
Chapter 19

Chapter 19
Jun Moshao saw Jun Moyin's face look solemn for a while, and relaxed for a while, and he began to question whether Jun Moyin came to ask questions for his friends or for himself.
If you are asking a question for a friend, is it necessary to be so entangled?If he is asking questions for himself, then there must be a soul summoner who can summon ghosts hidden next to him.So, hehe...
Jun Mo Shao suspected that there was a powerful soul summoner hidden around Jun Mo Yin, so he tried his best to insinuate and instigate Jun Mo Yin, and asked him hard, trying to get to the bottom of it!
Jun Moyin, on the other hand, was cautious and worried that Yin Xiaoxiao's matter would affect the safety of Prince Lian's house, so he remained tight-lipped. No matter how much Jun Moshao got around him, he was dizzy and refused to say a word.
In this way, one of the two brothers used words to chase, and the other used words to escape. When Jun Moyin finally managed to escape from Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion, it was already the end of Youshi.
He walked anxiously, as if a big wolf dog was chasing him.If you look carefully, you can clearly see that his steps are messy and hasty!
Jun Moshao sent him all the way to the door of the palace, waved his hand and said with an enthusiastic smile: "Third brother, come here often when you have time!"
When Jun Moyin heard this, he trembled all over and twisted his feet in frustration.
Damn it, he swore never to come to Prince Xiaoyao's Mansion again in this life!That brat Jun Moshao is a lunatic and has gone crazy. He must stay away from lunatics and cherish his life!
When she returned to the palace, Zhen Yuyan had been looking outside the south wing door. Now she saw Jun Moyin returning and hurriedly held up her skirt to greet him.
"My lord, where have you been? You have been out for so long without making a sound, I..."
"Yu Yan!" Before Zhen Yuyan could finish speaking softly, Jun Moyin casually took off his cloak and put it on her body.
"You are afraid of the cold, and the wind is cold at night. Why are you waiting outside the door? What should you do if you catch the cold?" His tone was full of worry, without any blame.
Zhen Yuyan listened with joy in her heart.
Jun Mo led Zhen Yuyan back to the room and saw wine and food placed in front of the table, obviously to enjoy them together when he returned.With a warm current welling up in his heart, he leaned close to Zhen Yuyan's cheek and pressed a kiss.
"People say that marrying a virtuous wife is not only beautiful, but also virtuous. It is my blessing to have a wife like this!" Jun Moyin pulled Zhen Yuyan to sit at the table, with a happy smile on his face.
Zhen Yuyan felt so beautiful in her heart when she saw Jun Moyin praising her.He hurriedly served Jun Moyin with vegetables and wine, thinking that he would do what he didn't do last night tonight.
However, this sweetness only lasts for one meal!
After Jun Moyin had eaten and drank enough, he stood up and said, "Yu Yan, I still have something to discuss with Yin Xiaoxiao. You should rest early!"
Because Yin Xiaoxiao's matter was quite special, Jun Moyin did not explain it in detail.He wouldn't know that just because he didn't explain too much, Zhen Yuyan had many misunderstandings, which led to many things that shouldn't have happened later.And those things gradually pushed him and Yin Xiaoxiao closer...
Of course, that's all for later!
At this moment, when Zhen Yuyan heard Jun Moyin say that she was going to Yin's small room, Qingcheng's face froze, and the sweet smile that had not faded gradually condensed into frost, and she looked pale as if there was no blood.
Seeing Jun Moyin leave without any regret and go to the vixen Yin Xiaoxiao's place, Zhen Yuyan's beautiful face was filled with resentment, jealousy, hatred and cruelty!
Only a fool would believe that Jun Mo led Yin Xiao's room to discuss things. Who knows if they would talk about bed?
Everything seems to have deviated from the expected track. The Yin family's warm jade has not yet been obtained, but Yin Xiaoxiao's evil has already fascinated Jun Moyin's heart.
Zhen Yuyan narrowed her eyes tightly and secretly said in her heart: "Yin Xiaoxiao, you are really a disaster. If I tolerate you, I will never be a human being!" '
The night is cool and it’s a great time to play Landlord!
Yin Xiaoxiao summoned two playful ghosts and sat at the table playing Landlords happily to kill time.
"Bang!" The door was kicked open, and Jun Mo walked in with a cold and handsome face.
Yin Xiaoxiao tilted her head and saw Jun Moyin walking in. She waved her hand nonchalantly and said, "Let's continue to play with us and don't worry about him!"
The implication is to ignore Jun Moyin!
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows and scolded in a cold voice: "Who do you think dares to continue?"
While talking, Jun Moyin strode to the table and sat down opposite Yin Xiaoxiao in a grand manner.
The aura was so powerful that the playing cards floating left and right in front of the table trembled again and again, and fell to the table instantly.
