
Chapter 122 Confrontation with Liu Yi in the main hall

Chapter 122 Confrontation with Liu Yi in the main hall
Main hall of summer resort
The Emperor Jun Moyan and the Queen Mother Shangguan sat on the high seats, while Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan stood in the center of the main hall.
Jun Moyan and the Queen Mother Shangguan were very concerned about the two people who fell off the cliff for no apparent reason.It's not that I care about Yin Xiaoxiao, but that I care about this important person like Ouyang Mingxuan!
Ouyang Mingxuan is the distant cousin of Queen Mother Shangguan and the leader of Jun Moyan's dark forces.He was as important to Jun Moyan as his right-hand man.So, if something happened to him, why wouldn't Jun Moyan not care?
At this moment, Jun Moyan was sitting on the high seat with a majestic look on his face, looking at Ouyang Mingxuan suspiciously.
"What happened? Why did the good-looking Marquis Zhongnan and Mrs. Yin both fall under the cliff?" Jun Moyan hoped that Ouyang Mingxuan could give him a reasonable explanation.
Near noon yesterday, Jun Moshao and Jun Ruoxue suddenly came to him and told him that Yin Xiaoxiao had been kidnapped and asked him to send his guards to help find him.But he appointed all the Ouchi guards to search the back mountain, and the final report he received was that Yin Xiaoxiao fell under the cliff, and Ouyang Mingxuan also fell with him!
Jun Moyanke was so anxious now. He didn't know whether it was an accident or...
Ouyang Mingxuan glanced at Liu Yi, who was standing behind Jin Miao'er with a gleaming look, and raised a cold smile on his lips.Liu Yi is a talented person with good martial arts skills and is very loyal to Jin Miaoer.It's a pity that he should never have done anything to Yin Xiaoxiao, the woman he cared about.
It's hard to imagine what would have happened to Yin Xiaoxiao who had his acupoints tapped yesterday if he hadn't appeared in time.Although there is a deep pool below, Yin Xiaoxiao can't save himself even if his acupoints are tapped and he can't move, let alone summon his ghost friends to help?
This is a dead end.Ouyang Mingxuan felt very scared just thinking about the consequences of that.He almost lost Yin Xiaoxiao!So, how could he not be angry, how could he let Liu Yi go so easily?
People always have to pay the price for their bad behavior.And Liu Yi is bound to pay a heavy price for Yin Xiaoxiao, that is - 'death'!
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his head and looked at Jun Moyan, and respectfully explained: "To your Majesty, we need to ask the Queen's Guard Liu to answer this matter together!"
Hearing this, everyone in the hall frowned suspiciously.What happened to Guard Liu when Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao fell under the cliff?
Ouyang Mingxuan's cold gaze, mixed with a chilling air, forced Liu Yi to look over.
He smiled coldly at the other party and said word by word: "Liu Weiwei, don't you think you should give Mrs. Yin and me an explanation?"
Liu Yi trembled for no reason when he saw the ferocious look in Ouyang Mingxuan's eyes.He never expected that Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao could come back alive after falling into the abyss. Now... what should he do?
"Liu Yi, what's going on?" Regarding the kidnapping and silencing of Yin Xiaoxiao, Jin Miao'er was kept in the dark and did not know anything about it. It was all planned by Jin Lian'er, Qiu Lu and Liu Yi.So at this moment, when Jin Miaoer heard Ouyang Mingxuan mention Liu Yi, she frowned and looked at her personal bodyguard.
You know, Jin Miaoer is a very cautious person. She never goes too far in her dealings with others, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her if she goes too far.
Liu Yi clenched his fists, lowered his head and replied: "Reporting to the Queen, I don't know what's going on. I don't understand what Marquis Zhongnan is saying!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao was furious, "Oh, are you pretending to be here with me? Yesterday morning I went to the hut in the side courtyard for convenience, and you suddenly appeared and took me to the back mountain to tap my acupuncture points. Later, thanks to the little Marquis, Appeared in time to block your way. The two of you started to fight, and then someone came over and shouted, so you showed murderous intent and kicked me to the foot of the cliff. Now you dare to say that you don't know about this? Is your brain out of my mind? Eviscerated, kicked by a donkey, forgotten?”
"Ahem!" Yin Xiaoxiao screamed louder and louder. Ouyang Mingxuan saw that his little woman was so angry that he didn't know how to restrain himself in front of the emperor and the Queen Mother Shangguan. He quickly pretended to cough to remind them to pay attention to the occasion. .
Yin Xiaoxiao calmed down instantly when he heard Ouyang Mingxuan's cough.Oh shit, I was so excited just now!
Liu Yi was forced to retreat by Yin Xiaoxiao's aggressive questioning. He gritted his teeth and denied absolutely everything.
"Mrs. Yin, I don't understand what you are talking about. I have been with Qiu Lu yesterday morning. How could I kidnap you and take you to the back mountain, and then start a fight with the young Marquis?"
Yin Xiaoxiao stamped her feet, crossed her hips and was about to get angry when Ouyang Mingxuan held her down.He said that if Yin Xiaoxiao is allowed to continue arguing with Liu Yi without a clue, the calm Liu Yi will make the fiery Yin Xiaoxiao angry!
His eyes signaled Yin Xiaoxiao to calm down and leave everything to him.Yin Xiaoxiao understood the gesture in the other person's eyes and curled her lips into silence.However, he glared at Liu Yi.
Ouyang Mingxuan felt very funny at Yin Xiaoxiao's playful behavior like a child, but he had to hold it back in this situation.
He looked at Liu Yi seriously, with a deep smile in his eyes.However, that smile was cold and creepy!
He asked in a low voice: "Liu Weiwei, are you sure you were with Miss Qiulu yesterday morning?"
Liu Yi looked at Qiu Lu, saw the other party nodded slightly, and responded with confidence: "That's right!"
Ouyang Mingxuan also nodded, "Then, you are also sure that you have not kidnapped Mrs. Yin or fought with me in the back mountain, right?"
Liu Yi continued to nod, "Yes! My subordinates have never kidnapped Mrs. Yin, let alone go to the back mountain to fight against the young Marquis!"
Ouyang Mingxuan waved his feather fan and pointed in Liu Yi's direction.
Liu Yi subconsciously thought that Ouyang Mingxuan was launching a hidden weapon at him, so he quickly turned over to avoid it.However, when he jumped aside, he realized that there was no hidden weapon. He was tricked by Ouyang Mingxuan!
Ouyang Mingxuan put away his feather fan and smiled helplessly, "Haha, Liu Weiwei refuses to admit the truth? But why did you do that action just now? Do you dare to say that you were not worried that I would launch a hidden weapon against you just now, so you Did you avoid it? Don’t forget that you and I fought yesterday. Although I am not as good as you in martial arts, you still enjoyed the hidden weapon in this feather fan."
Liu Yi frowned and looked ugly.Because he never thought that Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao would fall into the abyss and come back alive, Liu Yi thought that no one would suspect him, so the wounds left by the hidden weapons on his body...are still there!
This, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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