
Chapter 37 Be Honest

Chapter 37 Be Honest
"Uh!" Yin Xiaoxiao looked up and saw Jun Moyin's gloomy handsome face.
He scolded her in a cold voice, "What's wrong with your legs?"
Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and yelled in an unhappy tone: "Are you blind? My eyeball was licked by a dog or stepped on by a dog. Can't you see that my leg was injured and I am lame?"
Jun Mo was so angry that he almost threw Yin Xiaoxiao to death. How dare this damn woman scold him?
"Hey! Why didn't you tell me you were injured? How would I know if you didn't tell me? Idiot!" Jun Moyin said angrily and ran towards the Imperial Hospital with Yin Xiaoxiao in his arms.
Yin Xiaoxiao was so angry that she vomited blood when she heard Jun Moyin calling her an idiot.Stinky man, he still has reason!
"Put me down. I don't want you to hold me anymore. I won't hesitate to hold you even if I have to crawl!" Yin Xiaoxiao twisted the back of Jun Moyin's neck and roared angrily.
Jun Mo was in pain, and pinched Yin Xiaoxiao's waist fiercely, "Be more honest with me, or I will throw you to death!"
"Fuck!" Yin Xiaoxiao was angry, "Do you think I'm scared? You throw me, you throw me!"
Jun Moyin secretly felt lucky, tapped his toes, and flew into the air with Yin Xiaoxiao in his arms.
"Ah, don't fall, don't fall, you will die!" Yin Xiaoxiao cried out in fear, closed her eyes tightly, hugged Jun Moyin tightly with both hands, and hooked her feet around Jun Moyin's waist. superior.Damn, this is the legendary Qing Gong. It actually exists. It’s so scary!
Although the altitude is only five or six meters high, no one will die if he falls.But he's definitely half disabled, it's better to die and be done with it!
"Hehehe!" Jun Mo introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and was trembling with fear. He hugged him tightly and couldn't help but laugh.Isn't this woman a soul summoner?Her soul should be flying around all the time, but she is still afraid of Qing Gong?
Glancing at the ground, Jun Moyin kindly reminded: "Hey, coward, don't just close your eyes. The palace is decorated with lights and colors tonight, and the night view is beautiful. If you don't look at it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"
Yin Xiaoxiao clung to Jun Mo like an octopus, her little head pressed tightly against his chest, "I don't look, I don't look! You bastard!"
He said he was a bastard, but he refused to let go and push the other person away.
Jun Moyin laughed even more happily, suddenly feeling that tonight was a pleasant night!
However, his lips only raised for a moment, and then his smile froze when he saw the clothes covering Yin Xiaoxiao's body.
Yin Xiaoxiao was almost raped just now. Who dared to take advantage of his ambition and dare to attack him?
In the inner room of the imperial hospital, Jun Moyin placed Yin Xiaoxiao on the bed, asked the imperial doctor for medicinal wine for bruises, and then turned away all the people.
"What are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao shrank in fear when she saw Jun Moyin sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching out to grab her calf.
Jun Moyin glared at her and said angrily: "I am not interested in you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes.
"Which leg is injured?" Jun Moyin pointed at Yin Xiaoxiao's legs and asked in a lukewarm voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao retracted her right foot subconsciously, then reached out to grab the medicinal wine in Jun Moyin's hand, "I can apply the medicine myself, I don't need you!"
Jun Moyin snorted, catching Yin Xiaoxiao's little move just now.He grabbed her right leg and lifted up his trousers.Sure enough, I saw a bruise on the calf bone, as if it had been kicked very hard!
"Why is it so badly injured?" Jun Moyin scolded, but when he was injured, he quickly poured out the medicinal wine and started massaging it evenly.
Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth in pain, "Hey, be gentle!"
"I'm asking you, how did you get hurt?" Jun Mo asked again when he saw that Yin Xiaoxiao didn't intend to answer his question.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and lied: "I dropped it myself!"
Jun Mo cited his subordinates for a moment, "Yin Xiaoxiao, do you think this king is a pig? Can you fall like this? Then did the torn clothes on your body also fall?"
"Yes!" When Yin Xiaoxiao lied, his face did not turn red and his heart did not beat. He was confident.
Jun Mo said angrily: "Why don't you tell the truth? Just now Lei Jingting said that you were almost insulted. Do you think I am deaf?"
Yin Xiaoxiao remained silent, but she was secretly annoyed that Lei Jingting was talking too much!
Jun Mo felt angry when he introduced Yin Xiaoxiao and refused to tell the truth.However, he has his own way to deal with her!
He rubbed Yin Xiaoxiao's bruises hard with both hands. Yin Xiaoxiao immediately screamed, and a pair of small hands tightly grasped his wrist.
"Don't, don't pinch, it hurts so much!" Yin Xiaoxiao gasped, sweat breaking out on his painful forehead.
Jun Moyin's face was gloomy and his voice was cold, "Then do you want to say it or not?"
Yin Xiaoxiao pouted and scolded: "Asshole, take your hands away and I'll tell you, I don't want you to rub me anymore!"
Jun Moyin didn't let go of his hand, but the strength weakened.
"Speak! Don't talk nonsense. My patience is limited!" Jun Moyin threatened.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, and in a low voice told Jun Mo about Ouyang Mingxuan's attempt to insult her in the latrine.
