
Chapter 103 The sachet contains snake-attracting medicine

Chapter 103 The sachet contains snake-attracting medicine
Yin Xiaoxiao stood in the villa and looked down the mountain. The red clouds in the sky reflected her cheeks.Occasionally there is a breeze blowing through, which is very cool and comfortable!
She stood alone on the high ground of the villa, breathing in the cool wind mixed with the fragrance of flowers in the air!
"Tsk, tsk, little one, what are you doing here?" A joking voice suddenly came over, and you knew who the other party was without even looking.
Yin Xiaoxiao turned his head and saw Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao striding over.
Ever since Yin Xiaoxiao told Lei Jingting his true identity, Lei Jingting has never appeared in front of Yin Xiaoxiao.Just as Yin Xiaoxiao thought, the woman Lei Jingting loved in his heart was the gentle and gentle Yin Xiaoxiao who died when he was young, not the vulgar and arrogant Yin Xiaoxiao she is now!
In fact, Yin Xiaoxiao thinks this is good.If in the past, when Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao appeared, Lei Jingting would definitely appear together.Seeing Lei Jingting staring at her, she would feel extremely stressed!Now that everything has been discussed, it feels much lighter.
Waving his hand, Yin Xiaoxiao greeted Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao with a smile, "Brother, Mo Shao, are you guys out for a walk?"
Ouyang Mingxuan waved the folding fan in his hand and responded with a smile: "That's right! Xiaoxiao, aren't you out for a walk too!"
The two men had already walked up to Yin Xiaoxiao while they were talking. Jun Moshao asked curiously: "What is Xiaoxiao looking at? Are you looking so attentively?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his finger and pointed to the foot of Beiyang Mountain, where it was endless and vast as far as the eye could see.
Jun Moshao looked at it with even more suspicion on his face, "Uh, there's nothing?"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes.Does she have a problem communicating with Jun Moshao?
Looking at Ouyang Mingxuan, Yin Xiaoxiao raised his lips and asked, "Brother, didn't you see anything?"
Ouyang Mingxuan gave Yin Xiaoxiao a thief smile, "What? Xiaoxiao is testing me?"
Yin Xiaoxiao shrugged, "That's it!"
In fact, it can't be said that he tested Ouyang Mingxuan. It's just that after Yin Xiaoxiao got in touch with Ouyang Mingxuan, he always felt that the other person was very secretive and that he was a master at observing people's emotions and analyzing other people's psychology.She wanted to see if Ouyang Mingxuan could guess what she was thinking at the moment!
Ouyang Mingxuan looked at the vast scene at the foot of Beiyang Mountain, then looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, who was smiling lightly, and responded with a low smile: "Since Xiaoxiao wants to test me, then I will show my shame. !”
Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand to indicate to Ouyang Mingxuan that it was okay to say whatever he wanted.
Ouyang Mingxuan clapped his hands, closed the folding fan in his hand, pointed to the scene in the distance and said leisurely: "What I see is not the scenery, but my mood! I see the breadth of the sky, the vastness of the earth, and at the same time I see myself Such a scene is so insignificant. Such a scene makes people excited, dreaming that one day they can swim in that vast and vast place. Of course, it would be the most beautiful thing to have a close friend to accompany you! Even if there is glory and wealth in this world, in the end, It’s not as good as a person who never leaves!”
At the end, Ouyang Mingxuan looked at Yin Xiaoxiao beside him with deep meaning.
Yin Xiaoxiao had been listening carefully to Ouyang Mingxuan's analysis. When he heard him say that what he looked at was not the scenery, but his mood, he was already deeply impressed by this man's insight.Now that she heard the mysterious words behind him, and faced his burning eyes staring at her, she felt inexplicably panicked.
With his eyes flickering and his brows furrowed, Yin Xiaoxiao scolded Ouyang Mingxuan in a low voice: "You... you say your words carefully, why are you looking at me?"
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled boldly, "Don't you think so, Xiaoxiao? There is a good saying, I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. It means that I envy loving couples more than I envy the gods in the sky. That's how I am. The son’s person…”
"Puff!" Ouyang Mingxuan was trying hard to show his loyal image in front of Yin Xiaoxiao, when Jun Moshao next to him let out a puff.
All right!After being ignored for so long, if he didn't give him something explosive, Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan would treat him like nothing and think he didn't exist!
Jun Moshao smiled and pointed at Ouyang Mingxuan, saying exaggeratedly: "Little Marquis, you are making me laugh so hard! Are you the only one who only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals? There are as many women in your house as stars in the sky." , are you sure you want to find someone to stay together forever, rather than a group of people to stay together forever?"
Ouyang Mingxuan was dumbfounded. If this damn Jun Moshao doesn't speak, no one will think he is mute, okay?The damn thing was that Ouyang Mingxuan couldn't explain much for the emperor's unstable foundation.
He glared at Jun Moshao angrily, then looked at Yin Xiaoxiao eagerly and explained: "Xiaoxiao, everything I said is true, I..."
