
Chapter 123 This man is so kind to her

Chapter 123 This man is so kind to her
The warm breeze blows against her face, and Yin Xiaoxiao snuggles up against the wall of the carriage and takes a comfortable nap!
The trip to the Summer Resort ended early because Liu Yi was beheaded for murdering her and Ouyang Mingxuan.
As he embarked on the road back to Beijing, Yin Xiaoxiao had mixed feelings.
She knew that she was the reason why Ouyang Mingxuan pressed forward step by step, leaving Liu Yi unable to escape, and was eventually punished by the emperor.Ouyang Mingxuan didn't want to let go of anyone who tried to murder her. This man was guarding her with all his heart!
Therefore, in return for this man, what Yin Xiaoxiao can do is, from this moment on, he will only be in his heart, and his body and mind will only be loyal to him.As for Jun Moyin...
With her eyes half-opened, she looked at Jun Moyin who was sitting next to Zhen Yuyan, holding her in her arms. Yin Xiaoxiao knew that she and this man could only put a stop to it.They are not suitable. Jun Moyin is not her lover, and she... is not Jun Moyin's lover either!
Jun Moyin noticed a gaze looking at him, followed it, and met Yin Xiaoxiao's gaze.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips at him and smiled faintly. Jun Moyin immediately frowned.
Seeing this, Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and touched his nose helplessly.Okay!She smiled at Jun Moyan, and Jun Moyin frowned at her.Could it be that when she cried to Jun Mo, he would smile back at her?
have to!Just close your eyes and pretend to sleep, it's boring!
Yin Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, and she could still clearly feel Jun Moyin's strange gaze on her face.
Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, who was still sleeping, and felt a sense of irritation in his heart.I don't know if it was his misunderstanding, but after Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan fell under the cliff, they changed.The look in his eyes was unfamiliar and indifferent, and I was more polite to him than before.
This feeling makes Jun Moyin very unhappy!He likes Yin Xiaoxiao to pout and yell at him and quarrel with him.In the past, when he looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with burning eyes, the other person would blush, feel shy, and feel embarrassed.
But now...
No!Nothing at all!The way she looked at him was as plain as if she were looking at a passerby.It felt very much like she kicked him out of her world!
Along the way, because Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan were sitting in the carriage, Jun Moyin didn't have any chance to communicate with Yin Xiaoxiao, and Yin Xiaoxiao was very satisfied with this situation.
The next day, at sunset.The group of people returned to the capital after a tiring journey, then said goodbye to the Emperor Jun Moyan and the Queen Mother Shangguan, and each returned to their own mansions.
Yin Xiaoxiao opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out the window. Ouyang Mingxuan stood not far away and looked towards the carriage window, as if he knew Yin Xiaoxiao would look at him from here.
Their eyes met, and the distance between the two people was still quite far. Neither of them spoke, they just looked at each other silently with a tacit understanding.Ouyang Mingxuan's eyes were infatuated and reluctant to let go, as if he had thousands of words to say to Yin Xiaoxiao.Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes were helpless and tangled, mixed with feelings of reluctance.
At this moment, even if there are thousands of words, they are still weighing on my heart. Silence is better than sound!
The carriage began to move forward slowly. Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and made a strange gesture to Ouyang Mingxuan, who was looking at him outside the window.At least, Ouyang Mingxuan can't understand it!
However, Ouyang Mingxuan knew that Yin Xiaoxiao would never make fun of him at this moment, teasing him with gestures he couldn't understand.He believes that the meaning of that gesture is very important, at least it must be on a good side, such as 'You should take good care of yourself', or 'I will miss you like this'?
Thinking this way, Ouyang Mingxuan also raised his hand and made the same gesture to Yin Xiaoxiao.Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao grinning, Ouyang Mingxuan became more convinced that this gesture was definitely not teasing or swearing.Otherwise, if he made small gestures at Yin, the other party would have rolled his eyes at him, haha...
Watching the carriage leave in the direction of Prince Lian's Mansion, Yin Xiaoxiao also waved his hand and got back into the carriage. Ouyang Mingxuan secretly sighed silently in the direction of the carriage: "Xiaoxiao, wait for me. ! One day, I will let you return to our home, our home!"
