
Chapter 20 Unbelievable

Chapter 20 Unbelievable
"Ah!" Yin Xiaoxiao raised his foot and kicked Jun Moyin, hitting Jun Moyin in the middle. The painful guy jumped three feet away and was still screaming in agony.
After kicking Jun Moyin away, Yin Xiaoxiao had no time to care whether that guy was dead or not.What she was concerned about at the moment was, what happened?Why is this happening?Why did her soul return to her body inexplicably?She has been a soul summoner for so long, and nothing like this has ever happened before!
It's incredible, isn't it?She felt dumbfounded, dumbfounded and unable to find Bei.To use what Xiao Shenyang said in the sketch, he was confused!
Jun Mo jumped for a while, and the pain gradually eased.He had a cold and handsome face and glared angrily at Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Yin Xiaoxiao, I have already met people who have devoted themselves to studying the Five Elements, Bagua, and Zhouyi. They know how much you, a little soul summoner, weighs, and they have a way to crack your invasion of my body. From now on, you will be less If you accuse me of something that is not worthy of publicity, I will never be threatened by you again! Humph!"
When Jun Moyin said these words, his spine was straight and he was full of confidence, as if he was not afraid of any difficulty in the world!
Yin Xiaoxiao was secretly thinking that her master had never told her that she would be expelled if she invaded another person's body!What did Jun Moyin do to her just now that caused her soul to return to her physical body?
Oh, right!kiss!Jun Mo kissed her, and they had a passionate French kiss with her that was very disgusting, disgusting, and perverted!
Could it be that just a passionate kiss could prevent her soul from leaving the body and occupying the body of an ordinary person?
Frowning his brows, Yin Xiaoxiao forced a smile and said, "Oh! How dare your lord dare to challenge me tonight? It turns out he is asking for help from an expert!"
Don’t hit the smiling person with your hand!Who knows if Jun Moyin is so stubborn and has other ways to deal with him?He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Let’s first see what the other person’s attitude is!
When Jun Moyin heard that Yin Xiaoxiao called him 'Prince' again and called himself 'Concubine', he knew that Yin Xiaoxiao was taking the initiative to make peace with him!
He sniffed and replied with a lively voice: "I can't say that I'm an expert, it's just that my king's lazy fifth brother, King Xiaoyao, helped me with a few words!"
The implication is full of provocation. Who doesn’t know that Jun Moshao, the fifth prince of Tianqi Kingdom, is a lazy prince who is ignorant and idle?Yin Xiaoxiao possesses all the memories of Yin Xiaoxiao in ancient times, so naturally she has heard about the Fifth Prince.
At this moment, Yin Xiaoxiao's lungs almost burst with anger when he heard Jun Moyin happily say that everything was the result of the ignorant and lazy prince who gave him advice to deal with him!
She knew there was a reason why Jun Moyin dared to challenge her tonight, but she didn't expect that the trouble was caused by a half-hearted good-for-nothing!
Damn it, it's best not to let her meet that half-assed loser named Jun Moshao in this life, otherwise she will never let him go.First, he cheated money, cheated love, cheated sincerity, cheated anyone he could, and finally threw the guy on the bed and played to death!snort……
While he was gritting his teeth, Jun Moyin's cold voice came to his ears, "Yin Xiaoxiao, should we have a serious and serious talk?"
In the morning, everything recovers.
Yin Xiaoxiao got up very early, and today was the day to return home from the Three Dynasties.Since she has occupied the ancient Yin Xiaoxiao body, she naturally has to do her job well and play this role well.
After the morning meal, Jun Mo ordered people to put many precious gifts on the carriage, and he and Yin Xiaoxiao left the palace in the same carriage and headed towards the Yin family.
On the way, Yin Xiaoxiao opened the curtains of the carriage and looked out, his big, watery eyes turning.Jun Moyin was sitting next to Yin Xiaoxiao. When the curtains were opened, a breeze blew in, and the fragrant smell of Yin Xiaoxiao's body penetrated into Jun Moyin's nose.
It's very fragrant, but not pungent. It has an elegant and pleasant smell!
He glanced at the woman next to him with vague eyes, but saw her pouting and looking left and right, as if she was curious about everything.That pink little mouth exuded an alluring luster, which reminded Jun Mo of the feeling he had when he kissed and lingered with that little mouth last night.
Even with his eyes closed, he could recall the soft, soft, warm, and incredibly soft fragrance of that little mouth. The fragrance made him feel very happy!
While Jun Moyin was distracted, the carriage suddenly stopped violently. Due to the inertia, the unprepared Yin Xiaoxiao was knocked outwards.Jun Moyin didn't think much at the moment, he stretched out his hand to fish it out, and the petite person was tightly held in his arms, and they both fell onto the inner wall of the spacious carriage.
"What's going on?" Jun Mo asked seriously.
Outside the sedan curtain, the coachman responded tremblingly: "To tell you what the prince said, it was a child running over. The incident happened suddenly. The child braked the car before he could report it!"
Jun Moyin didn't blame him too much, he just said lightly, "Let's go!"
So the carriage started moving forward quickly again.
"Hey, take your dirty claws away!" In the carriage, Yin Xiaoxiao's head was full of black threads and he shouted angrily.
Jun Mo said "Huh?" but didn't respond.
Yin Xiaoxiao reached out and grabbed Jun Moyin's hands that were hugging her chest, and threw them aside. At the end, she did not forget to say: "You pervert, you scoundrel!"
It turned out that Jun Mo had just taken Yin Xiaoxiao into his arms and fell into the carriage out of desperation. By coincidence, his hands happened to cover the soft breasts on Yin Xiaoxiao's chest.