"Shh!" Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and made a silencing gesture on her lips, then winked at Ouyang Mingxuan and added: "Okay! Others don't understand you, my dear brother, but I, a girl, don't understand you." Do you understand? Let me tell you, dear brother, I know you as well as you know me. So..."
"So?" Jun Moshao asked from the side.
Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan looked at each other and smiled, and responded tacitly: "So, Mo Shao (young prince), you are right!"
When Jun Moshao heard what the two said, he immediately became complacent.He just said, Ouyang Mingxuan is a playboy, romantic and nasty, ho ho...
The three of them were talking and laughing, and Yin Xiaoxiao started running naughtily again.Facing the slight evening breeze, the cool and refreshing feeling is really comfortable!
Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao followed closely behind, feeling that just looking at such lively Yin Xiaoxiao made their moods become very happy.
"Well, I'm so tired!" Yin Xiaoxiao ran for a while, and when he got tired, he stopped to rest.
Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao stepped forward, and a breeze blew by again. As Ouyang Mingxuan approached Yin Xiaoxiao, he keenly smelled a strange smell.
"What does this smell like?" Ouyang Mingxuan asked, frowning.
Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Moshao looked at each other and expressed confusion about Ouyang Mingxuan's question.
"What does it smell like?" Jun Moshao tilted his head and asked in confusion.
Ouyang Mingxuan nodded cautiously, "Well, the breeze is blowing, mixed with a strange smell, both familiar and strange!"
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled, "Hahaha, look at your silly look, it must be the fragrance of flowers! In the middle of summer, when birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, the air is mixed with the fragrance of flowers and the wind blows it into your nose! What a fuss."
Ouyang Mingxuan frowned and argued seriously: "Absolutely not! This smell is definitely not the fragrance of flowers. Although I am not good at medicine, I do know a thing or two. This smell... This smell is not the fragrance of flowers, it is very similar to It smells like medicine.”
While he was talking, he sniffed and sniffed, and finally followed the faint smell mixed with the breeze and smelled in front of Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Brother, what are you doing? You're sniffing around in front of me like a puppy. It's very rude, okay?" Yin Xiaoxiao reached out and patted Ouyang Mingxuan, feeling a little embarrassed.
It would be weird if a woman wasn't embarrassed when a man came close to her and sniffed her!
Ouyang Mingxuan got close to Yin Xiaoxiao and found that the smell was stronger.In other words, the strange smell he smelled came from Yin Xiaoxiao's body.
He looked Yin Xiaoxiao up and down, and finally his eyes fell on the sachet hanging on his waist.
"That, give it to me!" Ouyang Mingxuan pointed to the sachet on Yin Xiaoxiao's waist.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked down, untied it and handed it to Ouyang Mingxuan, and asked smoothly: "What's the matter? Do you like this sachet?"
Ouyang Mingxuan rolled his eyes at Yin Xiaoxiao. Would he, a grown man, like a woman's sachet?Is he that perverted?
Taking the sachet and putting it on the tip of his nose, he smelled it. Ouyang Mingxuan's face turned ugly.
He looked up at Yin Xiaoxiao and asked in a cold voice: "Where did this sachet come from?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, wondering what Ouyang Mingxuan meant by being so serious.
However, he answered the other party's question honestly, "Well, my maid sewed this sachet for me!"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head, "No! This sachet is not yours."
"How do you know it's not mine?" Yin Xiaoxiao grabbed the sachet and looked around, but couldn't see anything.
Well, even though she wears the sachet every day, she never takes a serious look at it.So she was really not sure whether it was her original one!
Ouyang Mingxuan said with certainty: "This sachet is definitely not yours! Before this, we rode in the same carriage and played in the villa together. I didn't smell any strange smell on you. So you There was absolutely nothing wrong with the sachet before! But now I can smell a strange smell, and it’s still in the sachet. Thinking about it, I know it has been stolen!”
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "It's just a sachet. If you drop it, just drop it. Is it worth studying for so long like a Sherlock Holmes?"
Ouyang Mingxuan squinted his eyes. Although he didn't know what Sherlock Holmes was, he said with certainty: "It's worth it! Because this sachet contains snake-attracting medicine."
"Ah?" Yin Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "What do you think is inside?"
Jun Moshao answered on behalf of Ouyang Mingxuan: "He said it contained snake-attracting medicine!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned, dumbfounded, and then frowned, "The sachet has been switched, and it contains snake-attracting medicine? What does this mean?"
Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao looked at each other and responded in unison: "It means someone is planning to frame you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao slapped her thigh and agreed: "That's right! That's definitely the case, but who is the one who dares to frame me?"
Tilting his head, several suspicious people flashed through Yin Xiaoxiao's mind.
The first person to be suspected was Jun Moyin.
Because before Yin Xiaoxiao went out, it was Jun Moyin who reminded her to wear this coat with a sachet on it!
(End of this chapter)

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