Prince Lian Mansion
After nearly two days of hard work, Yin Xiaoxiao returned to the north wing. He didn't even bother to take a shower. He wolfed down some food and fell asleep.When Pearl and Jade saw their master was so tired, how could they dare to disturb him?
After clearing the table, he bowed to leave. When he left the door, he saw Jun Moyin coming. The two of them greeted each other, thinking that their relationship with the prince must have grown rapidly during this trip to the summer resort, right?Look, just after entering the door, the prince is chasing after you!
Jun Mo listened to Pearl and Jade talking about Yin Xiaoxiao and fell asleep, looking up at the sky.The sun was just setting at this time. How could you sleep?He finally managed to get away from Zhen Yuyan and was able to see her smoothly. Even if he was sleeping, he had to get up!
Thinking like this, Jun Moyin walked to the door of the north wing, opened the door and went in.
As soon as I entered the door, I saw Yin Xiaoxiao lying on the bed with her back stretched out, sleeping soundly without even taking off her clothes and pants. That posture was really shocking and made people speechless!
"Yin Xiaoxiao, get up!" Jun Moyin strode to the bed and called out in an unhappy tone.
Yin Xiaoxiao groaned and turned over, muttering: "I can't get up, I'm so sleepy, let me sleep!"
Jun Moyin frowned and asked in an unhappy voice, "Yin Xiaoxiao, can't you get up?"
Yin Xiaoxiao simply fell silent and slept soundly. It smelled so good!
Jun Mo frowned when he saw that Yin Xiaoxiao ignored his existence so much.Just as he was about to roar angrily, he opened his lips and then stopped abruptly, ignoring him, right?Ignore him, right?Hum hum, it works, if you don’t show this woman her abilities, she will never have a long memory!
At the same time, Yin Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping in a daze, felt that there was a gust of cold wind coming. At that moment, the alarm bell blared in his head and he sat up.
"I rely on!"
Jun Moyin watched the sneak attack succeed, but unexpectedly, Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly sat up and bumped into his temple. The pain was so painful that he sat down on the ground with stars in his eyes.
Where is Yin Xiaoxiao!One end reached Jun Moyin's strong temple, and he groaned while covering his forehead in pain.
"Prince, what are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao covered her head, her voice obviously annoyed.
Jun Mo stood up, his voice not very kind, "Why are you asking me? I want to ask you again. You are too ambitious to dare to murder me so blatantly!"
The corner of Yin Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, "Conspiracy? Are you sure, my lord? You are not afraid of letting your tongue slip when you speak big words!"
Jun Moyin sat heavily on the bed. When Yin Xiaoxiao saw this, he immediately shrank towards the inside of the bed and moved away from him.Now it is different from before. In the past, if you married a chicken and followed the chicken, married a dog and followed the dog, you were already a Jun Mo Yingdi, so you just have to make do with it.So she really didn't mind if Jun Moyin did something to her.
After all, this is ancient times!It is natural for a man to have three wives and four concubines. There is nothing wrong with one holding one today and the other tomorrow.So as a husband who wants to overpower her as a concubine, she really can't accept it.
But it’s different now!No matter how bad the dog's tail grass is, if there is someone who sees it right and is willing to love and care for it wholeheartedly, then she is a rose and a potential stock. She cannot be abused by herself, let alone live a dawdling life. , let alone let a man who treats her like a bastard, use her whenever he wants and throw her away when not using her, just eat tofu, right?
All right!After talking a lot of nonsense, the firm position that Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to express was that from now on, she would stay away from Jun Moyin and eliminate all possible male-female relationships with him until a certain man empties the palace and shows his sincerity. She waved her handkerchief and left Prince Lian's Mansion, that's all!
Jun Moyin sensed Yin Xiaoxiao's behavior and frowned tightly.Is Yin Xiaoxiao disgusted with him, or is she avoiding his approach?What's the matter, he has become a jackal, tiger and leopard now?
Narrowing his eyes, Jun Moyin moved to the inside of the bed and leaned forward to press Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Prince, what are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao shouted loudly.Like that, I wish the entire palace could hear it!
Jun Moyin pinched Yin Xiaoxiao's chin with one hand and laughed softly: "What are you doing? Don't Xiaoxiao know what I want to do? What can a man and a widow do when they are alone in the same room?"
