
Squinting her eyes, Qiu Lu suggested: "Princess, the summer resort is located in a cold area, and there must be all kinds of poisonous insects, snakes and ants on the mountain. How about we borrow those things to make that damn woman suffer a little bit?"
After Jin Lian'er came back from the side courtyard, she changed out of her wet clothes and came out of the inner room.
In the outer room of the wing, Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan were sitting at the table, talking about something unknown.And Yin Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, seemingly sleeping soundly.
Jin Lian'er's eyes flickered slightly. Yin Xiaoxiao was sleeping on the left side of the wing. There was only one bed with a dressing table next to it, and her and Zhen Yuyan's beds were on the right.
In other words, now Jin Lian'er can use the excuse of combing her hair to get close to Yin Xiaoxiao openly in front of Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan, and then look for opportunities to give Yin Xiaoxiao...
Pursing her lips, Jin Lianer calmly walked to the dressing table and sat down, pretending to look in the mirror and do her makeup.Occasionally, he glanced at the two people at the table. Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan were drinking in pairs opposite each other.
Turning her head, Jin Lian'er glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping soundly with her back to her, and her eyes fell sensitively on Yin Xiaoxiao's coat placed beside the bed.He wanted to take action several times, but when he thought that Jun Moyin was sitting at the table facing Yin Xiaoxiao, he didn't dare to do anything.
"Ahem!" He coughed twice, which was very suggestive.
Jun Moyin looked at Jin Lian'er lazily, but Zhen Yuyan glanced over intentionally or unintentionally.
Jin Lian'er blinked at the other party quickly, and then glanced sideways at Yin Xiaoxiao behind her. The hidden meaning was very obvious.
When Zhen Yuyan saw this, her eyes tightened again and again, as if she had guessed something.Oh, I didn't expect Jin Lian'er to be so bold. She framed Yin Xiaoxiao time and time again but failed, and now she started to blatantly want to take action in front of Jun Moyin.
But, she wasn't involved anyway. Regardless of whether Jin Lian'er suffered a disastrous defeat or Yin Xiaoxiao lost, it would be a good thing for her, Zhen Yuyan.So, if some things can be coordinated, then just cooperate and have fun!
Raising her eyebrows, Zhen Yuyan winked at Jin Lian'er, indicating that she would cooperate with her.
After that, Zhen Yuyan pretended to get up and pour tea for Jun Moyin, blocking his view.
Jin Lian'er bit her lip and quickly seized the perfect opportunity. She carefully reached out to her waist, pulled off a sachet, and then reached out to touch Yin Xiaoxiao's coat beside the bed.There was also a sachet hanging on the waist of the coat. Jin Lian'er pulled it off and tied the sachet on her hand.
After doing all this, Jin Lian'er stood up and left the dressing table, and also came to the table and sat down.Zhen Yuyan was a little surprised when she saw that Jin Lian'er had finished it so quickly.What did this guy do to Yin Xiaoxiao?How could it be done so quickly?
He was suspicious in his heart, but calm on his face.After she poured a cup of tea for Jun Moyin, she looked at Jin Lian'er with a faint smile and whispered: "Sister, let's have a cup of tea!"
While talking, he poured a cup of tea for Jin Lian'er.
Jin Lian'er nodded lightly, silently thanking Zhen Yuyan for her cooperation just now.
Jun Mo introduced Jin Lian'er to sit at the table, his eyes a little unhappy.But he didn't say anything. No matter how much he disliked Jin Lian'er, she was still his princess. What could he do?This woman is very cunning and loves to play tricks on every occasion. The outside world thinks very well of her, and it is impossible for him to divorce his wife.
At dusk, Yin Xiao woke up from his nap.She stretched and got out of bed.
Looking out the window, there is another beautiful scenery in the summer resort at this time!
"Wow!" Yin Xiaoxiao exclaimed, jumping to go out to see the scenery.
Jun Mo saw the other party running out as soon as she woke up, and stopped her in a cold voice, "What are you doing?"
Yin Xiaoxiao paused, curled her lips and pointed outside, "Your Majesty, when the sun sets, the scenery outside is also beautiful. Why don't you go out and take a look?"
In fact, Yin Xiaoxiao said that she wanted to go out and see the scenery.But in that case, what should I do if Jun Moyin disagrees, so I will go around and ask Jun Moyin for his opinion first.
Jun Mo glanced out the window, then raised his eyes to look at Yin Xiaoxiao.I saw Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes shining with expectation.
Jun Moyin wanted to say, 'You're not allowed to go,' but what came out of his mouth was——
"You just woke up, it's cold and windy outside, put on a coat!"
Well, this turned out to be a word of concern for Yin Xiaoxiao.Jun Moyin wanted to bite off his tongue. He had nothing to do, right?Why do you care about that little woman?
Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment when he heard Jun Moyin's words, and then realized, "Oh, okay, okay, I'll get my coat right now!"
As soon as he finished speaking, he ran to the bed, picked up his coat and put it on his body. He smiled brightly at Jun Mo and said, "Your Majesty, is this okay?"
When Jun Moyin saw Yin Xiaoxiao's very happy smile, he looked dazed for a moment, then looked away and nodded lightly.
"Your Majesty, don't you two sisters go out to watch together?" Yin Xiaoxiao blinked as an invitation.
Zhen Yuyan was about to refuse when she heard Jun Moyin say first: "Well, it's quite boring to sit in the house all the time. Yan'er, let's go for a walk too!"
He didn't invite Jin Lian'er, and he didn't even bother to look at her.
Zhen Yuyan saw that Jin Lian'er looked ugly, and she was still a little curious about how she planned Yin Xiaoxiao's affairs, so she invited her, "Sister, let's go too!"
There was an appointment with Zhen Yuyan, but Jun Moyin couldn't say anything.A man and three women walked out of the wing like this, and when they got out of the door, Yin Xiaoxiao was floating around like a butterfly, having no peace of mind.
"Wow! It's so cool!" Yin Xiaoxiao shouted while running, like a child playing.
It’s hard to believe that she, who was in her twenties in her previous life, had degenerated to such a childish level in ancient times, huh...
Jun Moyin's eyes were either obsessed or lingeringly chasing Yin Xiao's figure, with a slight smile hanging on the corners of his lips.Zhen Yuyan was beside him and sensitively caught the faint anger rising in Jun Moyin's heart because Yin Xiaoxiao was laughing.
What is so good about Yin Xiaoxiao, and why would Jun Moyin be interested in such a vulgar woman?Doesn't he like gentle and quiet women?Like her sister Zhen Yufei?
Biting her lip, Zhen Yuyan glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao, who was playing happily alone not far away, then pointed to somewhere else and begged Jun Moyin: "My lord, can we go there? I want to take a look." "
When Jun Moyin heard Zhen Yuyan's words, he glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao not far away, and then hesitantly responded, "Okay!"
Zhen Yuyan's request, even if it's not good, will turn out to be good.In Jun Moyin's heart, it seems that he has become accustomed to tolerating all Zhen Yuyan's requests.
Jin Lian'er left with Jun Moyin and Zhen Yuyan. After walking far away, she would look back at Yin Xiaoxiao not far away.Her eyes were strange, and her heart felt cold.
Hum hum, Yin Xiaoxiao, just have fun and play!After tonight, you will be lying in bed unable to get off the ground. When the time comes... you will be suffocated to death!
(End of this chapter)

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