Jun Mo saw that Yin Xiaoxiao looked disgusted with his touch, and he felt anger roaring from the soles of his feet and rushed to his forehead, making him feel angry.He, the dignified Prince Lian, was despised by a little businesswoman?
"Damn woman, do you think this king would be interested in your dry, dead fish body? Don't forget, I have no interest in seeing your naked body. It was only after I swallowed the medicine that I could barely break through. It's your body!" Jun Moyin snorted, his eyes piercing Yin Xiaoxiao's not very plump chest.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and replied with a smile on her face, "Your Majesty is right! How can a body as rough and thick as my body be worthy of you, who is as noble as a god?"
Bah, God?To put it bluntly, he was just a stallion, and he was too lazy to argue with Jun Moyin about these useless things.She is only 16 years old and her breasts are still growing. She is not in a hurry!
Compared with this, Yin Xiaoxiao is more concerned about another issue.
She negotiated with Jun Moyin last night, and after compromising on Jun Moyin's N conditions, she secured a strong condition for her future.That is - Jun Moyin agreed that she would find a man!
Pursing her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes were extremely bright, bursting with lustful light. All she was thinking about in her heart and mind was how to seduce beautiful men from all walks of life.
She said that in this life she vowed to defraud all the bad men in the world of their money, the hearts of good men, and the bodies of handsome young men!
The Yin family has been in business for generations and is one of the richest people in the capital city of Tianqi Kingdom.If it were in modern times, the Yin family would definitely be the business king in the ascendant!
It's a pity that ancient people focused on "scholars, farmers, industry and commerce", and businessmen are the most despised industry!Therefore, given the wealthy background of the Yin family, it was already a high standard for the only daughter Yin Xiaoxiao to marry Jun Moyin as a small concubine.
Father Yin was nearly sixty years old and had a daughter in his old age. He cherished his precious daughter Yin Xiaoxiao very much.Now that he sees his daughter returning home, Le can't close his mouth.
"Oh, Xiaoxiao is back. This morning, dad asked the cook to prepare your favorite jujube cakes and butter cakes. Come in quickly!" Yin Xiaoxiao was rushed in by Daddy Yin almost as soon as he got out of the carriage. inside the house.
We ate and drank, drank and ate, and then Father Yin took Yin's little hand and started talking with tears in his eyes.Yin Xiaoxiao's mother didn't get pregnant until she was in her 30s, but she died in childbirth.Father Yin brought up little Yin by himself. He held it in the palm of his hand for fear of dropping it, and held it in his mouth for fear of it melting.
Seeing what Father Yin said was so touching, Yin Xiaoxiao burst into tears.The father and daughter hugged each other and cried, leaving Jun Moyin aside.
Jun Moyin waited patiently and waited. Finally, the father and daughter had cried enough.He stood up and smiled warmly, "Father-in-law, I have brought you what you asked for."
As he spoke, he handed the blood-stained white brocade handkerchief in his long sleeve to Father Yin's hand.
Yin Xiaoxiao's face turned red, as if it was burned by fire.Is this damn man going to die?Even if he was anxious to get the warm jade from the Yin family, he wouldn't have to take that thing out in front of her, right?Scumbag, why doesn't he die?
When Father Yin saw the brocade handkerchief that Jun Moyin handed over, he raised his brows slightly.He knew in his heart that Jun Moyin could not and did not dare to lie. He must have consummated the marriage with his daughter.
In this way, he has nothing to say.
After calling the butler and whispering a few words, the butler walked in with a brocade box.
Father Yin opened the brocade box, faced Jun Moyin, and said, "The warm jade of the Yin family has been passed down from generation to generation. This is the only one in the world. I hope the prince will take good care of it!"
There is an overtone in the words, alluding to the eighteenth generation of the Yin family, and now only Yin Xiaoxiao is left.Jun Mo seduced Nuan Yu and wanted to be good to Yin Xiaoxiao for the rest of his life!
Jun Moyin responded repeatedly, "Don't worry, father-in-law, I will definitely protect you!"
When we returned to Prince Lian's Mansion, it was getting dark.
"Prince, sister, are you back?" As soon as you entered the gate of the palace, you heard a delicate call.
It was Zhen Yuyan walking over with a gentle smile!
Yin Xiaoxiao bowed slightly and said, "Xiaoxiao has seen the concubine sister!"
Zhen Yuyan nodded, but looked at Jun Moyin, "Your Majesty!"
She only called out and said nothing else.
Jun Moyin pursed his lips and stepped forward, taking out a small brocade box from his arms.
"Yu Yan, I went to the Yin family to get the body-protecting warm jade. Take it with you quickly!" When he said this, he opened the brocade box, took out the jet-black warm jade and put it around Zhen Yuyan's neck.
Zhen Yuyan let Jun Moyin put the Moyu on, but she said duplicitously: "My lord, this is not good. This Moyu is an heirloom of my sister's family, how can we win people's love?"
When saying this, Zhen Yuyan glanced at Yin Xiaoxiao meaningfully.It seems to be saying silently, look, the prince cares about me!Even the heirlooms of your Yin family were begged for me!
Yin Xiaoxiao shrugged and ignored Zhen Yuyan's provocation.It’s just a piece of jade. Without her, there will be no missing piece of meat!
However, she didn't know that her indifferent attitude actually angered Zhen Yuyan.
Zhen Yuyan thought that Yin Xiaoxiao didn't care about a piece of jade and only cared about competing with her for Jun Moyin!
(End of this chapter)

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