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, "There are many things that a man and a woman can do in one room, such as eating, drinking, punching, telling stories and joking, that's not all!"
Hearing this, Jun Moyin's eyes narrowed even more tightly, "Oh? Then tell me, little one, what did you and Ouyang Mingxuan do when they fell into a lonely place at the foot of a cliff?"
His voice was serious, his tone was tangled, and his eyes were sharp. It seemed that if Yin Xiaoxiao dared to lie, his big hand on Yin Xiaoxiao's chin would move to Yin Xiaoxiao's neck, and then... he would strangle her to death!
Yin Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva. She was naturally afraid of death, and there was nothing she couldn't face Jun Moyin.Although there is no guarantee that she will cuckold Jun Moyin in the future, at least she has not done anything inappropriate now.
and so……
He answered honestly: "Your Majesty wants to hear it, I can tell him from the beginning. We fell into the pool under the cliff, and then I choked on the water due to cramps in my legs. Ouyang Mingxuan helped me breathe, and we kissed. .”
Jun Moyin's face was gloomy and his hands were a little heavier.
Yin Xiaoxiao continued to add: "The situation was critical, so kissing the prince can be understood as crossing the air. After that, we spent the night in the cave. It was damp and cold inside. Ouyang Mingxuan hugged me and let me sleep on his lap. The next day we looked around for a way out, and then the prince and General Lei came looking for us. That's it!"
Jun Moyin's face turned even more ugly, and his hands became harder.
In fact, Jun Moyin didn't know about these things, so Yin Xiaoxiao had no need to tell him.But she actually attacked him all!Because she knew that Jun Moyin was very suspicious, and if she didn't tell him something that would convince him, Jun Moyin would suspect her of being unfaithful.
Well, she admitted that her mind was already unfaithful and her heart and soul had long been derailed.Oh, Juhan!Who told her that she was not a good woman, a woman who wanted to build a chastity memorial?
In her eyes, chastity is nothing but a cloud, a good man is the key to happiness!
Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's explanation and saw that the other person's eyes were clear and it didn't look like he was lying, so he believed it.If Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to lie to him, she could deny everything, so why would she tell him about Ouyang Mingxuan helping her breathe and holding her to sleep, right?Come to think of it, a man like Ouyang Mingxuan would not bother to take advantage of others' danger to do such a scandal to Yin Xiaoxiao, right?
Raising his eyebrows, Jun Moyin looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, "So, you and Ouyang Mingxuan are done talking about being alone together. Now, let's talk about what we, alone, should do!"
Yin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide in astonishment, "Ah? I...we? Do something? Well, Your Majesty, we...Hey, Your Majesty, don't be like this, listen to me, Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"
Yin Xiaoxiao's tone became more and more anxious, because Jun Moyin's hand reached for the belt around her waist.She promised Ouyang Mingxuan that in return for his sincerity in clearing the Hou Mansion, she would protect him.Therefore, she couldn't have sex with Jun Moyin half-heartedly like before. She really couldn't do it!
It's not that Jun Moyin couldn't sense Yin Xiaoxiao's resistance. That kind of resistance from the bottom of his heart made him irritated and annoyed, so he pulled the belt around Yin Xiaoxiao's waist with his hands without hesitation, and pressed the opponent down. Under the body.
"Prince, don't be like this, I...I don't feel well!" Yin Xiaoxiao had no choice but to lie.
Hearing this, Jun Moyin sneered, "Hey, are you feeling unwell? You are my concubine. Even if you feel unwell, you must obey me absolutely if I ask you to serve!"
After saying this, Jun Mo lowered his head to kiss Yin Xiaoxiao.When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Jun Moyin's words, she felt very unhappy. Do concubines deserve to die?What does Jun Moyin think she is?
Just as he was about to snap back at the other party, there was a rapid knock on the door, and at the same time a urgent call came in——
"My lord, it's not good, my concubine has unbearable abdominal pain, please go and have a look!"
Listening to that tone, who else could it be if it wasn't Ping An, the maid next to Zhen Yuyan in the Nanyuan?
Yin Xiao carefully sneered, Zhen Yuyan was pretty good at calculating time every time.This time, she had to thank the other party for rescuing her from Jun Moyin's wolf's mouth!