Yin Xiaoxiao shouted dissatisfied: "Hey, don't leave, we haven't finished playing yet! Hey, where are you going?"
Jun Mo raised his lips. From Yin Xiaoxiao's shouts, he could guess that the invisible ghost had left.Unconsciously, he felt more confident.Sure enough, as the fifth brother Jun Moshao said, ghosts are not scary, but people's own cowardice is scary.Look, when he came out with the powerful aura of the descendant of the True Dragon Emperor, even the ghosts could not avoid him.
Said, this feeling - cool!
At this moment, he felt that it was all worth it for him to be clinging to Jun Moshao in Xiaoyao Palace today, to be exhausted mentally and physically, and to suffer a perforated eardrum.
"Hey, Jun Moyin, are you sick? If you don't go spend the night with your concubine in the middle of the night, why are you in my room?" Yin Xiaoxiao watched as the ghosts who accompanied her in the landlord fight drifted away. He immediately looked away and glared at Jun Moyin with resentment, wishing he could poke hundreds of holes all over his body with the sharp arrows of his eyes.
Jun Moyin slapped the table and roared arrogantly: "Do you think I am willing to come to your place? If you hadn't attracted ghosts by pretending to be a ghost, and caused the smog in the palace in the middle of the night, the guards would all think that you were crazy because of your gain and loss. I don’t even bother to come to your place!”
Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't catch a breath and was half choked to death, "Oh, you bastard, you are so ambitious, aren't you? You dare to talk to me like this? Do you believe it or not? I will exchange souls with you immediately and kill you. Yes, huh?"
Hearing this, Jun Moyin disagreed and said with a cold laugh: "Yin Xiaoxiao, I advise you not to push yourself too far! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you know how to pretend to be a ghost. This is Prince Lian's Mansion, and this is where I am. The master is the heaven here. And you are just a little soul summoner, why should you be afraid?"
Yin Xiaoxiao clenched her fists tightly and narrowed her eyes bit by bit.
Something is wrong with Jun Mo!Originally, he knew that he was a soul summoner who could freely enter and exit the body to exchange souls with people, and he was very afraid of himself after summoning lonely souls and wild ghosts from all over the world.How could he dare to claim that he was just a little soul summoner in such a blink of an eye?
Okay, she admits that she has little knowledge and is just a little soul summoner...that's all!
Suspicious in his heart, Yin Xiaoxiao muttered a few words in a low voice, and his soul left his body, exchanging souls with Jun Moyin.She needed to see Jun Moyin's itinerary today, see who he had been in contact with, and whether he knew anything.
"Oh! Damn it!" Jun Mo led his soul into Yin's small body, and the familiar yet unfamiliar sting made him curse in a low voice.
However, at the same time, the cracking method that Jun Moshao said flashed in his mind!
Do you want to... take this opportunity to give it a try?
After Yin Xiaoxiao entered Jun Moyin's body, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, feeling all of Jun Moyin's senses with all his heart.
Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and closed his eyes, secretly exclaiming in his heart that this is a good opportunity, this is the time!
Biting his silver teeth, Jun Moyin rushed forward, holding his own handsome face firmly with both hands, and kissed the sexy thin lips.
"Hmm!" Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul was in Jun Moyin's body, had just captured in her mind the scene where Jun Moyin went to Xiaoyao Prince's Mansion and sat there, listening to Jun Moshao's endless talk, and a warm touch was felt on her lips. Soft stuff sealed.
She whispered and immediately opened her eyes.After seeing clearly that the person in front of her was her own body, she stretched out her hand to push him.
How could Jun Moyin let go of this great opportunity?In order to verify that Jun Moshao's cracking method was effective and not to be frightened by Yin Xiaoxiao's manipulation in the future, he would have to give it a try even if his head was sharpened!
She hugged his body with all her strength and launched a forceful attack on his own teeth.After trying so hard and failing to capture the city, Jun Mo felt anxious and bit his own thin lips hard——
"Hiss!" Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul was in Jun Moyin's body, felt pain in his lips, gasped and hissed.
Yin Xiaoxiao's mind was buzzing, and the only thought that flashed through his heart was - Jun Moyin has gone crazy!
Of course, that's not the point!
The point is, under Jun Moyin's wild and domineering kiss, Yin Xiaoxiao found that his soul was screaming crazily.Her soul sensed the aura that belonged to her own body, and she greedily absorbed the aura. She even wanted to break out of her body and return to her own body, just like a lost child who couldn't wait to find a home!
Soon, Yin Xiaoxiao's soul broke away from Jun Moyin's body and returned to his own body to calm down.
However, the passionate kiss between Jun Moyin and Yin Xiaoxiao continued.
It was only after Yin Xiaoxiao was in a state of shock and astonishment over and over again that he clearly realized the current situation!
(End of this chapter)

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