"He really said he would humiliate you first, then kill you, kill you, humiliate you again, and then stuff you into a cesspit?" Jun Moyin was shocked when he heard Yin Xiaoxiao's account.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded frequently, "Yes, yes, he said he wanted to kill me! It doesn't matter if you say he insulted me, but I am your concubine in name, so why does it depend on the owner to beat a dog?" He clearly doesn't take the prince into consideration, and he is making trouble with Tai Sui! Prince, if you can swallow this tone, you are not calling yourself a man!"
Yin Xiaoxiao weighed it again and again and decided to light a fire in Jun Mo's ears and let him deal with Ouyang Mingxuan.The prince is much older than the marquis, right?
Unfortunately, her wishful thinking hit the wrong person.
Jun Moyin sensed that Yin Xiaoxiao was fanning the flames. He raised his brows and looked at her strangely, with a sinister sneer on his lips.He and Ouyang Mingxuan did not have a close relationship, but they were still familiar with each other.
Although Ouyang Mingxuan is a romantic man, he is not obscene, and he will not do anything to force a woman to force a woman, or even kill the other person.unless……
"Haha, Yin Xiaoxiao, why did Ouyang Mingxuan insult you and threaten to kill you? Could it be that you have offended him? I don't think he is such a reckless person!" Jun Mo asked this question. , his eyes fixed on the change of expression on Yin Xiaoxiao's face.
Yin Xiaoxiao's face looked a little ugly, and she obviously lacked confidence, but she insisted: "What I said is true. I don't know him at all. How could I offend him? Well, he must be greedy for my appearance." Mei, when she saw that I didn’t comply, she tried to force her. Yes, that’s it!”
At the end, Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head, proud of his cleverness.
When Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's shameless words, he laughed scornfully, "Pfft! With your appearance and dry figure that you can grab a lot of on the street, are you worthy of Ouyang Mingxuan's lust?"
Yin Xiaoxiao's little pink fist clenched loudly. This damn Jun Moyin was just having fun teasing her!
"Okay, tell me the truth, otherwise I can get the answer by asking Ouyang Mingxuan!" Jun Moyin put down Yin Xiaoxiao's trousers, put the medicinal wine aside, and looked at the man biting his lip leisurely. Yin Xiaoxiao, waiting for her to explain honestly.
Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his head guiltily, trying to find a reasonable excuse to offend Jun Moyin.
"I remind you that you can tell the truth or you can tell lies. But no matter what you say, I will send someone to verify it. If what you say is true, that's it! If what you say is false, the prince's palace The dungeon welcomes you at any time!" Jun Moyin stared at Yin Xiaoxiao happily, with a hint of teasing on his face.
Yin Xiaoxiao swallowed his saliva, yes!She knew she couldn't defeat the despicable Jun Moyin.No, it's not that she can't fight, it's that she can't fight as an ordinary person.If a ghost is invited to come, not to mention dealing with a single Jun Moyin, even if he destroys the entire Prince Lian's palace, he will be a small cass.
However, she will definitely be in bad luck, and she will die without knowing how!
Touching his nose, Yin Xiaoxiao finally had to tell Jun Mo about stabbing Ouyang Mingxuan with a cucumber.
Jun Moyin raised his eyebrows, looking puzzled, "Stab him with a cucumber?"
While he asked, he poked Yin Xiao's calf with a finger, "Like this?"
Yin Xiaoxiao's cheeks turned red and she answered honestly: "No!"
"What's that?" Jun Moyin was completely upgraded from a cold prince to a curious baby. His eyes, as bright as stars, looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, filled with pure incomprehension.
Yin Xiaoxiao's face turned redder and her voice became softer, "Just...take off his pants..."
"What?" Jun Moyin was stunned, and then he understood the deep meaning of Yin Xiaoxiao's words.
Silence, strange silence!The whole room fell into silence.
"Haha! Hahaha!" Jun Moyin burst out laughing, "Yin Xiaoxiao, you are such a talent!"
He was laughing so hard that he looked very imageless.
Yin Xiaoxiao stared blankly at Jun Moyin, who was laughing non-stop. He was so out of shape and hilarious, without the hostility and coldness in his body. He was no longer the aloof and arrogant King Leng, but more like a businessman. San'er!
In fact, she wanted to say, is this funny?What's so funny?
Finally, Jun Mo had had enough of making him laugh.He grimaced, with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.
He said in a serious voice: "Yin Xiaoxiao, you should be glad that you are still alive at this moment. If this matter had happened to another person, you would have been lying dead on the street by now, with your body and head missing, you understand? "
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I don't understand!"
Jun Moyin's face turned cold, "You have to understand even if you don't understand! You are not allowed to act recklessly in the future. I really didn't realize that you are quite a lot of troublemakers at such a young age. You can do such dirty things with great joy!"
After getting up, Jun Moyin strode outside.
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw this, he asked in a panic: "Where are you going? You can't leave me here!"
He looked like a pitiful dog and looked at Jun Moyin with a resentful look.
Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and walked out without answering her.
"Ah, bastard!" Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth angrily when he saw that Jun Moyin really left without saying a word.
This is Taihe Hospital. She was flown here by Jun Moyin. She didn’t even know how to go back to Taihe Hall to find Jun Moshao to come out of the palace!
(End of this chapter)

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