Jun Moyin heard the anxious call outside the door and glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao underneath him. He saw the unabashed sarcasm in the other person's eyes, which seemed to be saying silently, Jun Moyin, you have been surrounding Zhen Yuyan your whole life. Turned.
At that moment, Jun Moyin's expression turned ugly.He got out of bed angrily, straightened his clothes, and then said to Yin Xiaoxiao: "You've been on a long journey today, you should rest early!"
After saying that, he strode away without any attachment.
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Jun Moyin's leaving figure and breathed a long sigh of relief, but a cold smile appeared on the corner of his lips.
That’s it!Jun Moyin never cares about her feelings, no matter what time it is.He wanted to vent, so he asked her to serve him.She was lying just now, but if the other person had a little bit of her place in his heart, would he still say those words?
"You are my concubine. Even if you are not feeling well, you must obey me absolutely if I ask you to serve!" These words still rang in his ears, and Yin Xiaoxiao felt very ironic.
I have to admit that it is a fact that Jun Moyin dotes on Zhen Yuyan, and it is also a fact that he will always act like a prince in front of her. It is also a fact that he will never be coquettish and coax her, and it is even more true to make her happy.
But Ouyang Mingxuan is different. He dotes on her, loves her, and only has her in his heart. He never puts on airs in front of her. He can be humble and pretend to be pitiful to coax her, and he can also put down his face to make her happy. This is what he calls it. A man's ability to bend and stretch is the same as being able to bend and stretch to the woman he loves.
With these points alone, Jun Moyin must be kicked out by Yin Xiaoxiao.How could Yin Xiaoxiao be such a powerful woman, selfish and only thinking about her own happiness for the rest of her life?She didn't want to have a good time with her man when a woman like Zhen Yuyan would appear and snatch her man away at a critical moment.That would make her go crazy!
Pursing her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao lay on the bed, and Ouyang Mingxuan's charming and handsome face appeared in his mind for no reason.Just thinking about that mean smile and the deadly virtue of being groveling towards her will make you feel happy in your heart.
"Ouyang Mingxuan!" Yin Xiaoxiao whispered, beginning to miss him in her heart.We just parted ways, and I miss him so much.
People say that there is no cure for a woman in love. Seeing her like this means she has been poisoned by love. Is there really no cure?Otherwise, why would all I think about is that bastard man?
There was a gentle sound from the window, which was familiar to Yin Xiaoxiao.Once upon a time, when Ouyang Mingxuan came in the middle of the night, her window would make such a sound.
Yin Xiaoxiao shuddered, sat up suddenly, and looked towards the window with joy.Sure enough, the familiar dagger moved up a little under the candlelight, lifted the window bolt, and then pushed the window open and a ghostly figure jumped in.
The window had just closed when Yin Xiaoxiao jumped down and hugged the other party's waist.It’s over!I knew clearly in my heart that I was finished!Such shameless surrender has brought shame to the majority of female compatriots!
Ouyang Mingxuan was startled, then turned around with a smile, hugged Yin Xiaoxiao and gave her a long and passionate kiss.It wasn't until Yin Xiaoxiao was almost suffocating from the kiss that he reluctantly left her sweet lips.
Under the flickering candlelight, Yin Xiaoxiao's lips were red and swollen, and Ouyang Mingxuan laughed silently.
Yin Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and pinched the other person, but there was a smile on his lips.
Suddenly, Ouyang Mingxuan frowned.
"What's wrong?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.
Ouyang Mingxuan stretched out his hand, lifted Yin Xiaoxiao off the ground, and strode towards the bed.
When Yin Xiaoxiao was confused, he heard Ouyang Mingxuan scold him in a low voice: "I just heard you say you were not feeling well on the roof. Since you are not feeling well, you are still standing barefoot on the ground. Don't you even know how to wear shoes?" ? Even if it’s midsummer now, you’ll still catch a cold!”
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao felt an inexplicable and endless warmth in her heart.This is Ouyang Mingxuan. She took a gamble on the man she chose for her future. Even if she betrayed her morals and was called a bad woman, she was still happy with it.
Because he was good to her and always took her words to heart...
(End of this chapter)

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